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Guyana’s debt levels sustainable – Finance Minister


Posted By Stabroek editor On February 11, 2013 @ 7:05 pm In Local News | No Comments


Guyana’s Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh says the country’s debt levels are lower now than they were in 1992 and more importantly they are sustainable.


In a statement today via the Government Information Agency he was reacting to news reports on Guyana’s total debt of US$1.7B as of March last year compared to the US$2.1B in 1992. Critics had noted that the figures showed that the present debt level was still high despite huge debt write-offs by the Paris Club group of debtors and by multilateral financial institutions post-1992. It had also been noted by critics that a significant portion of the US$2.1B debt racked up by the PNC government constituted accumulated interest.


The present debt figures had been provided by Singh in Parliament last Thursday in reply to a question by Alliance For Change MP Moses Nagamootoo.


Today, Singh hit back at Nagamootoo and other critics.

The Finance Minister argued that a simple comparison of the public debt in Guyana dollars is misleading as it does not take into account the movement of the exchange rate to the US dollar over the years or the growth in the economy over the years. Therefore, he said a comparison of the debt using US dollar amounts would be more accurate.


Referring to remarks by Nagamootoo in yesterday’s edition of the Kaieteur News, Singh said that Nagamootoo ignores a critical fact that one cannot assess the level of indebtedness without taking account of wealth and income levels.


“In other words, higher wealth and income levels make debt payments easier. As a result, a person or country with greater income could borrow more without putting their financial situation in jeopardy”, Singh contended.


The Finance Minister pointed out that Guyana’s total public debt declined from US$2.1 billion in 1992 to US$1.7 billion in 2012. At the same time, its gross domestic product moved from US$371 million in 1992 to US$2.8 billion in 2012.


In addition, he said that Central Government’s revenue has risen from US$141 million in 1992 to US$637 million in 2012 and Guyana’s exports grew from US$382 million (including Omai gold mine’s export proceeds) in 1992 to US$1.4 billion in 2012.


Further, he said the country’s external reserves appreciated from US$191M in 1992 to US$872M in 2012. “In other words, over the period 1992 to 2012, Guyana’s public debt in US dollars declined by 22 percent, while GDP, Government revenue, exports and external reserves increased by 666 percent, 353 percent, 266 percent, and 356 percent respectively.

“Put differently, in 1992, Guyana’s public debt to GDP ratio amounted to 602 percent”, Singh argued.


Singh said Guyana’s debt levels today are sustainable according to the most recent Debt Sustainability Analysis conducted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. He said this analysis evaluates the country’s debt by taking account of all debt payment obligations due in the future. The concept of debt used in this analysis, he said, is termed the “Net Present Value (NPV) of Debt” and this NPV of Debt has, in recent years stayed within the sustainable thresholds utilized by the IMF.  He asserted “Clearly, Guyana’s economy and public debt is in a far better position today than when the PPP/C assumed office in 1992.”


The GINA report said that it should be noted that a key portion of the addition to the Public Debt in recent years has been the result of

the PetroCaribe arrangement with Venezuela for fuel on concessional terms. This arrangement also allows Guyana to repay a portion of the oil debt with Caracas through barters – in this case rice.

GINA noted that since 2009, Guyana has used this facility by exporting local rice and paddy to Venezuela.


As at December 31, 2012, Guyana had exported a total value of US$280

million of rice and paddy to Venezuela and during last year, Guyana completed the first round of debt compensation with Venezuela to slash the debt owed by US$100.8 million which is the value of rice and paddy bartered from December 2009 to July 2011. This would have to be deducted from the 2012 debt stock.


The rest of the value of rice and paddy exported to Venezuela would be discounted from the debt stock once subsequent debt compensation pacts are concluded in 2013, GINA said.


GINA added that new borrowing has been specifically targeted at those projects  that contribute to economic growth and development and the improvement of the livelihood for all Guyanese.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I think we are in agreement that sustainability of Guyana's debt is dependent on whether GDP has grown large enough relative to the debt. For Guyana's GDP to move from US$371 mill in 1992 to US$2800 in 2012 it means compound annual growth had to be 11.22% increase per year. How many of you are willing to buy that? 

