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December 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Considering the increase in inflow of flights through the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), the Guyana Oil Company Limited (GUYOIL) today commissioned an Aviation Services Fuel Handling facility at the airport at Timehri. President Donald Ramotar who officially commissioned the facility said that it will see a drastic increase in terms of the flow of traffic at CJIA, contributing significantly to the growing tourism sector. Present at the event also were Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn, and several aviation sector stakeholders. This US$3.5 million project is phase one of an overall venture which comprises the construction of the terminal at Providence, East Bank Demerara. This facility sits on one acre of land and includes storage filtration units, and office with trained and competent staff. According to the Government Information and News Agency (GINA) President Ramotar reiterated that this project, which is part of a larger scheme that Government is embarking on to increase the inflow of traffic through the CJIA, will introduce competition in off-jet fuel services in Guyana. “It is expected that this competition that is being introduced now will help to make aviation fuel prices more competitive, and to help also to increase the flow of traffic through the Cheddi Jagan International Airport…some people are saying we are investing in facilities like this when some roads in villages need to be repaired. While those roads are important, and we are trying our best to fix them, the investment into this airport is to help increase the revenue of our country,” the President explained. Speaking on the modernisation and expansion of the CJIA, President Ramotar said that this project is not a luxury, but rather, a great necessity; to not only enhance the services offered, but to increase the country’s revenues. “We have a great tourist product, many of us have travelled and without boasting we can say that our product is as good as any…what we don’t have is the infrastructure to develop this product, and that is one of the reasons it is so necessary for us to have a modern international airport and a longer runway as the first essential investment to develop our tourism sector,” President Ramotar said. The spinoff of this project is the establishment of a number of hotels across the country. In this regard, Government, through this year’s budget made provision to invest in a hospitality institute to train workers to provide quality services. These investments will not only benefit the tourism industry, but every other sector. “That is what seems to be missing when these things are reported. It seems that what is not appreciated is the link to the other sectors in the economy, how much it can enhance revenues and how much more we can pour into the social sectors, build more roads and clean up the country,” he added. GUYOIL has played a significant role in regulating the transportation sector. While they have done an outstanding job in road transportation, it is anticipated that the company will be more outstanding in the air transportation sector. Minister Singh, who congratulated GUYOIL’s board and management for this signal achievement said that notwithstanding the challenges, Guyanese live in times where they ought to be excited for their country, where large local regional and international companies continue to express optimism in Guyana’s economy. Minister Singh said that he is particularly pleased with this commissioning because there is a stereotype that the public sector cannot be outstanding. “I believe that GUYOIL is an example that defies that stereotype,” he stressed. Over the past few years, Guyoil has moved its distribution of fuel all across Guyana. This company, which has been in operations for 38 years, has a staff complement of over 300, with 8 gas stations and 3 terminals

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you trying to get them people started?

Progress in Guyana. Will listen to all the Ms. Cleos with their drugs and jumbie stories.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you trying to get them people started?

Progress in Guyana. Will listen to all the Ms. Cleos with their drugs and jumbie stories.

HEHEHE  Is a FREE Country, they have a right to write.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you trying to get them people started?

Progress in Guyana. Will listen to all the Ms. Cleos with their drugs and jumbie stories.

Progress my arse that is why there is 30% unemployment rate.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you trying to get them people started?

Progress in Guyana. Will listen to all the Ms. Cleos with their drugs and jumbie stories.

Progress my arse that is why there is 30% unemployment rate.

30% for the uneducated ignars who want a desk job. The 30% come from the city folks. People just don't want to work. Just ask your relatives in GY.

It seems as though IDIOTS have an inability to read and stay focused.
This is about investment to attract other investments.
Stay focused
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you trying to get them people started?

Progress in Guyana. Will listen to all the Ms. Cleos with their drugs and jumbie stories.

Progress my arse that is why there is 30% unemployment rate.


