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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Reading TK I take it that he reserves the term coolie for someone like Nehru, Abidha and Yuji who slavishly spread propaganda for the PPP without questioning. He abhors these people as fulfilling the worst stereotypes of East Indians. He sees these types as the reason for PPP being so incompetent, idea less and corrupt. He seems upset that they single out and AFC MP for not having documents to support his election spending but refuse to acknowledge NICL did not report audited books for SEVEN years. Those are the coolie slaves to the Peoples Progressive Party. 

 No need to defend TK. He actually stood up, proclaimed himself an indian, and demanded his political right as one. Which of these skunks did that?


While I understood how he used the term I am appealed the the poisonous effect of PPP political shills on the culture. It is divisive and truly cancerous.


I used to argued with Kidmost here when he claim Jagan and the PPP were out to destroy Indian culture except as it conforms to what they think it is.


We argued here for years on this point. I still believe I was right but what I see here in Ramotar and the present PPP clan is exactly what he said they do and did;  create wedge issues based on cultural alliances simply to suffocate dissent.


I may have to go back and look at the context to re interpret the text of history.


Calling an Indo Guyanese Skunk might be acceptable to you because Burnham brainwashed and installed hate for Indo Guyanese and this might last you a lifetime.

 Stupid man. I called you a skunk. I may have been too young but my mother was in the PPP so leveraging the Burnham dictatorship curse on me is for naught. 


I cannot hate Indo Guyanese since I have 13 aunts, 65 cousins and countless 2nd and 3rd cousins who call themselves Indians. I am glad they are not "coolies" like you of the kind that hate themselves.


Trying to defend racism by saying that you have Indo Guyanese relatives do not make it right.


Your bitterness is a reflection of your guilt.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Reading TK I take it that he reserves the term coolie for someone like Nehru, Abidha and Yuji who slavishly spread propaganda for the PPP without questioning. He abhors these people as fulfilling the worst stereotypes of East Indians. He sees these types as the reason for PPP being so incompetent, idea less and corrupt. He seems upset that they single out and AFC MP for not having documents to support his election spending but refuse to acknowledge NICL did not report audited books for SEVEN years. Those are the coolie slaves to the Peoples Progressive Party. 





BINGO! Very smart of you to have observed that. Back in the ROAR days we indeed made that distinction where we called the unquestioning PPP slaves like Nehru and Yuji coolies. These types are a disgrace to East Indians. They indeed measure up to our worst stereotypes as you have noted. They have disgraced us all over CARICOM. You are correct that I reserve the term for morons like Yuji and Nehru. IN NO POST ON GNI HAVE I CALLED EAST INDIANS AS A GROUP COOLIES. I WILL STILL CALL YUJI AND NEHRU COOLIES. BTW, the term is used all the time in the villages by East Indians. Storm in teacup and all…



Man up and do try to pull and AFC on us.


In fact you are still using a racist term and trying to use it in different categories does not make it any better. It might be a storm in teacup for you but not for the Indians of Indian immigrant origin whom you  have insulted.

Is it right to call a person of African origin the N word because he disagrees with your position ? 

People are watching. I hope that you will be able to handle the outrage that Indo Guyanese feels.


Shame on the AFC for promoting racism. You have no class trying to categorize the use of a racist word.

I am callin YOU YUJI a coolie. You are the worst enemy of East Indians. You disgrace us everyday with your pityful, slavish and unquestioning support of the PPP, which I have said on many occasions is the bane of East Indians in Guyana. Are you a GROUP? Surely as a non-garlic/onion/meat/fish eating Brahmin you know an individual don't make a group? BTW, my views are mine and does not reflect the AFC. I furthermore am not a member of any political party in Guyana. SHOW ME ONE POST ON GNI WHERE I CALLED EAST INDIANS COOLIE. What an blasted idiot.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Reading TK I take it that he reserves the term coolie for someone like Nehru, Abidha and Yuji who slavishly spread propaganda for the PPP without questioning. He abhors these people as fulfilling the worst stereotypes of East Indians. He sees these types as the reason for PPP being so incompetent, idea less and corrupt. He seems upset that they single out and AFC MP for not having documents to support his election spending but refuse to acknowledge NICL did not report audited books for SEVEN years. Those are the coolie slaves to the Peoples Progressive Party. 

