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Jul 13, 2017 Source

Is only scamps does tek people money and don’t do nutten. In de free world when this happen de people does get fired in de fuss month. But is not de same thing in politics.De politicians does get pay by de people and dem don’t do nutten.

Jagdeo is one of dem. He never did nutten when he was president although he get a big fat salary plus kickbacks. Now he is leader of de opposition he still ain’t doing nutten and he collecting salary plus perks. Every now and then he calling press conference. Most of de time people don’t understand what he saying.
He always criticizing and condemning, but never have a solution fuh any of de problems he put Guyana in.Whenever people ask him how he would deal wid a problem facing de nation, he quick fuh seh he is not de govt. He seh this over and over.

Yesterday when one reporter at his press conference ask him how he would deal wid de present prison fiasco, he tell dem he is not de govt.Wha dem boys want he to know is that he and ee party represent a huge chunk of de population. But every time dem hold a press conference nutting solid, nutting of consequence, nutting substantial, nutting meaningful, nutting assuring. Is sheer negativity and criticism coming out dem mouth.

Jagdeo don’t even see that dem boys stop reporting on ee press conferences, because dem don’t want to confuse de people or give dem garbage.
Dem boys seh that dem get more upset when dem hear Jagdeo and ee Pee Pee Pee press conference is streaming live so that people can listen.That is a shad, shad, shishuashion. Is a case of confusing and punishing de people.Dem boys want him to know that unless he and he kavakamites seh something positive, enlightening and uplifting to this nation, is no more reporting. Dem cannot continue wid this he seh, she seh, dem seh story; he up, she down, me in, you out nonsense.

This back and forth tit fuh tat scenario is something de Guyanese, all seven races, tired of. Dem boys learn in school how Guyana got six races but Jagdeo and de politicians wid dem tit fuh tat mek it seven. And dem boys ain’t gun allow it to remain seven.
Talk half and tell de politicians to wuk fuh dem pay.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The problem is that Granger in power now, all this focus on Jagdeo is just slop can crew distraction strategy from the piss poor job pnc is doing running the country into the ground. 


What has Grainjah done since becoming the strong man? 50% raises, sport up, watching Guyana spiraling down, institute and extreme policy of racism and marginalization against the coolies?

Drugb posted:

The problem is that Granger in power now, all this focus on Jagdeo is just slop can crew distraction strategy from the piss poor job pnc is doing running the country into the ground. 

And jagdeo wants to be in power and you trying to stop debate on what a loser he is will be your attempt to not discuss his sordid record.

skeldon_man posted:

What has Grainjah done since becoming the strong man? 50% raises, sport up, watching Guyana spiraling down, institute and extreme policy of racism and marginalization against the coolies?

True. What did Jagdeo do?  Give himself a huge pension, keep Burnham's dictatorial constitution, rampant victimization of blacks, Guyana descend into the worst income inequality that it has ever seen, engage in the most sordid corrupt, condone the use of para militias run by druglords, and encourage extra judicial killings rather than advocating for a reform of the criminal justice system.

It really doesn't look as if either party can hold themselves to be better than the other.


caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The problem is that Granger in power now, all this focus on Jagdeo is just slop can crew distraction strategy from the piss poor job pnc is doing running the country into the ground. 

And jagdeo wants to be in power and you trying to stop debate on what a loser he is will be your attempt to not discuss his sordid record.

That's 3 years from now, currently Granger is accountable. The focus should be on him and his accomplishments, not a has been like Jagdeo.

It is obvious that you pnc supporters are using Jagdeo to distract from the performance of the PNC crooks in office. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

That's 3 years from now, currently Granger is accountable. The focus should be on him and his accomplishments, not a has been like Jagdeo.

It is obvious that you pnc supporters are using Jagdeo to distract from the performance of the PNC crooks in office. 

Let me give you a civics lesson. As Leader of the Opposition and as an MP Jagdeo is as much part of the governance of Guyana as is Granger. When last I checked Guyana at least went through the pretense of being a democracy and I have yet to see that any one is attempting to prevent Jagdeo from running his mouth.

