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GuySuCo sells bulk sugar for half the cost of production

Kaieteur News – The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has in recent years found itself in dire financial straits with newly appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Sasenarine Singh, now conceding that the industry currently sells bulk sugar for about half of what it costs the industry to produce.
Compounding the situation, the three factories that Singh have been tasked with resuscitating—shuttered by the David Granger administration—are in fact now ‘junkyards’ the like of which the new CEO describes as, ‘Sanford and Son’ type facilities.
Singh gave the damning revelations on Monday during a candid interview with moderators Dr. Asquith Rose and Charles Sugrim—broadcast by Globespan24X7.
The newly appointed CEO told the moderators that the industry currently sells sugar for just about US$340 on the international market but its production cost is closer to US$600.
He said, the sale of bulk sugar was unprofitable for the industry, hence the decision to move away from a focus on production to a more market-driven industry, with an emphasis on value added sales.
Pointing to the packaged sugar produced by GuySuCo, Singh noted that only 29 percent of its production winds up in the value added chain.
According to the CEO, the industry can rake in, in excess of US$670 per ton selling packaged sugar.
He noted, however, that this past year the industry was only able to export about 29 percent of its packaged sugar.
The CEO has since projected that the industry is looking to increase its sale of packaged sugar by at least 10 percent this year.
“Selling at US$300 a ton when production is US$600 doesn’t make any economic sense…what we are focused on is getting a greater percentage of the business at a profitable level,” Singh said.
The new CEO disclosed too that gone are the days when the sugar industry produced and sold upwards of 300,000 metric tonnes of sugar annually.
He said, the industry has since set itself more moderate targets by looking to produce just about half of that but with a greater focus on value added sales.
Singh pledged too, to focus the industry efforts on greater partnerships with the private sector. According to the CEO, “it is very important for the private sector mentality to invade GuySuCo.”
This, Singh posited, since the industry is “too stuck in democracy” as he lamented the amount of loopholes to get basic things done.
He said too, that key among the industry’s new efforts under his stewardship, in addition to increasing revenue, is cost cutting measures, in addition to greater diversification on the value added front.
Singh cited as an example, agro energy and ethanol production.
While not getting into details, Singh documented examples of revenue wastage such as on the purchase of parts where GuySuCo had been found to be paying as much as 10 times more that the item can be acquired for.
With regards to the move to a more value added focus on production and likely added cost, Singh illustrated for the moderators that this would be negligible since it would cost the industry just about US$50 to convert bulk to packaged sugar.
Speaking to the resuscitation of the estates that had been shuttered by the now ousted coalition, A Partnership for National Unity, Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) administration, Singh lamented, “GuySuCo in 2010 and 2011 was a kingdom compared to what we have.”
He said that the facilities have become so dilapidated that a visit to the Rose Hall estate recently documented that there were only two tractor frames at the location when records show that there were 17 functional tractors left at the estate.
“After three years of plunder by the Ramjattan administration, they left frames…it was a disaster that’s why I said Sanford and Sons.”
He told the moderators “…on those three estates…it is a junk yard…we have to rebuild from scratch.”
The sugar industry, according to its new CEO, managed to produce some 88,898 tonnes of sugar with 22,000 tonnes being consumed by the domestic market.
The United States of America, he said, had been providing a preferential price for Guyana’s sugar for about 12,500 tonnes even as the industry looks to secure additional US customers.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Mitwah posted:

Rama, can you help Sase to reduce the cost of production?

Not to worry! Guyana has oil to subsidize sugar! There's even going to be a gas-to-shore project! Where could the PPP government go wrong?

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

Rama, can you help Sase to reduce the cost of production?

Sase does not need help.  Ramjattan and Nagamootoo should be charged for mismanagement of the Industry. After all, it was their election promise that they would have revived the industry. Instead, they closed down the sugar plant. It would take time for a complete revival, after all, Rome was not built in a day. OK Forget about Rome.

“After three years of plunder by the Ramjattan administration", The cost of production can be reduced if they used machinery to cut the canes and a more scientific way to run the industry. 


I agree! Use machinery and cut the PPP supporters' jobs! Then they will vote for Shuman's party! After all, look at all he got for his people from the PPP! If you can't beat them, at least pretend you join them!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I agree! Use machinery and cut the PPP supporters' jobs! Then they will vote for Shuman's party! After all, look at all he got for his people from the PPP! If you can't beat them, at least pretend you join them!

Are you saying that my idea of using machinery to cut canes is a bad idea?  Is it not better to lose some jobs and save the industry? Mits asked the question how can Sase lower the cost of production and I said what I thought would be the best solution.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Are you saying that my idea of using machinery to cut canes is a bad idea?  Is it not better to lose some jobs and save the industry? Mits asked the question how can Sase lower the cost of production and I said what I thought would be the best solution.