 No need to defend TK. He actually stood up, proclaimed himself an indian, and demanded his political right as one. Which of these skunks did that?


While I understood how he used the term I am appealed the the poisonous effect of PPP political shills on the culture. It is divisive and truly cancerous.


I used to argued with Kidmost here when he claim Jagan and the PPP were out to destroy Indian culture except as it conforms to what they think it is.


We argued here for years on this point. I still believe I was right but what I see here in Ramotar and the present PPP clan is exactly what he said they do and did;  create wedge issues based on cultural alliances simply to suffocate dissent.


I may have to go back and look at the context to re interpret the text of history.


Calling an Indo Guyanese Skunk might be acceptable to you because Burnham brainwashed and installed hate for Indo Guyanese and this might last you a lifetime.

 Stupid man. I called you a skunk. I may have been too young but my mother was in the PPP so leveraging the Burnham dictatorship curse on me is for naught. 


I cannot hate Indo Guyanese since I have 13 aunts, 65 cousins and countless 2nd and 3rd cousins who call themselves Indians. I am glad they are not "coolies" like you of the kind that hate themselves.


Trying to defend racism by saying that you have Indo Guyanese relatives do not make it right.


Your bitterness is a reflection of your guilt.

I know you and see you all the time in the faces of mediocrity.


Having no moral core you can make all sorts of claim and defend them from any perspective that pleases you at the moment and you will always be right.


That is what highlights and stamp you with the tag of an idiot.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

TK, stay strong, brother.  Don't let this bother you.  They are only doing this because of how effective we are against them.



Don't worry helps us to show the world how stupid they are.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Reading TK I take it that he reserves the term coolie for someone like Nehru, Abidha and Yuji who slavishly spread propaganda for the PPP without questioning. He abhors these people as fulfilling the worst stereotypes of East Indians. He sees these types as the reason for PPP being so incompetent, idea less and corrupt. He seems upset that they single out and AFC MP for not having documents to support his election spending but refuse to acknowledge NICL did not report audited books for SEVEN years. Those are the coolie slaves to the Peoples Progressive Party. 





BINGO! Very smart of you to have observed that. Back in the ROAR days we indeed made that distinction where we called the unquestioning PPP slaves like Nehru and Yuji coolies. These types are a disgrace to East Indians. They indeed measure up to our worst stereotypes as you have noted. They have disgraced us all over CARICOM. You are correct that I reserve the term for morons like Yuji and Nehru. IN NO POST ON GNI HAVE I CALLED EAST INDIANS AS A GROUP COOLIES. I WILL STILL CALL YUJI AND NEHRU COOLIES. BTW, the term is used all the time in the villages by East Indians. Storm in teacup and all…



Man up and do try to pull and AFC on us.


In fact you are still using a racist term and trying to use it in different categories does not make it any better. It might be a storm in teacup for you but not for the Indians of Indian immigrant origin whom you  have insulted.

Is it right to call a person of African origin the N word because he disagrees with your position ? 

People are watching. I hope that you will be able to handle the outrage that Indo Guyanese feels.


Shame on the AFC for promoting racism. You have no class trying to categorize the use of a racist word.

I am callin YOU YUJI a coolie. You are the worst enemy of East Indians. You disgrace us everyday with your pityful, slavish and unquestioning support of the PPP, which I have said on many occasions is the bane of East Indians in Guyana. Are you a GROUP? Surely as a non-garlic/onion/meat/fish eating Brahmin you know an individual don't make a group? BTW, my views are mine and does not reflect the AFC. I furthermore am not a member of any political party in Guyana. SHOW ME ONE POST ON GNI WHERE I CALLED EAST INDIANS COOLIE. What an blasted idiot.


It appears that you may need an eye examination. Your racist comments have already been posted and documented. Do not try to spin this differently. You must now face the public.


You are a defender of the AFC and now rejected, ROAR. 