So yes Jagdeo's record is just as relevant as is Grangers' and BOTH should be held up for scrutiny.

caribny posted:

Let me give you a civics lesson. As Leader of the Opposition and as an MP Jagdeo is as much part of the governance of Guyana as is Granger. When last I checked Guyana at least went through the pretense of being a democracy and I have yet to see that any one is attempting to prevent Jagdeo from running his mouth.

So yes Jagdeo's record is just as relevant as is Grangers' and BOTH should be held up for scrutiny.

Nonsense, Jagdeo has not been in power since 2011. You folks are using him as an excuse for Granger's incompetency. Granger and the PNC has all the power with the majority in parliament. The PPP and Jagdeo are in effect toothless in any impact they can have in parliament as it pertains to passing laws, budget etc. So shut your lying trap. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Let me give you a civics lesson. As Leader of the Opposition and as an MP Jagdeo is as much part of the governance of Guyana as is Granger. When last I checked Guyana at least went through the pretense of being a democracy and I have yet to see that any one is attempting to prevent Jagdeo from running his mouth.

So yes Jagdeo's record is just as relevant as is Grangers' and BOTH should be held up for scrutiny.

Nonsense, Jagdeo has not been in power since 2011..

We can debate as to whether he was in power between 2011 and 2015 and the ease that Ramotar was dumped after he lost the 2015 election suggests to all HONEST people that he in fact was in charge. Even in the 2015 election, where he was NOT the presidential candidate, his voice was so loud that one can be forgiven for thinking that he was.

Jagdeo is part of the governance structure and is very loud and vocal with his screams of "black man a starve ahbe".  And he is vigorously preparing in the background to be president again in 2020. The recent tour being part of this.

Now I know that he embarrasses you as you cannot defend him but this is the reality. Jagdeo remains a vital part of Guyanese politics and therefore should be held to the SAME scrutiny that we hold Harmon up to (he being the de facto head of the coalition government).


cain posted:

To dumb coolies Jagdeo is still in power...he is their God.

Are you a dumb collie? Cause apparently you believe he is still in power.  Now I once again caution you about using this derogatory word to describe our people.  You don't have the right to do so. 

caribny posted:

We can debate as to whether he was in power between 2011 and 2015 and the ease that Ramotar was dumped after he lost the 2015 election suggests to all HONEST people that he in fact was in charge. Even in the 2015 election, where he was NOT the presidential candidate, his voice was so loud that one can be forgiven for thinking that he was.

Jagdeo is part of the governance structure and is very loud and vocal with his screams of "black man a starve ahbe".  And he is vigorously preparing in the background to be president again in 2020. The recent tour being part of this.

Now I know that he embarrasses you as you cannot defend him but this is the reality. Jagdeo remains a vital part of Guyanese politics and therefore should be held to the SAME scrutiny that we hold Harmon up to (he being the de facto head of the coalition government).


Meanwhile this thread is evidence of the distraction of focus from Granger to Jagdeo. Tell us exactly what Granger is doing to fix the issues that now face Guyana. Why is he not showing leadership in solving economic, social and criminal matters? Of course you can't argue that this is Jagdeo's job. 

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

To dumb coolies Jagdeo is still in power...he is their God.

Are you a dumb collie? .

Jagdeo destroyed Guysuco and instead of blaming him for that they run to him every time he opens his mouth and engages in some cuss down rant.

They should be asking him why did he destroy Guysuco, making it easy for the PNC to shut it down in revenge for what the PPP did to Guymine.  No. They genuflect, kiss his toes, get high from fumes that they ingest from carrying his slop.

And like you they rush to his defense by not wanting to discuss his record, out of fear of what such a discussion would reveal that he is no different from Harmon.

caribny posted:

Jagdeo destroyed Guysuco and instead of blaming him for that they run to him every time he opens his mouth and engages in some cuss down rant.

They should be asking him why did he destroy Guysuco, making it easy for the PNC to shut it down in revenge for what the PPP did to Guymine.  No. They genuflect, kiss his toes, get high from fumes that they ingest from carrying his slop.