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
It seems as though IDIOTS have an inability to read and stay focused.
This is about investment to attract other investments.
Stay focused
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you trying to get them people started?

Progress in Guyana. Will listen to all the Ms. Cleos with their drugs and jumbie stories.

Progress my arse that is why there is 30% unemployment rate.


Guyoil is a state owned company this is not attracting anything other than flies. Do your homework and know wtf you are talking about before yapping.


GFY before calling anyone an idiot. Go and buy a mirror.


This response is not for "HM_Redux" as this is just a handle and not a real person.


The fuel handler at CJIA has ALWAYS charge much higher than any other fuel handlers at any airports in the Caribbean.


This is a wise investment.



Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

This response is not for "HM_Redux" as this is just a handle and not a real person.


The fuel handler at CJIA has ALWAYS charge much higher than any other fuel handlers at any airports in the Caribbean.


This is a wise investment.



Government intervening where private business should be is never a good idea. Guyoil is just as hideous a mistake as is many other government ventures in GY.


If the government wanted to lower the cost of fuel or manage the cost of fuel at the airport there are other mechanisms which they can employ to do so.

This is the same kind of poor bullshit logic that does not withstand scrutiny. Private companies can create enough competition to drive prices down.


BTW how much has the government earned from Guyoil the past 20 years?


What are the financials of Guyoil can you share that with us please or would that also be raining on your parade?

It is obvious that HM_Redux wants to talk to me.
Let's talk
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

This response is not for "HM_Redux" as this is just a handle and not a real person.


The fuel handler at CJIA has ALWAYS charge much higher than any other fuel handlers at any airports in the Caribbean.


This is a wise investment.



Government intervening where private business should be is never a good idea. Guyoil is just as hideous a mistake as is many other government ventures in GY.


If the government wanted to lower the cost of fuel or manage the cost of fuel at the airport there are other mechanisms which they can employ to do so.

This is the same kind of poor bullshit logic that does not withstand scrutiny. Private companies can create enough competition to drive prices down.


BTW how much has the government earned from Guyoil the past 20 years?


What are the financials of Guyoil can you share that with us please or would that also be raining on your parade?


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Finally, International flights are getting attention.


This is a wonderful step forward

What international flights? JetBlue doesn't have a plane with the range to reach GEO out of JFK and they are the only credible people potentially interested in Guyana.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you trying to get them people started?

Progress in Guyana. Will listen to all the Ms. Cleos with their drugs and jumbie stories.

Progress my arse that is why there is 30% unemployment rate.

30% for the uneducated ignars who want a desk job. The 30% come from the city folks. People just don't want to work. Just ask your relatives in GY.

PPP racism as usual.  Urban dwellers are about 30-40% of the population.  Are you suggesting that NONE of them work?


Why is it that Guyanese (of both races) are valued as workers in the Caribbean and Suriname and in Guyana they are lazy?  Obviously it has to do with what is happening in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you trying to get them people started?

Progress in Guyana. Will listen to all the Ms. Cleos with their drugs and jumbie stories.

Progress my arse that is why there is 30% unemployment rate.

30% for the uneducated ignars who want a desk job. The 30% come from the city folks. People just don't want to work. Just ask your relatives in GY.

PPP racism as usual.  Urban dwellers are about 30-40% of the population.  Are you suggesting that NONE of them work?

It is all racism and ignorance, much to the detriment of the people of Guyana.


These fools who claim they represent the people do not represent anyone aside from the thief man regime.


The PPP has gone against their own soup they were preaching pre 92 claiming if they managed the economy well they could then subsidize education even more than the PNC. Today we know that is complete bullshit. For a country as small as GY access to UG should be free for all. 


We should not be paying jagdeo no 200 Million bullshit pension while the people cannot access basic health care.


Now these same charlatans will come and tell us Guyoil at Timehri is a major investment this is complete deceptive bullshit.......


