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In the searing heat, this was the scene at  the Grand Mosque in Mecca today as millions of pilgrims arrived for the annual  hajj - a religious journey that is viewed as one of the Muslim faith's greatest  acts of worship.

The mosque, the focal point of Islam, was  teeming with visitors wearing the simple white folds of cloth prescribed for  hajj.

Almost 2million people have so far arrived at  the site in Saudi Arabia for the rites, which reach a peak on Monday - and  another million are expected.

And with temperatures hitting 36c (97f), many  congregated in the cooler shadow of the building's minarets.

This was the scene today as millions of pilgrims started to arrive at the Grand Mosque in Mecca for Islam's annual haj

This was the scene today as millions of pilgrims started  to arrive at the Grand Mosque in Mecca for Islam's annual haj


Muslim pilgrims wait before performing the afternoon prayer at the mosque in Saudi Arabia today

Muslim worshippers wait before performing the afternoon  prayer at the mosque in Saudi Arabia today


Wearing traditional cloth, people pray on a street near the Grand Mosque, which is the focal point of the faith

Wearing traditional cloth, people pray on a street near  the Grand Mosque, which is the focal point of the faith


Haj must be performed at least once in their  lifetime by all Muslims capable of making the expensive, difficult journey - a  duty that applies equally to Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims at a time of tension  between Islam's main sects.

Saudi Arabian  authorities have asked  pilgrims to put politics aside during the annual  hajj, but amid bitter  divisions in Egypt, some Islamists refuse to keep  quiet.

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1.3 million pilgrims transported to holy sites



Jeddah: Arab News

Published — Saturday 12 October 2013

Last update 12 October 2013 4:32 pm

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About 1.325 million pilgrims were transported to the holy sites on Friday, according to the General Car Syndicate (Naqaba).
The ascending (taseed) and descending (nafra) committee had completed preparations to execute the plan for pilgrims moving to holy sites following instructions of Haj Minister Bandar Hajjar.
Pilgrims ascend to Mina as per a plan that guarantees all pilgrims who want to spend the night there are able to do so easily and without delays. The buses transporting them are provided with guides who will deliver the pilgrims to their camps.
Marwan Zubaidi, the syndicate’s secretary-general and spokesman, said the shuttle bus service covers 563,000 pilgrims from Turkey, Europe, southeastern Asia, non-Arab Africa and Iran. The regular bus service serves South Asian and Arab pilgrims that number 750,000.
About 500 buses are stationed in Arafat to assist in case of delays.


More than 14,000 American Muslims leave for pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia

Why are so many American Muslims going to Saudi Arabia in October, and what are they doing? Photo: Ongoing construction in Makkah. (Hamari Web)

WASHINGTON, October 11, 2013 — This week, thousands of American Muslims are departing from the United States to travel to Saudi Arabia, where they will perform the Islamic Hajj.  The travelers, traditionally called “Hajjis” (‘pilgrims&rsquo will travel to the cities of Medina, where Islam’s Prophet Muhammad is buried, and the Makkah, where the Kaaba is located. According to Islamic beliefs, Hajj is required at least once for each individual who can afford to attend at some point in their lifetimes.

“More than 3 million pilgrims made hajj last year, including 1.7 million people from outside Saudi Arabia. This year the Saudis are issuing fewer hajj visas, although close to 3 million people are expected, including more than 14,500 American pilgrims,” says Religion News Service

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The State Department notes that “The Hajj is the annual pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca), Saudi Arabia, and the largest mass gathering in the world.”

The American Muslims will be joined by Muslim pilgrims from around the world, and will participate in traditional Hajj practices. Aspects of Hajj include walking around the Kaaba seven times in “tawaf”; running between the hills of Safa and Marwa; spending a day in the tent city of Arafat; spending a night outdoors and under the stars in the city of Muzdalifa; and travelling to the city of Mina to throw pebbles at Shaitan (“Satan” in English). Upon completion of the pilgrimage, many Muslims utilize the title of “Al-Hajj” (“The Pilgrim&rdquo with their names, appearing as a prefix similar to “Mr.” or “Dr.”

The Grand Mosque, featuring the Kaaba, before the current round of construction. Makkah, Saudi Arabia. (Meshal Obeidallah)

Much of the Hajj must be done while wearing special clothing, an unstitched garb consisting of two cloth pieces for men, and a less stringent requirement for women to wear simple, plain clothing. For the most part, the pilgrims will only wear white.

