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Former Member


Guyanese horror story at Barbados airport

In the wake of recent allegations by a Jamaican of mistreatment at the hands of immigration officers while detained at Barbados’ Grantley Adams Airport, a pregnant Guyanese has said she suffered similar handling Tuesday.

Pregnant Annecia Alfred at home yesterday, showing her feet that became swollen from sitting in one position for hours.

Pregnant Annecia Alfred at home yesterday, showing her feet that became swollen from sitting in one position for hours.

Five months pregnant Annecia Ariel Alfred said she was denied entry into the island because officers believed that she was going to work without a permit, but was made to sit on a bench for some 12 hours while awaiting a return flight to Guyana.
Alfred who had visited Barbados earlier this year, and spent time with a relative who is resident on the island, had traveled from Guyana with the relative’s two Barbadian children, whom she was returning to Barbados after their holiday.
She explained to Kaieteur News that the intention was to spend Christmas with her relative in Barbados before flying back home, then to join her husband in the USA.
But immigration officers doubted Alfred’s story and accused her of seeking to enter Barbados for a job.
“I explained that I never worked a day in my life, and asked why would I leave Guyana to come and work here with a big belly,” Alfred said she told the Immigration officers.
She said, nonetheless, “They gave me a letter saying I was denied entry was because of a work permit”.
The Barbadian children were allowed to go with their mother
Alfred, who had arrived on an 8:10 flight, said she was then resigned to her fate and was looking towards the midday flight back to Guyana, as the immigration officers had assured her
But then her horror story began.
She did not leave at noon, but boarded a flight for departure at 8:20 pm Tuesday night
“I was sitting one place in a cold place for hours,” she said, and explained, “with the iron handle chairs you can’t lie down or put up your feet, and you can’t leave the room”.
“I went into the bathroom and cried. I feel like I gon lose this child”.
She said that with the exception of a vending machine with snacks, there was nothing for her to eat.
She eventually got a tuna sandwich because of the care of one immigration officer.
“I was offered one sandwich from a kindhearted immigration woman. She was passing me there all day and when she realised I was there all day she decided to ask me if I had anything to eat and she asked me if I would like a sandwich.”
Alfred’s recollection of her treatment at the Barbadian airport bore a strong resemblance to that of a Jamaican woman, Sonya King, who along with her 14-month-old child was refused entry.
King had arrived on August 27 from Trinidad, where she was living with her husband. She was made to sit and wait for hours following her denial of entry into the island.
According to King, when she complained of being hungry, officers pointed her to the vending machine, because the food court was closed.
Her baby also had to endure hours in wet pampers.
But on September 01, the Office of the Prime Minister, that is responsible for defence and Security, issued a statement clearing immigration officers of any wrongdoing.
“An investigation was carried out by the Division of Defence and Security, Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry responsible for Immigration, and no evidence could be found to substaiate the charges of mistreatment as alleged,” the statement read in part.



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She explained to Kaieteur News that the intention was to spend Christmas with her relative in Barbados before flying back home, then to join her husband in the USA.


In September????? Wow, Christmas is not the same all over the world?


My heart goes out to the poor woman.  She is probably trying to run away from the PNC government and wants her child to be born outside of Guyana.  She knows what the future will hold for anyone living there.  Does the hospital have aspirin now?  Norton is a very busy man and doesn't have time to worry about how hospitals are run.

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Call Attorney Carib to take on the case.

Guyana and Jamaica are two loser countries.  No wonder the nationals of both are disrespected in small islands like Barbados.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

My heart goes out to the poor woman.  She is probably trying to run away from the PNC

So what of the tens of thousands of PPP supporters who ran away during the PPP era.  There was a 60,000 drop in the numbers of Indians living in Guyana during the Cheddi, Jagdeo, and Ramotar eras.

Why didn't the PPP supporters living in other parts of the Caribbean return to Guyana?

In fact more of them fled, hence the "Guyana bench" that this woman was subjected to.  The Guyana bench was established during the time that the PPP was in power.

