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Guyanese want even playing field on electricity tariff


Georgetown, GINA, July 24, 2012 -- Source - GINA

Following the recent move by the Administration to increase the electricity tariff for Lindeners, who have for many years been enjoying subsidised rates and who use about three times more than other consumers on the national grid, protest actions evolved over the issue. Lindeners were paying $5 and $15 dollars a kilowatt hour, compared to the $65 most Guyanese are paying.

However, many citizens from other parts of Guyana are not in favour of Linden continuing to enjoy reduced rates while they are being billed at $65 per kilowatt hour.

The following are some of their views:


Janell Williams 
Lindeners should pay the same rate as us and therefore, I welcome the gradual increase for them however if think the system should be evaluated after six months to determine if they can afford to pay or if the system will need further revision


Hemnauth Rooplall
They should not be paying less and the other parts of Guyana paying more, this is nonsense we should all pay one rate for electricity across the board.


Esther Persaud
The system should be fair to everyone, not one side paying more and the other paying less for the same service, no matter what the situation is we all have to make sacrifices to pay our electricity at the end of month bill and therefore they should do the same 


Angelica Browne
The system needs to be fair to everyone because we all have to work for our money and the same way we are managing our money and the amount of electricity we use they should do the same.


Rohit Ramdial
It’s unfair for the rest of the country to pay more for electrify and Linden paying less, this should not be, we pay for what we use and so should they, fair must be fair


Puram Mathura
All of us should pay the same rate because no matter what the situation is at the end of month  we have to pay and so should they, it should be one equal rate across the country.


Brian Clark
It should be a general rate across the board for everyone, not one side paying more and the other less, this should be same.


Mohan Singh
I believe in democracy, and if indeed we have democracy in Guyana then we should all pay the same for electricity and should not be given any preferential rate because of ifs and buts, this should not be, one rate is one rate.

Karen Payne
The system needs to be equal and fair to all Guyanese because we all does have to work hard to pay our bills and manage the amount of electricity we burn and so should the Lindeners


Sandra Trotman
We should all pay the same rate not one set of people paying more and the other set paying less, the system needs to be fair and equal to all of us because we are all Guyanese living in one  country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A rate raise for Linden is perfectly in order.  The opposition, particularly the AFC are just involved in political pandering.  They seems more aggressive than the PNC and they have no constituency in Linden.  The PNC is more practical as they understand the principle involved.


They (PNC) did agree to the phase-in of normal rates. it's the AFC who led the people down a misguided and unreasonable path.  Trotman seems to have taken a more measured and mature stance.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP can lower the rates for the Berbicians to match.


I wonder why the PPP did not raise the rates just before the elections?

Then what about GT, Ebo, etc.  Do they lower the entire national rate and bankrupt the nation?


Why don't you pose the question to the GoG and BOSAI why they did not increase the rate before Nov 27th.  There is never an opportune time for and increases in anything.


The AFC is just being troublesome and opportunists, they know a rate equalization is justified.  They will pay a high price for this, people are watching and assessing.  Don't expect the PNC constituency to come over to you, you are just their poodle.  If they (PNC) even win on your backs, all they will do is throw them a few dry bones and watch you fight over it while they gorge on prime stake.  You will be kicked to the corner the day you don't tow the line.


You guys are the biggest bunch of jokers in recent memory.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP can lower the rates for the Berbicians to match.


I wonder why the PPP did not raise the rates just before the elections?

Then what about GT, Ebo, etc.  Do they lower the entire national rate and bankrupt the nation?


Why don't you pose the question to the GoG and BOSAI why they did not increase the rate before Nov 27th.  There is never an opportune time for and increases in anything.


The AFC is just being troublesome and opportunists, they know a rate equalization is justified.  They will pay a high price for this, people are watching and assessing.  Don't expect the PNC constituency to come over to you, you are just their poodle.  If they (PNC) even win on your backs, all they will do is throw them a few dry bones and watch you fight over it while they gorge on prime stake.  You will be kicked to the corner the day you don't tow the line.


You guys are the biggest bunch of jokers in recent memory.

Lindeners should pay electricty rate at the same price the rest of the country pays.NO more phasing in of rates period. The PPP/GOG have spoilt this Region for too long.  This is Regional discrimination. They should be inventive in finding ways to conserve this energy if they can't afford to pay the price. I hope that the Opposition and the AFC people going into the sugar belt tell the people that they plan to bring in a motion to subsidize the electricity rates of the rest of the country by 90% (making it equal to the price paid by Lindeners) and at the same time tell the people how they plan to find the money to pay for such subsidy.