Freedumb house thinks it's a dumb idea since it will be less dues to Guysicko and hence less contributions to the PPP war chest. Rama, where did you study Economics?

@Mitwah posted:

Freedumb house thinks it's a dumb idea since it will be less dues to Guysicko and hence less contributions to the PPP war chest. Rama, where did you study Economics?

Don't talk shit.  You are the one who claims that the Industry will fail and the PPP is wasting Billions.  You ask me to help Sase lower the cost of production. Now you are saying a lot of crap.  Sase is a protege of Dr. Jagan. He is not going to use machinery to cut cane.  That was my Idea and the US is doing it.


See kant, you're not alone! The hole US agreez wid ya! Technolaggy iz gun ruinn mankine, doh! Wimmen kine two! An kine if yuh kood fine dem!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Don't talk shit.  You are the one who claims that the Industry will fail and the PPP is wasting Billions.  You ask me to help Sase lower the cost of production. Now you are saying a lot of crap.  Sase is a protege of Dr. Jagan. He is not going to use machinery to cut cane.  That was my Idea and the US is doing it.

Rama, the truth hurts.  It is costing $1/lb to produce and you can only get 50 cents/lb and you can only 1/2 of what you produced.  Is how you gonna survive? Is how long you worked with Nortel?

@Mitwah posted:

Rama, the truth hurts.  It is costing $1/lb to produce and you can only get 50 cents/lb and you can only 1/2 of what you produced.  Is how you gonna survive? Is how long you worked with Nortel?

You are confused with the facts.  This started with the Coalition Government when they shut down the plants. They didn't want to invest in the sugar Industry when the two Coolie Jackasses in the AFC ran for election on the assumption that they would revive the Sugar Industry.

Thank God for the PPP,  Sugar will once again become king. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are confused with the facts.  This started with the Coalition Government when they shut down the plants. They didn't want to invest in the sugar Industry when the two Coolie Jackasses in the AFC ran for election on the assumption that they would revive the Sugar Industry.

Thank God for the PPP,  Sugar will once again become king.

Yuh hair dat sugah? De kunt gun karahnate yuh buhhine! Yuh gun bee kingg uv Mudland! Yuh gun mek yuh.peepul prowd agin an.yuh.doant evun hav.tuh beet ennybaddy! Dem dalitz gun evun bryng dem dawters pun dare baks fer yur sarvisin dem so dey kood hav paht wite shite fuh piknee!

@Mitwah posted:

Rama, the truth hurts.  It is costing $1/lb to produce and you can only get 50 cents/lb and you can only 1/2 of what you produced.  Is how you gonna survive? Is how long you worked with Nortel?

Onlee til dey fung owt dey wuz wastin gud monee pun de wurtless!

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are confused with the facts.  This started with the Coalition Government when they shut down the plants. They didn't want to invest in the sugar Industry when the two Coolie Jackasses in the AFC ran for election on the assumption that they would revive the Sugar Industry.

Thank God for the PPP,  Sugar will once again become king.

Rama bankruptcy seems to follow you all around. So you are the smarter coolie jackass that gonna meck sugar become king. Is just like wuh yuh do at Nortel.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Don't talk shit.  You are the one who claims that the Industry will fail and the PPP is wasting Billions.  You ask me to help Sase lower the cost of production. Now you are saying a lot of crap.  Sase is a protege of Dr. Jagan. He is not going to use machinery to cut cane.  That was my Idea and the US is doing it.

Rama look how dem teck ova your Nabacalis.

@Mitwah posted:

Rama bankruptcy seems to follow you all around. So you are the smarter coolie jackass that gonna meck sugar become king. Is just like wuh yuh do at Nortel.

Yuh meen sugah indistry ee tawkin bowt! I.tawt wuz wee sugah de wite az.shite wun! I iz sow sarry.sugah fer razin yuh.hoapes fer awl dem yung.dalit galz! Doant yu warry nun! Yuh.stil.gat yuh hans fuh kamfart yuh!

@Ramakant-P posted:

Cove and John is located on the Atlantic coast of Guyana (East Coast of Demerara), 18 miles east of Georgetown and bordered by Nabacalis to the west and Victoria to the east. It has a population of 494 people as of 2012.[1] This village has the Guyana Sevashram (Hindu Temple).

Dah iz wheh yu uze to sel de bigun 4 fuh 25 cens wid wun free, eh, Rama?Did yuh giv de preest enny fuh de uze uv de tumple? Did yuh sel.pun de rode fuh avide duh? Jezus kudn't stan fuh duh, an datz wy e ad tuh go pun de crass rass!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Dah iz wheh yu uze to sel de bigun 4 fuh 25 cens wid wun free, eh, Rama?Did yuh giv de preest enny fuh de uze uv de tumple? Did yuh sel.pun de rode fuh avide duh? Jezus kudn't stan fuh duh, an datz wy e ad tuh go pun de crass rass!

