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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Are the electricity power plants owned by the US-of-A government?

Is the Bosai Power Plant owned by the Guyana Government?

Hence, one needs to be circumspect on the availability and cost of electricity in Guyana.

Hence if BOSAI generates electricty at a cheaper price than GPL it is then unfair to ask Lindeners to pay the same as other Guyanese.


The question then becomes why is GPL so inefficient, and extoring impoverished Guyanese to cover this fact?

Stop talking out of your rear end.  Understand freeness comes at a price.  According to your philosophy, let BOSAI decide in the interest of BOSAI.  So, If they decide to make power-gen it's own profit center, they decide what to charge to maximize their profits.  What if they see fit to increase tariffs above the national average, let Lindeners deal with it...right!!


Listen guy, the GoG exercise domain over Guyana regardless what you PNCites believe and they will set national policy, not the PNC, AFC, lose cannons or special interests.


You slaughter Indians to bring the PPP to their knees, failed, now you orchestrate the slaughter of Afros to inject race and seek international involvement.

 What is fair is to let the marked decide the price and not impose some arbitrary price simply to bring it up  to parity with a poorly managed entity elsewhere.


The government has no dominion to do as they please. They rule by consent of the people. It is a give and take world and the PPP are accustomed with excesses since they govern using the Marcos/Suharto model where the state is their cash cow to enrich themselves, kith and kin.


The PNC did not slaughter Indians under their rule. That is hyperventilating to facilitate a lie. They were harsh and cruel, but as one diplomat noted it was a essentially a bloodless dictatorship when compared to the prevailing paradigm of dictators of the era. No we do not want them or their kind of rule again but that does not mean we will accept the PPP kind of corruption either.


Talking pure s**t when you say that the PNC did not slaughter Indians during their rule. Where were you hiding under your mother petticoat? You blind like rass man. Rat eat out you conscience too. Go eat shit and die you pig.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Really, do you understand their costs allocation.  Their rate has nothing to do with it.  Lindeners should pay the national rate, end of story.  It's bull crap argument.

Tell you what if you buy a product from company A which produces a good more cheaply than company B because they are more efficient.  Do you think that it is fair that I demand that you pay the same rate as I have to, because company B is the only company from which I can buy from?


This is what you are telling Lindeners to do. GPL does NOT supply Linden, so why should they pay GPLs rates?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

. .


Talking pure s**t when you say that the PNC did not slaughter Indians during their rule. Where were you hiding under your mother petticoat? You blind like rass man. Rat eat out you conscience too. Go eat shit and die you pig.

So the PNC slaughtered Indians and the PPP now slaughters blacks.  So PNC=PPP.  Are you happy now?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

. .


Talking pure s**t when you say that the PNC did not slaughter Indians during their rule. Where were you hiding under your mother petticoat? You blind like rass man. Rat eat out you conscience too. Go eat shit and die you pig.

So the PNC slaughtered Indians and the PPP now slaughters blacks.  So PNC=PPP.  Are you happy now?

Sems like the ammo did not come from police guns.  Mmmm, fishy, PNC phantoms?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Really, do you understand their costs allocation.  Their rate has nothing to do with it.  Lindeners should pay the national rate, end of story.  It's bull crap argument.

Tell you what if you buy a product from company A which produces a good more cheaply than company B because they are more efficient.  Do you think that it is fair that I demand that you pay the same rate as I have to, because company B is the only company from which I can buy from?


This is what you are telling Lindeners to do. GPL does NOT supply Linden, so why should they pay GPLs rates?

As long as they don't ask someone else to subsidize.  And what happens if the company pulls the plug, who you cry to?  Furthermore, the comparison in invalid.  Power costs is a national item.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

All this nonsense arguments to shore up a community that should be paying its fair share. 

I repeat if company A produces its product cheaper than company B, but company A doesnt operate where you live, why are you demanding that people who can buy from company A pay the company B rate because you are jealous that they are luckier than you are?


You ought toi ask yourself why are you forced to pay company B's rate because they are inefficient, but have a monopoly so can force you to pay what ever they want you to pay.


Please establish one of two things.


1. BOSAI sells electricty cheaper because they produce it more cheaply




2.  BOSAI is making surpluses because the govt is paying them too much to supply Linden.


How come you arent asking why is BOSAI singing its way to the bank at all the mopney they are making from selling electricty to Lindeners?  And that is if the govt is paying them toi generate electricity, which is not an established fact.


