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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. Everyone has their views based on indications of issues.


2. Each elections, while there are similarities, are separate and different.


3. Rumors can vary from place to place and time to time.

So you don't know, so why the certainty that the PPP will win?  What have they done that is different?  They lost support because of the perception that they are corrupt and arrogant. Is this LESS the case than 3 years ago?  The current situation involving Anil and Ashni will suggest otherwise.

Inability to understand issues is your major challenge.

Inability to understand what!  You are the one with advanced dementia who has lost touch with reality and are now making posts in your usual cloudy world.


You have NO EVIDENCE which suggests that the PPP is better positioned now than it was in 2011.  If the PPP was confident they would have simply dissolved parliament and moved to a February election.  They aren't so are now begging the opposition to talk to them, and are in a trap because once parliament goes back into session the MONC is back again.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Its a pity that the black PPP soup drinkers don't see this is how they are view. 


However HM_Redux its not only the PPP which thinks like this.  A client of mine (black British lawyer) visited Guyana on business and at one of G/town's watering holes he heard the mainly Indian and Portuguese business elites complaining about too many black people around.  He, thinking that they meant the more working class type of black, looked around and saw mainly middle class blacks.


The PPP is a symptom of what the Indian (and Portuguese) elites think of blacks.  To pretend as if this problem will be solved if only the PPP is removed is naïve and dishonest.  Many colonial attitudes towards blacks, which we thought had ended, have become resuscitated. 


Blacks from other parts of the Caribbean have noted how stigmatized Afro Guyanese are. Shocking because black Guyanese were the first group of Caribbean blacks to enter the middle class.


Scream and rant about how saying this is racist all you wish because you wish the status quo to remain, only with the AFC instead of the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Not surprised that this is a main topic of conversation between you and your client.


The perpetual victim.



Funny so pointing out racist attitudes towards Afro Guyanese is about being a victim? 


I have noted your racist attitudes rant about Rev but at least he is honest.


Do you think that those Indian/Portuguese elites who show contempt towards Afro Guyanese professionals are going to hire them, promote them, or do business with them?  Are you OK with those attitudes?  Apparently YES!





BTW that black lawyer is a partner at a major law firm in NYC and sees LESS evidence of bias towards black professionals in NYC than he does in Guyana.





And note that the AFC playing its race card has been noted by the WPA.  Rupert Roopnarine spoke to the crowd and was well received.  Obviously Nagamootoo has his reasons why he refused to speak, and I have already told you what they are.  David Hinds made the same observations.

Last edited by Former Member

I would bet good money that you and your friend conjure up that conversation in your head.


It is not that racism doesn't exist there are a litany of examples of racism in GY on all sides of the divide mind you. Not just the PPP government, PNC also have their fair share of racists too.


The problem is that is your world, you revolve thinking about race and racism.


You need to think beyond your limits.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Its a pity that the black PPP soup drinkers don't see this is how they are view. 


However HM_Redux its not only the PPP which thinks like this.  A client of mine (black British lawyer) visited Guyana on business and at one of G/town's watering holes he heard the mainly Indian and Portuguese business elites complaining about too many black people around.  He, thinking that they meant the more working class type of black, looked around and saw mainly middle class blacks.


The PPP is a symptom of what the Indian (and Portuguese) elites think of blacks.  To pretend as if this problem will be solved if only the PPP is removed is naïve and dishonest.  Many colonial attitudes towards blacks, which we thought had ended, have become resuscitated. 


Blacks from other parts of the Caribbean have noted how stigmatized Afro Guyanese are. Shocking because black Guyanese were the first group of Caribbean blacks to enter the middle class.


Scream and rant about how saying this is racist all you wish because you wish the status quo to remain, only with the AFC instead of the PPP.

Carib J,some of the story you does come up with boggles

my mind.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Its a pity that the black PPP soup drinkers don't see this is how they are view. 


However HM_Redux its not only the PPP which thinks like this.  A client of mine (black British lawyer) visited Guyana on business and at one of G/town's watering holes he heard the mainly Indian and Portuguese business elites complaining about too many black people around.  He, thinking that they meant the more working class type of black, looked around and saw mainly middle class blacks.


The PPP is a symptom of what the Indian (and Portuguese) elites think of blacks.  To pretend as if this problem will be solved if only the PPP is removed is naïve and dishonest.  Many colonial attitudes towards blacks, which we thought had ended, have become resuscitated. 