And like you they rush to his defense by not wanting to discuss his record, out of fear of what such a discussion would reveal that he is no different from Harmon.

Nonsense, sugar production was never viable after the removal of EU subsidies. There was no destroying of Guysuco as it was never a viable business after EU subsidies were lost. Jagdeo wasted money on Skeldon on advice from Booker Tate. But it was not his decision, a decision made by the PPP majority in parliament. This is what happens when govt try to run business. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Jagdeo destroyed Guysuco and instead of blaming him for that they run to him every time he opens his mouth and engages in some cuss down rant.

They should be asking him why did he destroy Guysuco, making it easy for the PNC to shut it down in revenge for what the PPP did to Guymine.  No. They genuflect, kiss his toes, get high from fumes that they ingest from carrying his slop.

And like you they rush to his defense by not wanting to discuss his record, out of fear of what such a discussion would reveal that he is no different from Harmon.

Nonsense, sugar production was never viable after the removal of EU subsidies. There was no destroying of Guysuco as it was never a viable business after EU subsidies were lost. Jagdeo wasted money on Skeldon on advice from Booker Tate. But it was not his decision, a decision made by the PPP majority in parliament. This is what happens when govt try to run business. 

The Skeldon Factory was the brainchild of Jagdeo, not Booker Tate. This was revealed in the COI into the Sugar Industry. Booker Tate advised him to fire the Chinese contractor but he didn't listen because the kickbacks in his pocket were big from the Chinese. The factory would have been working a lot better today if they had hired experienced contractors from Brazil or India. Companies who knew how to build sugar factories. Instead we are saddled with this US $200 million goadie that is probably worth more as scrap iron than as a sugar factory.

Skeldon factory spurred GuySuCo $$ woes – CoI

-says choice of Chinese contractor not a good decision

 From its inception, the Skeldon sugar modernisation project proved to be an enormous financial burden on GuySuCo and the government ignored advice from the company’s manager, Booker Tate to fire controversial Chinese contractor, CNTIC, according to the report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the industry.

The Chinese-built Skeldon factory has been seen as a major millstone around the industry and there have long been questions about the wisdom behind the project and the choice of the contractor, China National Technology Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC).

Tabled in the National Assembly last week, the report of the CoI into the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) addressed these issues.

The report said that GuySuCo’s financial position worsened with the “harsh negative impact” when the Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project (SSMP) came on stream. The brainchild of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, the project started in 2003, two years after his first full term as President began. Output from the factory has been far below expectations and at a very high cost.

The CoI report said that given warnings by the European Union (EU) that preferential sugar prices would be cut from 2006 and in the following years “it seems, in retrospect, that from a business and economic standpoint, the decision to pursue the Skeldon modernisation project may not have been logical and based on sound considerations”.

Initially estimated to cost US$165m, the CoI report said that the project eventually ended up costing US$187m with funding from the World Bank of US$56m, Exim China Bank – US$32m, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) – US$24m and GuySuCo – US$53m. The report noted that GuySuCo’s contribution of US$53m was intended to come from the sale of lands.

However, this did not materialise and the sugar corporation used its own resources thereby depleting its working capital. The escalation in the cost from US$165m to US$187m was also funded out of GuySuCo’s own resources.

“From the commencement of the Skeldon project in 2005, when GuySuCo had to initially contribute US$25m from its EU receivables over a period of (18) months commencing in 2005, the corporation’s liquidity declined rapidly. As a consequence, GuySuCo became heavily dependent on bank overdrafts, and extended credit periods to maintain the operations of the business.

This was the start of the decline of GuySuCo’s financial position leading to its present state of insolvency”, the report declared.

It said that GuySuCo’s expenditure on the Skeldon factory to the tune of US$72m, the slide in the EU price and the drop in sugar production resulted in reliance on expensive overdrafts for working capital, delays in meeting creditor’s payments resulting in creditors refusing to supply or demanding payments in advance, minimal capital expenditure on the business, late purchasing of critical inputs leading to late fertilising and application of chemicals, significant loss of revenues and dependency on the Government for bailouts. Furthermore, the report said that US$7m had to be spent on corrective work on the factory.