The entire sustainability issue hinges on the right level of GDP. So what's the right level?


That's easy, we all believe.

I also believe the Easter Bunny laid many chocolate eggs in my backyard and I also believe the PPP govt is for the working class, why do you think no Guyanese is working on the Marriott project?

They are for the working class, they don't want Guyanese people dem workin too hard.


Wanna hear how much mo Iman believe or you ketch the drift?

Originally Posted by cain:

That's easy, we all believe.

I also believe the Easter Bunny laid many chocolate eggs in my backyard and I also believe the PPP govt is for the working class, why do you think no Guyanese is working on the Marriott project?

They are for the working class, they don't want Guyanese people dem workin too hard.


Wanna hear how much mo Iman believe or you ketch the drift?

I ketch it.  I have to give those UG kids this one in a moment let them get a hint of Pavi's favorite term...snakeoil. 


(Guyana Times)Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh has described recent comments on Guyana’s public debt by AFC Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo as that MP’s latest attempt to mislead the Guyanese people. He added the AFC MP has a rapidly accumulating track record of deviation from the truth and, on this occasion, painted a misleading picture in relation to Guyana’s indebtedness, either deliberately to score cheap political points by factual distortion or accidentally by venturing outside the boundaries of his competence.

In relation to Nagamootoo’s statements reported in the February 10 issue of Kaieteur News, the minister said these statements attempt to deceive the reader by blatantly misrepresenting the facts as they relate to Guyana’s debt and economic situation. Nagamootoo’s assertion that Guyana’s debt is “at its highest” simply lacks substance and constitutes economic sabotage and slander, since it gives a negative impression of Guyana to investors and creditors alike.

The facts are clear as day. Guyana’s debt levels are much lower now than they were in 1992, and more importantly, the current debt levels are sustainable, meaning that Guyana is now able to repay its debt without economic strain which is in stark contrast to the debt in 1992 which was completely unsustainable, since the country could not afford to meet its debt payment obligations.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

(Guyana Times)Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh has described recent comments on Guyana’s public debt by AFC Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo as that MP’s latest attempt to mislead the Guyanese people. He added the AFC MP has a rapidly accumulating track record of deviation from the truth and, on this occasion, painted a misleading picture in relation to Guyana’s indebtedness, either deliberately to score cheap political points by factual distortion or accidentally by venturing outside the boundaries of his competence.

In relation to Nagamootoo’s statements reported in the February 10 issue of Kaieteur News, the minister said these statements attempt to deceive the reader by blatantly misrepresenting the facts as they relate to Guyana’s debt and economic situation. Nagamootoo’s assertion that Guyana’s debt is “at its highest” simply lacks substance and constitutes economic sabotage and slander, since it gives a negative impression of Guyana to investors and creditors alike.

The facts are clear as day. Guyana’s debt levels are much lower now than they were in 1992, and more importantly, the current debt levels are sustainable, meaning that Guyana is now able to repay its debt without economic strain which is in stark contrast to the debt in 1992 which was completely unsustainable, since the country could not afford to meet its debt payment obligations.


Oh we go again...another one referring to sustainability but we can't get the level of GDP right. How can one make a statement about sustainability when it is clear we don't have the correct level of GDP. Conscience do you believe Guyana's GDP (in US$) grew by 11.22% over 19 years? Yes or no?


Guyana's economy has been experiencing steadily growth over the past two decades, the per capita for its citizens has also greatly increased, resulting in larger disposal income, thus ensuring a better quality of life in all facets of the society

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Guyana's economy has been experiencing steadily growth over the past two decades, the per capita for its citizens has also greatly increased, resulting in larger disposal income, thus ensuring a better quality of life in all facets of the society


Yeah...that's how the communists would reply. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

(Guyana Times)Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh has described recent comments on Guyana’s public debt by AFC Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo as that MP’s latest attempt to mislead the Guyanese people. He added the AFC MP has a rapidly accumulating track record of deviation from the truth and, on this occasion, painted a misleading picture in relation to Guyana’s indebtedness, either deliberately to score cheap political points by factual distortion or accidentally by venturing outside the boundaries of his competence.