Blacks from other parts of the Caribbean have noted how stigmatized Afro Guyanese are. Shocking because black Guyanese were the first group of Caribbean blacks to enter the middle class.


Scream and rant about how saying this is racist all you wish because you wish the status quo to remain, only with the AFC instead of the PPP.

Carib J,some of the story you does come up with boggles

my mind.

Like what?  There is rampant racism against blacks in Guyana today.  But that is a taboo subject and those who speak on it are intimidated by the Indo dominated elites.  Eric Phillips can speak loads about the numerous death threats that he has received.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I would bet good money that you and your friend conjure up that conversation in your head.


It is not that racism doesn't exist there are a litany of examples of racism in GY on all sides of the divide mind you. Not just the PPP government, PNC also have their fair share of racists too.


The problem is that is your world, you revolve thinking about race and racism.


You need to think beyond your limits.

This person is a managing partner at a major law firm in NYC and does business in NYC and London. As some one of Guyanese descent he was looking for opportunities in Guyana, as he already has in Trinidad and other parts of the Caribbean.  Guyana's loss as he is a well connected person, and Trinidad makes extensive use of his services.


So why does it suit your agenda to portray him as some sad loser?  Because you wish to avoid the fact that racism against Africans exists, but there is a whole attempt, not only by the PPP, but by even anti PPP people like you to prevent any discussion of it?


FACT.  There is a whole lot of discussion about racist attitudes of blacks towards Indians. FACT. The PNC and Burnham have received a whole lot of blame when it comes to their role in fostering our ethnic distrust.


FACT.  When any one suggests that Indians and the PPP, but NOT confined to only the PPP, have also played a role its a taboo subject and attempts are made to dismiss or shut down such discussion.  The result being that attitudes harden and people become frustrated as they feel that their issues are not being discussed.


Why do you think that APNU was the most successful party in turning out its base in 2011.  Because they like the PNC, or Granger?  No!  Its because they are tired of being pushed aside by an Indian dominated elite.


So how is Nagamootoo to get their support if he dismissively ignores them, and refuses to speak to their issues?  Why won't they simply see him as a member of the Indian elite at war with others who are in the Indian elite?

Last edited by Former Member

For all y'all who label Jagan as anti-democratic, see what Hughes said below;  According to Hughes, Former President and PPP Leader, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan must be “turning in his grave” to see the anti-democratic stance Ramotar has taken.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Hughes should also speak in front of crowds in PPP strongholds..........After all doesn't the AFC claim that only "old time" racists indulge in race politics? 


Hughes happens to be on of the best AFc speakers.  Articulate, charismatic and definitely intelligent, so if folks think that he will be rejected by Indians merely because he is Afro Guyanese, then it shows that the AFC operates with the notion that race based voting remains powerful in Guyana.


And here we go again.  The AFC lost a brilliant opportunity to speak in front of an Afro Guyanese audience.  So Hughes spoke you will say, but Hughes is seen along with people like Eric Phillips, and David Hinds, as an Afro Guyanese leader unafraid to speak out on Afro Guyanese concerns. He is seen in terms of himself, and not necessarily in terms of the AFC.  And unless he becomes the presidential candidate (the PM is seen as symbolic) this is likely to remain unchanged.

I think that all parties still hold firm that race plays a large part of voting habits in Guyana. That said, the PNC could be quite happy that the AFC is headed Indians. This present the opportunity for the Indian votes to be split between the PPP and AFC paving the way for the PNC to regain the head of government even with a minority lead. It is reasonable to think that the AFC has not reached the threshold where they can replace either the PPP or PNC in terms of voters support. Those two parties are well entrenched. Maybe this is further supported by the recent migration of key AFC members to the PNC/APNU.  

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I would bet good money that you and your friend conjure up that conversation in your head.


It is not that racism doesn't exist there are a litany of examples of racism in GY on all sides of the divide mind you. Not just the PPP government, PNC also have their fair share of racists too.


The problem is that is your world, you revolve thinking about race and racism.


You need to think beyond your limits.

This person is a managing partner at a major law firm in NYC and does business in NYC and London. As some one of Guyanese descent he was looking for opportunities in Guyana, as he already has in Trinidad and other parts of the Caribbean.  Guyana's loss as he is a well connected person, and Trinidad makes extensive use of his services.


So why does it suit your agenda to portray him as some sad loser?  Because you wish to avoid the fact that racism against Africans exists, but there is a whole attempt, not only by the PPP, but by even anti PPP people like you to prevent any discussion of it?