This financial impact had a debilitating effect as essential work could not be done on the other sugar estates.

“The effect was not only evidenced in declining yields and reduced factory efficiencies but led to demotivated and demoralised staff at all levels. With the earlier exodus by way of migration of staff, especially those knowledgeable managers, and the sending off of experienced staff, upward mobility and re-designation of persons led to a lack of needed skills at various levels in the industry. The quality of leadership at all levels was compromised”, the report said.

The report noted that many questions were raised about the SSMP and in particular the selection of the contractor. The CoI report said that the international standards of formal tendering, evaluation and selection were followed and the decision makers were Booker Tate, GuySuCo’s top executives and government officials.

“Given the poor performance of the Chinese company selected – CNTIC for the Skeldon factory project, on looking back it was not a good decision. Problems plagued the project and the many technical/operational problems could not be resolved by CNTIC”, the CoI report said.

It added that a contractor from Brazil or India may have been a better choice. This has long been an argument of critics of the decision to hire CNTIC. It has been argued by critics that CNTIC had never built such a factory before and that there was ample expertise in India or Brazil to tap for such a major investment by the government.

The CoI report noted that Booker Tate’s complaints were not settled, “including their recommendation to terminate the contract with CNTIC and Booker Tate taking over as contractor”. Their advice to GuySuCo, the report said, was ignored.

The previous PPP/C government has not answered why stiff penalties were not applied against CNTIC over the Skeldon factory. It is unclear whether CNTIC is still owed money for the turn key factory it was supposed to have delivered.

The CoI report noted that after CNTIC exited, difficulties with the factory persisted, “necessitating much expenditure in replacing poor quality equipment”. The report said that the choice of the diffuser system, instead of mills for juice extraction also brought its own special problems with inexperienced personnel to handle it.

Booker Tate was cited by the CoI report for supervision of the Skeldon field and factory works that was below expectation. The report noted that up to October, 2015 some of the land development involving conversion and layouts at Skeldon were yet to be completed.

As reported earlier, the CoI’s key recommendation is that GuySuCo should aim for full privatisation within three years. The CoI also deemed as “impractical” in the short term, the prospect of bringing the industry back to profitability. It therefore avoided the mandate given to it to develop a 15-year plan for the industry and limited its attention to privatisation.

The government last month said the parliamentary committee on economic services will be entrusted with the report. This move however leaves the government with the immediate challenge of acting swiftly on the privatisation recommendation as urged in the report while at the same time assuring thousands of sugar workers that they won’t be out of jobs. Privatisation has been opposed by the main sugar union, GAWU.

The privatisation recommendation in the report commissioned by the David Granger administration brings the industry full circle after its nationalisation in the 1970s under the PNC government and the exit of previous long-time owners, Bookers Sugar Estates Limited and others. GuySuCo was founded in 1976.

The CoI was chaired by former Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Vibert Parvatan.


Mars posted:

The Skeldon Factory was the brainchild of Jagdeo, not Booker Tate. This was revealed in the COI into the Sugar Industry. Booker Tate advised him to fire the Chinese contractor but he didn't listen because the kickbacks in his pocket were big from the Chinese. The factory would have been working a lot better today if they had hired experienced contractors from Brazil or India. Companies who knew how to build sugar factories. Instead we are saddled with this US $200 million goadie that is probably worth more as scrap iron than as a sugar factory.


We have to excuse you slop can boys who like to rewrite history. Even on their website Booker Tate takes pride in stating their role with Skeldon factory.


Skeldon Sugar Modernisation


The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) approached Booker Tate in 2000 to assist them in developing their sugar industry with the intention of increasing sugar production, lowering operating costs and thereby improving profitability. Booker Tate carried out a viability and expansion study which recommended developing sugar production in the east of the country where agricultural conditions were more favourable than in the west. This resulted in GuySuCo deciding to construct a new cane sugar factory at the Skeldon Sugar Estate, in the Berbice region of Guyana and the Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project was realised.

