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Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'i NEWSSOURCEGY.COM Harmon expects declaration based only on

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Charles Ramson

Let Harmon and APNU-AFC know that the entire recount certified "valid votes" for every region and that while you may want to use Lowenfield as your final attempt at rigging ... the Constitution states that Lowenfield as CEO is subject to the "instructions" of the Elections Commission. None of your dirty tricks worked and this won't work either!


Victory for the Guyanese people.. ðŸ‡ŽðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ūâĪïļâĪïļðŸ‡ŽðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ūâĪïļâĪïļðŸ‡ŽðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū

Robb street earlier today.


 Certificate of District 4 Tabulation. This is what Lowenfield has been directed by Madame Chair to report (along with the other 9 Districts) back on. It clearly states "Valid Votes" of the recount. There's nothing convoluted or to misunderstand about this.

APNU leaders really need to give their supporters a break to maintain their sanity. Be leaders and help them through the pain of the loss. Stop the insane posturing.

Nyall Jodhan.



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Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

If and when he is sworn in he would be the first Muslim President of Guyana.  Too bad that honour didn't go to my late friend Feroze Mohammed.  

Interesting. You claimed not to know much of how Burnham destroyed Guyana and only heard from your elders. You went to Guyana in 2016 and saw lots of progress under the PNC. Yet you are high on Feroze Mohammed!


APNU and state media continuing to mislead....the principles are not up for discussion.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and suit


1 hr Â· 

News Alert|

APNU+AFC Campaign Manager, Joseph Harmon says no party can be declared the winner of Guyana’s General and Regional elections based on fraudulent votes.

He says the Coalition awaits the written directive that GECOM’s Chair, Justice Claudette Singh will give to Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, as the national recount process moves to its fourth stage.

Harmon says the Coalition is waiting to see what will be contained in the letter, especially since Section 96 of the Representation of the People Act requires that the CEO submits a report to the Chair for her declaration of the “valid” votes.

The CEO’s report, which was submitted to the Commission on Saturday, detailed what he surmised to be an election that was not credible.

He said the anomalies rendered over 200,000 votes invalid. Only 40 percent of the total votes cast were reported to have been untainted.

Harmon said the Chair’s decision was very “convoluted” and still has to be interpreted, which she recognized and decided that she will give further directions in her letter.

The Coalition Campaign Manager noted that no winner or loser has been declared.

@kp posted:

It shows that ALL races voted for CHANGE, voted PPP.

I believe the International community and US knew the race card was a myth. That’s why they got the boot.

They hired a firm to lobby the USG, but was all Cold War rhetoric.  You cannot exist on a lie forever.  Everything, sooner or later, reverts to the mean. 


Joseph Harmon, a lawyer of over two decades standing, chooses once again to sacrifice his presumptive knowledge of the law, at the altar of extending political hope, where none exists.

Harmon knows full well that the Chairperson of GECOM, today, confirmed that GECOM has no jurisdiction to hear and determine allegations of irregular or anomalous voting; affirming that those are issues for the High Court by way of an elections petition.

Harmon also knows full well that GECOM Chair also affirmed that GECOM has no jurisdiction to annul an election under the Constitution and the provisions of the National Assembly (Validity of Elections) Act upon these allegations; that only the High Court has such a jurisdiction.

Harmon knows that as a result, the Chairperson ignored all of Lowenfield’s perverse calculations & deductions and directed him to prepare the Report under Section 96 of ROPA, based upon ONLY the BALLOTS counted and tabulated at the national recount exercise which shows true will of the electorate!

Harmon is correct that the said instructions will be in writing by the Chair so that Lowenfield cannot perpetrate another fraud for Harmon and the rigging cabal !!

Sent from my iPhone

@Former Member posted:

APNU and state media continuing to mislead....the principles are not up for discussion.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and suit


1 hr Â· 

News Alert|

APNU+AFC Campaign Manager, Joseph Harmon says no party can be declared the winner of Guyana’s General and Regional elections based on fraudulent votes.

He says the Coalition awaits the written directive that GECOM’s Chair, Justice Claudette Singh will give to Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, as the national recount process moves to its fourth stage.

Harmon says the Coalition is waiting to see what will be contained in the letter, especially since Section 96 of the Representation of the People Act requires that the CEO submits a report to the Chair for her declaration of the “valid” votes.

The CEO’s report, which was submitted to the Commission on Saturday, detailed what he surmised to be an election that was not credible.

He said the anomalies rendered over 200,000 votes invalid. Only 40 percent of the total votes cast were reported to have been untainted.

Harmon said the Chair’s decision was very “convoluted” and still has to be interpreted, which she recognized and decided that she will give further directions in her letter.

The Coalition Campaign Manager noted that no winner or loser has been declared.

Ow. They letting down their supporters slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Interesting. You claimed not to know much of how Burnham destroyed Guyana and only heard from your elders. You went to Guyana in 2016 and saw lots of progress under the PNC. Yet you are high on Feroze Mohammed!

Don't make stuff know nothing about me.Your first sentence is an outright fabrication. 

@kp posted:

It shows that ALL races voted for CHANGE, voted PPP.

I said it before the election, PPPC is not a Indian party. I new PPPC was coming back with a mighty force because of their diversity. The David Granger government took care of themselves by robbing our country. They enjoyed the perks of office. They alone had the good life. In their efforts to remain forever in government, they all have collaborated to "transparently" rig the election results and along the way, they have used the Guyanese people like useless expendible pawns.



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