Chachee returned the 4 bigans for she 25 cents. Rama ask she fun de other wan. Chachee seh dat wan is free, suh meh keeping it fuh choka.

@Mitwah posted:

Chachee returned the 4 bigans for she 25 cents. Rama ask she fun de other wan. Chachee seh dat wan is free, suh meh keeping it fuh choka.

Reminds me when we were little, a neighbor's daughter had to walk around the village and sell produce from her dad's farm. So she sold bhajee to an old lady for 25 cents but the lady said she didn't have any change. When the girl got home, her dad sent her to get back the bhajee. When the girl got there, the lady was cooking the bhajee for dinner. 

@Former Member posted:

Reminds me when we were little, a neighbor's daughter had to walk around the village and sell produce from her dad's farm. So she sold bhajee to an old lady for 25 cents but the lady said she didn't have any change. When the girl got home, her dad sent her to get back the bhajee. When the girl got there, the lady was cooking the bhajee for dinner. 

It is funny in a way but taking advantage of a child's innocence is  not really funny!

@Former Member posted:

Tota, please make fun with what you really see! You had me straining my eyes for what is not really there!

Man wha wrang wid you eye?  Watch third step down fram de tap platfarm, wa you see? 


Alright. Tota, you're right! Thanks for.the correction! I apologize! My trouble is, I'm using my cell phone which doesn't give a picture as good as my laptop which is under greater this fing.'white' cretin!

So, kAnt, refute his accusation, please! Or forever be the lil gal in de white dress!

Yeh! We gat nuttin betta fuh doo, lil gal!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

No difference from when you try to take a pee!

Only when on you, guano! Only when on you! Because I really want to do something else to you,  but your stench prohibits my doing that! Go wash! Now!

@Former Member posted:

Only when on you, guano! Only when on you! Because I really want to do something else to you,  but your stench prohibits my doing that! Go wash! Now!

yeah, I bet you would you old "Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad".

@Former Member posted:

yeah, I bet you would you old "Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad".

Could be true! Why else am I mad about you.and want you to wash?

Fool. that's the grossest insult in my book! A man submitting himself to be another man's catamite, you catamite! Lol!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Could be true! Why else am I mad about you.and want you to wash?

can't help yuhself eh old fag? I never saw you direct the stench and wash comments to Indians. Careful now, yuh diaper panty beginning to show you racist old bytch.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

can't help yuhself eh old fag? I never saw you direct the stench and wash comments to Indians. Careful now, yuh diaper panty beginning to show you racist old bytch.

Hurting, huh? So bad you now accuse me of racism! Come on, iguana, smarten up! I've liked many of your previous posts and went along with you in attacking the PPP kant! You didn't think me racist then, did you?!! Lol! I warned Tota and others not to fk with me as I'm uninhibited, unconventional and don't give a fk! Why should you be excepted from my retorts to your insults? Tell me please, what colour and sex is your brain?

@Former Member posted:

Dah iz wheh yu uze to sel de bigun 4 fuh 25 cens wid wun free, eh, Rama?Did yuh giv de preest enny fuh de uze uv de tumple? Did yuh sel.pun de rode fuh avide duh? Jezus kudn't stan fuh duh, an datz wy e ad tuh go pun de crass rass!

I used to plant a garden. Every morning I get up at 4 AM and water the plants.  I then picked the vegetables and go down to Golden Grove Flee market and sell the produce.  Then I had to rum 1/2 mile to school so that I wouldn't be late. 

The story of my life.

@Former Member posted:

Hurting, huh? So bad you now accuse me of racism! Come on, iguana, smarten up! I've liked many of your previous posts and went along with you in attacking the PPP kant! You didn't think me racist then, did you?!! Lol! I warned Tota and others not to fk with me as I'm uninhibited, unconventional and don't give a fk! Why should you be excepted from my retorts to your insults? Tell me please, what colour and sex is your brain?

Oh, I never had any impression of you other than a mixed up, demented, Indian bigot since you first came here and wrote this:

I hear you and will try to obey, which will be difficult considering the black trash pretending to be important members of the human race!

All black people were trash. There are more posts like this in the archives expressing your hatred of blacks.

Yesterday you told Jangles blacks were bullies. All blacks. Blacks have a "stench" you state in a round about way.

You, hurt me? LOL. How can a low achieving bigot wearing an aluminum hat and hiding under his bed from the RCMP while seeking sex with spirits hurt me?

Go easy on the Kant and KP. You have more in common with them than you know. Matter of fact your anti black racism will garner you a lot of friends here and in the Indo Guyanese community. I highly doubt you'll find any kindred spirit with Totaram and Mitwah though


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