From what I can see your Indo clanishness and hatred of blacks prevents you from understanding this logic that several people have been suggesting that you consider.


As long as they don't ask someone else to subsidize.  And what happens if the company pulls the plug, who you cry to?  Furthermore, the comparison in invalid.  Power costs is a national item.

Has it been established that the govt is paying BOSAI to generate electricity.  It ha sbeen established that GPL doesnt supply Linden so what ever GPL charges is of no relevance to this discussion.


So given that BOSAI does not lose money generating electricty you are saying that a rich and huge globalChinese company is being subsidized by the govt to the extent that they make a PROFIT.


Sems like the ammo did not come from police guns.  Mmmm, fishy, PNC phantoms?

Who said so?  The police?  Andwhy do you believe them when Ramotar is so embarrassed by the fact that the world is calling him a brute because his goons killed 4 people because they refused an order to move.  The EU, Canada and the USA all have their eyes on Guyana, this spoiled soul of the English speaking Caribbean. 


Funny that Jamaicans can light tires right outside of the airport in MObay and their police, who are no paragons of virtue, dont kill them.  Yes light tires to prevent tourists from arriving and leaving the island!!!!


You see when the PPP enagges in this type of behavior this is why not only Guyanese, but the world at large sees them as more ofd a problem than a solution.  Its clear that they have no interest in listening to people and in being inclusive of the viewpoints of others.


And of course w enow hear that GPL does NOT supply electricity to Linden and that BOSAI makes money doing so.  This being facts that you chose to ignore.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Sems like the ammo did not come from police guns.  Mmmm, fishy, PNC phantoms?

Who said so?  The police?  Andwhy do you believe them when Ramotar is so embarrassed by the fact that the world is calling him a brute because his goons killed 4 people because they refused an order to move.  The EU, Canada and the USA all have their eyes on Guyana, this spoiled soul of the English speaking Caribbean. 


Funny that Jamaicans can light tires right outside of the airport in MObay and their police, who are no paragons of virtue, dont kill them.  Yes light tires to prevent tourists from arriving and leaving the island!!!!


You see when the PPP enagges in this type of behavior this is why not only Guyanese, but the world at large sees them as more ofd a problem than a solution.  Its clear that they have no interest in listening to people and in being inclusive of the viewpoints of others.


And of course w enow hear that GPL does NOT supply electricity to Linden and that BOSAI makes money doing so.  This being facts that you chose to ignore.

BOSAI FBMC is $58/KWH while GPL is $53.  BOSAI however, chooses to sell at at marginal costs burdening the rest of its ops as such depressing overall profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues.  This is a national subsidy.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Really, do you understand their costs allocation.  Their rate has nothing to do with it.  Lindeners should pay the national rate, end of story.  It's bull crap argument.

Tell you what if you buy a product from company A which produces a good more cheaply than company B because they are more efficient.  Do you think that it is fair that I demand that you pay the same rate as I have to, because company B is the only company from which I can buy from?


This is what you are telling Lindeners to do. GPL does NOT supply Linden, so why should they pay GPLs rates?

As long as they don't ask someone else to subsidize.  And what happens if the company pulls the plug, who you cry to?  Furthermore, the comparison in invalid.  Power costs is a national item.

again, BOSAI is an INDEPENDENT power generator . . . There is no national grid, you fool!


 . . . if a local co-op running a small hydro like the one @ Tumatumari provides power in the area at a nominal price, you find it rational for GPL to rule that they stop that, and demand that the locals pay GT rates ??


Perhaps, if you were capable of taming your sick obsession with punishing blackman . . .; with a little bit of effort, the real problem with this "subsidy" would come into focus

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Sems like the ammo did not come from police guns.  Mmmm, fishy, PNC phantoms?

Who said so?  The police?  Andwhy do you believe them when Ramotar is so embarrassed by the fact that the world is calling him a brute because his goons killed 4 people because they refused an order to move.  The EU, Canada and the USA all have their eyes on Guyana, this spoiled soul of the English speaking Caribbean. 


Funny that Jamaicans can light tires right outside of the airport in MObay and their police, who are no paragons of virtue, dont kill them.  Yes light tires to prevent tourists from arriving and leaving the island!!!!


