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Guyana to post second highest growth in South America in 2014, says IMF

Published On: Tue, May 7th, 2013, Source




Guyana is predicted to see the second highest economic growth for South America in 2014, said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its World Economic Outlook, released Monday.


The IMF said Peru is forecast to have the highest economic growth of 6.1 percent and the lowest inflation in South America in 2014, followed by Guyana (6 percent), Bolivia (5 percent), Chile (4.6 percent), Paraguay (4.6 percent), Colombia (4.5 percent), Suriname (4.5 percent), Brazil (4 percent) and Uruguay (4 percent).


Meanwhile, the countries registering the lowest economic growth are Venezuela (2.3 percent), Argentina (3.5 percent) and Ecuador (3.9 percent).


The report also finds that the country posting the strongest economic growth this year is Paraguay (11 percent), followed by Peru, Guyana (5.5 percent), Chile (4.9 percent), Bolivia (4.8 percent) and Suriname (4.5 percent).


Countries with lowest economic growth are Venezuela (0.1 percent), Argentina (2.8 percent), Brazil (three percent), Uruguay (3.8 percent) and Colombia (4.1 percent).


According to the release, in 2014 Peru’s inflation rate is expected to be the lowest in the region, followed by Ecuador (2.1 percent), Chile (3 percent), Colombia (3 percent), Suriname (4 percent), Bolivia (4.2 percent) and Brazil (4.5 percent).


The region’s countries with the highest inflation are Venezuela with 27.3 percent, Argentina (10.1 percent), Uruguay (seven percent), Guyana (5.5 percent) and Paraguay (5 percent).

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The IMF said Peru is forecast to have the highest economic growth of 6.1 percent and the lowest inflation in South America in 2014, followed by Guyana (6 percent), Bolivia (5 percent), Chile (4.6 percent), Paraguay (4.6 percent), Colombia (4.5 percent), Suriname (4.5 percent), Brazil (4 percent) and Uruguay (4 percent).

WATAK!!! Yuh gun ghee dem bhias Heart Attack!!!!   WATAK!!!


There is a lot of optimism in Guyana today, even the PNC/AFC supporters can't help but progress as it is contagious. Buildings going up, businesses prospering and the construction industry humming at an unprecedented pace. Many of the fools who come here on a daily basis are selling a lie when they claim 90% of the people are unemployed.  In fact people who claim to be unemployed really don't want to work, that is why govt have to import labor from all over the world. 


Thanks to AFC/PNC opposition Guyana projected to see 6% economic growth in 2014!


Imagine the good they did for Guyana by eliminating all the wasteful spending...the IMF recognizes this!


So, give praise to the MAJORITY...give praise to the voters who made them the majority...not the thieves of the PPP who were looking to fill their pockets with an overbloated budget.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

What Planet are you on?? Did the KFC?PNC won the last Election?

they control Parliament and are able to stop wasteful spending...IMF recognizes this

Who prepared the Budget??? Man think before you talk.

who passed the budget? Yall quick fuh blame the opposition for anything that goes wrong, but blind when they make good cutting all the pork out de budget

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

There is a lot of optimism in Guyana today, even the PNC/AFC supporters can't help but progress as it is contagious. Buildings going up, businesses prospering and the construction industry humming at an unprecedented pace. Many of the fools who come here on a daily basis are selling a lie when they claim 90% of the people are unemployed.  In fact people who claim to be unemployed really don't want to work, that is why govt have to import labor from all over the world. 

The Goads and his lies again. HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

.  In fact people who claim to be unemployed really don't want to work, that is why govt have to import labor from all over the world. 

!.  Why do Guyanese migrate to Nevis if they are so lazy?


2.  Why is the Jamaican govt telling the Chinese that they must use 80% Jamaican workers on the massive projects planned for Jamaica, and yet the PPP makes no such demand for the use of Guyanese workers.  Based on your comments Guyanese are so lazy that they dont mind foreigners taking away their jobs.


