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GTAngler posted:
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

It put the PNC in a good position to increase their Swiss Accounts!!!!!!!

There will always be kickbacks no matter who wins the contracts for these jobs. BJ is like a leach on them for the US18M sign-on bonus, but some of this kosher money will slip through his figures. Lol


Kosher/Halal is the same to me since there is no taste or smell of what makes anything Halal.   I understand what you getting, though. 

Prashad posted:

This Bank says Islamic in its name but I think the majority of the bank's money and financing is coming from the OPEC cartel members that are Islamic countries.  Someone should find out the terms of the loan.  1. Is it a loan that can be called back at anytime.  2. Is there any interest attached to the loan and if so how much.  

Very good question Prashad . Do you think GNI opposition members ( majority living outside of Guyana ) can change the terms .


Would you prefer( a) Guyanese benefit or ( b)the brothers donate to war . 

Dave posted:
Prashad posted:

This Bank says Islamic in its name but I think the majority of the bank's money and financing is coming from the OPEC cartel members that are Islamic countries.  Someone should find out the terms of the loan.  1. Is it a loan that can be called back at anytime.  2. Is there any interest attached to the loan and if so how much.  

Very good question Prashad . Do you think GNI opposition members ( majority living outside of Guyana ) can change the terms .


Would you prefer( a) Guyanese benefit or ( b)the brothers donate to war . 

I hope Guyanese benefit and that money is not wasted on PNC Comrades.

Prashad posted:

Is that a grant or a non interest loan? Is the 900 million dollars in Us dollars or Guyana dollars.I strongly doubt that the Islamic Bank will give Guyana a country with a Christian majority a 900 million Us grant when there are so many Islamic and Arab countries that are in poverty.

Two things to note  here Prash.

1. If the rich muslims pay thier proper  zakaat, there will be no poor Muslim.

2.When Muslims do not give to non Muslims they are cursed by some, when they do give they still get cursed at.

Chief posted:
Prashad posted:

Is that a grant or a non interest loan? Is the 900 million dollars in Us dollars or Guyana dollars.I strongly doubt that the Islamic Bank will give Guyana a country with a Christian majority a 900 million Us grant when there are so many Islamic and Arab countries that are in poverty.

Two things to note  here Prash.

1. If the rich muslims pay thier proper  zakaat, there will be no poor Muslim.

2.When Muslims do not give to non Muslims they are cursed by some, when they do give they still get cursed at.

Giving to the unfortunate should not come with color or religion preferences, zakat or not.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wonder what Trump think of the fact that the PNC has mortgaged the country to an Islamic bank.

Wuh he guh think?

All Trump need to do is work with the WB, IDB, CDB and USAID to open up purse strings to Guyana for infrastructure.  See how quick Granguh guh send the Fullahman packing riding dem camel back into the Sahara sunset.

See how quick Chief guh start cussing Granguh!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wonder what Trump think of the fact that the PNC has mortgaged the country to an Islamic bank.

Wuh he guh think?

All Trump need to do is work with the WB, IDB, CDB and USAID to open up purse strings to Guyana for infrastructure.  See how quick Granguh guh send the Fullahman packing riding dem camel back into the Sahara sunset.

See how quick Chief guh start cussing Granguh!

Prezzy Spanky nah mek skoant, he ah change ee mind like how wh*re hooman ah change man. Where is Neero when I need him?

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wonder what Trump think of the fact that the PNC has mortgaged the country to an Islamic bank.

Wuh he guh think?

All Trump need to do is work with the WB, IDB, CDB and USAID to open up purse strings to Guyana for infrastructure.  See how quick Granguh guh send the Fullahman packing riding dem camel back into the Sahara sunset.

See how quick Chief guh start cussing Granguh!

Prezzy Spanky nah mek skoant, he ah change ee mind like how wh*re hooman ah change man. Where is Neero when I need him?

Neero busy spanking the monkey ๐Ÿ’ watching the game!!

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Prashad posted:

Is that a grant or a non interest loan? Is the 900 million dollars in Us dollars or Guyana dollars.I strongly doubt that the Islamic Bank will give Guyana a country with a Christian majority a 900 million Us grant when there are so many Islamic and Arab countries that are in poverty.

Two things to note  here Prash.

