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cain posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

Iman still....Cainin'

Monday to Sunday she gone Fu,,,Cain.

Now you know why she came to me bai.

Dah was after she left me...didn't you smell De Ole Spice?

It is never cool for you when a woman to leave you bai. Don't go telling people about it.  

yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

The Afc should be run out of every East Indian community in Guyana.

Indos already kicked them out, the recent LGE is a testimony of that fact.

It is a testimony to your ignorance of our political system and our population demographics.

Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

The Afc should be run out of every East Indian community in Guyana.

Indos already kicked them out, the recent LGE is a testimony of that fact.

It is a testimony to your ignorance of our political system and our population demographics.

Listen Dummy,

PPP won the LGE by a landslide. Take that in your pipe and smoke it.

You should be ashamed to back a racist and most corrupt Afro Led AFC/PNC.

Have you no shame left ?

yuji22 posted:
Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

The Afc should be run out of every East Indian community in Guyana.

Indos already kicked them out, the recent LGE is a testimony of that fact.

It is a testimony to your ignorance of our political system and our population demographics.

Listen Dummy,

PPP won the LGE by a landslide. Take that in your pipe and smoke it.

You should be ashamed to back a racist and most corrupt Afro Led AFC/PNC.

Have you no shame left ?

listen dummy....they won the same areas in the general so there these are not unexpected. You are plainly stupid to notice.

Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:
Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

The Afc should be run out of every East Indian community in Guyana.

Indos already kicked them out, the recent LGE is a testimony of that fact.

It is a testimony to your ignorance of our political system and our population demographics.

Listen Dummy,

PPP won the LGE by a landslide. Take that in your pipe and smoke it.

You should be ashamed to back a racist and most corrupt Afro Led AFC/PNC.

Have you no shame left ?

listen dummy....they won the same areas in the general so there these are not unexpected. You are plainly stupid to notice.

You have ZERO credibility left, you now support a racist, corrupt and clueless AFC/PNC.

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

When jagdeo pushes race buttons it is only another layer to the dynamics of accusing race for our crime problem. You see the relentless attempts of many PPPites on this site to simple use race as the agent for criminality. The high unemployment, high drug use among the young, high poverty levels, lax policing etc are not addressed. They blame all things bad in our society on race

Why is it racist to point out that the vast amount of crimes in Georgetown are committed by blacks. That is not racist. It is factual. I grew up and lived in Georgetown during the 70's and 80's and I don't remember being afraid in Indian neighborhoods. That was not the case in black ones and that fear was not imaginary.

Nonetheless, I don't care for the constant infusion of race in every topic either. After a while, it becomes a numb issue. Similar to Ramjattan focusing on race relations when there is a crime issue to deal with.

You were probably a Friken Friday.

I rode a motorbike through Albouystown twice a day going to work. I had many friends in Campbellville and worked out in Tiger Bay. I rode in every corner of GT and never once felt threatened.

Reggie had a street ready monster dirt bike here when we were in school. He was a really peculiar dude but I was happy to call him friend. He made school enjoyable for a year until he flamed out in successive semesters!

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:

Given the current level of crime in Guysna, Is this the best use of the Crime Cheif's time?

When jagdeo pushes race buttons it is only another layer to the dynamics of accusing race for our crime problem. You see the relentless attempts of many PPPites on this site to simple use race as the agent for criminality. The high unemployment, high drug use among the young, high poverty levels, lax policing etc are not addressed. They blame all things bad in our society on race

Why is it racist to point out that the vast amount of crimes in Georgetown are committed by blacks. That is not racist. It is factual. I grew up and lived in Georgetown during the 70's and 80's and I don't remember being afraid in Indian neighborhoods. That was not the case in black ones and that fear was not imaginary.

Nonetheless, I don't care for the constant infusion of race in every topic either. After a while, it becomes a numb issue. Similar to Ramjattan focusing on race relations when there is a crime issue to deal with.