In relation to Nagamootoo’s statements reported in the February 10 issue of Kaieteur News, the minister said these statements attempt to deceive the reader by blatantly misrepresenting the facts as they relate to Guyana’s debt and economic situation. Nagamootoo’s assertion that Guyana’s debt is “at its highest” simply lacks substance and constitutes economic sabotage and slander, since it gives a negative impression of Guyana to investors and creditors alike.

The facts are clear as day. Guyana’s debt levels are much lower now than they were in 1992, and more importantly, the current debt levels are sustainable, meaning that Guyana is now able to repay its debt without economic strain which is in stark contrast to the debt in 1992 which was completely unsustainable, since the country could not afford to meet its debt payment obligations.


Oh we go again...another one referring to sustainability but we can't get the level of GDP right. How can one make a statement about sustainability when it is clear we don't have the correct level of GDP. Conscience do you believe Guyana's GDP (in US$) grew by 11.22% over 19 years? Yes or no?

Councie does not know how to spell the words "Yes" & "No"

Those words are not in it's program

Originally Posted by Conscience:

only a fool, would bury his head in the sand, and fight the truth.

There we go, now that's in the program.


Councie, the guy asked you a Yes and No question, you answered with a bunch of horse piss, as usual, Why?


By not answering questions put to you, you have absolutely no credibility, not that you had any in the first place.


The Guyanese Populace can Judge for themselves, there are development in ever facet of the society, the average Guyanese are now turning keys to their own homes, every year more and more public sector employees are exempted from the tax threshold, and as stated before, their disposal income has seen a sharp increase, take your heads out of the sand,and stop fighting the truth TK and Cain

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace can Judge for themselves, there are development in ever facet of the society, the average Guyanese are now turning keys to their own homes, every year more and more public sector employees are exempted from the tax threshold, and as stated before, their disposal income has seen a sharp increase, take your heads out of the sand,and stop fighting the truth TK and Cain

I agree those who live in Pradoville 1 and 2 and Eccles have seen a steep increase in disposable income. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

only a fool, would bury his head in the sand, and fight the truth.

 Our job is to enlighten and educate the people. 

You need a bloody Education, how the hell you would Educate anyone. You write CRAP daily!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nehru ro TK: You need a bloody Education, how the hell you would Educate anyone. You write CRAP daily!!!



Nehru bhai:


What that 3rd rate intellect and political loser Tarron Khemraj is doing is throwing up a SMOKE SCREEN!


* He cannot accept the fact the PPP has done a prudent job managing the country's public debt.


* He cannot accept the fact that Guyana's current debt to gdp is around 60% while back in 1992 it was over 600%


* he cannot accept the fact that the government spends only 9% of its revenues servicing the public debt


So he comes here with his nonsense and charade that he is trying to educate the Guyanese people about how the Finance Minister is lying about Guyana's public debt.



Listen Nehru--TK is a political loser---the man has never had a real job in the business world---he is an ordinary professor at an ordinary 3rd rate college---all he can do is write papers and talk nonsense---TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER.


Another thing nehru, TK is deeply jealous of the success Ashni Singh has been having as Finance Minister---that is the position--Finance Minister TK coveted---but he and his party the AFC are LOSERS and FAILURES--they only got 10% of the votes in the last election.


So now poor TK the failure and loser is reduced to coming here and trying to cast doubts about the veracity of the Finance Minister and his public debt numbers and also Guyana's GDP number.


The good news is very few Guyanese pay attention to a loser like Tarron Khemraj--who by the way posts under 2 handles on this forum--the sedate TK and crass, vulgar and boorish redux.








Rev, you seem quite enamored with TK, you cannot get enough of that guy so you have to post his pic in every post of yours.

You seem to be one of those funny fellas.


Everybody,Hold yo bam bam,Hold yo bam bam

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nehru ro TK: You need a bloody Education, how the hell you would Educate anyone. You write CRAP daily!!!