Django posted:

Barbados seems to give travelers a tough time,my friend cousin from St Lucia said they treat you with disrespect,they have to go there for their US visa.

Even Bajans complain about the Bajan immigration and customs. So too do tourists from the UK, which is their largest source of visitors.

They look for the angriest people in Barbados and put them at the airport.  These people eagerly look forward to the arrival of Jamaicans and Guyanese, so that they can unleash their full fury.

Nehru posted:

And the GNI SHIT HEADS told the Guyanese people vote for change but forgot to tell them change to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO, yuh mean Guyanese were treated better in Barbados under PPP?

Bai, yuh Poop Party lost the election...get over it arready!!!!

moaning every day like ah sore ass loser


caribny posted:
Django posted:

Barbados seems to give travelers a tough time,my friend cousin from St Lucia said they treat you with disrespect,they have to go there for their US visa.

Even Bajans complain about the Bajan immigration and customs. So too do tourists from the UK, which is their largest source of visitors.

They look for the angriest people in Barbados and put them at the airport.  These people eagerly look forward to the arrival of Jamaicans and Guyanese, so that they can unleash their full fury.

Carib,i said to my friend cousin that's one country i will surely not visit,maybe i will be harassed being a Guyanese American.

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

And the GNI SHIT HEADS told the Guyanese people vote for change but forgot to tell them change to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO, yuh mean Guyanese were treated better in Barbados under PPP?

Bai, yuh Poop Party lost the election...get over it arready!!!!

moaning every day like ah sore ass loser


Facts baby Facts. I warned Al Yuh bout those Monsters but Al Yuh too gullible.

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

And the GNI SHIT HEADS told the Guyanese people vote for change but forgot to tell them change to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO, yuh mean Guyanese were treated better in Barbados under PPP?

Bai, yuh Poop Party lost the election...get over it arready!!!!

moaning every day like ah sore ass loser


During the PPP era Indo Guyanese were singled out and ordered to sit at the back of the bus.  At least this is what some of them were wailing about.  The Barbados government was threatening to deport thousands of them.

Let the PPP freaks pretend as if throngs of economic refugees from Guyana only began to show up on that island after May 2015.

Drugb posted:

Maybe the solution is to get a visa before travelling. Is this an option?

When Guyanese stop voting for useless government, who force them to become economic refugees fleeing to every little piece of rock poking out of the ocean, then they will be treated with respect. 

Guyanese were respected up to the mid 70s.


What happened to Caricom, it is a PNC get together, swaree with their other cronies, what they are doing to Guyanese and other people of different countries, is taking advantage.........Guyanese needs to respond in kind to Bajan Visitors.
But knowing the PNC Governmet, they would sit back and take shit from any and all.

asj posted:

Guyanese needs to respond in kind to Bajan Visitors.

How many Bajans want to visit Guyana?  When I suggest that to most Islanders they look at me as if I suggest that they visit Haiti.  In fact some think that Guyana is Haiti, just with mud, snakes, and black hating Indians. 

Of the few who do go how many want to STAY in Guyana?

Already Guyana is having a tough time attracting international cricket matches. As far as I can see within the last few years only regional matches, with even Dominica getting an ODI or a T20 or two.

Having Guyana reciprocate to Bajans or Trinis will be like Mexico treating US tourists the way that the USA treats those Mexicans who arrive with no visas.

Do you know how long these islands have been screaming to get the Caricom H/Q removed from Guyana so that they will not be forced to go there?  Our empty hotels benefit when there are Caricom conferences.


Many a times we have been hearing of Bajan Immigrations ill treating visitors, if Guyanese take this and sit down easy, the Bajans will continue to illtreat visitors............I say kick their ass when they come to Guyana.........**** diplomacy it does not work.

asj posted:

Many a times we have been hearing of Bajan Immigrations ill treating visitors, if Guyanese take this and sit down easy, the Bajans will continue to illtreat visitors............I say kick their ass when they come to Guyana.........**** diplomacy it does not work.