Cocaine has been mixed in with the fuel so that it can't be easily detected. The Columbian drugs gangs have been doing that for decades. Now it is the PPP and its drugs gangs that are copying the practice.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

Stay on the topic.


This is REAL Progress

This is not progress. The Guyana Oil Company Limited is solely owned by the Government of Guyana and is a duly registered Company in accordance with the Laws of Guyana. It was formed in 1976.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

This response is not for "HM_Redux" as this is just a handle and not a real person.


The fuel handler at CJIA has ALWAYS charge much higher than any other fuel handlers at any airports in the Caribbean.


This is a wise investment.



Vishnu can you tell us why the Sole Fuel Facility at the Airport was ALWAYS allowed to charge a much higher price than any other fuel handlers at any airports in the Caribbean.


Why the PPP allowed this situation to go on for 22 years when they knew certain Vultures and Parasites were making billions on that Fuel Facility?


When this was discovered and exposed....GAC was still in operation .....

and if the PPP Govt had insisted the Supplier refund GAC for the overharge just for the years 1992-1998....GAC would have added 6 more Jets to their fleet.


Jagdeo Shut Down GAC and left the Aviation Fuel Scam in place.


Shutting down the National Airline opened the doors for all the Fly-by-night operations that followed.


If GUYOIL operations will reduce Jet Fuel prices  in Guyana to levels available in the Caribbean.....this will be a good move by the PPP .... although  it comes 22 years late.


IF this move do not slash Aviation Fuel & Operating Cost in Guyana... it will be intended to fill the pockets of a Next Set of Cockroach & Vultures.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

This response is not for "HM_Redux" as this is just a handle and not a real person.


The fuel handler at CJIA has ALWAYS charge much higher than any other fuel handlers at any airports in the Caribbean.


This is a wise investment.



Vishnu can you tell us why the Sole Fuel Facility at the Airport was ALWAYS allowed to charge a much higher price than any other fuel handlers at any airports in the Caribbean.


Why the PPP allowed this situation to go on for 22 years when they knew certain Vultures and Parasites were making billions on that Fuel Facility?


When this was discovered and exposed....GAC was still in operation .....

and if the PPP Govt had insisted the Supplier refund GAC for the overharge just for the years 1992-1998....GAC would have added 6 more Jets to their fleet.


Jagdeo Shut Down GAC and left the Aviation Fuel Scam in place.


Shutting down the National Airline opened the doors for all the Fly-by-night operations that followed.


If GUYOIL operations will reduce Jet Fuel prices  in Guyana to levels available in the Caribbean.....this will be a good move by the PPP .... although  it comes 22 years late.


IF this move do not slash Aviation Fuel & Operating Cost in Guyana... it will be intended to fill the pockets of a Next Set of Cockroach & Vultures.

The Honorable Mr. Jalil putting this issue to rest.


Any final comments before this one hit de basement Vishy?

Originally Posted by Kari:

Jalil, yuh vish up fish deh bai (word order intended)

Vish is always looking to be fished up.

Vish on a serious note you have to be foolish to call this major progress. You more than anyone else is aware that this is available at almost all airports and it should not have been done by the Government. Give this to the the private sector.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Since those with skilled knowledge in the airline fuel business jumped in Nehru crawled out of the conversation......


Too high fuh he rass.....

Nehru will drink the airline fuel for rum. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Cocaine has been mixed in with the fuel so that it can't be easily detected. The Columbian drugs gangs have been doing that for decades. Now it is the PPP and its drugs gangs that are copying the practice.

Ms. Cleo is looking thru the crystal ball again.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Cocaine has been mixed in with the fuel so that it can't be easily detected. The Columbian drugs gangs have been doing that for decades. Now it is the PPP and its drugs gangs that are copying the practice.

Ms. Cleo is looking thru the crystal ball again.


Yuh think Skeldon can tell us

if the PPP got Answer fuh any Question from the Guyanese.

Dr Arif Bulkhan....