FACT.  There is a whole lot of discussion about racist attitudes of blacks towards Indians. FACT. The PNC and Burnham have received a whole lot of blame when it comes to their role in fostering our ethnic distrust.


FACT.  When any one suggests that Indians and the PPP, but NOT confined to only the PPP, have also played a role its a taboo subject and attempts are made to dismiss or shut down such discussion.  The result being that attitudes harden and people become frustrated as they feel that their issues are not being discussed.


Why do you think that APNU was the most successful party in turning out its base in 2011.  Because they like the PNC, or Granger?  No!  Its because they are tired of being pushed aside by an Indian dominated elite.


So how is Nagamootoo to get their support if he dismissively ignores them, and refuses to speak to their issues?  Why won't they simply see him as a member of the Indian elite at war with others who are in the Indian elite?

If he is a lawyer and business is good, he wouldn't be looking for business in GY. 


My original comments stand, Race and all things race have completely taken over your entire thought process. You wake up in the morning and the first thing you probably say is I am a black man. Thats is how you are self programmed.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Caribj will NOT rest until an Indian IS NOT the President of Guyana. Al YUh wasting like wid dat RACIST IDIOT!!!

You think that only Indians should lead Guyana so you support the PPP only to ensure "ahbe pan man time DONE".

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

If he is a lawyer and business is good, he wouldn't be looking for business in GY. 


My original comments stand, Race and all things race have completely taken over your entire thought process. You wake up in the morning and the first thing you probably say is I am a black man. Thats is how you are self programmed.

Why should he as a patriotic Guyanese not want to offer the type of international legal services that Trinidad gladly does with him.  Is it that Guyana should not have the opportunity to develop connections to some one who provides legal services to major business entities in the USA and Europe.


I suspect that you think that all lawyers are like the little ambulance chasers on Liberty Ave.  Nothing happens in this world without lawyers, so lawyers are some well connected people.  Guyana of all countries needs these types of connections, which he was willing to offer them.


I see no comments on you about the perspectives of Afro Guyanese.  They don't matter.  But you want their vote..............hmmmmmm!


Race has completely taken over Ramjattan's and Nagamootoo's brains.  They see themselves as Indians so REFUSED to speak in front of a black audience.  ADDRESS THAT!

Last edited by Former Member

"Ambulance chasers on liberty"


You think I live in curry hill? you are a dimwitted racist. Every time you open your mouth the stench of racism and racist views permeate the air.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I think that all parties still hold firm that race plays a large part of voting habits in Guyana. That said, the PNC could be quite happy that the AFC is headed Indians. This present the opportunity for the Indian votes to be split between the PPP and AFC paving the way for the PNC to regain the head of government even with a minority lead. It is reasonable to think that the AFC has not reached the threshold where they can replace either the PPP or PNC in terms of voters support. Those two parties are well entrenched. Maybe this is further supported by the recent migration of key AFC members to the PNC/APNU.  

I see no problem with this.


Those like HM_Redux who PRETEND as if race isn't a core part of life in Guyana are being DISHONEST.


The AFC is making calculations based on race.  Their focus is to get the Indian vote and EVERY public action on their part will be to support that goal.  Nagamootoo as the presidential candidate will not speak in front of black protesters because he fears what impact that will have on his ability to get the Indian vote.


Now HM-Redux and Mitwah can act like jackasses and repeat "Caribj is a racist" all they like.  I have been accused of this since I arrived on that site.  Much as I have called Burnham a disaster they still wish to paint me as a PNCite.  Unlike them I have admitted the role of Afro Guyanese and the PNC in creating this very racially charged environment. 


I become the racist because I state that in 2014 Afro Guyanese are now victims of the same type of racism at the hands of the PPP and many in the Indo elite as Indians were of racism from the PNC and many in the Afro elite in 1973.  But discussion of race in Guyana is allowed unless it involves demonizing Africans and painting Indians as the only victim.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

"Ambulance chasers on liberty"



You are the one who called that "curry hill" in a pejorative way.  Not I.  Clearly you have a very narrow notion of what lawyers do and the influence that lawyers can have.


In addition not every lawyer on Liberty Ave is Indo Guyanese.


Clearly you are a man of limited intellect and exposure so you fall back to rhetoric, and last week posting pictures of feces, rather than defending your argument with facts.