Are Jamaicans harder working people then INDIAN Guyanese, who account for at least 50% of the laborforce available in Region 4?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

.  In fact people who claim to be unemployed really don't want to work, that is why govt have to import labor from all over the world. 

!.  Why do Guyanese migrate to Nevis if they are so lazy?


2.  Why is the Jamaican govt telling the Chinese that they must use 80% Jamaican workers on the massive projects planned for Jamaica, and yet the PPP makes no such demand for the use of Guyanese workers.  Based on your comments Guyanese are so lazy that they dont mind foreigners taking away their jobs.


Are Jamaicans harder working people then INDIAN Guyanese, who account for at least 50% of the laborforce available in Region 4?

They ran there during the slo fiah mo fiah years, now the economy turn around in Guyana, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place as they have already heavily vested in these Island nations doing menial tourist service work. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. Buildings going up, businesses prospering and the construction industry humming at an unprecedented pace. . 

!. Would appreciate information on how much foreign exchange these buildings generate.


2.  Construction and retail represent a recycling of earnings from remittances and gold, which together account for the bulk of our foreign exchnage earnings.  Maybe as much as 70%!  The PPP ha sno control of either.


So why then do you give the PPP credit?   And there are some who argue that Guyana might suffer the real estate bubble burst that we did 5 years ago.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They ran there during the slo fiah mo fiah years, now the economy turn around in Guyana, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place as they have already heavily vested in these Island nations doing menial tourist service work. 



Are you still arguing that Guyanese prefer to stay in St K and Antigua where there is now massive unemployment then return to Guyana.  You know that the local govts are going to give Guyanese hell to get their WORK PERMITS renewed.


yes druggie most of the Guyanese in these islands are NOT permanent residnets but they are people on work permits.


So despite this jeopardy these Guyanese fight with the dear lives to stay in these little islands.  In fact one can say ON these little islands, given their tiny size, being mere mountain peaks poking out of the ocean..

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. Buildings going up, businesses prospering and the construction industry humming at an unprecedented pace. . 

!. Would appreciate information on how much foreign exchange these buildings generate.


2.  Construction and retail represent a recycling of earnings from remittances and gold, which together account for the bulk of our foreign exchnage earnings.  Maybe as much as 70%!  The PPP ha sno control of either.


So why then do you give the PPP credit?   And there are some who argue that Guyana might suffer the real estate bubble burst that we did 5 years ago.

Buildings going up are a sign of optimism and prosperity by investors. 

You may try to temper the prosperity with your negative mumbo jumbo, but the fact that people are risking their money in a country that you have written off says volumes about your credibility. The proof is in the pudding, not rantings from a section 8 armchair in a Brooklyn rat infested basement. But then again you should know that Bloomberg is on to you and he already got plans to revoked section 8 and replaced it with a voucher program. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Buildings going up are a sign of optimism and prosperity by investors. 


Yes there were loads of buildings went up in Ireland, Spain, and Greece prior to 2008 and look at those countries today.


No economy based only on real estate construction is sustainable in the long run.


You need to show how Guyana is generating a PRODUCTIVE goods and services sectors aimed at export markets.  A domestic market of a mere 750k, most of whom are struggling, cannot sustain growth.



Back out gold and the multiplier spending from gold, and what do you have in Guyana.  Yes rice and what else?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Buildings going up are a sign of optimism and prosperity by investors. 


Yes there were loads of buildings went up in Ireland, Spain, and Greece prior to 2008 and look at those countries today.


No economy based only on real estate construction is sustainable in the long run.


You need to show how Guyana is generating a PRODUCTIVE goods and services sectors aimed at export markets.  A domestic market of a mere 750k, most of whom are struggling, cannot sustain growth.



Back out gold and the multiplier spending from gold, and what do you have in Guyana.  Yes rice and what else?


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Buildings going up are a sign of optimism and prosperity by investors. 