In the six weeks since the mask slipped,

providing an insight into Attorney General

Anil Nandlall in his unguarded moments,


our battered nation has been subjected

to the arrogant response of both the AG himself

and the ruling party in respect of the disclosures,


followed closely by the prorogation of Parliament,


and then yet another debilitating flood in Georgetown

and along the coast after only a few hours of rain.


Most recently,

we have had to come to terms

with the fact that a pilot –

who has been allowed to operate his own hangar

in this notoriously bureaucratic country and


who clearly has the blessing of the government,

having flown even the President on several overseas trips –


was arrested on his way to Guyana

with over half a million in undeclared US dollars

hidden in his plane.


As random as these events may seem,

they are integrally connected and occur –

or are allowed to occur – precisely because of

the nature and quality of the PPP’s leadership.


Not a single one

of these incidents is anomalous or surprising –

unless, of course, like battered spouses

we think that deep down

somewhere our abusers love us

and will change.



MR T, .......

according to Dr Arif Bulkham..



 is an Abused Spouce...


First he was abused

by Jagdeo


and Now he is Abused

by Kwame & PPP


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

Jalil, yuh vish up fish deh bai (word order intended)

Kari like you.....we are not here to fish up Vishnu
I have always support what is Good or what is right.

That is why Vishnu can always honestly say....

Jalil & Kari went to bat for him ....
and faced the most hostile bouners...
without safety helmet

When Jagdeo Friend strip him in public .....almost naked, 
and think they are above the law and
they can get away with it.

We stood with Vishnu ...And Vish had the last laugh.

 Kari where are these Guys now who taught they are
"De Kings of Richmond Hill".

 I remember when Jagdeo first Visited New York as President...
and you were introducing him in Brooklyn
at the crowded Medgar Evers College....
when Ravi Dev Indian Racist were Picketing him outside...
because the wanted nothing to do with Blackpeople or Brooklyn
any you said in your Introduction .......
"Mr President you have the golden opportunity
to achieve what Burnham & Jagan could only dream of....
"uniting the races in Guyana"
"Mr President this is your opportunity

to speak for all Guyanese 
from Linden to Lethem,
From Buxton to Babu John,
From Skeldon to Sophia

 and us here

from Flatbush to Liberty Avenue..."

I remember ....

at that point the entire Medgar Evers

stood up and cheered loudly.

When Jagdeo stood up .....

Instead of taking the Ball and Run with it ...

he said,

"But Guyana has no Race Problem.....

Is only a handful ROAR supporters....

look them outside there".......

The entire crowd taught Jagdeo is a Madman ....

except one person "Albert Baldeo"....

who say "Tell them Mr President"......

and I said to you after that Baldeo has no place in Politics

Kari I wonder if Vishnu can tell us where is Mr Baldeo Today?

Bhai Kari.....

"Jagdeo & PPP really Miss The Bus" 


Oh for those days when Guyanese thought that Jagdeo, born after the 60s, and so less impacted by it would have been able to rise above Guyana's ethnic paranoia.


Little did the many who had that hope know that Jagdeo was the BIGGEST RACIST of them all.  The man literally laughed when a bank collapsed and thousands of poor black people lost their savings.


14 years after Guyana still remains mired in racial insecurity,

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Jalil, yuh vish up fish deh bai (word order intended)

Kari like you.....we are not here to fish up Vishnu
I have always support what is Good or what is right.

That is why Vishnu can always honestly say....

Jalil & Kari went to bat for him ....
and faced the most hostile bouners...
without safety helmet

When Jagdeo Friend strip him in public .....almost naked, 
and think they are above the law and
they can get away with it.

We stood with Vishnu ...And Vish had the last laugh.

 Kari where are these Guys now who taught they are
"De Kings of Richmond Hill".