Men like you have no shame and are a disgrace to the human race. Your foul language is reflection of who you are. You racist comments adds more to your evil personality.


According to you, it is OK to call someone a racist name as long as they differ from your political views. You are a disgrace to professors worldwide.



It appears that you may need an eye examination. Your racist comments have already been posted and documented. Do not try to spin this differently. You must now face the public."




Correct and they clearly understand that I reserve the term coolie for PPP propaganda slaves like you. You will have a problem because this is the term used in East Indian villages as they colloquially call themselves.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

TK, stay strong, brother.  Don't let this bother you.  They are only doing this because of how effective we are against them.


So Gerhard, can you comment on Mr. Balwant's claim ? Or will you hide again ?

BTW, is Balwant not an AFC supporter like Mr. Yussuf ?

How strange that these allegations are coming from AFC members.


SOURCE: Historically, a coolie (variously spelled cooli, cooly, kuli, quli, koelie etc.) was anasian slave or manual laborer, particularly in southern China, the Indian subcontinent, and the Philippines during the 19th century and early 20th century. It is also a contemporary racial slur or ethnic nickname for people of Asian descent, including people from South Asia, Central Asia, etc.,[1] particularly in South Africa.[2]

For TK to clean his eyes.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

SOURCE: Historically, a coolie (variously spelled cooli, cooly, kuli, quli, koelie etc.) was anasian slave or manual laborer, particularly in southern China, the Indian subcontinent, and the Philippines during the 19th century and early 20th century. It is also a contemporary racial slur or ethnic nickname for people of Asian descent, including people from South Asia, Central Asia, etc.,[1] particularly in South Africa.[2]

For TK to clean his eyes.


So you are telling me that East Indians in the villages who call themselves coolies are racist unto themselves? Hmmm...


Coolie is derived from the Hindi word kuli (क़ुली).[3] The origins of the word are uncertain but it is thought to have originally used by the Portuguese (cule) description of local hired laborers in India. That use may be traced back to a Gujurati tribe (the Kulī, who worked as day laborers) or perhaps to the Tamil word used to describe a payment for work, kuli (கூலி).[3][4] An alternative etymological explanation is that the word came from the Urdu qulī (क़ुली, قلی), which itself could be from the Turkish word for slave, qul.[3] The word was used in this sense for laborers from India, China, and the far east. In 1727 Dr. Engelbert Kämpfer described "coolies" as dock laborers who would unload Dutch merchant ships at Nagasaki in Japan.[5][6]

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Let Indo Guyanese and other Indentured immigrations decide for themselves. 



Exactly...and I know family members are friends who use the term at home all the time.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Let Indo Guyanese and other Indentured immigrations decide for themselves. 



Exactly...and I know family members are friends who use the term at home all the time.

Check out the outrage on Facebook. Exactly.

Do not be surprised if your college takes up some complaints. Exactly.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

SOURCE: Historically, a coolie (variously spelled cooli, cooly, kuli, quli, koelie etc.) was anasian slave or manual laborer, particularly in southern China, the Indian subcontinent, and the Philippines during the 19th century and early 20th century. It is also a contemporary racial slur or ethnic nickname for people of Asian descent, including people from South Asia, Central Asia, etc.,[1] particularly in South Africa.[2]

For TK to clean his eyes.

From the above, you are are a cacahole coolie.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Let Indo Guyanese and other Indentured immigrations decide for themselves. 



Exactly...and I know family members are friends who use the term at home all the time.

Check out the outrage on Facebook. Exactly.

Do not be surprised if your college takes up some complaints. Exactly.

---- know how many of you guys complained already?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look, I believe people are gtetting a bit silly here. As much as I do NOT agree with the man, I dont see the reason for such outrage.

Nehru Bhai


It is not acceptable for anyone to use the term "coolie" to describe people of Indian immigrant descent as much as it is not acceptable to call any one of African origin the N word.


Our fore parents were verbally abused by their colonial masters with these words. Now the AFC think that they are our new masters and can use these terms when we differ from them politically.


Totally not acceptable. Read the outrage on Facebook.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look, I believe people are gtetting a bit silly here. As much as I do NOT agree with the man, I dont see the reason for such outrage.

