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Guyanese must condemn all forms of racial profiling by Opposition–AFC


The spirit of brotherhood and national unity is the message the Alliance For Change (AFC) is urging all Guyanese to embrace in the face of distasteful “race fear” tactics being spun lately by the political opposition.

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader,
Khemraj Ramjattan

The AFC, in a missive to the media, also registered its concern about politically connected agents who are linking recent acts of crime to ethnicity.
The party said that such acts represent a reprehensible attempt to sow division, discord and ethnic fear in the society and it must be condemned.
It said that ethnic mobilization is a known chief instrument for opposition political mobilization.  The AFC said that the naked and vulgar levels to which the Opposition has descended is abhorrent and reiterated its call for all peace-loving Guyanese to join the party in denouncing such political tactics.
The Party also recalled that recently, a “former President and ruling party General Secretary”, invented an ethnic dimension to a purely technical requirement for the names of school children to appear on answer sheets for examinations.
The AFC said that the Opposition saw this innocent and pragmatic requirement as a stratagem to target the children of a particular ethnicity, and to give them failed marks.
It noted that this was subsequently debunked by the Ministry of Education. It said that “The former President” also invoked the ghost of national service, and wickedly alleged that the scheme was directed against Indo-Guyanese women.
The Party urged that as the nation prepares for another Arrival Day, all political parties and social organizations must avoid the temptation of racial profiling and commit themselves to achieving Guyana’s motto, “One People, One Nation, One Destiny.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

That clown Ramjattan must be fired !!!!!!

Who you have in mind to replace him.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

That clown Ramjattan must be fired !!!!!!

Who you have in mind to replace him.

That is the conundrum Django bai.

ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

The Crime Chief is Wendell Blanhum. He had nothing to do with this press release sent to the media from the AFC Party.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

That clown Ramjattan must be fired !!!!!!

Who you have in mind to replace him.

Anyone with half a brain can do a better job than him.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

That clown Ramjattan must be fired !!!!!!

Who you have in mind to replace him.

Pick anyone from the PNC, This ugly joker is applying political diversion, he has become irrelevant to the coalition, Granger MUST boot his ass OUT.

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

The Crime Chief is Wendell Blanhum. He had nothing to do with this press release sent to the media from the AFC Party.

Thanks Mars. I just loosely refer to Ramjattan as Crime Cheif since my concerns come under his portfolio.


This guy Ramjattan is a real bully.  He is the lapdog for Granger and the coalition. His bellyache is more against the PPP and Jagdeo/Ramotar. He is attacking the PPP for promoting racism but not a word out of his mouth regarding the firing of people of Indian descent.

He is so arrogant that he told the people of Berbice, where violent crime is high, that he had no time to meet with businessmen to address their problems. He is a failure at his job.

David Hinds makes a good argument that the AFC is consumed with being in power. It is doubtful that they still have any support among the 11% Indians who voted for them. 


Mars posted:

Guyanese must condemn all forms of racial profiling by Opposition–AFC


The spirit of brotherhood and national unity is the message the Alliance For Change (AFC) is urging all Guyanese to embrace in the face of distasteful “race fear” tactics being spun lately by the political opposition.

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader,
Khemraj Ramjattan

The AFC, in a missive to the media, also registered its concern about politically connected agents who are linking recent acts of crime to ethnicity.
The party said that such acts represent a reprehensible attempt to sow division, discord and ethnic fear in the society and it must be condemned.
It said that ethnic mobilization is a known chief instrument for opposition political mobilization.  The AFC said that the naked and vulgar levels to which the Opposition has descended is abhorrent and reiterated its call for all peace-loving Guyanese to join the party in denouncing such political tactics.
The Party also recalled that recently, a “former President and ruling party General Secretary”, invented an ethnic dimension to a purely technical requirement for the names of school children to appear on answer sheets for examinations.
The AFC said that the Opposition saw this innocent and pragmatic requirement as a stratagem to target the children of a particular ethnicity, and to give them failed marks.
It noted that this was subsequently debunked by the Ministry of Education. It said that “The former President” also invoked the ghost of national service, and wickedly alleged that the scheme was directed against Indo-Guyanese women.
The Party urged that as the nation prepares for another Arrival Day, all political parties and social organizations must avoid the temptation of racial profiling and commit themselves to achieving Guyana’s motto, “One People, One Nation, One Destiny.”