Project Scope

The overall scope of the project included the construction of an 8 400 tonne cane/day sugar factory as well as the development of around 5 000 ha of surrounding land to provide a consistent supply of high quality cane.


One of Booker Tate’s roles as the Client’s Representative was to provide a comprehensive and detailed factory specification which incorporated latest designs and technologies. The overall factory design was undertaken by a Chinese design institute and approved by Booker Tate.

Factory equipment was sourced from suppliers worldwide, including China, United Kingdom, South Africa, Sweden, USA and France.

The factory has the capacity to crush 1.5 million tonnes of cane and produce around 150 000 tonnes of VHP sugar. Included in the factory design is a cogeneration plant which allows the factory to generate 10 MW of electricity into the national grid, and provide a much needed stable power supply for the region.

Booker Tate’s role included the monitoring of construction progress and ensuring quality standards of workmanship were maintained.


In Brief

  • 2000 GuySuCo approached Booker Tate for assistance with sugar industry development Booker Tate carries out viability and expansion study
  • 2005 GuySuCo begins construction of a new cane sugarfactory and cogeneration plant at Skeldon Sugar Estate
  • 2007 Skeldon Sugar Modernsation Project nears completion
  • 2008 Factory was commissioned

The design of the factory is not the contractor. Design is done by an architectural firm, Dum Dum.


"The government ignored advice from the company’s manager, Booker Tate to fire controversial Chinese contractor, CNTIC, according to the report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the industry."

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

The design of the factory is not the contractor. Design is done by an architectural firm, Dum Dum.


"The government ignored advice from the company’s manager, Booker Tate to fire controversial Chinese contractor, CNTIC, according to the report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the industry."

Yuh rass running fuh cover now, you claimed that skeldon was Jagdeo brain child. Where is the evidence of this? Booker tate was the ones who recommended it after they were approached by the GOG.

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

The design of the factory is not the contractor. Design is done by an architectural firm, Dum Dum.


"The government ignored advice from the company’s manager, Booker Tate to fire controversial Chinese contractor, CNTIC, according to the report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the industry."

Yuh rass running fuh cover now, you claimed that skeldon was Jagdeo brain child. Where is the evidence of this? Booker tate was the ones who recommended it after they were approached by the GOG.

Skeldon was Jagdeo's pet project Clown. He approached Booker Tate for help in expanding the sugar industry, not the opposite. The final decision was in Jagdeo's lap and he selected the Chinese contractor contrary to Booker Tate's advice. Even your own "evidence" that you posted shows who made the decision to build the Skeldon Goadie. You so dumb, you don't even understand what you posted.

Go read again and understand this time. The decision to build Skeldon was Guysuco's (under instructions from the brainchild, Jagdeo), not Booker Tate.


"The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) approached Booker Tate in 2000 to assist them in developing their sugar industry with the intention of increasing sugar production, lowering operating costs and thereby improving profitability."


"This resulted in GuySuCo deciding to construct a new cane sugar factory at the Skeldon Sugar Estate, in the Berbice region of Guyana and the Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project was realised."


Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

Skeldon was Jagdeo's pet project Clown. He approached Booker Tate for help in expanding the sugar industry, not the opposite. The final decision was in Jagdeo's lap and he selected the Chinese contractor contrary to Booker Tate's advice. Even your own "evidence" that you posted shows who made the decision to build the Skeldon Goadie. You so dumb, you don't even understand what you posted.

Go read again and understand this time. The decision to build Skeldon was Guysuco's (under instructions from the brainchild, Jagdeo), not Booker Tate.


"The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) approached Booker Tate in 2000 to assist them in developing their sugar industry with the intention of increasing sugar production, lowering operating costs and thereby improving profitability."


"This resulted in GuySuCo deciding to construct a new cane sugar factory at the Skeldon Sugar Estate, in the Berbice region of Guyana and the Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project was realised."