I suppose GINA and the PPP can set up a panel to normalize the price of bigan and bora in Berbice vs Georgetown. Is not the economics metric the same?


It is a good thing this lie cannot go far because everyone is aware of the GPL pricing strategy to pass on costs due to  incompetence, mismanagement and poor equipment to customer.


Those that are unaware they pay close to hald of their bill as a subsidy to GPL incompetence  this will in short order be aware of that fact. The  difference of cost between  BOSAI and GPL in producing electricity dramatic enough and will come to the fore.


Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPP can lower the rates for the Berbicians to match.


I wonder why the PPP did not raise the rates just before the elections?

Then what about GT, Ebo, etc.  Do they lower the entire national rate and bankrupt the nation?


Why don't you pose the question to the GoG and BOSAI why they did not increase the rate before Nov 27th.  There is never an opportune time for and increases in anything.


The AFC is just being troublesome and opportunists, they know a rate equalization is justified.  They will pay a high price for this, people are watching and assessing.  Don't expect the PNC constituency to come over to you, you are just their poodle.  If they (PNC) even win on your backs, all they will do is throw them a few dry bones and watch you fight over it while they gorge on prime stake.  You will be kicked to the corner the day you don't tow the line.


You guys are the biggest bunch of jokers in recent memory.

Lindeners should pay electricty rate at the same price the rest of the country pays.NO more phasing in of rates period. The PPP/GOG have spoilt this Region for too long.  This is Regional discrimination. They should be inventive in finding ways to conserve this energy if they can't afford to pay the price. I hope that the Opposition and the AFC people going into the sugar belt tell the people that they plan to bring in a motion to subsidize the electricity rates of the rest of the country by 90% (making it equal to the price paid by Lindeners) and at the same time tell the people how they plan to find the money to pay for such subsidy.

Are there electric companies in your area soliciting your business on grounds they do it better? Well, there are many a cross the US doing the same and id you care to look most of them get their supply from the same source and it is only their management style that lowers cost.


And who is asking that each of them normalize their price to suit a government threshold?. That only have traction in a reality where racism is the overriding intrusion on reason.


Get it into your noggins BOSAI is not GPL BOSAI is a well managed company in an area with low theft rates. GPL customers accrue penalties to the tune of 40% of their bill because they subsidize GPL mismanagement.


Lindeners can also reduce their usage by a third via education since they apparently ( if the PPP is to be believed) use three times than normal. A campaign of using efficient appliances and lighting as well as good habit of turning off lights in areas not occupied can accomplish those ends.


This naked  racist assault on a community is obscene.


Originally Posted by redux:

The government is in a corrupt arrangement with Bosai - paying THEM the subsidy [very slick to call it a "tariff"] way above the actual cost of generating power to Linden customers.


Sometimes we [deliberately] miss the forest for the trees . . .

Yea yea, freeness is the katahar tree that you will never miss in any forest.


The GoG should make it tax illegal to supply electricity below the standard set rate in the nation.  Lindeners should pay the same rate at Berbicians, Buxtonians and Annandale.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

The government is in a corrupt arrangement with Bosai - paying THEM the subsidy [very slick to call it a "tariff"] way above the actual cost of generating power to Linden customers.


Sometimes we [deliberately] miss the forest for the trees . . .

Yea yea, freeness is the katahar tree that you will never miss in any forest.


The GoG should make it tax illegal to supply electricity below the standard set rate in the nation.  Lindeners should pay the same rate at Berbicians, Buxtonians and Annandale.

Berbicians should pay to cross the bridge what people in demerara pay to cross the bridge there.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

The government is in a corrupt arrangement with Bosai - paying THEM the subsidy [very slick to call it a "tariff"] way above the actual cost of generating power to Linden customers.


Sometimes we [deliberately] miss the forest for the trees . . .

Yea yea, freeness is the katahar tree that you will never miss in any forest.


The GoG should make it tax illegal to supply electricity below the standard set rate in the nation.  Lindeners should pay the same rate at Berbicians, Buxtonians and Annandale.

Spoken like a true Communist!


You fellow travelling bitter enders never really shed your skin, eh?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Are the electricity power plants owned by the US-of-A government?

Is the Bosai Power Plant owned by the Guyana Government?

Hence, one needs to be circumspect on the availability and cost of electricity in Guyana.

Is your dementia acting up again?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Are the electricity power plants owned by the US-of-A government?

