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Former Member


OK Folks:


* Let's cut to the chase---no idle chatter in this thread---let's get to the point.


* Many would agree that  the PPP used to be innocent and honest when they were in the opposition, but once power was given to them the PPP's innocence and honesty morphed into  wickedness and corruption.


* By the way, the AFC had promised prior to the 2011 elections that there would be high profile arrests and high profile investigations of corruption once they entered parliament.


* What happened ? Not a single PPP politician has been arrested, investigated or charged with corruption.


* And corruption in the bureaucracy in Guyana remains rampant---bribery, nepotism, payoffs, etc, etc are widespread.






The PNC/AFC blowhards and blabbermouths on GNI have been bawling and screaming daily about how corrupt the PPP is---they are not lying---the PPP is corrupt.


But if the wicked and corrupt PPP is voted out of office and if the 'honest and innocent' PNC/AFC assume office---will corruption in Guyana cease to exist---will corruption in Guyana STOP under the PNC AFC ?



* Let the discussion on CORRUPTION in Guyana begin---and let's focus on how to end corruption.


* Is it possible to end corruption in a country like Guyana where the morals of the people have disintegrated over the decades ?




Replies sorted oldest to newest

The role of Governments is primarily to tax the people to feed, clothe, and house the nation.

A fatter, naked, and homeless people is a burden to all governments, so the people have to be taxed more.  It therefore makes sense for each person to feed, clothe, and house themself, therefore avoiding increased taxation. 

This results in more tax dollars remaining in the Government's coffers, thus prompting corruption and thievery among Government officials. 


The solution: Practise tax avoidance! Contact JB who is an astute ASPCA ACCA to assist you in your tax avoidance planning!


Last edited by Former Member

Rev says:

"But if the wicked and corrupt PPP is voted out of office and if the 'honest and innocent' PNC/AFC assume office---will corruption in Guyana cease to exist---will corruption in Guyana STOP under the PNC AFC ?"


Rev, good morning.

As far as I know, no one on GNI has said the PNC and AFC are 'honest and innocent.'

Corruption will not stop in a post-PPP/C Guyana. In fact, corruption will not cease in any country.

Corruption is like flatulence; we don't like it but we live with it.

The point is to develop an environment that is not corruption-friendly.

And it is the government, not the average Gilbakka or Brenda, that must initiate the process of cleaning up the corrupt environment.

Telling the small man to stop giving bribes in Guyana is easier said than done.

At this point in Guyana's political development, no one will argue that the PPP/C regime is far more corrupt than the previous PNC regime.


Originally Posted by TI:


A fatter, naked, and homeless people is a burden to all governments, so the people have to be taxed more.  

* So are you saying the PNC will STOP CORRUPTION by killing off the fat, naked and homeless people in Guyana ?


* Staying on topic.


* Remember the PPP is already corrupt.








Mr Gilbaka, Can you explain how is it Guyana looking like NY more and more if CORRUPTION is worst??? Also, I see people getting Newsprint, Ile, Flour, Garlic, salt, Dhal, SUGAR, Roads, BIG BIG Buildings---- on and on like the Energizer Bunny. Yuh ah confuse me Bro. Or you would like to get back to the good old days???   Some people like Contraband Business and standing on line for hours waiting for a lb Dhal, this way dem does get fuh Gaff laaaaang.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


Corruption is like flatulence; we don't like it but we live with it.

The point is to develop an environment that is not corruption-friendly.

And it is the government, not the average Gilbakka or Brenda, that must initiate the process of cleaning up the corrupt environment.




The government has a role to play in stemming corruption.


But Read this:


"If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, 3 societal members can make a difference--father mother and teacher."


* Governments that want to curtail corruption can look at Singapore.


* Former Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew once said "the fight against corruption is successful if you prevent corruption from taking place."


* In Singapore those guilty of corruption are put away.






People and governments that are dishonest will turn a blind eye to corruption.



Last edited by Former Member

It does not  matter which party in office the greed between the haves and have not is way too big in Guyana, and the lack of regulations and accountability is zero.The P N C before did the stealing the P P P learn from them, thus being a better thief. Put the A F C , G U MP , A P N U , U F , R O A R etc in office and they will compete to be the best thieves. They all promise BIG and deliver very little, just use the tax payers as pawns, tell them what they want to HEAR. It is the universal book of politics..



The Rev is curious to read the comments from the Mohandas Gandhi of GNI---Poster Cobra---on whether he believes the PNC/AFC can put a stop to corruption in Guyana.


