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Guyanese are some of the most generous people when it come to donating money to build a place of worship or as Muslims call theirs "a Masjid".
In my 43 years in North America I have seen the growth of Masjid and Mandirs,exploded (this might be a bad choice of words)
The word from Canada is. Not to offend anyone but it seem the the Guyanese are Building the masjids only to have lost control to the Pakistanis. How could this be you ask,
Some of My simple answers are,and they are subject to corrections.. PLEASE DO
Masjid are not own by anyone buy is managed by an elected body.
AS much as Guyanese love to build these place of worship, it must be noted how often they attend service,
the Pakistanis on the other hand way outnumber the builders in attendance.
and when it come time for elections Guess who is voted in as the new care takers
there are Stories of Pakistani been bus in to vote.
Some things don't seem fair , and there may be and answer to this problem ,if it is a Problem .
Don't lose heart my friend I am sure the builders are Blessed every time a prayer is said in that Building

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Bash, thanks for bringing up this issue. I didn't know that Pakistanis are taking over Guyanese-build masjids. That's definitely not fair. The solution clearly lies in a surge of attendance by Guyanese Muslims. And, the increased numbers must be sustained.
Now, I wonder whether the same thing is happening in temples which Guyanese Hindus have built in Canada?
Originally posted by ksazma:
As long as the masjid is used as intended, I don't think many will care if the crowd changes. Well, they shouldn't given that it does not really belong to any.

Ksazma, I agree that a masjid does not belong to "any", but when a group of people sweat, toil, and work tirelessly to raise funds to build a masjid and then the building is "taken away", it hurts.
Originally posted by Miraver:
Ksazma, I agree that a masjid does not belong to "any", but when a group of people sweat, toil, and work tirelessly to raise funds to build a masjid and then the building is "taken away", it hurts.

No doubt. None of us like to loose what we have strived so hard to acquire. Take the Nur Ul Islam situation where those guys have been planning and working on it since the late 70's and they want to see their dream continue. I have witnessed the core group give up their weekends and any other possible spare time to make that place what it is today. And those are all professionals even the good doctor who I am sure hade many other pressing demands on his time that he had to balance. That is why every time I was asked to join the executive committee, I have turned it down and I usually give them that answer that I am not deserving given that I moved to this neighborhood after the building was done and others capable to being on that committee have been part of the struggle long before I even left Guyana.

But the building is not being taken away. Not unless some kind of misuse is introduced and while the membership makeup has changed, they don't have that issue of misuse.
That is why every time I was asked to join the executive committee, I have turned it down and I usually give them that answer that I am not deserving given that I moved to this neighborhood after the building was done and others capable to being on that committee have been part of the struggle long before I even left Guyana.

New blood is good. Next time they ask, take the position.
On a different note, I went to Darul yesterday and heard Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed for the first time. Any thoughts on him?
Originally posted by Miraver:
New blood is good. Next time they ask, take the position.
On a different note, I went to Darul yesterday and heard Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed for the first time. Any thoughts on him?

That new blood comment is exactly what the good doctor told me several years ago when he called me on Christmas to ask me to reconsider his earlier invitation. I told him I did not feel deserving.

Maulana Shafayat is very inspirational. I can close my eyes and listen with pleasure to his melodious recitation. His message is equally welcoming. He is very moderate and informative and knows how to transmit his message. What would seem like a lengthy sermon at other masjids always seem too short at his. You can also peruse previous sermons online at Amazingly when he wanted a name for his publication, he chose Al Hikmah meaning the The Wisdom. As the verse states;


Invite to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. Qur'an 16:125

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