Nehru bhai:


What that 3rd rate intellect and political loser Tarron Khemraj is doing is throwing up a SMOKE SCREEN!


* He cannot accept the fact the PPP has done a prudent job managing the country's public debt.


* He cannot accept the fact that Guyana's current debt to gdp is around 60% while back in 1992 it was over 600%


* he cannot accept the fact that the government spends only 9% of its revenues servicing the public debt


So he comes here with his nonsense and charade that he is trying to educate the Guyanese people about how the Finance Minister is lying about Guyana's public debt.



Listen Nehru--TK is a political loser---the man has never had a real job in the business world---he is an ordinary professor at an ordinary 3rd rate college---all he can do is write papers and talk nonsense---TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER.


Another thing nehru, TK is deeply jealous of the success Ashni Singh has been having as Finance Minister---that is the position--Finance Minister TK coveted---but he and his party the AFC are LOSERS and FAILURES--they only got 10% of the votes in the last election.


So now poor TK the failure and loser is reduced to coming here and trying to cast doubts about the veracity of the Finance Minister and his public debt numbers and also Guyana's GDP number.


The good news is very few Guyanese pay attention to a loser like Tarron Khemraj--who by the way posts under 2 handles on this forum--the sedate TK and crass, vulgar and boorish redux.








We know you are a senior operative of the PPP government. You invest much effort to cover up and to come after me. Hey I have had years of fighting to not know how the evil doers in the PPP government operate. But the board is now privy to the racist and dirty mindset that perpetuate that party. The GDP numbers are not consistent with the growth rate. 


Quote by Rev

Originally Posted by TK:

As I said Ashni has given the second greatest barrel of SNAKE OIL.


The Rev is a fair man! I give credit where it's due and you might be onto something regarding the GDP numbers---when I saw that 11.22% compounded growth rate I said---Hmmmmm! Interesting.


I then checked the compounded growth rate in gold prices since 1992---it was 8.6% I believe---didn't get a chance to check sugar, bauxite, rice, etc, etc




You get no argument from me if you are trying to unearth how the $2.7 billion figure was arrived at---but I have a feeling the books were cooked.




Here is another Quote from our own Revsta in the same thread.



After the books are cooked---assumptions for good and services not reported + remittances---the 2.7 billion GDP figure seems OK."


So Revsta, if as you say, TK knows nothing, he's a loser etc how do you explain this?

We know who the real loser is now, don't we? Rev, you feelin' terrible now don't ya?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nehru ro TK: You need a bloody Education, how the hell you would Educate anyone. You write CRAP daily!!!


Nehru bhai:


What that 3rd rate intellect and political loser Tarron Khemraj is doing is throwing up a SMOKE SCREEN!


* He cannot accept the fact the PPP has done a prudent job managing the country's public debt.


* He cannot accept the fact that Guyana's current debt to gdp is around 60% while back in 1992 it was over 600%


* he cannot accept the fact that the government spends only 9% of its revenues servicing the public debt


So he comes here with his nonsense and charade that he is trying to educate the Guyanese people about how the Finance Minister is lying about Guyana's public debt.

 Listen Nehru--TK is a political loser---the man has never had a real job in the business world---he is an ordinary professor at an ordinary 3rd rate college---all he can do is write papers and talk nonsense---TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER.


Another thing nehru, TK is deeply jealous of the success Ashni Singh has been having as Finance Minister---that is the position--Finance Minister TK coveted---but he and his party the AFC are LOSERS and FAILURES--they only got 10% of the votes in the last election.


So now poor TK the failure and loser is reduced to coming here and trying to cast doubts about the veracity of the Finance Minister and his public debt numbers and also Guyana's GDP number.


The good news is very few Guyanese pay attention to a loser like Tarron Khemraj--who by the way posts under 2 handles on this forum--the sedate TK and crass, vulgar and boorish redux.







The PPP or anyone with the benefaction of the international community would have done a superb job. The failings of the PPP is they are crooks who allowed a drug culture to sprout up and has turned our society into a borderline narco state.