Not sure whats your point here....they should condemn their own racism. The AFC supporters are primarily Indos....they campaigned on bringing 11% Indos, not Afros to the coalition. ...what is more racist than this????? 


Both major political are identified by race and to suggest or hope for otherwise is as much a pipedream as believing the current government know how to effectively govern. Just look around and you will notice that all those Indian high flyers during the PPP time have been replaced by black high flyers. Worth noting that the PPP also replaced the PNC black high flyers with Indian after the took office in 1992. Ramjattan just looking for somewhere to hide.

ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

Do you agree with the PPP, that making crime in Guyana to be a racial issue, is the best way to reduce crime?

Do you even think that the PPP wants to reduce crime? Apparently they don't, and in fact the cynical might even suggest that they encourage it.

ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

When jagdeo pushes race buttons it is only another layer to the dynamics of accusing race for our crime problem. You see the relentless attempts of many PPPites on this site to simple use race as the agent for criminality. The high unemployment, high drug use among the young, high poverty levels, lax policing etc are not addressed. They blame all things bad in our society on race

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
.. The AFC supporters are primarily Indos....they campaigned on bringing 11% Indos, not Afros to the coalition. ...what is more racist than this????? 

The AFC supporters aren't the Berbice Indians, that you wish to peddle.  Moses won some votes in 2011, but then lost them with the PPP screams that "Moses isn't an Indian".  Its clear with the massive PPP turnout in Regions 5 and 6,

When we consider that APNU AFC must have also benefitted from the higher African/mixed turnout that occurred elsewhere in Guyana, clearly they won fewer Indian votes, as their overall vote was flat, when compared to 2011.  The African/mixed population in this area is 30%, as New Amsterdam, and several majority black villages exist.

Given the poor showing of the PPP in the last national and the LGE we can assume that the PPP has lost the G/town Indian vote. In 1994 the PPP won 8 city council seats, some by winning districts. In 2016 the PPP won NO districts, an only got 2 because of the PR component. 

Did G/town Indians vote APNU AFC because of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo?  This is BOTH 2015, and 2016.

VishMahabir posted:

. He is attacking the PPP for promoting racism but not a word out of his mouth regarding the firing of people of Indian descent.



Do you attack the PPP because it squeezed out blacks when it was in power?  No!  Do you attack the Indo dominated private sector, which also discriminates against blacks? No!

Cease with your duplicitous hypocrisy on this issue.

Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

When jagdeo pushes race buttons it is only another layer to the dynamics of accusing race for our crime problem. You see the relentless attempts of many PPPites on this site to simple use race as the agent for criminality. The high unemployment, high drug use among the young, high poverty race, lax policing etc are not addressed. They blame all things bad in our society for our problems.

Is the Chinese Association of Guyana racist for stating that Chinese business people are most likely to become a victim of murder based on their numbers???

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

PPPites have a job to do: they must dispel the myth that Guyana's private sector is dominated by Indians. This is far from the truth when we look at the holdings of the Portugese, Chinese, and other groups, including blacks.  Indians do not dominate the private sector.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

PPPites have a job to do: they must dispel the myth that Guyana's private sector is dominated by Indians. This is far from the truth when we look at the holdings of the Portugese, Chinese, and other groups, including blacks.  Indians do not dominate the private sector.

Comment on those idiots here who live in the reflected glory of a few rich Indians to predicate the notion that all Indians are successful and part of the landed gentry. The opposite is true.  Most indians are very poor and on par with most black people.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:

there are 6000 Chinese in Guyana...most recent immigrants...they will indeed be a lure to criminals who believe as immigrants they have money.

