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Dangling precariously from a third-floor window, this smashed truck looks like a prop in the dramatic finale of an action movie blockbuster.

Sadly for the driver, however, there was no Hollywood budget to cover the damages.

Incredible photographs have emerged showing the crash, caused by a 16-ton salt-spreading truck being rammed from inside a third story Sanitation Department repair shop in Queens, New York, into - and through - the outside wall.

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Originally posted by Sunil:

Dangling precariously from a third-floor window, this smashed truck looks like a prop in the dramatic finale of an action movie blockbuster.

Sadly for the driver, however, there was no Hollywood budget to cover the damages.

Incredible photographs have emerged showing the crash, caused by a 16-ton salt-spreading truck being rammed from inside a third story Sanitation Department repair shop in Queens, New York, into - and through - the outside wall.

Looks like the original HARD ROCK CAFE store front that had a caddie sticking out like that.

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