Yes there were loads of buildings went up in Ireland, Spain, and Greece prior to 2008 and look at those countries today.


No economy based only on real estate construction is sustainable in the long run.


You need to show how Guyana is generating a PRODUCTIVE goods and services sectors aimed at export markets.  A domestic market of a mere 750k, most of whom are struggling, cannot sustain growth.



Back out gold and the multiplier spending from gold, and what do you have in Guyana.  Yes rice and what else?

No doubt you are betting against Guyana, I am not. You have been crying doom an gloom with your predictions, especially when your mo fiah slow fiah crew were having some measure of success in stifling the economy. Now the govt is prepared and the phantoms are waiting patiently in the wings to cull the bad eggs. Now you ranting about gold, you haven't visited in years, go to the gina website and educate yourself about all the different industry popping up in Guyana, ranging from agriculture, mining, timber, furniture, fisheries, furniture and the list goes on. ahahhah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

No doubt you are betting against Guyana, I am not.

The only reason that you praise the PPP is that their goons protect people like your family.  Here you scream that govt shouldnt be involved in activities best performed by the private sector.


1.  Guysuco loses millions because of incompetence despite high sugar prices in recent years.  When Guymine was sold for these reasons people like you screamed that the PPP was right, even though this left Linden aws a town with massive levels of unemployment and a place where people must leave if they are to earn an income.


2.  The fiasco of the Skeldon factory...enough said.  The PPP didnt have to accept what Bookers told them.


3.  100% financing of the Marriott hotel when we include GOVT guarantees provided to the lenders and the equity investors.  If you invest in a project and the govt tells you that they will provide you with a 100% refund if such projects fails then they are in effect financing you as you bear NO risk.  This is what Jagdeo got for himself and his wealthy Indo friends.




Their excuse for Marriott is the need to develop tourism...meaning the need to attract people who do not have any ties to Guyana.  Few non Caribbean people know of Guyana.  Most non Guyanese (and many Guyanese) see Guyana in a negative light, if they have heard of it.  In fact on another forum some US flight crews were actually suggesting that Guyana is as dangerous as Port-au-Prince.  Clearly not true, but then this is the image that Guyana has.


I suggest to you what the govt should be doing is PROMOTING Guyana and improving its international image, so that non Guyanese tourists and overseas based investors will come.  But as for now they see Guyana as no  more attractive than Guinea, and indeed some might even think that its the same country.


If you want to see a nation which promotes itself well, despite all its problems is Jamaica.  So much so that almost every Chinese person knows about Jamaica.  They use every opportunity to burnish their image, even Usian Bolt. 


What is Guyana doing?  We have the best rum in the world yet only a few old time Bajans know this.


Druggie if folks like you wish a 3 star hotel (please do not tell me that you think that Marriott is even a 4 star, much less a 5 star) when you stay in Guyana then invest in it.  And do not ask for any thing from the govt aside from fiscal incentives, duty wavers and installation of infrastructure up to the boundaries of the site (water, electricity, roads, etc).


Druggie what we have in Guyana is much the same real estate speculation that we had in Spain, etc a few years ago.  Its amazing how much real estate prices have sky rocketed in Guyana, and I submit beyond the pockets of those Guyanese who earn 100% of their incomefrom WITHIN Guyana.  How long will that last?


Guyana always manufactured furniture and the other products that you mention.  Those sectors still play a scant role in our economy. Exclude the minimal processing of sugar, rice and bauxite in Guyana, and also rum we do not have a manufacturing sector of much note.   Tell me where can you find Guyanese manufactured products OUTSIDE of Guyana, despite our vast agricultural, mining and forestry resource base?


Using telephone coverage (cell and landline) and internet access as a gauge of how well off the average person is.  Antigua telephone coverage is 221% (meaning that most have BOTH cell and landline), and internet access is 82%.  Barbados is 178% and 72%.  Guyana of course is among the worst off in the English speaking Caribbean at 88% and 32%.  Even backward St Vincent is better at 141% and 43%.