Is the Bosai Power Plant owned by the Guyana Government?

Hence, one needs to be circumspect on the availability and cost of electricity in Guyana.

Hence if BOSAI generates electricty at a cheaper price than GPL it is then unfair to ask Lindeners to pay the same as other Guyanese.


The question then becomes why is GPL so inefficient, and extoring impoverished Guyanese to cover this fact?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Hence if BOSAI generates electricty at a cheaper price than GPL it is then unfair to ask Lindeners to pay the same as other Guyanese.

Is electricity provided by GPL or an independent source?

It is provided by two Linden based companies.


This will ultimately make the PPP look quite silly.


If Linden is receiving a subsidy you will have to tell us why the PPP is paying BOSAI so much that they can make a profit when their mission in Guyana is to mine and process bauxite, not to generate electricity.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Hence if BOSAI generates electricty at a cheaper price than GPL it is then unfair to ask Lindeners to pay the same as other Guyanese.

Is electricity provided by GPL or an independent source?

It is provided by two Linden based companies.

Electricity at McKenzie and surrounding areas is provided for ages by local entities.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Are the electricity power plants owned by the US-of-A government?

Is the Bosai Power Plant owned by the Guyana Government?

Hence, one needs to be circumspect on the availability and cost of electricity in Guyana.

Hence if BOSAI generates electricty at a cheaper price than GPL it is then unfair to ask Lindeners to pay the same as other Guyanese.


The question then becomes why is GPL so inefficient, and extoring impoverished Guyanese to cover this fact?

Stop talking out of your rear end.  Understand freeness comes at a price.  According to your philosophy, let BOSAI decide in the interest of BOSAI.  So, If they decide to make power-gen it's own profit center, they decide what to charge to maximize their profits.  What if they see fit to increase tariffs above the national average, let Lindeners deal with it...right!!


Listen guy, the GoG exercise domain over Guyana regardless what you PNCites believe and they will set national policy, not the PNC, AFC, lose cannons or special interests.


You slaughter Indians to bring the PPP to their knees, failed, now you orchestrate the slaughter of Afros to inject race and seek international involvement.


Check this out. Why should Lindeners be made to pay for GPL wastes?


Check this out: "GPL rents US$900,000 generator for US$720,000 annually"
April 19, 2012 | By KNews |


The Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) last year paid a hefty US$8.6M to
rent 12 Caterpillar generating sets for a period of one year. It could have spent
just US$2.2M more to buy them all.


Kaieteur News understands that on average, GPL was paying MACORP around
US$60,000 monthly to rent the sets.Each of the generating sets is actually
rented for a base rental of US$43,000 every month, whether they are used or not. If they are used, that base rental only caters for 200 hours of work.


Anything over the 200 hours automatically bumps up the rental to US$60,000, monthly. GPL sources confirmed that GPL worked the generators to the maximum; therefore what it has been paying is the full US$60,000 rental, per month.This means that rental cost for the 12 generators amounted to some US$720,000 for each month
last year.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Check this out. Why should Lindeners be made to pay for GPL wastes?


Check this out: "GPL rents US$900,000 generator for US$720,000 annually"
April 19, 2012 | By KNews |


The Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) last year paid a hefty US$8.6M to
rent 12 Caterpillar generating sets for a period of one year. It could have spent
just US$2.2M more to buy them all.


Kaieteur News understands that on average, GPL was paying MACORP around
US$60,000 monthly to rent the sets.Each of the generating sets is actually
rented for a base rental of US$43,000 every month, whether they are used or not. If they are used, that base rental only caters for 200 hours of work.


Anything over the 200 hours automatically bumps up the rental to US$60,000, monthly. GPL sources confirmed that GPL worked the generators to the maximum; therefore what it has been paying is the full US$60,000 rental, per month.This means that rental cost for the 12 generators amounted to some US$720,000 for each month
last year.

All this minutia is throwing dust.  The core issue, does the rest of Guyana need to subsidize linden into consuming 4X the national average of electricity.  I say NO.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Check this out. Why should Lindeners be made to pay for GPL wastes?


Check this out: "GPL rents US$900,000 generator for US$720,000 annually"
April 19, 2012 | By KNews |


The Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) last year paid a hefty US$8.6M to
rent 12 Caterpillar generating sets for a period of one year. It could have spent
just US$2.2M more to buy them all.