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Prominent American civil rights leader, Malcolm el-Shabazz (“Malcolm X&rdquo, cited Hajj as the reason for abandoning his opposition to unity amongst races in the United States. As quoted in his biography, he wrote of Hajj:

“There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colors, from blue-eyed blondes to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and non-whiteâ€Ķ

 â€œâ€ĶDuring the past eleven days here in the Muslim world, I have eaten from the same plate, drunk from the same glass, and slept on the same rug - while praying to the same God - with fellow Muslims, whose eyes were the bluest of blue, whose hair was the blondest of blond, and whose skin was the whitest of white. And in the words and in the deeds of the white Muslims, I felt the same sincerity that I felt among the black African Muslims of Nigeria, Sudan and Ghana.” (From The Autobiography of Malcolm X)

After returning from Hajj, el-Shabazz preached a message of racial unity and harmony, and was soon assassinated, in part, academics believe, for abandoning his previous radical beliefs. In the approximately fifty years since, the worldwide Muslim population has grown significantly, accounting for the now millions of Hajj pilgrims.

SEE RELATED: American Shiite Muslim groups speak out against Syrian military strike

 â€œThere are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, making Islam the world’s second-largest religious tradition after Christianity,” says a report from Pew Research’s FactTank.

Masjid ul Nabi, where Prophet Muhammad is buried. Medina, Saudi Arabia (AP)

“Although many people, especially in the United States, may associate Islam with countries in the Middle East or North Africa, nearly two-thirds (62%) of Muslims live in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the Pew Research analysis. In fact, more Muslims live in India and Pakistan (344 million combined) than in the entire Middle East-North Africa region (317 million).”

The same report asserts that approximately 3.5 million Muslims currently live in the United States.

To reduce the amount of people in the city each year, the Saudi government has controversially established quotas limiting the number of visas granted each year to citizens of each country. This year, the quota for each country has been reduced by 20%. England recently was told that their quota would be reduced to a mere 17,000 individuals.

Some countries have complained about the quota system in general, stating the practice violates Islamic law and is unnecessary. The critics believe proper management of the religious sites could allow for significantly more pilgrims to attend each year.

Saudi Arabia claims the reduction is necessary to facilitate safe and timely construction to expand the Hajj facilities, which is expected to take several years.  

Saudi Ambassador Ibrahim Mustofa Al Mubarak claims that typically, the Grand Mosque  in Makkah receives 48,000 pilgrims per hour, but the renovations will bring the capacity of the Hajj facilities up to more than 100,000 pilgrims per hour. Responding to complaints about the reduced quota requirement, the Saudi government has promised to freeze fees and costs for the next two years at 2013 levels.

Typically, American pilgrims to Hajj will return within two or three weeks of departure.

Read more: http://communities.washingtont...saudi/#ixzz2hWPvOYlK
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Originally Posted by Chief:

Sevem million muslims live in America and only 14,000 choose to make the Hajj.

You just can't brainwashed all of them. Most of the men when they came back from Hajj, they look for a second and third wife and started to ill treat women. A checkered cloth on your head doesn't give you the right abused women. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Sevem million muslims live in America and only 14,000 choose to make the Hajj.

You just can't brainwashed all of them. Most of the men when they came back from Hajj, they look for a second and third wife and started to ill treat women. A checkered cloth on your head doesn't give you the right abused women. 

What is your proof of this jackass? Or are you talking from your ass as usual? Why don't you go bury yourself among your kind? The roaches and rodents.

Originally Posted by Stinger:



how about being able to afford the journey?


Haj must be performed at least once in their  lifetime by all Muslims capable of making the expensive, difficult journey

Would the homage paid to the Sphinx be the same as the Blackstone in the Kaba. Both inanimate objects. Maybe, Psalm 115 would be an eye opener for all those who honour IMAGES.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Sevem million muslims live in America and only 14,000 choose to make the Hajj.

You just can't brainwashed all of them. Most of the men when they came back from Hajj, they look for a second and third wife and started to ill treat women. A checkered cloth on your head doesn't give you the right abused women. 

What is your proof of this jackass? Or are you talking from your ass as usual? Why don't you go bury yourself among your kind? The roaches and rodents.

My own cousin did it. As soon as he came back from Hajj, he dump his Hindu wife and nikka a women is Guyana without consultation with his wife of 28 years marriage and his children. Since then, I have heard of many similar situation. My Aunty who is practiced Muslim encourage it and said a Muslim should only married a Muslim according the Quran. You must think before calling people jackass.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Would the homage paid to the Sphinx be the same as the Blackstone in the Kaba. Both inanimate objects. Maybe, Psalm 115 would be an eye opener for all those who honour IMAGES.

The pre-requisite for speaking on something is that one must know of that which they speak of. Opening one's mouth without this pre-requisite puts one in that category that Lincoln spoke of. Putting it simply Sagga boy, you have know understanding of what the kaaba is. Now you went and exhibit your lack of knowledge to everyone.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:

I am certain Mahammad woud never call another man the names yuh labelled the brother with?

Of course. That is because Muhammad was a man with class. I on the other hand can't stand roaches and rodents.

Weh yuh living Bhai.

Not among roaches and rodents. That is for sure.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Sevem million muslims live in America and only 14,000 choose to make the Hajj.