Nagamootoo did NOT show up to that protest but sent the BLACK AFC leaders there.  Please don't tell me that race didn't enter into those calculations.  Clearly therefore race is a very POWERFUL construct in Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . Race has completely taken over Ramjattan's and Nagamootoo's brains.  They see themselves as Indians so REFUSED to speak in front of a black audience.  ADDRESS THAT!

caribny, i happen to support the tactics of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo not being on stage at the APNU rally in Georgetown


there are sound political reasons for this that do not reside in the fake, divisive reality u are stitching together along with rev, yuji, Ravi Dev and the blind witches at the Chronicle


stop your hysterics and the screaming . . . and THINK!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Caribj will NOT rest until an Indian IS NOT the President of Guyana. Al YUh wasting like wid dat RACIST IDIOT!!!

You think that only Indians should lead Guyana so you support the PPP only to ensure "ahbe pan man time DONE".

CaribJ what Nehru said again.....and answer correctly this time....he never mention a word about PPP......


Originally Posted by redux:
and Nagamootoo not being on stage at the APNU rally in Georgetown


there are sound political reasons for this !

Yes RACE.  I have said that this is to get the Indian vote.  I don't have a problem with it.  Only about those who pretend that race isn't a powerful social construct in Guyana, because of the ethnic paranoia which both Africans and Indians engage in.


Don't say that it was because the AFC wanted to distance itself from this event because Nigel Hughes is the party chairman.  The fact that he is black and so will not draw votes away from the PPP, and can be used to indicate to blacks that the AFC is on board.




Chat with David Hinds on this please. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . Race has completely taken over Ramjattan's and Nagamootoo's brains.  They see themselves as Indians so REFUSED to speak in front of a black audience.  ADDRESS THAT!

caribny, i happen to support the tactics of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo not being on stage at the APNU rally in Georgetown


there are sound political reasons for this that do not reside in the fake, divisive reality u are stitching together along with rev, yuji, Ravi Dev and the blind witches at the Chronicle


stop your hysterics and the screaming . . . and THINK!

So redux are you saying that Ramjattan and Moses are not articulate or competent enough to defend their attendance as being in the interest of GUYANA?

Instead, to the sensible reader, it seems like the AFC has not fully cast off their PPP garb and is still clinging to the PPP's formula of the PNC demon to keep Indian voters.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

caribny, i happen to support the tactics of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo not being on stage at the APNU rally in Georgetown


there are sound political reasons for this that do not reside in the fake, divisive reality u are stitching together along with rev, yuji, Ravi Dev and the blind witches at the Chronicle


stop your hysterics and the screaming . . . and THINK!

Yes RACE.  I have said that this is to get the Indian vote.  I don't have a problem with it.  Only about those who pretend that racial voting isn't a fact of life in Guyana, because of the ethnic paranoia which both Africans and Indians engage in.




Chat with David Hinds on this please.  He is in Guyana and so has a perspective on this, if it is that Guyanese wish to rise above race based voting.

caribny, you shout "RACE" as if it is an epithet


i know of no one here who denies it's central role in Guyana's politics


further, i travel to Guyana quite regularly and do not need David Hinds (a good man as far as i know) to think for me


your comments about Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamooto are ignorant and out of line

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So redux are you saying that Ramjattan and Moses are not articulate or competent enough to defend their attendance as being in the interest of GUYANA?

Instead, to the sensible reader, it seems like the AFC has not fully cast off their PPP garb and is still clinging to the PPP's formula of the PNC demon to keep Indian voters.



HM_Redux Nagamootoo is an effective speaker, even though reports are that Ramjattan isn't.  In addition it is HE who will most likely be the presidential candidate.


Nagamootoo (who by the way I haven't heard a negative thing about) understands that race is a powerful social construct in Guyana.  He also understands that it is the PPP which is in power, and as the incumbent party, has the ability to buy enough votes from outside of its base, to get 50.1% of the vote.  So in order to get rid of the PPP he needs to go after the base, which is mainly rural Indian.


He fears that by being pictured at a black protest will present negative optics to the vote which he targets.


It is no point pretending as if race isn't a powerful social construct in Guyana because it is. EVERY political player will use it. 


Indeed Nigel Hughes will employ a more Afro centric language when he is in the midst of grass roots blacks voters.  This in order to communicate that he understands their pain.  He will be more Afro centric than Granger, who needs to expand his base beyond African and African identified mixed Guyanese. 