Nehru,I agree with you. people are being called 'coolies' in guyana and the rest of the caribbean all the time. Even in the northern hemisphere.   I too fail to see the reason for this 'outrage'. Two pages wasted over nonesense.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, I agree with you but I dont think bashing TK is going to change his way of thinking. The KFC and TK will certainly pay a price for their Disrespect and insensitivity.

We cannot sit idly by and allow racism to exist. Rosa Parks made a big change.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look, I believe people are gtetting a bit silly here. As much as I do NOT agree with the man, I dont see the reason for such outrage.

Nehru,I agree with you. people are being called 'coolies' in guyana and the rest of the caribbean all the time. Even in the northern hemisphere.   I too fail to see the reason for this 'outrage'. Two pages wasted over nonesense.


Well, it's about time we bring this wrong to an end. We are no longer shackled to our colonial masters. 

How would you feel if you were of African origin and someone called you the N word ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, I agree with you but I dont think bashing TK is going to change his way of thinking. The KFC and TK will certainly pay a price for their Disrespect and insensitivity.

We cannot sit idly by and allow racism to exist. Rosa Parks made a big change.

quit appealing to Roaa. You insisted she was not up to your standard as a human being through all the anti black drivel you wrote here. Black people made all the difference here that let your sorry behind come among white folks in NA without getting lynched or jammed into segregation.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, I agree with you but I dont think bashing TK is going to change his way of thinking. The KFC and TK will certainly pay a price for their Disrespect and insensitivity.

We cannot sit idly by and allow racism to exist. Rosa Parks made a big change.

quit appealing to Roaa. You insisted she was not up to your standard as a human being through all the anti black drivel you wrote here. Black people made all the difference here that let your sorry behind come among white folks in NA without getting lynched or jammed into segregation.

Storm get a life, fool. When did I say that Rosa was not up to my standards ?


You are a shameless fool and liar, defending AFC and posting lies to distort the real issue.


D2/Storm/God you are a fool, liar and a paid AFC stooge.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look, I believe people are gtetting a bit silly here. As much as I do NOT agree with the man, I dont see the reason for such outrage.

Nehru,I agree with you. people are being called 'coolies' in guyana and the rest of the caribbean all the time. Even in the northern hemisphere.   I too fail to see the reason for this 'outrage'. Two pages wasted over nonesense.


Well, it's about time we bring this wrong to an end. We are no longer shackled to our colonial masters. 

How would you feel if you were of African origin and someone called you the N word ?

Yuji, relax yourself, black people call each other '******' all the time. Indo guyanese call each other 'coolie' more often than you would believe. This is just a matter of interpretation old boy.  I can see you're from the old school. No argument there. But for me, this is just bullshit. Big deal. The only reason why this thread went so far the way it has was because the word was use by a certain professor. And you know  how much you guys love him.
FYI, those people on facebook who are 'outraged' need to get a life.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look, I believe people are gtetting a bit silly here. As much as I do NOT agree with the man, I dont see the reason for such outrage.

Nehru,I agree with you. people are being called 'coolies' in guyana and the rest of the caribbean all the time. Even in the northern hemisphere.   I too fail to see the reason for this 'outrage'. Two pages wasted over nonesense.


Well, it's about time we bring this wrong to an end. We are no longer shackled to our colonial masters. 

How would you feel if you were of African origin and someone called you the N word ?

Indian people call themselves "coolie" as do black folks call themselves "". There are people on both sides of the divide as to the acceptability of its use. Every one of those shedding crocodile tears on Facebook and chastising TK will go home this evening and hear someone of their kinfolk call another coolie with no slight meant. Some of them will themselves even use the term before they go home! 


This is political opportunism at its worse and represents a cancer emanating from the PPP where its attack dogs simply poisoning  the political ethos of our society for useless attacks on the character of anyone they disagree with. Being consummate crooks they cannot deal with the source issues that troubles or suffocates us.


And you worse of all have no moral center. You simply leverage one accusation here or there and believe you are on to something. Well, you have to be possessed of some core value to be real.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, I agree with you but I dont think bashing TK is going to change his way of thinking. The KFC and TK will certainly pay a price for their Disrespect and insensitivity.

