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Django posted:


Guyanese need to quit the race based voting, they need to reject those politicians who propagate such. Until then the quagmire continues.

Django bai, many Indians followed your inclination and voted for an almost completely Afro APNU and a mostly black AFC and after the elections was over, they ended up with an almost Afro Coalition government. Now with Roopnaraine being relegated to basically ceremonial existence, Moses probably being sidelined soon and Ramjattan pretty much useless since day one, soon it will be a struggle to recognize any Indians in the Coalition government. You are asking Indians to vote against their best interest. Yet history has shown that Afros wouldn't vote against the mostly Afro PNC party even if voting against them is in their best interest. You shouldn't be surprised if Indians prefer to support the PPP. The PPP government was good for Indians and Afros. You should be more critical of the fact that Afros staunchly support the PNC even though they suffer more under PNC governments than PPP ones.

Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

If I have to transfer 2.5% of my savings to a poor person, they will owe me money. 

It's not a lot Bro.

$25 for each thousand.

Zakaat purifies your wealth.

I just messing with you bai. 

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Prashad posted:

Is that a grant or a non interest loan? Is the 900 million dollars in Us dollars or Guyana dollars.I strongly doubt that the Islamic Bank will give Guyana a country with a Christian majority a 900 million Us grant when there are so many Islamic and Arab countries that are in poverty.

Two things to note  here Prash.

1. If the rich muslims pay thier proper  zakaat, there will be no poor Muslim.

2.When Muslims do not give to non Muslims they are cursed by some, when they do give they still get cursed at.

Giving to the unfortunate should not come with color or religion preferences, zakat or not.

Your response proved that you are ignorant to what I am speaking of.

Let me educate you.

In Islam the poor have a right on our wealth hence it is madantory for us tO give 2.5% of our savings to them. .

Chief, I have Muslim friends. You don't have to educate me on Zakat. My friend from Kildonan(he is now deceased) use to give me cash to take to his uncle to distribute to the members of the Masjid. His uncle and I usually have long conversations. He use to explain the similarities between Islam and Hinduism. I don't give a rat's ass as to how much one is obligated to give according to his/her religion. I give as much as I can afford.

In One Breath You Are Saying You Understand Zakaat And In The Other You Are saying you don't care a rats ass what Islam or religion says about giving charity.

You are a confused person.

Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

If I have to transfer 2.5% of my savings to a poor person, they will owe me money. 

It's not a lot Bro.

$25 for each thousand.

Zakat purifies your wealth.

Is it safe to suggest that poor Muslim don't give zakat if it purifies your wealth? Some of my clients said zakat is 10% of their salary. Explain this, Chief. 



There is a threshold as who are eligible to give zakaat.

That's incorrect, there is nothing like 10 %, you probably confusing yourself with what some Christians have to give to thier church.


One of the many mistakes non-Muslims make about Muslims, Islam and its tenets is that it installs rules and guidelines on what Muslims do. It is not to say that if a Muslim never read the Qur'an, they would not have any inclination to give generously. In reality, the Qur'an and Sunnah makes it easy for Muslims to know the basics. Muslims are not discouraged from giving more than 2.5%. Infact the verse of the Qur'an stated that one should give to the poor all their possessions that they don't need. Dn't go overboard now Chief. Dem grand picknees will want stuff too. 

Chief posted:


There is a threshold as who are eligible to give zakaat.

That's incorrect, there is nothing like 10 %, you probably confusing yourself with what some Christians have to give to thier church.

I am just asking to learn the truth of giving and the amount. I am not a Christian believer and I don't give to Church. I give to children charities. 


Take fasting for instance. Muslims are ordained to fast during Ramadan. If Muslims were fasting just because they are supposed to do so, then they will only fast in Ramadan. While most Muslims only fast in Ramadan, millions voluntarily fast at many other times during the year. In the end, they fast and fasting is good for the body.

Chief posted:
cain posted:

Where can Iman go fo pick me up a lil bit ah dis here zakaat?

You are qualified as a Doner!

If it is 2.5% of what one saves, then that recipient would be pretty happy with Cain's erbs. 

ksazma posted:

Take fasting for instance. Muslims are ordained to fast during Ramadan. If Muslims were fasting just because they are supposed to do so, then they will only fast in Ramadan. While most Muslims only fast in Ramadan, millions voluntarily fast at many other times during the year. In the end, they fast and fasting is good for the body.

While fasting is a requirement during Ramadan; it must be noted that is is a guideline.