Guyanese can simply not visit Barbados, but then this might be what Bajans want.  They promote Barbados in every single Caribbean country except Guyana.  Even in Jamaica they do, even though they also give them a hard time.

They think that promoting Barbados in Guyana will just encourage more Guyanese to visit, and so more to stay.


Let me add, if a passenger is bound to return on the next flight to his/her country of origination, it is required that you be shackled on a bench until the flight is ready to embarked. I don't believe she was shackled in Barbados. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe the solution is to get a visa before travelling. Is this an option?

When Guyanese stop voting for useless government, who force them to become economic refugees fleeing to every little piece of rock poking out of the ocean, then they will be treated with respect. 

Guyanese were respected up to the mid 70s.

There will always be useless governments throughout the world. Clearly this is not the solution. Why are you defending the Bajans?  If they are going to turn back Guyanese then they are obligated to have visa requirements like US/CA before travelling.  What harm would it do to preapprove travel before people commit money to expensive airline flights. 

caribny posted:
asj posted:

Guyanese needs to respond in kind to Bajan Visitors.

How many Bajans want to visit Guyana?  When I suggest that to most Islanders they look at me as if I suggest that they visit Haiti.  In fact some think that Guyana is Haiti, just with mud, snakes, and black hating Indians. 

Of the few who do go how many want to STAY in Guyana?

Already Guyana is having a tough time attracting international cricket matches. As far as I can see within the last few years only regional matches, with even Dominica getting an ODI or a T20 or two.

Having Guyana reciprocate to Bajans or Trinis will be like Mexico treating US tourists the way that the USA treats those Mexicans who arrive with no visas.

Do you know how long these islands have been screaming to get the Caricom H/Q removed from Guyana so that they will not be forced to go there?  Our empty hotels benefit when there are Caricom conferences.

Only the gay Bajans(and there are plenty of them) visit Guyana and they stay in G/T. There is an abundance of gays in G/T.

Prince posted:

Let me add, if a passenger is bound to return on the next flight to his/her country of origination, it is required that you be shackled on a bench until the flight is ready to embarked. I don't believe she was shackled in Barbados. 

No she wasn't.  They put them on the Guyana bench during the day and lock them up at night giving them a dirty mattress.  Some human officials bring food.  Some animals laugh at them.

The women may get a digital for drugs.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
. Why are you defending the Bajans?  .


Guyanese are the pariahs of the Caribbean. A bunch of refugees begging work in all of these small islands.  Jamaicans, Haitians, Dominicanos, and Guyanese are viewed as scum in these places because our poverty forces us to grovel to them.

With the exception of Haiti, with its tragic history all of these large countries have better endowments than tiny Barbados, Antigua, Tortola, St Maarten, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia. 

So why are people from these countries begging work in these small islands?  They think that we are cursed and don't want that to fall upon them.

I mean Guyanese fleeing to Barbados, Tortola and Nevis!  SHAME!

Last edited by Former Member

The Guyana East Indians douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people have to aim to get their own independent sovereign country in Berbice. Then build that country as a part of South America. If we continue to be a part of Guyana then we are doomed to suffer the politics of race hate and it's negative effects. 


caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
. Why are you defending the Bajans?  .


Guyanese are the pariahs of the Caribbean. A bunch of refugees begging work in all of these small islands.  Jamaicans, Haitians, Dominicanos, and Guyanese are viewed as scum in these places because our poverty forces us to grovel to them.

With the exception of Haiti, with its tragic history all of these large countries have better endowments than tiny Barbados, Antigua, Tortola, St Maarten, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia. 

So why are people from these countries begging work in these small islands?  They think that we are cursed and don't want that to fall upon them.

I mean Guyanese fleeing to Barbados, Tortola and Nevis!  SHAME!