* Cobra's aunt  recently gave a bribe to a black female worker at CJIA inorder to bring her mango achar to NY.


*When the people bribe---they encourage CORRUPTION.


* How do you change the mindset of the masses---how do you convince people to stop being quiet about corruption ? How do you convince people to stop giving bribes ?


* And how do you get people to stop asking for bribes ?


* You do what they do in Singapore.



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Lemme also give a shout out to poster Danyael/Stormborn---Danyael, a graduate of the black Howard University, is dying for the predominantly black PNC to rule Guyana again.



* Will Danyael's beloved PNC put a stop to corruption in Guyana or will they do what they do best---worsen corruption and bankrupt the country like they did when they were illegally in power from 1964 to 1992 ?





* Poster redux has showed up.


* You folks know what that means.


* redux will do what he does best---it's his modus operandi--He will try to derail this thread with his incessant homosexual rantings.


* But the esteemed Rev is a man of tolerance---he respects redux's right to be crude and vulgar---it is every man's right to display his lunacy, stupidity, and brainlessness---redux is entitled to his rights.





Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Rev you are in rare form today, you are indeed a tolerant man, putting up with the likes of redux mitwah and the rest of the pedo crew. I gave up on these folks and now block them for eternity.  

upon reflection, u obviously doing a piss poor job "blocking" my posts, eh klown?


lots of luck in your efforts to 'rehabilitate' your fellow fool rev


har de har har har har harr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Rev you are in rare form today, you are indeed a tolerant man, putting up with the likes of redux mitwah and the rest of the pedo crew. I gave up on these folks and now block them for eternity. 



* The losers and whiners here on GNI have a right to display their lunacy, their stupidity and their brainlessness.


* The Rev also has a right to ignore them completely when they post their filth.


* And that is what I have done.


* The Rev only responds to posters who ask intelligent questions or make sensible comments.


Anyway, it seems as if no one---not even the crackpots on GNI---is willing to say that corruption in Guyana will stop or lessen under the PNC/AFC.


But the blowhards and blabbermouths supporting the PNC/AFC will keep doing what they do best---talk a lot of shyt---and bawl and scream morning, noon, and night about how corrupt the PPP is.




PS. You degrade your handle when you use that repulsive photo as your avatar---you may want to consider changing it to something more civilized like this:






Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev: 

"Anyway, it seems as if no one---not even the crackpots on GNI---is willing to say that corruption in Guyana will stop or lessen under the PNC/AFC."

still flogging dat pitiful straw man mercilessly . . . hmmm?


typical desperation move by a hapless antiman . . . riding a fleabag dankey in full kit and pretending it's a thoroughbred

Last edited by Former Member

"We are all born ignorant but one must work very hard to remain stupid."



* Some Fools and Lunatics here on GNI have deluded themselves into believing they are wise.


* We all know different---who the cap fit---let them wear it.


* But these morons must be allowed to express themselves.


* GNI is a place for the stupid and the wise.


* By the way, to argue with stupid people is to be a fool yourself.


* The Rev refuses to engage directly with any poster who is crude, vulgar and stupid.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


PS. You degrade your handle when you use that repulsive photo as your avatar---you may want to consider changing it to something more civilized like this:


My handle is strategic. In the past they edit my handle to poke fun, let see them do it now with their leader as part of the handle. 



* As long as there are dishonest politicians and dishonest people, corruption will persist.


* The difference between the PPP and the PNC is this: Even though PPP politicians are corrupt, Guyanese have seen growth and development in their country---they have seen progress. When the corrupt PNC was in power they ruined and bankrupted Guyana.





Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Rev:


PS. You degrade your handle when you use that repulsive photo as your avatar---you may want to consider changing it to something more civilized like this:


My handle is strategic. In the past they edit my handle to poke fun, let see them do it now with their leader as part of the handle. 


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

My handle is strategic. In the past they edit my handle to poke fun, let see them do it now with their leader as part of the handle. 



* You have chosen to block some of the lunatics here---the Rev chooses to give them the silent treatment---it's downright foolish to respond directly to a psycho.


* You have heard of the "Lucky Sperm Club"----well many of the idiots are proud members of that club.


* I wont name them---but they'll show up---watch and see.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

My handle is strategic. In the past they edit my handle to poke fun, let see them do it now with their leader as part of the handle. 



* You have chosen to block some of the lunatics here---the Rev chooses to give them the silent treatment---it's downright foolish to respond directly to a psycho.


* You have heard of the "Lucky Sperm Club"----well many of the idiots are proud members of that club.