Kaieteur News understands that on average, GPL was paying MACORP around
US$60,000 monthly to rent the sets.Each of the generating sets is actually
rented for a base rental of US$43,000 every month, whether they are used or not. If they are used, that base rental only caters for 200 hours of work.


Anything over the 200 hours automatically bumps up the rental to US$60,000, monthly. GPL sources confirmed that GPL worked the generators to the maximum; therefore what it has been paying is the full US$60,000 rental, per month.This means that rental cost for the 12 generators amounted to some US$720,000 for each month
last year.

All this minutia is throwing dust.  The core issue, does the rest of Guyana need to subsidize linden into consuming 4X the national average of electricity.  I say NO.

ahmmm sorry. . ., this [fake] "core issue" is a papier-mΓ’chΓ© straw man that you, Kwame and the other antimen @ OP created under the tutelage of Misir & Co.


As you "run wild" on GNI with your "sledgehammer" demolishing your latest fabrication, keep an eye out for "minutia" bai . . . it doesn't sleep, bites viciously, and just might involve jail

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Are the electricity power plants owned by the US-of-A government?

Is the Bosai Power Plant owned by the Guyana Government?

Hence, one needs to be circumspect on the availability and cost of electricity in Guyana.

Hence if BOSAI generates electricty at a cheaper price than GPL it is then unfair to ask Lindeners to pay the same as other Guyanese.


The question then becomes why is GPL so inefficient, and extoring impoverished Guyanese to cover this fact?

Stop talking out of your rear end.  Understand freeness comes at a price.  According to your philosophy, let BOSAI decide in the interest of BOSAI.  So, If they decide to make power-gen it's own profit center, they decide what to charge to maximize their profits.  What if they see fit to increase tariffs above the national average, let Lindeners deal with it...right!!


Listen guy, the GoG exercise domain over Guyana regardless what you PNCites believe and they will set national policy, not the PNC, AFC, lose cannons or special interests.


You slaughter Indians to bring the PPP to their knees, failed, now you orchestrate the slaughter of Afros to inject race and seek international involvement.

 What is fair is to let the marked decide the price and not impose some arbitrary price simply to bring it up  to parity with a poorly managed entity elsewhere.


The government has no dominion to do as they please. They rule by consent of the people. It is a give and take world and the PPP are accustomed with excesses since they govern using the Marcos/Suharto model where the state is their cash cow to enrich themselves, kith and kin.


The PNC did not slaughter Indians under their rule. That is hyperventilating to facilitate a lie. They were harsh and cruel, but as one diplomat noted it was a essentially a bloodless dictatorship when compared to the prevailing paradigm of dictators of the era. No we do not want them or their kind of rule again but that does not mean we will accept the PPP kind of corruption either.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Stop talking out of your rear end.  Understand freeness comes at a price.  According to your philosophy, let BOSAI decide in the interest of BOSAI.  So, If they decide to make power-gen it's own profit center, they decide what to charge to maximize their profits.  What if they see fit to increase tariffs above the national average, let Lindeners deal with it...right!!


Listen guy, the GoG exercise domain over Guyana regardless what you PNCites believe and they will set national policy, not the PNC, AFC, lose cannons or special interests.


You slaughter Indians to bring the PPP to their knees, failed, now you orchestrate the slaughter of Afros to inject race and seek international involvement.

 What is fair is to let the marked decide the price and not impose some arbitrary price simply to bring it up  to parity with a poorly managed entity elsewhere.



Foolish statement, no thought.  Why don't you go tell Obama let the market decide on medical coverage in the USA?  The market is good with some things, not everything.  Gov't exercise some control over strategic and very essentials.  This is more-so in a small nation where there is hardly space for two competitors.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Stop talking out of your rear end.  Understand freeness comes at a price.  According to your philosophy, let BOSAI decide in the interest of BOSAI.  So, If they decide to make power-gen it's own profit center, they decide what to charge to maximize their profits.  What if they see fit to increase tariffs above the national average, let Lindeners deal with it...right!!


Listen guy, the GoG exercise domain over Guyana regardless what you PNCites believe and they will set national policy, not the PNC, AFC, lose cannons or special interests.


You slaughter Indians to bring the PPP to their knees, failed, now you orchestrate the slaughter of Afros to inject race and seek international involvement.

 What is fair is to let the marked decide the price and not impose some arbitrary price simply to bring it up  to parity with a poorly managed entity elsewhere.



Foolish statement, no thought.  Why don't you go tell Obama let the market decide on medical coverage in the USA?  The market is good with some things, not everything.  Gov't exercise some control over strategic and very essentials.  This is more-so in a small nation where there is hardly space for two competitors.