This is facts, not Guyana bashing except to admit that over 50 years of incompetent leadership by the PPP and the PNC has left Guyana way behind where the natural and human resource base that we possess indicates that we should be.


And please do not blabber about mo fiah.  You do remember what happened in Kingston when the Jcan govt tried to arrest Coke for deportation to the USA.  Every one who watches CNN knew about this.  Really who knows about what goes on in Guyana since 1978?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
., go to the gina website and educate yourself.

Funny GINA will also tell me that its not true that most Guyanese vote race.


Clearly they lack credibility.

I sent you to GINA to find all the business ventures in Guyana and instead you went looking for data on race voting patterns. If you were in tk's class you would have gotten an f. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
., go to the gina website and educate yourself.

Funny GINA will also tell me that its not true that most Guyanese vote race.


Clearly they lack credibility.

I sent you to GINA to find all the business ventures in Guyana and instead you went looking for data on race voting patterns. If you were in tk's class you would have gotten an f. 

Druggie there is another sex trafficking scandal in Bdos involving Guyanese.  This time a Guyanese woman left for Barbados THIS YEAR, based on promises that she would find employment there, and was instantly enslaved upon arrival.


Given that this is a not uncommon problem for Guyanese women, why are they STILL so desperate to leave that they flock to Bdos and Trinidad w/o checking out who they people making these promises are?


Yes druggie life might be great for wealthy Indo PPP supporters like your family, but clearly it isnt for enough Guyanese who are still so desperate that they will listen to any vague promise that they can do better by flocking to some vlocanic peak or coral reef.


GINA is a fountain of lies.  They claim that there is no anti PPP attitudes by blacks because they perceive the zPPP as being hostile to them.  If they are so bold face to tell that lie I have no need to believe what ever else that they might peddle. 


Show me comments made by the Gtwn Chamber of Commerce and I MIGHT believe you.  As of now that group thinks that the PPP is corrupt and have a misplaced set of priorities about the type of development that Guyana needs.


Like building a botel when most of them are 70% EMPTY, and an airport when only Caribbean Airlines has any interest in flying to Guyana.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
you went looking for data on race voting patterns. If you were in tk's class you would have gotten an f. 

Sorry no need to look for data on race voting.  Your screams, wails and bellows about why blacks refuse to vote for the PPP, despite being paid to be mercenaries for wealthy Indo businessmen, indicates that voting is divided according to race.  And indeed all your fellow IndoNazis also scream the same, to the point where they even wail that blacks (who pay taxes) should not benefit from any govt expenditures.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese economy remains strong, the present administration is doing its best to keep the country on the path of development and economic prosperity

Now tell us exactly what industries did the PPP develop.  Aside from gold and rice that is.  Note that Venezuela is shaky a sit is a POLITICAL arrangement andChavez is dead.  No telling what Maduro might do as Venezuela continue sto experience difficulties.  Clearly cheap rice becomes an issue and Guyana isnt the cheapest source.



So I am listening.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Sorry no need to look for data on race voting.  Your screams, wails and bellows about why blacks refuse to vote for the PPP, despite being paid to be mercenaries for wealthy Indo businessmen, indicates that voting is divided according to race.  And indeed all your fellow IndoNazis also scream the same, to the point where they even wail that blacks (who pay taxes) should not benefit from any govt expenditures.

I sent you to look for data on economics and you got distracted and ended up with false data on race. You referenced your secret survey, just like Sheila Holder did in parliament with the pension claims, referencing a "study" conducted by herself.  But karma had the last laugh.  