As for practical experience, what the jell was Jagdeo, Mrs JJ, Ramorat et al? They all never even ran a corner store.


As for TKs school? where did the lot in office go to school? How do you rate those schools and btw, where did you go to school? It cannot be any place of significance since you cannot write and the idea of colorizing  prose and punctuating it with nonsense 'toons or posters does not add to its information content. It merely illustrates mere fluff and no substance.


The numbers given for the rise of GDP has to be fake. It does not match the required growth rate to arrive at that sum. Further we know the real numbers since they were reported by the PPP statistical department Guyana never topped 5 percent real growth. Over the same period Ashni is trying to make us swallow the swill of 11 percent.


Why do you not attempt to contribute and explain away the lie? I am all ears. But then you are just a blunderbuss with the mouth and nothing else. Shoot a lot of shit as your buckshot and hope you hit something.  Even with its garb of gaudy posters it is still a bunch of nonsense claims and accusations with no substance to back it up.


Originally Posted by cain:

Rev, you seem quite enamored with TK, you cannot get enough of that guy so you have to post his pic in every post of yours.

You seem to be one of those funny fellas.


Everybody,Hold yo bam bam,Hold yo bam bam

Yeh man! I notice his obsession too. Alyuh hold allyuh bam bam.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nehru ro TK: You need a bloody Education, how the hell you would Educate anyone. You write CRAP daily!!!



Nehru bhai:


What that 3rd rate intellect and political loser Tarron Khemraj is doing is throwing up a SMOKE SCREEN!


* He cannot accept the fact the PPP has done a prudent job managing the country's public debt.


* He cannot accept the fact that Guyana's current debt to gdp is around 60% while back in 1992 it was over 600%


* he cannot accept the fact that the government spends only 9% of its revenues servicing the public debt


So he comes here with his nonsense and charade that he is trying to educate the Guyanese people about how the Finance Minister is lying about Guyana's public debt.



Listen Nehru--TK is a political loser---the man has never had a real job in the business world---he is an ordinary professor at an ordinary 3rd rate college---all he can do is write papers and talk nonsense---TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER.


Another thing nehru, TK is deeply jealous of the success Ashni Singh has been having as Finance Minister---that is the position--Finance Minister TK coveted---but he and his party the AFC are LOSERS and FAILURES--they only got 10% of the votes in the last election.


So now poor TK the failure and loser is reduced to coming here and trying to cast doubts about the veracity of the Finance Minister and his public debt numbers and also Guyana's GDP number.


The good news is very few Guyanese pay attention to a loser like Tarron Khemraj--who by the way posts under 2 handles on this forum--the sedate TK and crass, vulgar and boorish redux.







What strikes me is many Finance guys in the AFC admit the PPP did a great job balancing the nation's finance, yet they come out with these hypocritical positions.  One senior AFC Finance guy admitted this to me and said but it's not for them (AFC) to admit, they will attack anyway.  This is one of the immoral principles which I find difficult to reconcile with.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nehru ro TK: You need a bloody Education, how the hell you would Educate anyone. You write CRAP daily!!!



Nehru bhai:


What that 3rd rate intellect and political loser Tarron Khemraj is doing is throwing up a SMOKE SCREEN!


* He cannot accept the fact the PPP has done a prudent job managing the country's public debt.


* He cannot accept the fact that Guyana's current debt to gdp is around 60% while back in 1992 it was over 600%


* he cannot accept the fact that the government spends only 9% of its revenues servicing the public debt


So he comes here with his nonsense and charade that he is trying to educate the Guyanese people about how the Finance Minister is lying about Guyana's public debt.



Listen Nehru--TK is a political loser---the man has never had a real job in the business world---he is an ordinary professor at an ordinary 3rd rate college---all he can do is write papers and talk nonsense---TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER.


Another thing nehru, TK is deeply jealous of the success Ashni Singh has been having as Finance Minister---that is the position--Finance Minister TK coveted---but he and his party the AFC are LOSERS and FAILURES--they only got 10% of the votes in the last election.