You are running away from the question I asked.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Is the Chinese Association of Guyana racist for stating that Chinese business people are most likely to become a victim of murder based on their numbers???

They aren't singling out any racial group. In addition Chinese aren't running around robbing each other.

Is this something that you can understand?

Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

PPPites have a job to do: they must dispel the myth that Guyana's private sector is dominated by Indians. This is far from the truth when we look at the holdings of the Portugese, Chinese, and other groups, including blacks.  Indians do not dominate the private sector.

Comment on those idiots here who live in the reflected glory of a few rich Indians to predicate the notion that all Indians are successful and part of the landed gentry. The opposite is true.

I find this funny, given the screams that "Indians are hard working, rich, and thrifty".

I guess since May 2025 suddenly Indians are poor.  Losing an election seems to do serious psychological damage.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:

there are 6000 Chinese in Guyana...most recent immigrants...they will indeed be a lure to criminals who believe as immigrants they have money.

You are running away from the question I asked.

If the chinese say as indians do that blacks are natural born criminals then they indeed are racists. They treat amerindians with contempt so in that respect they are bigots.

Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

PPPites have a job to do: they must dispel the myth that Guyana's private sector is dominated by Indians. This is far from the truth when we look at the holdings of the Portugese, Chinese, and other groups, including blacks.  Indians do not dominate the private sector.

Comment on those idiots here who live in the reflected glory of a few rich Indians to predicate the notion that all Indians are successful and part of the landed gentry. The opposite is true.  Most indians are very poor and on par with most black people.

The myth of Indian dominance in the private sector has become a rallying call by APNU leaders to mobilize against the Indo population in their quest to re-establish Burnhamism or African Dominance. This myth may satisfy the egos of some Indos but it hurts as politically.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The myth of Indian dominance in the private sector

When the UN investigated cries of marginalization during the Jagdeo era, the PPP boasted that the private sector was dominated by Indians because they are thrifty and hard working.

Now they want to play victim, so suddenly Indians are poor.

Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:

there are 6000 Chinese in Guyana...most recent immigrants...they will indeed be a lure to criminals who believe as immigrants they have money.

You are running away from the question I asked.

If the chinese say as indians do that blacks are natural born criminals then they indeed are racists. They treat amerindians with contempt so in that respect they are bigots.

They did not say Blacks are natural born criminals. They shed light on the fact that a disproportionate numbers of Chinese business people have been murdered in Guyana. In other words, if you are a Chinese business person your chance of getting robbed and killed is greater than if you were an Indian, Portugese, or Afrcian.


Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The myth of Indian dominance in the private sector

When the UN investigated cries of marginalization during the Jagdeo era, the PPP boasted that the private sector was dominated by Indians because they are thrifty and hard working.

Now they want to play victim, so suddenly Indians are poor.

Let me make a correction here:  In 1992, the PNCites argued that Indians controlled the economy and now they are going to control political power. This they argued would ensured that Blacks becoming marginalized and doomed to a life of poverty. Dr. Jagan responded by stating that there are more independent earners in the Indo community than in the Afro Community but most Indians are still working class and peasants. He further stated that Indians in Africa are in a merchant class but not Guyanese Indians. Indians to Africa were passengers indians rather than Indentures . Carib, the picture you are drawing of Guyana's society is filled with lies and half-truths. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
. This they argued would ensured that Blacks becoming marginalized and doomed to a life of poverty.

And sadly it turned out to be true.  Cheddi was bad enough, but the racism against blacks that Jagdeo unleashed was horrendous.

And even now the man makes racial mischief.   Clearly he just plainly hates blacks.  Portraying the PPP as the enemy of blacks doesn't auger well for the PPPs future, given that the Indian population is declining, and that many mixed people are socially integrated with blacks. 

So why does Jagdeo behave like this, if it isn't motivated by deep seated racism?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
. Carib, the picture you are drawing of Guyana's society is filled with lies and half-truths. 

I suggest that you chat with baseman, who screams that Guyana will fail because Indians are rich, and will not invest in a government run by blacks.