1. If the rich muslims pay thier proper  zakaat, there will be no poor Muslim.

2.When Muslims do not give to non Muslims they are cursed by some, when they do give they still get cursed at.

Giving to the unfortunate should not come with color or religion preferences, zakat or not.

Your response proved that you are ignorant to what I am speaking of.

Let me educate you.

In Islam the poor have a right on our wealth hence it is madantory for us tO give 2.5% of our savings to them. .


Trump: The Guyuananana Govt is taking advantage of us we have is a country...we will not..will not, stand for this. I have spoken, yes I have, I have spoken with my lawyer, ammm, with someone who could be, maybe not, possibly be my lawyer and...the fake news says I denied knowing about the 130k, fake news I tell you. That crooked Hillary still..I know a guy who owns a large yacht, a very very large, larger than life yacht and you want to hear...nahhhh you dont need to hear, let me tell you, he owns a large yacht he is richer than rich.   and those Mexicans we need a wall a big wall...a bigger than big wall, the Mexicans are raping each other, they bring drugs over to my people and they rape. Fake news, 

Last edited by cain
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Prashad posted:

Is that a grant or a non interest loan? Is the 900 million dollars in Us dollars or Guyana dollars.I strongly doubt that the Islamic Bank will give Guyana a country with a Christian majority a 900 million Us grant when there are so many Islamic and Arab countries that are in poverty.

Two things to note  here Prash.

1. If the rich muslims pay thier proper  zakaat, there will be no poor Muslim.

2.When Muslims do not give to non Muslims they are cursed by some, when they do give they still get cursed at.

Giving to the unfortunate should not come with color or religion preferences, zakat or not.

Your response proved that you are ignorant to what I am speaking of.

Let me educate you.

In Islam the poor have a right on our wealth hence it is madantory for us tO give 2.5% of our savings to them. .

Chief, I have Muslim friends. You don't have to educate me on Zakat. My friend from Kildonan(he is now deceased) use to give me cash to take to his uncle to distribute to the members of the Masjid. His uncle and I usually have long conversations. He use to explain the similarities between Islam and Hinduism. I don't give a rat's ass as to how much one is obligated to give according to his/her religion. I give as much as I can afford.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Prashad posted:

Is that a grant or a non interest loan? Is the 900 million dollars in Us dollars or Guyana dollars.I strongly doubt that the Islamic Bank will give Guyana a country with a Christian majority a 900 million Us grant when there are so many Islamic and Arab countries that are in poverty.

Two things to note  here Prash.

1. If the rich muslims pay thier proper  zakaat, there will be no poor Muslim.

2.When Muslims do not give to non Muslims they are cursed by some, when they do give they still get cursed at.

Giving to the unfortunate should not come with color or religion preferences, zakat or not.

Your response proved that you are ignorant to what I am speaking of.

Let me educate you.

In Islam the poor have a right on our wealth hence it is madantory for us tO give 2.5% of our savings to them. .

So Chief, so I assume you helps thousand of people . Them bai say you have big big business . 

Now chief do you select how you share your wealth for the poor . Like Color a the skin, religion , anti man and so on 

what about  people who is poor to buy herbs - would u give the 2.5 %, of your  income  , cause I man knows someone who I can nominate 


I read the PPP version which Bibi quoted from that PNC mortgaged Guyana for US$900M. Is this a fair assessment or the opposition usual rambling? The Amaila Hydro project would have cost US$850M to US$B under the PPP if it has materialized. Are we supposed to talk about this? Why am I sensing that PNC ideas are not good for Guyana?

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Prince posted:

 Has Guyana ever been out of debt during your lifetime, Mitwah? 

Every developing country borrows money,with proper management and curtailment of thieving many things can be achieved.

Some folks just bitching because their party of  is not in gov't.

here is one

This is why I am shifting away from party politics and becoming a pro-country advocate. I refuse to be a slave to stupidity. It's time to think out of the box.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Prince posted:

 Has Guyana ever been out of debt during your lifetime, Mitwah? 

Every developing country borrows money,with proper management and curtailment of thieving many things can be achieved.

Some folks just bitching because their party of  is not in gov't.

here is one

By your assassment PNC is for the Non BITCHES.

My assessments are the majority of the people of Guyana have made their choice to elect the gov't.No one is stopping to criticize,that's what keep government in check.Those half baked criticism are use less,give jack his jacket when they deserved such.