You see when the PPP enagges in this type of behavior this is why not only Guyanese, but the world at large sees them as more ofd a problem than a solution.  Its clear that they have no interest in listening to people and in being inclusive of the viewpoints of others.


And of course w enow hear that GPL does NOT supply electricity to Linden and that BOSAI makes money doing so.  This being facts that you chose to ignore.

BOSAI FBMC is $58/KWH while GPL is $53.  BOSAI however, chooses to sell at at marginal costs burdening the rest of its ops as such depressing overall profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues.  This is a national subsidy.

fuss with their practices if you see it as such. Obviously, the idea of this company being profitable did not bother Ramotar since he was in bed with its former owners and despite taking out millions of oz of gold from the ground never made a profit!


They bought this company at discounted rates, promised to invest in it but instead  broke it up and sold this piece  to BOASI at close to a thousand percent markup. 


BOSAI is a Jagdeo find and it got tax breaks and import concessions like the previous owners so if you want subsidy, examine why  all of this happened and you will surely see somebody in government was getting a kick back.  Why has NICIL not tell us what happened to the rest of the assets from the former mining company?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Tell you what if you buy a product from company A which produces a good more cheaply than company B because they are more efficient.  Do you think that it is fair that I demand that you pay the same rate as I have to, because company B is the only company from which I can buy from?


This is what you are telling Lindeners to do. GPL does NOT supply Linden, so why should they pay GPLs rates?

As long as they don't ask someone else to subsidize.  And what happens if the company pulls the plug, who you cry to?  Furthermore, the comparison in invalid.  Power costs is a national item.

again, BOSAI is an INDEPENDENT power generator . . . There is no national grid, you fool!


 . . . if a local co-op running a small hydro like the one @ Tumatumari provides power in the area at a nominal price, you find it rational for GPL to rule that they stop that, and demand that the locals pay GT rates ??


Perhaps, if you were capable of taming your sick obsession with punishing blackman . . .; with a little bit of effort, the real PROBLEM with this "tariff" would come into focus

BOSAI is a mining company which provides electricity.  Rates are and should be a national perogative, not some expat Co.  The GoG has domain over all such policy decision. Infact, only a small portion of Lindeners are actually working with BOSAI, most are employed in gold, timber and other operations.  The full costs of the electricity falls back onto BOSAI depressing profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues, as such, a subsidy.


Bottom-line, Lindeners should enjoy the same rates as the rest of the nation.

<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}">Misrepresentation of the Unemployment rate for Region 10 by the Opposition

I feel utterly obligated to provide this information to the Guyanese public, as I do hold strongly that conflicts can only be resolved when we have the facts straight, as it allows for proper debate. Between 1970 and 2002 Guyana’s unemployment rate fluctuated between 11.7 and 16.8 percent. During the protracted economic crisis of the 1980s unemployment rate stood at 16.8%. In 2002, a study done by the Private Sector Commission (Technical Information Bulletin No. 4, April 2007) showed that Region 10 unemployment rate stood at 15.2% while Region 8 was 19.5%. Now consider the analysis below:
Sensitivity Analysis
If based on historical trend we put the current unemployment rate at 16.8%, equal to that of the 1980s and we maintained the regional unemployment rates at base, the following holds:
Est. Labour Force 2011 = 289,000
Est. Unemployment Rate 2011 (16.8%) = 48,704

Region 10 Labour Force 2002 = 14,164
Region 10 Unemployment rate 2002 (15.2%) = 2,146

From 2002, total population grew on average at 0.3% per annum. Though highly unlikely, if the total and regions’ labour force grew at the same rate, them:

Region 10 Labour Force 2011 (0.3% per annum) = 14,683

If everyone that joined the Labour force since 2002 in Region 10 is still without a job, this implies that

Region 10: Number Unemployed in 2011 is (2,146 + (14, 683 – 14, 164) = 2,665


Region 10: Unemployment Rate as of 2011 (2665/14683) = 18.15%

Not that it is next to impossible for the unemployment rate to be above 18.75, noting the overly pessimistic assumption underlined above. With this I urge all those involved in the current debate to update their knowledge and informed their remarks.