You were probably a Friken Friday.

I rode a motorbike through Albouystown twice a day going to work. I had many friends in Campbellville and worked out in Tiger Bay. I rode in every corner of GT and never once felt threatened.

Reggie had a street ready monster dirt bike here when we were in school. He was a really peculiar dude but I was happy to call him friend. He made school enjoyable for a year until he flamed out in successive semesters!

I had a monster dirt bike in GT too. Suzuki TS 400, single cylinder, two stroke engine. Crazy acceleration just right for GT's small streets. There were only four of them in the country. Whenever I go back to GT, I always thank my lucky stars that I never got into any serious accident while riding. What we did on those small streets was simply crazy. Of course there was a lot less traffic back then.

I knew Reggie well. He acquired a ton of cash from his wealthy grandfather's business. Bought himself a couple of motorcycles and a full race go cart for the circuit. He was buying weed by the pounds for a few years at least. Crazy guy but a lot of fun.

ksazma posted:

The PPP is not responsible for fighting crime in Guyana. That is the role of the government. Not so long ago, the PPP had to fight crime to the degree where the criminals were the PNC Freedom Fighters. They did not fold their hands and hope that the PNC would stop aiding and abetting those criminals. Yuh gaffo stop thinking that the government can hide behind the PPP for the next 4 years.

Do you know that the criminals of today are the same goons who the PPP armed, rather than developing an efficient police force?  Do you really think that poor boys from Albouystown can get their own guns?

Now what exactly is the PNC doing to aid and abet those criminals?  It seems that more are getting arrested than under the PPP.

Even the Berbice Chamber has rejected the PPP crime fighting strategy, and demand that Hoyte be used as a role model.

Your brown bai KKK clothing is quite cute and charming.

yuji22 posted:

PPP won the LGE by a landslide. .

Hmmm.  The PPP lost Lethem and Mabaruma, lost big time on G/twn, only won the same 48 NDCs that they did in 1994.

I know you need to console your brown bai KKK self, even as you can no longer scream "ahbe pan tap", but the LGE shows that the PPP has a huge problem.

This is underscored by the fact that the tochaos are now telling the PPP to get lost!  Take away the Amerindian vote, and the power of incumbency, and the PPP becomes a 40% party.

ksazma posted:

Why is it racist to point out that the vast amount of crimes in Georgetown are committed by blacks. .

You are injecting race here.  The PPP doesn't say that the majority of criminals are black. They say that blacks are unproductive, and useless, criminal and violent.

If you cannot see the difference, then you are a proud member of the brown bai KKK.


He was a couple of years older than we were. He had flaming red beard and long hair ( I think it was natural but dont know)  and smoked spliffs bigger than a smoke stack. Every morning he was in the dorm yelling for us to get up. He pasted a huge blow up parts poster of an Apache helicopter on our wall that liked to study.  I do not remember how he got our keys but he did and he was always there in the morning at secen.

I was the first to get an off campus apartment. One Christmas eve  he was at my door early in the morning. I let him in. He came in with a huge suitcase and a lawn mower. I asked him what the hell he was doing with a lawn mower in winter. He said sell it if he needed cash.

I asked him what happened...if his girl kicked him out...he said no. He was just trying to teach her a make her know what it would be like if he was gone. She came and got him...crying and begging him to come home. He told her he needed a few days to think about it.

I left him in the apartment because I was on my way to Spain to see my girlfriend. I came home two weeks later and there was a note plus some he said...and the bloody lawn mower! It stayed there until the summer when he came and got it. I lived in a studio!  He was the most impulsive person I ever knew. He had his wicked ways but he also had a  heart of gold.

His brother was the complete opposite; he was a suave ladies man ( married a top model) always in suits and drove  expensive cars. We were friends but not close friends. He was always at the elite clubs in the city.  We were never short of fine chicks but that dude always had the girl you want to be with at the moment on his arm.


Last edited by Former Member

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