 I remember when Jagdeo first Visited New York as President...
and you were introducing him in Brooklyn
at the crowded Medgar Evers College....
when Ravi Dev Indian Racist were Picketing him outside...
because the wanted nothing to do with Blackpeople or Brooklyn
any you said in your Introduction .......
"Mr President you have the golden opportunity
to achieve what Burnham & Jagan could only dream of....
"uniting the races in Guyana"
"Mr President this is your opportunity

to speak for all Guyanese 
from Linden to Lethem,
From Buxton to Babu John,
From Skeldon to Sophia

 and us here

from Flatbush to Liberty Avenue..."

I remember ....

at that point the entire Medgar Evers

stood up and cheered loudly.

When Jagdeo stood up .....

Instead of taking the Ball and Run with it ...

he said,

"But Guyana has no Race Problem.....

Is only a handful ROAR supporters....

look them outside there".......

The entire crowd taught Jagdeo is a Madman ....

except one person "Albert Baldeo"....

who say "Tell them Mr President"......

and I said to you after that Baldeo has no place in Politics

Kari I wonder if Vishnu can tell us where is Mr Baldeo Today?

Bhai Kari.....

"Jagdeo & PPP really Miss The Bus" 

Jalil on a serious note this is one off your better posts.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Jalil, yuh vish up fish deh bai (word order intended)

Kari like you.....we are not here to fish up Vishnu
I have always support what is Good or what is right.

That is why Vishnu can always honestly say....

Jalil & Kari went to bat for him ....
and faced the most hostile bouners...
without safety helmet

When Jagdeo Friend strip him in public .....almost naked, 
and think they are above the law and
they can get away with it.

We stood with Vishnu ...And Vish had the last laugh.

 Kari where are these Guys now who taught they are
"De Kings of Richmond Hill".

 I remember when Jagdeo first Visited New York as President...
and you were introducing him in Brooklyn
at the crowded Medgar Evers College....
when Ravi Dev Indian Racist were Picketing him outside...
because the wanted nothing to do with Blackpeople or Brooklyn
any you said in your Introduction .......
"Mr President you have the golden opportunity
to achieve what Burnham & Jagan could only dream of....
"uniting the races in Guyana"
"Mr President this is your opportunity

to speak for all Guyanese 
from Linden to Lethem,
From Buxton to Babu John,
From Skeldon to Sophia

 and us here

from Flatbush to Liberty Avenue..."

I remember ....

at that point the entire Medgar Evers

stood up and cheered loudly.

When Jagdeo stood up .....

Instead of taking the Ball and Run with it ...

he said,

"But Guyana has no Race Problem.....

Is only a handful ROAR supporters....

look them outside there".......

The entire crowd taught Jagdeo is a Madman ....

except one person "Albert Baldeo"....

who say "Tell them Mr President"......

and I said to you after that Baldeo has no place in Politics

Kari I wonder if Vishnu can tell us where is Mr Baldeo Today?

Bhai Kari.....

"Jagdeo & PPP really Miss The Bus" 

Jalil on a serious note this is one off your better posts.


Yes I was at that event and I remember how people held out so much hope for Jagdeo.  I remember a black  woman hugging him and exclaiming that he was her president.


How disappointing Jagdeo turned out to be!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Jalil, yuh vish up fish deh bai (word order intended)

Kari like you.....we are not here to fish up Vishnu
I have always support what is Good or what is right.

That is why Vishnu can always honestly say....

Jalil & Kari went to bat for him ....
and faced the most hostile bouners...
without safety helmet

When Jagdeo Friend strip him in public .....almost naked, 
and think they are above the law and
they can get away with it.

We stood with Vishnu ...And Vish had the last laugh.

 Kari where are these Guys now who taught they are
"De Kings of Richmond Hill".