NB: All data taken from Private Sector Commission Technical Bulletin and Crossed checked with the Bureau of Statistics and IMF/WB for consistency.
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Tell you what if you buy a product from company A which produces a good more cheaply than company B because they are more efficient.  Do you think that it is fair that I demand that you pay the same rate as I have to, because company B is the only company from which I can buy from?


This is what you are telling Lindeners to do. GPL does NOT supply Linden, so why should they pay GPLs rates?

As long as they don't ask someone else to subsidize.  And what happens if the company pulls the plug, who you cry to?  Furthermore, the comparison in invalid.  Power costs is a national item.

again, BOSAI is an INDEPENDENT power generator . . . There is no national grid, you fool!


 . . . if a local co-op running a small hydro like the one @ Tumatumari provides power in the area at a nominal price, you find it rational for GPL to rule that they stop that, and demand that the locals pay GT rates ??


Perhaps, if you were capable of taming your sick obsession with punishing blackman . . .; with a little bit of effort, the real PROBLEM with this "tariff" would come into focus

BOSAI is a mining company which provides electricity.  Rates are and should be a national item, not some expat Co.  The GoG has domain over all such policy decision. Infact, only a small portion of Lindeners are actually working with BOSAI, most are employed in gold, timber and other operations.  The full costs of the electricity falls back onto BOSAI depressing profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues, as such, a subsidy.


Bottom-line, Lindeners should enjoy the same rates as the rest of the nation.


Misrepresentation of the Unemployment rate for Region 10 by the Opposition

I feel utterly obligated to provide this information to the Guyanese public, as I do hold strongly that conflicts can only be resolved when we have the facts straight, as it allows for proper debate. Between 1970 and 2002 Guyana’s unemployment rate fluctuated between 11.7 and 16.8 percent. During the protracted economic crisis of the 1980s unemployment rate stood at 16.8%. In 2002, a study done by the Private Sector Commission (Technical Information Bulletin No. 4, April 2007) showed that Region 10 unemployment rate stood at 15.2% while Region 8 was 19.5%. Now consider the analysis below:
Sensitivity Analysis
If based on historical trend we put the current unemployment rate at 16.8%, equal to that of the 1980s and we maintained the regional unemployment rates at base, the following holds:
Est. Labour Force 2011 = 289,000
Est. Unemployment Rate 2011 (16.8%) = 48,704

Region 10 Labour Force 2002 = 14,164
Region 10 Unemployment rate 2002 (15.2%) = 2,146

From 2002, total population grew on average at 0.3% per annum. Though highly unlikely, if the total and regions’ labour force grew at the same rate, them:

Region 10 Labour Force 2011 (0.3% per annum) = 14,683

If everyone that joined the Labour force since 2002 in Region 10 is still without a job, this implies that

Region 10: Number Unemployed in 2011 is (2,146 + (14, 683 – 14, 164) = 2,665


Region 10: Unemployment Rate as of 2011 (2665/14683) = 18.15%

Not that it is next to impossible for the unemployment rate to be above 18.75, noting the overly pessimistic assumption underlined above. With this I urge all those involved in the current debate to update their knowledge and informed their remarks.

NB: All data taken from Private Sector Commission Technical Bulletin and Crossed checked with the Bureau of Statistics and IMF/WB for consistency.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Tell you what if you buy a product from company A which produces a good more cheaply than company B because they are more efficient.  Do you think that it is fair that I demand that you pay the same rate as I have to, because company B is the only company from which I can buy from?


This is what you are telling Lindeners to do. GPL does NOT supply Linden, so why should they pay GPLs rates?

As long as they don't ask someone else to subsidize.  And what happens if the company pulls the plug, who you cry to?  Furthermore, the comparison in invalid.  Power costs is a national item.

again, BOSAI is an INDEPENDENT power generator . . . There is no national grid, you fool!


 . . . if a local co-op running a small hydro like the one @ Tumatumari provides power in the area at a nominal price, you find it rational for GPL to rule that they stop that, and demand that the locals pay GT rates ??


Perhaps, if you were capable of taming your sick obsession with punishing blackman . . .; with a little bit of effort, the real PROBLEM with this "tariff" would come into focus

BOSAI is a mining company which provides electricity.  Rates are and should be a national item, not some expat Co.  The GoG has domain over all such policy decision. Infact, only a small portion of Lindeners are actually working with BOSAI, most are employed in gold, timber and other operations.  The full costs of the electricity falls back onto BOSAI depressing profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues, as such, a subsidy.