We cannot sit idly by and allow racism to exist. Rosa Parks made a big change.

quit appealing to Roaa. You insisted she was not up to your standard as a human being through all the anti black drivel you wrote here. Black people made all the difference here that let your sorry behind come among white folks in NA without getting lynched or jammed into segregation.

Storm get a life, fool. When did I say that Rosa was not up to my standards ?


You are a shameless fool and liar, defending AFC and posting lies to distort the real issue.


D2/Storm/God you are a fool, liar and a paid AFC stooge.

What am I a liar about... that you are a pernicious racist? Only yester day you had a piece of how terrible black folks live as opposed you Indians.


Being paid by anyone to write my opinions would have made me rich if such was the case. I posted  an average of 40 thousand posts here since I started posting some 13 years ago.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
The only reason why this thread went so far the way it has was because the word was use by a certain professor.

Persons, with basic understanding, would not use the word.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
The only reason why this thread went so far the way it has was because the word was use by a certain professor.

Persons, with basic understanding, would not use the word.

I'm not discounting that fact, uncleDG, but you understand what I mean.



You go on the street and call a black person the N word and see what response you will get.


Now that society have rightfully stopped using the N word, it is only right that they stop calling Indentured immigrants the c word. What is fair is fair.


BTW, I am not old school or from old school.


TK exhibits the mentality of an uneducated person and uses terms that are totally unacceptable while he should engage in debate.  He must pay for the consequences of his arrogance now or he will continue to abuse others.


There is nothing wrong in standing up against bullies and definitely nothing wrong about standing up to a bully.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I posted  an average of 40 thousand posts here since I started posting some 13 years ago.

About 99.9% are worthless.

I know. They cannot be pregnant with such potentials as your caustic "look in the mirror", "perhaps perhaps not". I am sure  you should be paid handsomely for those gems!

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
The only reason why this thread went so far the way it has was because the word was use by a certain professor.

Persons, with basic understanding, would not use the word.

I'm not discounting that fact, uncleDG, but you understand what I mean.


Perhaps, one of the best approaches is to not reply to the specific statement made by anyone.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I posted  an average of 40 thousand posts here since I started posting some 13 years ago.

About 99.9% are worthless.

I know.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

You go on the street and call a black person the N word and see what response you will get.


Now that society have rightfully stopped using the N word, it is only right that they stop calling Indentured immigrants the c word. What is fair is fair.


BTW, I am not old school or from old school.


TK exhibits the mentality of an uneducated person and uses terms that are totally acceptable while he should engage in debate.  He must pay for the consequences of his arrogance now or he will continue to abuse others.


There is nothing wrong in standing up against bullies and definitely nothing wrong about standing up to a bully.

 I went to a black school married a black woman have a black kid so you know black more than I do?


You  are clearly haplessly mal-educated since you can not point to one post where you defended one issue from a position of  strength.  Claiming abuse and slights of various and sundry sorts is your claim to fame.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You go on the street and call a black person the N word and see what response you will get.


Now that society have rightfully stopped using the N word, it is only right that they stop calling Indentured immigrants the c word. What is fair is fair.


BTW, I am not old school or from old school.


TK exhibits the mentality of an uneducated person and uses terms that are totally acceptable while he should engage in debate.  He must pay for the consequences of his arrogance now or he will continue to abuse others.


There is nothing wrong in standing up against bullies and definitely nothing wrong about standing up to a bully.

 I went to a black school married a black woman have a black kid so you know black more than I do?


You  are clearly haplessly mal-educated since you can not point to one post where you defended one issue from a position of  strength.  Claiming abuse and slights of various and sundry sorts is your claim to fame.


Hey fool D2


That response was not directed at you. When will you grow up ? BTW you are 99.9 percent wrong by your own admission posted here.


You will not intimidate me. So grow up. Are you now paid overtime by the AFC ? Or will D2 or God now show up in these posts ?


Your subtle racism and bias against Indo Guyanese shines at this forum. You have not once corrected TK for his racist comments but rush to his defense.


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