If your PNC did what they promised during the election campaign, this nigro woman would not be put to shame in the bajan public. Now, don't go blaming Ramotar, Jagdeo, Roger Khan or any PPP member for this woman's plight. She was starving in Guyana and tried her best(whether by hook or crook) to make life better for her and her unborn child(alyu time now).

skeldon_man posted:
. Now, don't go blaming Ramotar, Jagdeo, Roger Khan or any PPP member for this woman's plight. She was starving in Guyana and tried her best(whether by hook or crook) to make life better for her and her unborn child(alyu time now).

1. She claims that she wasn't planning to stay in Barbados.  You don't know whether she is lying or not.

2. What you do know, but will not admit is that Bajans were so tired of Guyanese trying to live illegally in Barbados that in 2009 they threatened to deport thousands of them. Who was president of Guyana in 2009?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
. Why are you defending the Bajans?  .


Guyanese are the pariahs of the Caribbean. A bunch of refugees begging work in all of these small islands.  Jamaicans, Haitians, Dominicanos, and Guyanese are viewed as scum in these places because our poverty forces us to grovel to them.

With the exception of Haiti, with its tragic history all of these large countries have better endowments than tiny Barbados, Antigua, Tortola, St Maarten, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia. 

So why are people from these countries begging work in these small islands?  They think that we are cursed and don't want that to fall upon them.

I mean Guyanese fleeing to Barbados, Tortola and Nevis!  SHAME!

This is incorrect, Guyanese are the work horses of the Caribbean. Whereever they go they add value to the respective economy. Bajans are known to be lazy  bums but yet they scream when hard working people take jobs they are not interested in. Except for a few PNC crooks, the vast majority of Guyanese in the Caribbean are an asset to the country where they seek employment. 

Don't forget that the lazy Bajans flee Barbados to work menial jobs in the US, are they considered parasites here? You and Trump have a lot in common, you should vote for him.

Drugb posted:

This is incorrect, Guyanese are the work horses of the Caribbean. Whereever they go they add value to the respective economy. Bajans are known to be lazy  bums but yet they scream when hard working people take jobs they are not interested in. Except for a few PNC crooks, the vast majority of Guyanese in the Caribbean are an asset to the country where they seek employment. 

Don't forget that the lazy Bajans flee Barbados to work menial jobs in the US, are they considered parasites here? You and Trump have a lot in common, you should vote for him.

Guyanese in Guyana are not known to be hard working people.  After all wasn't the PPP screaming that no Guyanese were to be involved in building the Marriott because they are too lazy? 

So they brought in Chinese to exploit.  If you saw the conditions that the Chinese lived in.  Defecating in open toilets with no privacy and with the waste washed out into a pit outside, stench being very intact. 

To their credit Bajan employers aren't as cruel to Guyanese who they pay 60% of what they will pay a Bajan.  The fact Guyanese scramble to get this meager pay just underscores to Bajans that Guyana must be some real hell hole, so why do you expect them to respect us?

As to Bajan migration.  Sorry to break it to you but most of the Bajans who you see in North America left in the 70s.  Since the 80s there has been little migration of Bajans to North America.  In fact more GRENADIANS live in NYC now than Bajans. And loads of Bajans are going back home, and NOT just to retire either.


caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
. Why are you defending the Bajans?  .


Guyanese are the pariahs of the Caribbean. A bunch of refugees begging work in all of these small islands.  Jamaicans, Haitians, Dominicanos, and Guyanese are viewed as scum in these places because our poverty forces us to grovel to them.

With the exception of Haiti, with its tragic history all of these large countries have better endowments than tiny Barbados, Antigua, Tortola, St Maarten, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia. 

So why are people from these countries begging work in these small islands?  They think that we are cursed and don't want that to fall upon them.

I mean Guyanese fleeing to Barbados, Tortola and Nevis!  SHAME!

It's better to flee than wait for blackman to rob and kill them!

Leonora posted:


It's better to flee than wait for blackman to rob and kill them!

Suh only blackman ah rob and kill,them Indoes are saints and hardworking group,you need to take off the glasses,you may see a clearer picture.

Django posted:
Leonora posted:


It's better to flee than wait for blackman to rob and kill them!