Bottom-line, Lindeners should enjoy the same rates as the rest of the nation.

chanting stupid things over and over again does not make the nonsense any more sensible  . . . or YOU any less stupid

 the island!!!!



BOSAI FBMC is $58/KWH while GPL is $53.  BOSAI however, chooses to sell at at marginal costs burdening the rest of its ops as such depressing overall profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues.  This is a national subsidy.

BOSAI is NOT losing money in generating and selling electricity.  So either they are covering their costs, however they define it OR the govt is giving them too much money.  I very much doubt that BOSAI is burdening the rest of their operations by selling at below costs.  They arent a social agency so arent going to subsidize what they do not consider to be their responsibility. Even if they are that is between them and Linden and should be of no concern to the govt.


You still havent told us why you think that the govt is paying a major global company too much money to generate electrcity for sale to Linden.  So if the govt is paying BOSAI too much to subsidize shouldnt the first thing thatthey do to cut these payments to BOSAI, which will then force them to charge Lindeners more.


The more I read about this the more something smells fishy.  It does appear to me that rather than explaing to Guyanese who are forced to buy from GPL as to why their costs are so high they prefer to scape goat Lindeners  and to tell many lies in the process.


Any way one of Guyanese leading accountants is on the case so the truth will out shortly as I am sure he will add more to the questions asked.

Originally Posted by caribny:
 the island!!!!



BOSAI FBMC is $58/KWH while GPL is $53.  BOSAI however, chooses to sell at at marginal costs burdening the rest of its ops as such depressing overall profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues.  This is a national subsidy.

BOSAI is NOT losing money in generating and selling electricity.  So either they are covering their costs, however they define it OR the govt is giving them too much money.  I very much doubt that BOSAI is burdening the rest of their operations by selling at below costs.  They arent a social agency so arent going to subsidize what they do not consider to be their responsibility. Even if they are that is between them and Linden and should be of no concern to the govt.


You still havent told us why you think that the govt is paying a major global company too much money to generate electrcity for sale to Linden.  So if the govt is paying BOSAI too much to subsidize shouldnt the first thing thatthey do to cut these payments to BOSAI, which will then force them to charge Lindeners more.


The more I read about this the more something smells fishy.  It does appear to me that rather than explaing to Guyanese who are forced to buy from GPL as to why their costs are so high they prefer to scape goat Lindeners  and to tell many lies in the process.


Any way one of Guyanese leading accountants is on the case so the truth will out shortly as I am sure he will add more to the questions asked.

How you know this, how did you measure their performance?


The issue shoiuld not be if BOSAI is or isn't making money, it's an issue of national policy and the role and domain of the Govt.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Tell you what if you buy a product from company A which produces a good more cheaply than company B because they are more efficient.  Do you think that it is fair that I demand that you pay the same rate as I have to, because company B is the only company from which I can buy from?


This is what you are telling Lindeners to do. GPL does NOT supply Linden, so why should they pay GPLs rates?

As long as they don't ask someone else to subsidize.  And what happens if the company pulls the plug, who you cry to?  Furthermore, the comparison in invalid.  Power costs is a national item.

again, BOSAI is an INDEPENDENT power generator . . . There is no national grid, you fool!


 . . . if a local co-op running a small hydro like the one @ Tumatumari provides power in the area at a nominal price, you find it rational for GPL to rule that they stop that, and demand that the locals pay GT rates ??


Perhaps, if you were capable of taming your sick obsession with punishing blackman . . .; with a little bit of effort, the real PROBLEM with this "tariff" would come into focus

BOSAI is a mining company which provides electricity.  Rates are and should be a national item, not some expat Co.  The GoG has domain over all such policy decision. Infact, only a small portion of Lindeners are actually working with BOSAI, most are employed in gold, timber and other operations.  The full costs of the electricity falls back onto BOSAI depressing profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues, as such, a subsidy.