Looks like you still struggling to validate your claim that this was Jagdeo pet project. Extrapulating Guysuco as Jagdeo etc etc. Keep up the good work in excellent slop can duties. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Skeldon was Jagdeo's pet project Clown. He approached Booker Tate for help in expanding the sugar industry, not the opposite. The final decision was in Jagdeo's lap and he selected the Chinese contractor contrary to Booker Tate's advice. Even your own "evidence" that you posted shows who made the decision to build the Skeldon Goadie. You so dumb, you don't even understand what you posted.

Go read again and understand this time. The decision to build Skeldon was Guysuco's (under instructions from the brainchild, Jagdeo), not Booker Tate.


"The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) approached Booker Tate in 2000 to assist them in developing their sugar industry with the intention of increasing sugar production, lowering operating costs and thereby improving profitability."


"This resulted in GuySuCo deciding to construct a new cane sugar factory at the Skeldon Sugar Estate, in the Berbice region of Guyana and the Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project was realised."


Looks like you still struggling to validate your claim that this was Jagdeo pet project. Extrapulating Guysuco as Jagdeo etc etc. Keep up the good work in excellent slop can duties. 

I notice the Piss Pot putting a strain on your goadie and you gave up.

All the evidence points against your theory that Booker Tate was to blame, now you're shifting to Guysuco. Jagdeo being the head of government was the man ultimately in charge of making a US$160 million decision for the government owned Guysuco and the future of the country's economy. This was one of the largest projects undertaken in Guyana and yes it was Jagdeo's pet project. Everyone else but you knows that and it was exposed at the COI into the sugar industry. Jagdeo wanted to consolidate his voting base in Berbice so he came up with a plan to expand the sugar industry since he knew that the Berbice sugar workers were strong PPP supporters. The stupid fool chose a Chinese firm who had no experience in building sugar factories contrary to the advice of Booker Tate. There were companies from Brazil and India with experience in building sugar factories but the kickback in Dr. Doom's pocket was too large for him to turn down the Chinese. Now we're stuck with a big old piece of Chinese iron just good enough for scrap metal and millions in loans to pay back for it.


Drugb posted:

Nonsense, sugar production was never viable after the removal of EU subsidies. .. 

If you think that this reflects well on Jagdeo you are mistaken.  Jagdeo EXPANDED the sugar industry instead of managing the transition to something else.  So how you scream that Dr. Fake was this great steward of the economy.

Jagdeo landed Guyana with a company that is majorly indebted and which has swallowed hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies.  This money would have been better spent switching to other crops and encouraging the development of an agro industrial base.

Now you can discuss why Grace Kennedy is a much larger agro industrial company than anything that Guyana has.

Drugb posted:

Looks like you still struggling to validate your claim that this was Jagdeo pet project. Extrapulating Guysuco as Jagdeo etc etc. Keep up the good work in excellent slop can duties. 

I know that Jagdeo's slop is now your drug of choice but you begin to look silly when you scream that Skeldon wasn't his pet project.  TK and others warned him about this and he screamed and ranted and wailed, and of course Guysuco has swallowed well over US$ half a billion when one totals subsidies, as well as loans. Skeldon alone swallowed US$200 million.



Bookers Tate didn't select the Chinese contractors and in fact left a Guysuco in reasonable shape. In 2016 sugar production was LOWER than it was under Hoyte!   This after hundreds of millions of dollars (US) was squandered, with NOTHING to show for it.

But for high gold prices and remittances Jagdeo would have crashed the Guyana economy. In fact between 2000-2006 the economy was STAGNANT. It was growing when Hoyte left it. It was only gold which rescued Guyana as those prices soared after then.


Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

To dumb coolies Jagdeo is still in power...he is their God.

Are you a dumb collie? Cause apparently you believe he is still in power.  Now I once again caution you about using this derogatory word to describe our people.  You don't have the right to do so. 

Haul your ass. I guess putagee isn't derogatory eh? I have a nice pic of you as a proud coolie to prove it..just wait till I get to my comp. 


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