Nagamootoo, who targets the Indian rural vote, will also be very aware of how that group thinks.  On the one hand it remains petrified at the prospect of "black man rule".  On the other it has become very disaffected with the current Jagdeoite PPP with its arrogance and corruption and crony nepotism. His fear is that being seen with black protesters will injure him.  So he must put on an "Indian face".


As of now the AFC will take what ever black support that they can get, but that is not their core focus.  That is why Hughes isn't battling Nagamootoo for the presidential slot.  He is fully aware that he will NOT win much support in the PPP strongholds, even if they might appreciate what he has to say.


It makes no sense to deny the politics of race in Guyana, or how the ethnically based elites behave once they gain power.  And the fact that their behavior heightens the sense of ethnic paranoia among the grass roots, which in turn reinforces race based voting in Guyana.


And the reality of Guyana and of where the AFC stands within it determines that Nagamootoo, in order to employ the language and tactics to get the grass roots Indian vote, will NOT get the grass roots black vote.  That isn't his priority because the support that the grass roots blacks give to APNU will help in its objective of ridding Guyana of the PPP. 


If/when APNU wins then the AFC vs. APNU battles will begin.


If Nagamootoo is a smart politician he would be flat out dumb to ignore black voters in Guyana.


The AFC has some clear leadership issues and their thought process seems quite flawed. They know how to play small and that is why they cannot make the transition to a mass based party.


Not the bullshit you conjure up here daily. BTW your racist sunglasses need cleaning....

Originally Posted by redux:

caribny, you shout "RACE" as if it is an epithet


i know of no one here who denies it's central role in Guyana's politics


further, i travel to Guyana quite regularly and do not need David Hinds (a good man as far as i know) to think for me


your comments about Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamooto are ignorant and out of line

Given the damage that race has done to Guyana it should be used as an epithet.  The fact that it is such a powerful construct landed us with Forbes Burnham and now with the PPP.


My comments are directed towards those who;


1.  deny that it is a very powerful social construct in Guyana.


2. deny the real damage which it has done to the non elites who aren't able to construct away around the bias that serves to exclude them.


In 2014 Africans in Guyana perceive that they are excluded, for RACIAL reasons.  This isn't merely because the PPP is in power, because were the PPP inclusive, and so they felt that they were being given an equal shot, they wouldn't care who was on power. 


The fact is that they are excluded in much the same way as those Indians who weren't able to negotiate a way for inclusion during the Burnham era were.  What is interesting is that Indians were allowed to speak out against this racial exclusion, how ever in today's Guyana Africans cannot without being branded racist.


Hence, even though virtually no Guyanese likes the fact that there is racial polarization in our politics they aggressively participate in perpetrating it. They do so because they fear that the elites of each side will exclude the majority from the other side, including only a few tokens. 


Janet Jagan did it in the 60s (or tried to). Burnham did so in the 70s and 80s, and especially since Jagdeo came about the PPP has done the same. 


So why don't people speak openly about this big elephant in the room because that it the only way that it will be dealt with?  Pretending as if it doesn't exist isn't going to solve the problem. 


Indeed its the very reason why Nagamootoo COULD NOT speak is for this very reason, and you know it.  HE, and not Hughes, will be the presidential candidate so ought to have spoken to show leadership and to expose himself to people who don't really know him. RACE is why he couldn't.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

"Ambulance chasers on liberty"



You are the one who called that "curry hill" in a pejorative way.  Not I.  Clearly you have a very narrow notion of what lawyers do and the influence that lawyers can have.


In addition not every lawyer on Liberty Ave is Indo Guyanese.


Clearly you are a man of limited intellect and exposure so you fall back to rhetoric, and last week posting pictures of feces, rather than defending your argument with facts.


Nagamootoo did NOT show up to that protest but sent the BLACK AFC leaders there.  Please don't tell me that race didn't enter into those calculations.  Clearly therefore race is a very POWERFUL construct in Guyana!

I doan think Nagamoottoo is the right man to be President or even a Presidential Candidate-he limits the AFC to be a serious contender. But, as for speaking to the crowd, Nagamootoo would NEVER shy away from that. Just maybe, and just maybe, he was NOT asked by Granger. Doan forget, it was Granger who openly rejected Nagamootoo to be anywhere near to the Executive Office if there were to be a merge between the AFC and APNU.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

If Nagamootoo is a smart politician he would be flat out dumb to ignore black voters in Guyana.