Bottom-line, Lindeners should enjoy the same rates as the rest of the nation.

chanting stupid things over and over again does not make the nonsense any more sensible  . . . or YOU any less stupid

Yea, yea, as far as you are concerned, KSI and party card are the way to go.  Fact is, Lindeners are very wasteful with electricity and needs to pay their fair share.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}">Misrepresentation of the Unemployment rate for Region 10 by the Opposition

I feel utterly obligated to provide this information to the Guyanese public, as I do hold strongly that conflicts can only be resolved when we have the facts straight, as it allows for proper debate. Between 1970 and 2002 Guyana’s unemployment rate fluctuated between 11.7 and 16.8 percent. During the protracted economic crisis of the 1980s unemployment rate stood at 16.8%. In 2002, a study done by the Private Sector Commission (Technical Information Bulletin No. 4, April 2007) showed that Region 10 unemployment rate stood at 15.2% while Region 8 was 19.5%. Now consider the analysis below:
Sensitivity Analysis
If based on historical trend we put the current unemployment rate at 16.8%, equal to that of the 1980s and we maintained the regional unemployment rates at base, the following holds:
Est. Labour Force 2011 = 289,000
Est. Unemployment Rate 2011 (16.8%) = 48,704

Region 10 Labour Force 2002 = 14,164
Region 10 Unemployment rate 2002 (15.2%) = 2,146

From 2002, total population grew on average at 0.3% per annum. Though highly unlikely, if the total and regions’ labour force grew at the same rate, them:

Region 10 Labour Force 2011 (0.3% per annum) = 14,683

If everyone that joined the Labour force since 2002 in Region 10 is still without a job, this implies that

Region 10: Number Unemployed in 2011 is (2,146 + (14, 683 – 14, 164) = 2,665


Region 10: Unemployment Rate as of 2011 (2665/14683) = 18.15%

Not that it is next to impossible for the unemployment rate to be above 18.75, noting the overly pessimistic assumption underlined above. With this I urge all those involved in the current debate to update their knowledge and informed their remarks.

NB: All data taken from Private Sector Commission Technical Bulletin and Crossed checked with the Bureau of Statistics and IMF/WB for consistency.

Now tell us about the working age male population of Linden and tell us how many of them either have jobs, or are self employed.  Given that there is no welfare in Guyana those who neither have jobs, nor are self employed are UNEMPLOYED.  One cannot live off govt hand outs in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Tell you what if you buy a product from company A which produces a good more cheaply than company B because they are more efficient.  Do you think that it is fair that I demand that you pay the same rate as I have to, because company B is the only company from which I can buy from?


This is what you are telling Lindeners to do. GPL does NOT supply Linden, so why should they pay GPLs rates?

As long as they don't ask someone else to subsidize.  And what happens if the company pulls the plug, who you cry to?  Furthermore, the comparison in invalid.  Power costs is a national item.

again, BOSAI is an INDEPENDENT power generator . . . There is no national grid, you fool!


 . . . if a local co-op running a small hydro like the one @ Tumatumari provides power in the area at a nominal price, you find it rational for GPL to rule that they stop that, and demand that the locals pay GT rates ??


Perhaps, if you were capable of taming your sick obsession with punishing blackman . . .; with a little bit of effort, the real PROBLEM with this "tariff" would come into focus

BOSAI is a mining company which provides electricity.  Rates are and should be a national item, not some expat Co.  The GoG has domain over all such policy decision. Infact, only a small portion of Lindeners are actually working with BOSAI, most are employed in gold, timber and other operations.  The full costs of the electricity falls back onto BOSAI depressing profitability and depriving the national treasury of revenues, as such, a subsidy.


Bottom-line, Lindeners should enjoy the same rates as the rest of the nation.

chanting stupid things over and over again does not make the nonsense any more sensible  . . . or YOU any less stupid

Yea, yea, as far as you are concerned, KSI and party card are the way to go . . . 

ur cure for brain lock and confusion . . . the ever-handy PNCee non sequitur


What a stumblebum




The answer is simple. Linden MUST pay up. The cannot resort to terrorism to bully the rest of Guyana.


They use three times the electricity than the rest of the entire country. This is totally unacceptable. The must learn to be conservative in their spending habits like the rest of Guyana.


The are not special and must learn to live within their means.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



The answer is simple. Linden MUST pay up. The cannot resort to terrorism to bully the rest of Guyana.


They use three times the electricity than the rest of the entire country. This is totally unacceptable. The must learn to be conservative in their spending habits like the rest of Guyana.