You just can't brainwashed all of them. Most of the men when they came back from Hajj, they look for a second and third wife and started to ill treat women. A checkered cloth on your head doesn't give you the right abused women. 

What is your proof of this jackass? Or are you talking from your ass as usual? Why don't you go bury yourself among your kind? The roaches and rodents.

My own cousin did it. As soon as he came back from Hajj, he dump his Hindu wife and nikka a women is Guyana without consultation with his wife of 28 years marriage and his children. Since then, I have heard of many similar situation. My Aunty who is practiced Muslim encourage it and said a Muslim should only married a Muslim according the Quran. You must think before calling people jackass.

So where is this ill-treatment that you spoke of earlier. Like I said, you are a jackass.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

“Iraqi Gay men’s rectums are glued shut and they are force-fed laxatives and water until their insides explode”

The Hunted  by Matt McAllester


“Killing gays is halal,” permissible under Islamic law. “We’ll get points in heaven for it.”


Now get off your fat roach and rodent infested ass and go get your own proof rather than rely on others which you cannot personally verify. Either that of shut your rodent infested trap.


Syrian girls for sale, the younger the better!

Married_alt_300x200Syrian refugee camps in Jordan have become the playground of wealthy Arabs who buy girls from their fathers for what they call ‘Mutah’ – a temporary pleasure (for the man) marriage – the Islamic-approved way to rape a young girl, some as young as 6 or 7, for a week or more, and then throw her out.



Originally Posted by Cobra:

Syrian girls for sale, the younger the better!

Married_alt_300x200Syrian refugee camps in Jordan have become the playground of wealthy Arabs who buy girls from their fathers for what they call ‘Mutah’ – a temporary pleasure (for the man) marriage – the Islamic-approved way to rape a young girl, some as young as 6 or 7, for a week or more, and then throw her out.



The drawing is a perfect depiction of a Muslim wedding. Exactly how I remember them.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Syrian girls for sale, the younger the better!

Married_alt_300x200Syrian refugee camps in Jordan have become the playground of wealthy Arabs who buy girls from their fathers for what they call ‘Mutah’ – a temporary pleasure (for the man) marriage – the Islamic-approved way to rape a young girl, some as young as 6 or 7, for a week or more, and then throw her out.



Given the sexual appetite of these Arab men who marry these girls for a few days of pleasure, the girls should be dressed more like this.


Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Would the homage paid to the Sphinx be the same as the Blackstone in the Kaba. Both inanimate objects. Maybe, Psalm 115 would be an eye opener for all those who honour IMAGES.

The pre-requisite for speaking on something is that one must know of that which they speak of. Opening one's mouth without this pre-requisite puts one in that category that Lincoln spoke of. Putting it simply Sagga boy, you have know understanding of what the kaaba is. Now you went and exhibit your lack of knowledge to everyone.

Isn't there a Blackstone stored in the Kabba? Many Temples in India have a stone of that sort(lingam). An Arab went to India(before 1000AD) to destroy a Temple in Moulton which had the Stone, supposedly taken from the Kabba. Instead, he took all the golden idols back with him. The Caliph of Bhagdad praised him for attacking the infidels taht worships golden and silver idols.

Originally Posted by Stinger:



how about being able to afford the journey?


Haj must be performed at least once in their  lifetime by all Muslims capable of making the expensive, difficult journey

As one of my late Imaams,Haji Balee, used to say "Money does not take people to Hajj, it's your intention". There are people who are loaded but never go and make the pilgrimage and then there are others who are just surviving and because of their piety and commitment to fulfill the command were able to make the trip.

The cost of going to make the Hajj was never cheap and will never become cheap. But let me tell you something, back in Guyana there were laborerers and some poor people who saved penny by penny just to go for that journey.


Bro if you start put aside $50 week in two years you can go and make the Hajj.

Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Labbaik, La Shareek Laka, Labbaik. Innal Hamdah, Wan Nematah, Laka wal Mulk, La Shareek Laka Labbaik.

Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners, here I am.


#Hajj #Mina #2013 #Pilgrims #1434

For more Islamic posts please like the page
SubhanAllah.. Pilgrims of 2013 are moving towards Mina.. How beautiful and pleasing is this to the eye? Thousands and thousands of brothers and sisters have gathered together wearing the same white cloth submitting to the One and Only Allah.. Ya Allah accept their hajj.. Aameen Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Labbaik, La Shareek Laka, Labbaik. Innal Hamdah, Wan Nematah, Laka wal Mulk, La Shareek Laka Labbaik. Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners, here I am. ALLAHU AKBAR!! #Hajj #Mina #2013 #Pilgrims #1434 For more Islamic posts please like the page @[71778625607:274<img src=ROPHET MUHAMMAD [SAW) - THE LAST AND GREATEST OF ALL PROPHETS.]" class="_46-i img" height="276" src="" style="left: -2px; top: 0px;" width="403" />

770,000 sheep sacrificed during Haj



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