Nagamootoo knows what I know and you also know, but refuse to admit.  He is after the Indian vote. 


In Guyana race is a very powerful social construct.


Now you can call me a racist for telling you this, but that doesn't change the fact.  EVERY description of Guyana soon gets to the Indian vs. African conflict.  One doesn't see that to the same degree with Trinidad & Tobago.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

I doan think Nagamoottoo is the right man to be President or even a Presidential Candidate-he limits the AFC to be a serious contender.

Very much doubt that Granger would have asked Nagamootoo NOT to speak and Hughes would have spoken.  Its not up to APNU to tell the AFC who their leaders are.  I don't get the impression that Hughes is a man who will allow people to push him around.


A decision was made to show that the AFc supported the protest by making their black leadership speak. And avoiding the fact that the PPP would have terrified Indians in the rural areas if Nagamootoo was seen speaking to black protesters.


Now whether the AFC has a leader who can appeal to BOTH Africans and Indians isn't something that I can speak to. Nagamootoo appeals to many Indians, and Hughes to many Africans.  Given the fact that the priority is to get the Indian vote, and to give the AFC an "Indian face" in order to do so Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have a more public presence than does Hughes.


I have said REPEATEDLY, that the fact that the AFc has elected to have an "Indian face" (which I describe as being Indo party II) isn't anything that I have heard ANY Afro Guyanese complain about.  Indeed it was the PPP which raised the fact that the AFC should have selected an African as its presidential candidate, given the principle of ethnic rotation.  No one else has complained.  WHY? Because every one knows that the AFC needs to do this to split the Indian vote, to increase the possibility of a PPP defeat.


Race is a powerful social construct in Guyana, as much as HM-Redux and others wish to pretend that it isn't.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . Race has completely taken over Ramjattan's and Nagamootoo's brains.  They see themselves as Indians so REFUSED to speak in front of a black audience.  ADDRESS THAT!

caribny, i happen to support the tactics of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo not being on stage at the APNU rally in Georgetown


there are sound political reasons for this that do not reside in the fake, divisive reality u are stitching together along with rev, yuji, Ravi Dev and the blind witches at the Chronicle


stop your hysterics and the screaming . . . and THINK!

So redux are you saying that Ramjattan and Moses are not articulate or competent enough to defend their attendance as being in the interest of GUYANA?

Instead, to the sensible reader, it seems like the AFC has not fully cast off their PPP garb and is still clinging to the PPP's formula of the PNC demon to keep Indian voters.





this was an APNU rally; the stage was draped in APNU colors . . . it shouldn't have been


Civil society groups and individuals opposed to the dictatorship should have been invited to share a non-partisan stage for this kickoff event


instead what we had was a set up designed to produce optics emphasizing subordination under APNU's umbrella of the forces opposing Ramotar's shameful attack on representative democracy in Guyana


there is no perfect way to deal with this kind of thing . . . i believe that the Nigel Hughes compromise was just about right - in a Goldilocks & the 3 bears kind of way


and dude, wha stupid question u asking me about Moses, eh? Naga was/is one of the most feared and respected debaters/speechmakers since way back in Burnham time  . . . ask the ole timers, they'll tell u

Last edited by Former Member
No one is saying race is not a powerful part of everyday society what I am saying to you is that you conveniently invoke race into everything you think and do.

For you it is all you see, for example you see a traffic light as black white and grey you cannot see red green and orange.

That monkey is on your back and you can't shake it. Race defines you.

Then Nagamoottoo and his gang is on the right track. Limit the power of both the PPP and PNC. If Blacks will never change their voting pattern, then the only hope is to drive the wedge in the Indo block of voters.


I still doan think that is the motive of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo. Something else is in works. After awhile, it is going to be boring to listen to same Afro speakers. Maybe, the strategy is to wake up the Indian attention-then Moses and Ramjattan has the opportunity to speak to a mixed crowd.


APNU should really be scouting all the political commentators and solicit their participation the struggles.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
No one is saying race is not a powerful part of everyday society

More rant and blablabla. If race is a powerful social construct in Guyana then obviously talking about it is important to reduce the impact that it has.  If Guyanese feel that one's race determines access to employment/business opportunities, hence the ability to survive, then it will define pretty much most of what they do.  So the group which has power seeks to keep it by ensuring that their fellow ethnics are taken care of and barriers placed against the others.