Obama does not control utility prices,  the local districts do. You are negating your own argument by making the wrong analogy. Let the local market place decide.


Government do control specific essential services bur we have someone no less than Ramotar insisting he cannot ask the operators of the Berbice river bridge to lower their price since they are a for profit business who must recover their money.


How much they put in vs how much the Guyanese people invested never came into the equation. The Guyanese people invested more than those PPP cronies ever did. Not it is collateralize on their backs as well.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 Foolish statement, no thought.  Why don't you go tell Obama let the market decide on medical coverage in the USA?  The market is good with some things, not everything.  Gov't exercise some control over strategic and very essentials.  This is more-so in a small nation where there is hardly space for two competitors.

Obama does not control utility prices,  the local districts do. You are negating your own argument by making the wrong analogy. Let the local market place decide.

You fool, where did I say Obama and utility prices.  Guyana is a different circumstance, it has less people than any state so it needs to be centrally controlled.  Swiss, a small rich nation with 7.5 mil people have a combo of Regional with Central oversight for utility rates.  Guyana, with a mere 750k needs central oversight.  Learn to think and not just blabber!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 Foolish statement, no thought.  Why don't you go tell Obama let the market decide on medical coverage in the USA?  The market is good with some things, not everything.  Gov't exercise some control over strategic and very essentials.  This is more-so in a small nation where there is hardly space for two competitors.

Obama does not control utility prices,  the local districts do. You are negating your own argument by making the wrong analogy. Let the local market place decide.

You fool, where did I say Obama and utility prices.  Guyana is a different circumstance, it has less people than any state so it needs to be centrally controlled.  Swiss, a small rich nation with 7.5 mil people have a combo of Regional with Central oversight for utility rates.  Guyana, with a mere 750k needs central oversight.  Learn to think and not just blabber!

Obama had no place in the analogy. We are speaking of utility price setting where multiple providers ( many are simply resellers who accrue savings by lean management of resources) and price differential between regions. Obama does not demand there be parity.


Guyana's problem is central oversight. While not knowing how the rates are determined in by the Swiss, I am sure the reasons are not comparable to ours. They are a federalist society so the idea of centralizing a utility service means it is a special case.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 Foolish statement, no thought.  Why don't you go tell Obama let the market decide on medical coverage in the USA?  The market is good with some things, not everything.  Gov't exercise some control over strategic and very essentials.  This is more-so in a small nation where there is hardly space for two competitors.

Obama does not control utility prices,  the local districts do. You are negating your own argument by making the wrong analogy. Let the local market place decide.

You fool, where did I say Obama and utility prices.  Guyana is a different circumstance, it has less people than any state so it needs to be centrally controlled.  Swiss, a small rich nation with 7.5 mil people have a combo of Regional with Central oversight for utility rates.  Guyana, with a mere 750k needs central oversight.  Learn to think and not just blabber!

Obama had no place in the analogy. We are speaking of utility price setting where multiple providers ( many are simply resellers who accrue savings by lean management of resources) and price differential between regions. Obama does not demand there be parity.


Guyana's problem is central oversight. While not knowing how the rates are determined in by the Swiss, I am sure the reasons are not comparable to ours. They are a federalist society so the idea of centralizing a utility service means it is a special case.

As I said, learn to think.  The US sees it fit to help manage healthcare costs as it falls back on central and state Govts via Medicaid.  My position stand, learn to think before you blabber.  Utility are State due to critical mass.


You talk talk talk, but very little thinking, just talk your air head off.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 Foolish statement, no thought.  Why don't you go tell Obama let the market decide on medical coverage in the USA?  The market is good with some things, not everything.  Gov't exercise some control over strategic and very essentials.  This is more-so in a small nation where there is hardly space for two competitors.

Obama does not control utility prices,  the local districts do. You are negating your own argument by making the wrong analogy. Let the local market place decide.

You fool, where did I say Obama and utility prices.  Guyana is a different circumstance, it has less people than any state so it needs to be centrally controlled.  Swiss, a small rich nation with 7.5 mil people have a combo of Regional with Central oversight for utility rates.  Guyana, with a mere 750k needs central oversight.  Learn to think and not just blabber!

Obama had no place in the analogy. We are speaking of utility price setting where multiple providers ( many are simply resellers who accrue savings by lean management of resources) and price differential between regions. Obama does not demand there be parity.