The are not special and must learn to live within their means.

Protest in light of disagreements with established authority is the foundation of the western world. Why do you think we have the word "protestant"?


Demanding to control price of utilities to the disadvantage of citizens is becoming a habit with this administration. Digicel is taken to court for lowering long distance prices 88% and the government is displeased!


Everyone is special. Only racists are a little lower on the totem pole and simply because they are a vexation to the spirit.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The answer is simple. Linden MUST pay up. The cannot resort to terrorism to bully the rest of Guyana.


They use three times the electricity than the rest of the entire country. This is totally unacceptable. The must learn to be conservative in their spending habits like the rest of Guyana.


The are not special and must learn to live within their means.

Protest in light of disagreements with established authority is the foundation of the western world. Why do you think we have the word "protestant"?


Demanding to control price of utilities to the disadvantage of citizens is becoming a habit with this administration. Digicel is taken to court for lowering long distance prices 88% and the government is displeased!


Everyone is special. Only racists are a little lower on the totem pole and simply because they are a vexation to the spirit.


You Mr. AFC/PNC thug is not answering the question.


Why are the citizens of Linden resorting to terrorism in bullying the rest of Guyana ?


Why is Linden using THREE times more electricity than the rest of Guyana ?


I guess being on welfare will not allow you the opportunity to provide a just answer.


Racism ?

That is how thugs like yourself attack those who speak out.


You fool, where did I say Obama and utility prices.  Guyana is a different circumstance, it has less people than any state so it needs to be centrally controlled.  Swiss, a small rich nation with 7.5 mil people have a combo of Regional with Central oversight for utility rates.  Guyana, with a mere 750k needs central oversight.  Learn to think and not just blabber!

The Govt of Guyana is unable/unwilling to provide electricty to Linden so BOSAI does so, instead of GPL.


So clearly your argument of a national policy is dead on arrival.


My questions remain and you remain unable to answer.


1.  If BOSAI generates electricity more cheaply than GPL why should LIndeners pay the GPL rate?


2.  If BOSAI makes a profit from generating electricity becausde it is overpaid by the govt, then why is the govt overpaying a major global multinational when it need only compensate them to cover their costs?



Instead you rampage against Lindeners because of your total hatred of black people.  When are you going to join that IndoKKK chapter which is based on Freedom House. Even Trini Indians have to complain about how anti black bigots many of you all Guyanese Indians are.

world. Why do you think we have the word "protestant"?



Why are the citizens of Linden resorting to terrorism in bullying the rest of Guyana ?



The rest of Guyana shot and killed or injured Lindeners.  Hoa many opf the rest of Guyana did Lindeners attack BEFORE they were assaulted?


It ha snot been established that the rest of Guyana subsidizes Lindeners. It is possible that the rest of Guyana subsidizes a major Chinese conglomerate....but then whose fault is that? BOSAI does NOT lose money in providing electricity.


You all PPP racist members of the IndoKKK can scream your hatred of blacks all day long but the facts are there.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Linden Protest may do the residents more harm that good, recent reports stated the main employer(the bauxite company) has cease operation since the protest began, commercial banks are almost out of cash, and food supplies are dangerous low in the community......Linden is not a state within a state

WHen the bunch of numbskulls in the OP were contemplating this pricing increase they dod mpt seek to consult with the people. The PPP cannot rule by edict. The next hammer to land on their toes is coming from workers in the sugar belt who are feeling the squeeze.


BTW, when is Ramotar going to advise GPL that the people cannot subsidize their mismanagement?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Linden Protest may do the residents more harm that good, recent reports stated the main employer(the bauxite company) has cease operation since the protest began, commercial banks are almost out of cash, and food supplies are dangerous low in the community......Linden is not a state within a state

So then you will have an angrier and hungrier population.  Dont think that this makes life easier for the PPP.  The violence which occurred happened because the police started it.


It makes poor politics to shoot people because they blocekd a bridge. This is why the ABC counytries have toild the PPP to fix the mess..or else.  I can forsee that the Norway $$$ willo never recah Guyana, because there is now ahere that Norway can send cash to a nation which kills its citizens because they protests and then stages a kangaroo court to hide that fact.


This also sets a precedent as one day sugar workers will protest and the police will shoot them for refusing to stop blocking a factory.


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