 I remember when Jagdeo first Visited New York as President...
and you were introducing him in Brooklyn
at the crowded Medgar Evers College....
when Ravi Dev Indian Racist were Picketing him outside...
because the wanted nothing to do with Blackpeople or Brooklyn
any you said in your Introduction .......
"Mr President you have the golden opportunity
to achieve what Burnham & Jagan could only dream of....
"uniting the races in Guyana"
"Mr President this is your opportunity

to speak for all Guyanese 
from Linden to Lethem,
From Buxton to Babu John,
From Skeldon to Sophia

 and us here

from Flatbush to Liberty Avenue..."

I remember ....

at that point the entire Medgar Evers

stood up and cheered loudly.

When Jagdeo stood up .....

Instead of taking the Ball and Run with it ...

he said,

"But Guyana has no Race Problem.....

Is only a handful ROAR supporters....

look them outside there".......

The entire crowd taught Jagdeo is a Madman ....

except one person "Albert Baldeo"....

who say "Tell them Mr President"......

and I said to you after that Baldeo has no place in Politics

Kari I wonder if Vishnu can tell us where is Mr Baldeo Today?

Bhai Kari.....

"Jagdeo & PPP really Miss The Bus" 

Jalil on a serious note this is one off your better posts.


Yes I was at that event and I remember how people held out so much hope for Jagdeo.  I remember a black  woman hugging him and exclaiming that he was her president.


How disappointing Jagdeo turned out to be!

Mr Granger decent but you sure he have people who going be better than Jagdeo?


Chief ask Carib J he was there.....Jagdeo got a welcome in Brooklyn he could not have dream of......and Kari massage the crowd ....but Jagdeo and Dem PPP boys Missed the Bus....That was a Saturday afternoon


Next Day.... in Richmond Hill on Sunday them Indian Boys had Jagdeo, Raj Singh, Totaram and couple more PPP Dogs Crawling on the floor thru the Toilet at Herman Singh place on Atlantic Avenue.....Ask Roshan. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Chief ask Carib J he was there.....Jagdeo got a welcome in Brooklyn he could not have dream of......and Kari massage the crowd ....but Jagdeo and Dem PPP boys Missed the Bus....That was a Saturday afternoon


Next Day.... in Richmond Hill on Sunday them Indian Boys had Jagdeo, Raj Singh, Totaram and couple more PPP Dogs Crawling on the floor thru the Toilet at Herman Singh place on Atlantic Avenue.....Ask Roshan. 

That was in 2000.  By 2006 Robert Persaud and Rohee went back to Brooklyn, chatted nonsense, had the crowd call them a pack of black haters, to loud applause and they had to escape through a side door out of pure shame. You could have seen the shock on their faces because they are accustomed to the cowed black people in Guyana, so thought that they could run the same BS in front of a Brooklyn crowd.



Jagdeo didn't go back.  Ramotar will only speak in front of a specially invited crowd.

Last edited by Former Member

"J" but Jagdeo, Ramotar & Kwame have no respect fuh none aya from Brooklyn or PNC.

Although it is PNC and Ravi Dev boys that been running them out of town since 2000.....them only scared of the AFC....."Dem say AFC tek away dem Votes and Buss up De Race Runnings them had going for years".


PPP frighten Moses gone kick them out and team up with Granger.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I forgot about that but you are right Mr. Jalil it was Jagdeo's goons that violated poor Vish. I forgot about that........hmmmm an interesting twist.

Jalil stated that the boys stripped Vishnu, I do not think that is correct all they did was cut his hair.


Jalil & CaribJ


When the two of you used to go to every EVENT THE ppp HELD in NY i used to advise that it was a waste of your time. Today both of you have come to realize that the PPP is no good , they are not interested in racial harmony all they are concerned about is to cause racial diivde so they can continue to fill their pockets.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Jalil & CaribJ


When the two of you used to go to every EVENT THE ppp HELD in NY i used to advise that it was a waste of your time. Today both of you have come to realize that the PPP is no good , they are not interested in racial harmony all they are concerned about is to cause racial diivde so they can continue to fill their pockets.

Chief ....Ow were right.....but nuff time you were there too wasting your time.

Last edited by Former Member

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