Suh only blackman ah rob and kill,them Indoes are saints and hardworking group,you need to take off the glasses,you may see a clearer picture.

Why only you hear Guyanese blackman horror stories in the Islands? Did you hear the comments about "the lazy trait" from Donald Trump? Are you going to tell Trump and his millions of followers to take their glasses off? How can millions of people be wrong?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

This is incorrect, Guyanese are the work horses of the Caribbean. Whereever they go they add value to the respective economy. Bajans are known to be lazy  bums but yet they scream when hard working people take jobs they are not interested in. Except for a few PNC crooks, the vast majority of Guyanese in the Caribbean are an asset to the country where they seek employment. 

Don't forget that the lazy Bajans flee Barbados to work menial jobs in the US, are they considered parasites here? You and Trump have a lot in common, you should vote for him.

Guyanese in Guyana are not known to be hard working people.  After all wasn't the PPP screaming that no Guyanese were to be involved in building the Marriott because they are too lazy? 

So they brought in Chinese to exploit.  If you saw the conditions that the Chinese lived in.  Defecating in open toilets with no privacy and with the waste washed out into a pit outside, stench being very intact. 

To their credit Bajan employers aren't as cruel to Guyanese who they pay 60% of what they will pay a Bajan.  The fact Guyanese scramble to get this meager pay just underscores to Bajans that Guyana must be some real hell hole, so why do you expect them to respect us?

As to Bajan migration.  Sorry to break it to you but most of the Bajans who you see in North America left in the 70s.  Since the 80s there has been little migration of Bajans to North America.  In fact more GRENADIANS live in NYC now than Bajans. And loads of Bajans are going back home, and NOT just to retire either.


The PPP went along with the Chinese because it was a true and tried model that worked throughout the world. They had the experience and the know how.  It was not an option to hire Guyanese for this project as it would affect the deliverables and quality of work and the Chinese did not agree.  In the end, all's well that ends well. Now the PNC despite all their big talk hold on to the Marriott instead of liquidating it as promised pre elections.  In fact Guyanese workers were in short demand at the time as they were already pulling in over 25$US a day in the mining and construction industry. 

Leonora posted:

It's better to flee than wait for blackman to rob and kill them!

Guyanese Indians flee Guyana to go to Trinidad which has an even high homicide rate.   Several Guyanese have been killed in Trinidad.  A few even by their employers!

skeldon_man posted:

Why only you hear Guyanese blackman horror stories in the Islands?

YOU only hear those stories because you are a racist.  In fact in Trinidad Trini Indians are scared of Guyanese Indians. When the latter kill they slice and dice the bodies with sharp cutlasses.  THAT is the image of Guyanese Indians in Trinidad.

Drugb posted:

The PPP went along with the Chinese because it was a true and tried model that worked throughout the world. They had the experience and the know how.  It was not an option to hire Guyanese for this project as it would affect the deliverables and quality of work and the Chinese did not agree.  In the end, all's well that ends well. Now the PNC despite all their big talk hold on to the Marriott instead of liquidating it as promised pre elections.  In fact Guyanese workers were in short demand at the time as they were already pulling in over 25$US a day in the mining and construction industry. 

Guyanese were protesting about this.  If every Guyanese was pulling down cash in the mines and in Barbados why would they have cared?

The PNC did NOT promise to shut down the Marriott. 

Jagdeo screamed that the Marriott was NOT a government owned hotel, and that there were private investors. WHERE ARE THESE INVESTORS?



caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why only you hear Guyanese blackman horror stories in the Islands?

YOU only hear those stories because you are a racist.  In fact in Trinidad Trini Indians are scared of Guyanese Indians. When the latter kill they slice and dice the bodies with sharp cutlasses.  THAT is the image of Guyanese Indians in Trinidad.

Can you substantiate these remarks with any evidence? You come up with these divisive remarks, pulling it out of your arse when you fully well know that the PnC bandits are the bad behavior around the Caribbean.


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