You yourself proved my point, the PPP would not have won the elections without mixed/black votes as they lost 10% Indian votes to the AFC. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Sorry no need to look for data on race voting.  Your screams, wails and bellows about why blacks refuse to vote for the PPP, despite being paid to be mercenaries for wealthy Indo businessmen, indicates that voting is divided according to race.  And indeed all your fellow IndoNazis also scream the same, to the point where they even wail that blacks (who pay taxes) should not benefit from any govt expenditures.

I sent you to look for data on economics and you got distracted and ended up with false data on race. You referenced your secret survey, just like Sheila Holder did in parliament with the pension claims, referencing a "study" conducted by herself.  But karma had the last laugh.  


You yourself proved my point, the PPP would not have won the elections without mixed/black votes as they lost 10% Indian votes to the AFC. 

tell you what.  If I went looking for economic data GINA would NOT be my source.  It is govt propaganda writtenj by illiterates like the ones who used to spam this forum and every other Guyanese forum that they could find.


I gave you a link to the NYC Planning dept.  Now with that help if you couldnt find data then that really shows how limited YOU are.


I already told you how many black/mixedvotes the PPP got.  Not more than 10%. 


By the way the PPP LOST.  it merely won more votes than the other two, but 51% of the population voted AGAINST them.  If the PPP was not rejected by at least 90% of the African/mixed population then they would have gotten a majority.


BTW if the PPP lost 10% of the Indian vote than 40% of the votes were PPP Indians.  They won another 9%.  Given that they won a large chunk of the Amerindian vote, say 60%, that adds another 5%.  So only 4% of the voters were PPP African/mixed...who probably accounted for 45% of the voters. 


A very bad record after 19 years of rule, at the time of the election.  Which has given those two groups ample time to see for themselves what the PPP is up to.


Druggie the PPP is rejected by blacks in Guyana much as the GOP is rejected by blacks in the USA.  And for the same reasons too.  Both the PPP and the GOP harbor many racists like you, rev, baseman and others.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Sorry no need to look for data on race voting.  Your screams, wails and bellows about why blacks refuse to vote for the PPP, despite being paid to be mercenaries for wealthy Indo businessmen, indicates that voting is divided according to race.  And indeed all your fellow IndoNazis also scream the same, to the point where they even wail that blacks (who pay taxes) should not benefit from any govt expenditures.

I sent you to look for data on economics and you got distracted and ended up with false data on race. You referenced your secret survey, just like Sheila Holder did in parliament with the pension claims, referencing a "study" conducted by herself.  But karma had the last laugh.  


You yourself proved my point, the PPP would not have won the elections without mixed/black votes as they lost 10% Indian votes to the AFC. 

tell you what.  If I went looking for economic data GINA would NOT be my source.  It is govt propaganda writtenj by illiterates like the ones who used to spam this forum and every other Guyanese forum that they could find.


I gave you a link to the NYC Planning dept.  Now with that help if you couldnt find data then that really shows how limited YOU are.


I already told you how many black/mixedvotes the PPP got.  Not more than 10%. 


By the way the PPP LOST.  it merely won more votes than the other two, but 51% of the population voted AGAINST them.  If the PPP was not rejected by at least 90% of the African/mixed population then they would have gotten a majority.


BTW if the PPP lost 10% of the Indian vote than 40% of the votes were PPP Indians.  They won another 9%.  Given that they won a large chunk of the Amerindian vote, say 60%, that adds another 5%.  So only 4% of the voters were PPP African/mixed...who probably accounted for 45% of the voters. 


A very bad record after 19 years of rule, at the time of the election.  Which has given those two groups ample time to see for themselves what the PPP is up to.


Druggie the PPP is rejected by blacks in Guyana much as the GOP is rejected by blacks in the USA.  And for the same reasons too.  Both the PPP and the GOP harbor many racists like you, rev, baseman and others.

Now you change your story to 90%, another fictitious number.  If PPP lost 10% of Indian votes to the AFC then that leaves them with 33%, they would need more than 10% of the Black votes to make up the deficit as Afros only make up 30% of the population. Your fuzzy math is being exposed. 


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