Guyana's problem is central oversight. While not knowing how the rates are determined in by the Swiss, I am sure the reasons are not comparable to ours. They are a federalist society so the idea of centralizing a utility service means it is a special case.

As I said, learn to think.  The US sees it fit to help manage healthcare costs as it falls back on central and state Govts via Medicaid.  My position stand, learn to think before you blabber.  Utility are State due to critical mass.


You talk talk talk, but very little thinking, just talk your air head off.

 I do not need a bigot selling a dubious story tell me how to think.  I also do not need spurious analogies to harmonize a flagging argument either. We have two companies with disparate management system, stymie and delivery systems producing the same produce.


One does it better than the other. The idea that individuals buying from the the better managed at cheaper rate are forced to normalized to the poorly managed entity is pig pigheadedness. You may call that thinking but you left your thinking cap in the closet and left your racist head is exposed to the wind.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You fool, where did I say Obama and utility prices.  Guyana is a different circumstance, it has less people than any state so it needs to be centrally controlled.  Swiss, a small rich nation with 7.5 mil people have a combo of Regional with Central oversight for utility rates.  Guyana, with a mere 750k needs central oversight.  Learn to think and not just blabber!

Obama had no place in the analogy. We are speaking of utility price setting where multiple providers ( many are simply resellers who accrue savings by lean management of resources) and price differential between regions. Obama does not demand there be parity.


Guyana's problem is central oversight. While not knowing how the rates are determined in by the Swiss, I am sure the reasons are not comparable to ours. They are a federalist society so the idea of centralizing a utility service means it is a special case.

As I said, learn to think.  The US sees it fit to help manage healthcare costs as it falls back on central and state Govts via Medicaid.  My position stand, learn to think before you blabber.  Utility are State due to critical mass.


You talk talk talk, but very little thinking, just talk your air head off.

 I do not need a bigot selling a dubious story tell me how to think.  I also do not need spurious analogies to harmonize a flagging argument either. We have two companies with disparate management system, stymie and delivery systems producing the same produce.


One does it better than the other. The idea that individuals buying from the the better managed at cheaper rate are forced to normalized to the poorly managed entity is pig pigheadedness. You may call that thinking but you left your thinking cap in the closet and left your racist head is exposed to the wind.

You are a lost cause, learn to think.  You may have overdosed.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

"GPL rents US$900,000 generator for US$720,000 annually"


That's a lot of dust there Baseman.


 How is it that Bosai can show a profit while GPL shows a loss? Why should Lindeners pay for GPL's ineffeciency?

Really, do you understand their costs allocation.  Their rate has nothing to do with it.  Lindeners should pay the national rate, end of story.  It's bull crap argument.

.impoverished Guyanese to cover this fact?

Stop talking out of your rear end.  Understand freeness comes at a price.  According to your philosophy, let BOSAI decide in the interest of BOSAI.  So, If they decide to make power-gen it's own profit center, they decide what to charge to maximize their profits.  What if they see fit to increase tariffs above the national average, let Lindeners deal with it...right!!


Listen guy, the GoG exercise domain over Guyana regardless what you PNCites believe and they will set national policy, not the PNC, AFC, lose cannons or special interests.


You slaughter Indians to bring the PPP to their knees, failed, now you orchestrate the slaughter of Afros to inject race and seek international involvement.

So if BOSAi generates electricity cheaply and so Lindeners get it cheaply, are you suggesting that they pay more because GPL is expensive and inefficient.


Is your love for the PPP so great that you wish to help them avoid the fact that GPL is a disaster.


Let us get to the bottom of comments made by Chris Ram and others who assert that BOSAI profitable generates power.  Is this so because they are more efficient than GPL?  Or is this so because the govt over pays them way above their costs of production?


Apparently blaming poor black people is more your style.  Not surprising given that 5 years ago you called AfroGuyanese subhuman, and even connected us to your allegation of cannibalism in certain african nations....none of which are located in West Africa by the have absolutely no relevance to us.


A Trini Indian woman told me today about how racist Guyanese Indians are and hoiw shocked she is by their bigotry.  I suspect she met you on one of those days when you were ranting about how AfroGuyanese are criminals, dirty and illiterate....yes these become other assertions by you five years ago.


BTW which Indians have been slaughtered by Lindeners.  I know the PPP killed FOUR black people.



And btw the PPP does NOT exercise domain over Guyana. They serve at the pleasure of the population, 51% of whom voted AGAINST them in 2011.  This is why the PPP no longer controls parliament.


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