Many Indians have that view. Contrary to what YOU suggest I always state that poverty among Indians is quite common.

Having said that the oligarchs in Guyana are majority Indian, even though this represents less than 1% of the Indian population.  It is this fact that feeds the racism among Indians towards blacks, that blacks are poor losers.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

Do you agree with the PPP, that making crime in Guyana to be a racial issue, is the best way to reduce crime?

Do you even think that the PPP wants to reduce crime? Apparently they don't, and in fact the cynical might even suggest that they encourage it.

The PPP is not responsible for fighting crime in Guyana. That is the role of the government. Not so long ago, the PPP had to fight crime to the degree where the criminals were the PNC Freedom Fighters. They did not fold their hands and hope that the PNC would stop aiding and abetting those criminals. Yuh gaffo stop thinking that the government can hide behind the PPP for the next 4 years.

Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

When jagdeo pushes race buttons it is only another layer to the dynamics of accusing race for our crime problem. You see the relentless attempts of many PPPites on this site to simple use race as the agent for criminality. The high unemployment, high drug use among the young, high poverty levels, lax policing etc are not addressed. They blame all things bad in our society on race

Why is it racist to point out that the vast amount of crimes in Georgetown are committed by blacks. That is not racist. It is factual. I grew up and lived in Georgetown during the 70's and 80's and I don't remember being afraid in Indian neighborhoods. That was not the case in black ones and that fear was not imaginary.

Nonetheless, I don't care for the constant infusion of race in every topic either. After a while, it becomes a numb issue. Similar to Ramjattan focusing on race relations when there is a crime issue to deal with.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

When jagdeo pushes race buttons it is only another layer to the dynamics of accusing race for our crime problem. You see the relentless attempts of many PPPites on this site to simple use race as the agent for criminality. The high unemployment, high drug use among the young, high poverty levels, lax policing etc are not addressed. They blame all things bad in our society on race

Why is it racist to point out that the vast amount of crimes in Georgetown are committed by blacks. That is not racist. It is factual. I grew up and lived in Georgetown during the 70's and 80's and I don't remember being afraid in Indian neighborhoods. That was not the case in black ones and that fear was not imaginary.

Nonetheless, I don't care for the constant infusion of race in every topic either. After a while, it becomes a numb issue. Similar to Ramjattan focusing on race relations when there is a crime issue to deal with.

You were probably a Friken Friday.

I rode a motorbike through Albouystown twice a day going to work. I had many friends in Campbellville and worked out in Tiger Bay. I rode in every corner of GT and never once felt threatened.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

When jagdeo pushes race buttons it is only another layer to the dynamics of accusing race for our crime problem. You see the relentless attempts of many PPPites on this site to simple use race as the agent for criminality. The high unemployment, high drug use among the young, high poverty levels, lax policing etc are not addressed. They blame all things bad in our society on race

Why is it racist to point out that the vast amount of crimes in Georgetown are committed by blacks. That is not racist. It is factual. I grew up and lived in Georgetown during the 70's and 80's and I don't remember being afraid in Indian neighborhoods. That was not the case in black ones and that fear was not imaginary.

Nonetheless, I don't care for the constant infusion of race in every topic either. After a while, it becomes a numb issue. Similar to Ramjattan focusing on race relations when there is a crime issue to deal with.

You were probably a Friken Friday.

I rode a motorbike through Albouystown twice a day going to work. I had many friends in Campbellville and worked out in Tiger Bay. I rode in every corner of GT and never once felt threatened.

More power to you bai. Blacks did not threaten/target Portuguese like they did Indians so you would not have had anything to worry about. In fact, blacks and Portuguese hung out together back in those days. No different than when I started riding my motorcycle and hung out with blacks. By that time I became more comfortable and would hang out in places like Albouystown, Campbellville, Durban backlands, Tiger Bay, Lodge and Riumveldt to name a few. But when you go into an area as a stranger like West Coast, East Coast and East Bank, you don't feel threatened as going into a black dominated area. In other words, you get choke and robbed more in a black dominated area.  


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