For those who are sick, unable to fast because of medication(s) they are taking plus other reasons, they are exempted from the requirement.

Voluntary fasting during the year is indeed a good practice.

Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Take fasting for instance. Muslims are ordained to fast during Ramadan. If Muslims were fasting just because they are supposed to do so, then they will only fast in Ramadan. While most Muslims only fast in Ramadan, millions voluntarily fast at many other times during the year. In the end, they fast and fasting is good for the body.

While fasting is a requirement during Ramadan; it must be noted that is is a guideline.

For those who are sick, unable to fast because of medication(s) they are taking plus other reasons, they are exempted from the requirement.

Voluntary fasting during the year is indeed a good practice.

And as the verse concluded, "Allah intends every facility for you He does not want to put you to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful."

Mitwah posted:

One's first responsibility is for the needs of one's own family and friends. 

Indeed. As demonstrated by Muhammad. He first had to accept what he was learning from the archangel Gabriel. His wife Khatijah was the next to accept the message. Then he shared it with his close relatives before sharing it with his close friends. It was only after those were fulfilled that he made a public announcement to some people of Mecca.

Mitwah posted:

One's first responsibility is for the needs of one's own family and friends. 

Charity begin at home!

In Islam the first people that have right on your zakaat is your family (parents are excluded).


By the way, the time between Muhammad receiving that first visit from the archangel Gabriel and when he made that public announcement to some people of Mecca was about 4 years. Not like nowadays how the moment we decide to become religious, we begin criticizing others who don't confirm to what we determine is not proper behavior. Muhammad was highly successful because he wisely weaned his companions.

Chief posted:
Mitwah posted:

One's first responsibility is for the needs of one's own family and friends. 

Charity begin at home!

In Islam the first people that have right on your zakaat is your family (parents are excluded).

Chief, could you put in a few words so the 900 mil become a charitable donation.  Guyana is a destitute poverty-stricken basket case failed state!

Baseman posted:
Chief posted:
Mitwah posted:

One's first responsibility is for the needs of one's own family and friends. 

Charity begin at home!

In Islam the first people that have right on your zakaat is your family (parents are excluded).

Chief, could you put in a few words so the 900 mil become a charitable donation.  Guyana is a destitute poverty-stricken basket case failed state!

The recipient has to be deserving. The intent is that it would be used constructively. This Coalition government doesn't have a constructive track record. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Chief posted:
Mitwah posted:

One's first responsibility is for the needs of one's own family and friends. 

Charity begin at home!

In Islam the first people that have right on your zakaat is your family (parents are excluded).

Chief, could you put in a few words so the 900 mil become a charitable donation.  Guyana is a destitute poverty-stricken basket case failed state!

The recipient has to be deserving. The intent is that it would be used constructively. This Coalition government doesn't have a constructive track record. 

Alyuh fullah man dozz mamagai too much. 


Last week, the Russian Federation Council, the upper house of Russia’s bicameral parliament, ratified a government-to-government agreement between Russia and Mongolia that would result in a settlement of the vast majority of Mongolia’s outstanding debt to Russia. On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ratified the legislation to put the debt forgiveness into effect.

According to Russia’s state-run Tass news agency, Mongolia’s unsettled debt with Russia came to a total of $174.2 million.

Former president Jagdeo did got some debts write off during his presidency. 

Prashad posted:
Prince posted:
Prashad posted:

I hope that this present government does not squander Guyana's future oil and gas royalties on nonsense before the money even starts coming in.

Infrastructure developments are NOT squandering money when long to medium-term loan is provided for social, economic, and educational development in Guyana. Lots of professional advise and experts study/inputs attached to the loan. Guyana is on the final frontier to start receiving money from its oil revenue. When PPP build the Providence stadium, the then opposition said it will be a waste of time. The same said for Marriott and CJIA expansion, etc.. You don't wait on a rainy day to buy an umbrella. Jagdeo has a good vision to put Guyana back on the world map. 

900 million Us of the Oil royalty money already spent before it came in. Prashad does not operate like that. The royalty money should be invested in safe foreign investments. The money earned should then be invested in infrastructure projects. Prashad already gave the example of Dubai being stone broke in 2009. They had to be bailed out by the other Emirates.

Dubai wasn't bailed out a few projects were for example the Burj Khalifa got its name because the couldn't finish it and the President of the UAE and ruler of Abu Dhabi, SheikhKhalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan who bailed them out. I just came back from there in February and there are construction everywhere.


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