So now poor TK the failure and loser is reduced to coming here and trying to cast doubts about the veracity of the Finance Minister and his public debt numbers and also Guyana's GDP number.


The good news is very few Guyanese pay attention to a loser like Tarron Khemraj--who by the way posts under 2 handles on this forum--the sedate TK and crass, vulgar and boorish redux.







What strikes me is many Finance guys in the AFC admit the PPP did a great job balancing the nation's finance, yet they come out with these hypocritical positions.  One senior AFC Finance guy admitted this to me and said but it's not for them (AFC) to admit, they will attack anyway.  This is one of the immoral principles which I find difficult to reconcile with.

Jagdeo / Ramotar cabal has spent almost G$100 billion on seven projects all severely under performing or failing.

Originally Posted by baseman:

What strikes me is many Finance guys in the AFC admit the PPP did a great job balancing the nation's finance, yet they come out with these hypocritical positions.  One senior AFC Finance guy admitted this to me and said but it's not for them (AFC) to admit, they will attack anyway.  This is one of the immoral principles which I find difficult to reconcile with.

The point is not your narrative of what someone said or not but the data related above and whether they make sense. They do not.  Further, after 2015 our debt will rise to some 3 billion dollars with the airport and Amalia falls loans etc added on. To say we will grow ourselves out of that is to be inhaling fairy dust.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

What strikes me is many Finance guys in the AFC admit the PPP did a great job balancing the nation's finance, yet they come out with these hypocritical positions.  One senior AFC Finance guy admitted this to me and said but it's not for them (AFC) to admit, they will attack anyway.  This is one of the immoral principles which I find difficult to reconcile with.

The point is not your narrative of what someone said or not but the data related above and whether they make sense. They do not.  Further, after 2015 our debt will rise to some 3 billion dollars with the airport and Amalia falls loans etc added on. To say we will grow ourselves out of that is to be inhaling fairy dust.

That issue of what the external debt will be after Amaila, airport and Marriott has been completely ignored. Notice for them to justify the impending debt they threw out a large US$ GDP number so that the expected debt/GDP would still be low. However, they did not anticipate the concept of compound growth has to be consistent with the final numbers. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think Guyana should instead build 100 Fowl Pens, 100 Stable fuh Donkey and Jackass and 10000 Outhouses.


No you don't need that. You need a modern, efficient, sophisticated and stable society. 

Originally Posted by TK:

I think we are in agreement that sustainability of Guyana's debt is dependent on whether GDP has grown large enough relative to the debt. For Guyana's GDP to move from US$371 mill in 1992 to US$2800 in 2012 it means compound annual growth had to be 11.22% increase per year. How many of you are willing to buy that? 

The entire sustainability issue hinges on the right level of GDP. So what's the right level?

Ashni Singh is being cute.  When some one wishes to make comparison between different years it is usual to use CONSTANT dollars, but Ashni uses current.


If one uses 2012 dollars then the GDP in 1992 was way more than $371M. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
The good news is very few Guyanese pay attention to a loser like Tarron Khemraj --

Quite possible.

And the PPP has lost 55,000 supporters in the last 14 years. Note that this represents about 25% of their support base.


READ THIS AGAIN--from another thread:


"A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds."



The losers in the opposition, particularly the AFC, are men of words---or as the Rev puts it---they are TALKERS not DOERS.


It's the DOERS in the private sector who are propelling Guyana forward--of course they are receiving great encouragement from President Ramo and the PPP.



That old nursery rhyme again:




"A man of words(Moses, TK, and the losers in the AFC) and not of deeds(Ramo) is like a garden full of weeds."



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
The good news is very few Guyanese pay attention to a loser like Tarron Khemraj --

Quite possible.

And the PPP has lost 55,000 supporters in the last 14 years. Note that this represents about 25% of their support base.

Wait for the results of the next election.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
The good news is very few Guyanese pay attention to a loser like Tarron Khemraj --

Quite possible.

And the PPP has lost 55,000 supporters in the last 14 years. Note that this represents about 25% of their support base.

Wait for the results of the next election.

Do we have any other choice but to wait, Captain Obvious?


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