It was so in 1980 when a walk through many state controlled corporations indicated an over representation of Africans.  It is true in 2014 when a walk through the private sector (now the area of prestigious employment) shows Indians similarly dominant.


So if talking about race made sense in 1980 its makes sense today.  If that offends you tough.  Because who people vote for in Guyana will be determined by their views as the degree to which their ethnicity impacts their lives.  In Guyana people see life through an ethnically based lens, whereas in Barbados much less so. FACT!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:



this was an APNU rally;

And why did the AFC allow it to be an APNU rally. The MONC was their idea and APNU only jumped on it because of the internal dissension within the PNC and Granger's fear that to do otherwise might have been seen as caving in.


If the AFC wants to show leadership and convince people that they can win an election then they ought to have been the ones to spear head protests against the prorogation.  They have ceded the floor to Granger who is using this to mobilize his base.


And indeed it will also play into the hands of the PPP which fears the Nagamootoo led AFC much more than it does APNU, for obvious reasons.  So is intent on spreading the myth that the AFC lacks support.  People eventually start believing something if they hear it often enough.  So the AFC will need to prove to ALL that they have the ability to mobilize support.

Originally Posted by seignet:


I still doan think that is the motive of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo. Something else is in works.

That motive is very clear and I have said so many times.  NO ONE has proven otherwise even as they call me a racist, or a fanatical anti AFC person.


People don't go to political meetings to be entertained,especially in dictatorships like Guyana where violence can result, or possible victimization.  Those who want entertainment watch TV or go out and socialize.


As of now the Nagamootoo led AFC wants the PPP vote, and so this determines tactics they use and how they appear to these voters.  Don't know why folks are afraid to state this.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:



this was an APNU rally;

And why did the AFC allow it to be an APNU rally . . .


You said it was an APNU rally.  I am asking you why the AFC, which brought the MONC, which triggered the prorogation, is allowing APNU to take 100% control over the first and largest protest about this in Guyana?


How can the AFC prove that they have the capacity and base to win, if they are seen as piggy backing on an APNU event.  It should have been a CO-SPONSORED event, or the AFC should have had their own protest.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

caribny, i happen to support the tactics of Ramjattan and Nagamootoo not being on stage at the APNU rally in Georgetown


there are sound political reasons for this that do not reside in the fake, divisive reality u are stitching together along with rev, yuji, Ravi Dev and the blind witches at the Chronicle


stop your hysterics and the screaming . . . and THINK!

Yes RACE.  I have said that this is to get the Indian vote.  I don't have a problem with it.  Only about those who pretend that racial voting isn't a fact of life in Guyana, because of the ethnic paranoia which both Africans and Indians engage in.




Chat with David Hinds on this please.  He is in Guyana and so has a perspective on this, if it is that Guyanese wish to rise above race based voting.

caribny, you shout "RACE" as if it is an epithet


i know of no one here who denies it's central role in Guyana's politics


further, i travel to Guyana quite regularly and do not need David Hinds (a good man as far as i know) to think for me


your comments about Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamooto are ignorant and out of line

Carib J this is David exact words ......."I still believe that Moses Nagamootoo, speaking to Indian Guyanese from the Square of the Revolution would be a bold step in the direction of Ethnic solidarity and reconciliation."


David Hinds is not a Racist like CaribJ....

David Hinds admits there is a Racial Problem that needs to be reconciled. 

David Hinds knows who are the APNU people who did not want to support AFC's first choice as Speaker of the House. 

David Hinds knows who in APNU want AFC support but would not support AFC Choice of an Indian as Speaker. 

David Hinds  understands who in APNU insisted that the stage must be Entirely Green.  

David Hinds at one time pointed out WPA Leadership was disappointed at Granger Poor Leadership & Laziness.

David Hinds is not Impressed with Amna Ally Chairing the Rally.

David Hinds is not Impressed with the way AFC Leaders were accommodated on the Green Stage.

David Hinds understand there cannot be Genuine Ethnic Solidarity..... without Proper Reconciliation.

David Hinds as a WPA Leader know there is no Problem with Moses Joining him on any Platform....because they did it before with WPA & Dr Rodney.

David Hinds is against Racist like Purple Shoes & CaribJ placing themselves in the way of Ethnic Solidarity & Reconciliation in Guyana.


David Hinds know CaribJ is a Nasty Racist....and Rev & Yuji can hook up with him.....Because PPP & PNC is not Interested in True Ethnic Solidarity & Reconciliation in Guyana.


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