* I wont name them---but they'll show up---watch and see.



amusing to watch these two, soi-disant PPP bad men with tails between their legs, barking 'ferociously' as they slink away from the kitchen where blows sharing . . . "strategically," of course


har de har har har har harr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Bang on target! 2 proud members of the 'Lucky Sperm Club' show up.


No need to call names.



amusing to watch this frightened, overmatched, soi-disant PPP bad man, tail between legs, grinning stupidly [trying to mek fren], speaking in tongues as he slinks away from the kitchen where blows sharing . . . all "strategically," of course


har de har har har har harr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Bang on target! 2 proud members of the 'Lucky Sperm Club' show up.


No need to call names.



amusing to watch this frightened, overmatched, soi-disant PPP bad man, tail between legs, grinning stupidly [trying to mek fren], speaking in tongues as he slinks away from the kitchen where blows sharing . . . all "strategically," of course


har de har har har har harr

Originally Posted by Rev:

Bang on target! 2 proud members of the 'Lucky Sperm Club' show up.


No need to call names.



amusing to watch this frightened, overmatched, soi-disant PPP bad man, tail between legs, grinning stupidly [trying to mek fren], speaking in tongues as he slinks away from the kitchen where blows sharing . . . all "strategically," of course


har de har har har har harr

Originally Posted by Rev:

Bang on target! 2 proud members of the 'Lucky Sperm Club' show up.


No need to call names.



amusing to watch this frightened, overmatched, soi-disant PPP bad man, tail between legs, grinning stupidly [trying to mek fren], speaking in tongues as he slinks away from the kitchen where blows sharing . . . all "strategically," of course


har de har har har har harr


APNU moves to Parliament to reduce Berbice Bridge toll

December 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


“Wealth is devolved from Berbicians to benefit a private company” – Harmon  

The political opposition has for a number of years been calling for a reduction of the toll of the Berbice River Bridge and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has taken this call one step further. APNU Executive Member, Joseph Harmon, has filed a motion in the National Assembly looking to force government to reduce the toll. In the motion, Harmon calls for the House to direct the bobby, jagdeo, brassy harmonBridge Company to reduce the toll for cars and minibuses by more than half. The present toll for minibuses and cars is $2,200 and he is asking that this be reduced to $1000. Harmon is requesting that the National Assembly call on the Government of Guyana to instruct its representative on the Board of Directors of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. (BBCI), to demand an immediate reduction in tolls charged for crossing the Berbice River. According to Harmon, since its commissioning in December 2008, the Berbice Bridge has facilitated the crossing of over 650,000 vehicles, resulting in annual revenue of over $1.5B for the BBCI. He pointed out that the Berbice Bridge was built with significant investment by the Government of Guyana, “on behalf of the People of Guyana.” Harmon noted also that the government through National Industrial and Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL) is a preferential shareholder and a member of the Board of Directors of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. In his motion, Harmon argues that the toll for crossing the Berbice River is exceedingly high when compared to a similar crossing of the Demerara River and represents a significant devolution of wealth from the people of Berbice in particular, to the benefit of a private company.

The proposed rates that APNU is looking to have Govt. direct BBCI to charge.

The proposed rates that APNU is looking to have Govt. direct BBCI to charge.

Apart from NICIL being the single largest shareholder, in 2011, Queens Atlantic Investment Inc (QAII) which is owned by Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, the best friend of the former president, Bharrat Jagdeo, acquired even more shares in the BBCI making him the second largest shareholder. That information was not filed in the company’s annual report. The sale of shares was unearthed by financial analyst, Christopher Ram who in his analysis of the company’s 2011 performance found that CLICO’s Liquidator sold to the Ramroop Group, the 80 million ordinary shares it held in the Bridge Company. The main providers of the finance for the bridge are the investors in ordinary share capital of $400M, preference shares of $950M and various loans amounting to $7.2B. The holders of the ordinary shares are NIS, New GPC, QAII and Secure International Finance Company each having $80M, and Hand-in-Hand and Demerara Contractors each holding $40M. New GPC is also owned by QAII, making Ramroop the second largest shareholder in the bridge Company behind NICIL. Ram in his writings had accused Brassington of deliberately presenting a misleading annual report for the Bridge Company. He (Ram) suggested that as the head of the Guyana Power and Light inc., Brassington should report accurately. Ram asserted that if Brassington had reported accurately and completely on Government’s shareholding in BBCI, it would have exposed a scheme by the BBCI, its Secretary Brassington (himself) and NICIL which he represents. Compounding the situation further is the fact that NICIL has for years waived its dividends in order to ensure that the private investors make their profits and recoup their investment.


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