By the way it wasn't destined that the PPP will rule Guyana for ever,wake up and smell the coffee,times are changing.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Prince posted:

 Has Guyana ever been out of debt during your lifetime, Mitwah? 

Every developing country borrows money,with proper management and curtailment of thieving many things can be achieved.

Some folks just bitching because their party of  is not in gov't.

here is one

By your assassment PNC is for the Non BITCHES.

My assessments are the majority of the people of Guyana have made their choice to elect the gov't.No one is stopping to criticize,that's what keep government in check.Those half baked criticism are use less,give jack his jacket when they deserved such.

By the way it wasn't destined that the PPP will rule Guyana for ever,wake up and smell the coffee,times are changing.

Your assessment of majority is wrong . The current government was selected and NOT elected . 

Why did the election  commission refused the PPPโ€™s request for a total recount which could have settled the issue and eliminated all suspicions of irregularity. For the PPP a recount was deemed most necessary especially when the results showed that it lost in one administrative region by a single vote and nationally by less than 5,000 votes . 


Prince posted:
Django posted:
Prince posted:

 Has Guyana ever been out of debt during your lifetime, Mitwah? 

Every developing country borrows money,with proper management and curtailment of thieving many things can be achieved.

Some folks just bitching because their party of  is not in gov't.

here is one

This is why I am shifting away from party politics and becoming a pro-country advocate. I refuse to be a slave to stupidity. It's time to think out of the box.

Kudos to you.

I prefer rotational Government,no party should be anchored in.Guyanese need to quit the race based voting,they need to reject those politicians who propagate such.Until then the quagmire continues.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Prince posted:

 Has Guyana ever been out of debt during your lifetime, Mitwah? 

Every developing country borrows money,with proper management and curtailment of thieving many things can be achieved.

Some folks just bitching because their party of  is not in gov't.

here is one

By your assassment PNC is for the Non BITCHES.

My assessments are the majority of the people of Guyana have made their choice to elect the gov't.No one is stopping to criticize,that's what keep government in check.Those half baked criticism are use less,give jack his jacket when they deserved such.

By the way it wasn't destined that the PPP will rule Guyana for ever,wake up and smell the coffee,times are changing.

Your assessment of majority is wrong . The current government was selected and NOT elected . 

Why did the election  commission refused the PPPโ€™s request for a total recount which could have settled the issue and eliminated all suspicions of irregularity. For the PPP a recount was deemed most necessary especially when the results showed that it lost in one administrative region by a single vote and nationally by less than 5,000 votes . 



The PPP lost accept and move along,the same commission was there and no fault was found.

The PPP lost and will continue to lose,until they change the dictatorial leader.


This has nothing to do with race, we in NA still stuck with racism because we ran from the pot then into the fire. In the US you have the biggest racist bigoted president. In Guyana we need politicians to KEEP their promises and STOP fooling the people, this cycle is getting worst. Guyana historically suffers from Brain Drain, so the politicians thing all the remaining Guyanese are Dumb asses.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Prince posted:

 Has Guyana ever been out of debt during your lifetime, Mitwah? 

Every developing country borrows money,with proper management and curtailment of thieving many things can be achieved.

Some folks just bitching because their party of  is not in gov't.

here is one

By your assassment PNC is for the Non BITCHES.

My assessments are the majority of the people of Guyana have made their choice to elect the gov't.No one is stopping to criticize,that's what keep government in check.Those half baked criticism are use less,give jack his jacket when they deserved such.

By the way it wasn't destined that the PPP will rule Guyana for ever,wake up and smell the coffee,times are changing.

Your assessment of majority is wrong . The current government was selected and NOT elected . 

Why did the election  commission refused the PPPโ€™s request for a total recount which could have settled the issue and eliminated all suspicions of irregularity. For the PPP a recount was deemed most necessary especially when the results showed that it lost in one administrative region by a single vote and nationally by less than 5,000 votes . 



The PPP lost accept and move along,the same commission was there and no fault was found.

The PPP lost and will continue to lose,until they change the dictatorial leader.

The PPP NEVER lost an election and I refuse to accept your โ€œ assessment โ€œ

You need to get over DR BJ. Heโ€™s the peopleโ€™s man .


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