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Cobra posted:

Did you came on here to wish the honorable gentleman a happy birthday, or to push mythology in me kakahole?

Cobra, in my opening greeting I told Dr Jagdeo: "Enjoy your weekend and get married soon!!!"

Your mentioning that highlighted word on Dr Jagdeo's special day is like offering creamy milk to a hungry tomcat. Let us guide him to a nobler goal. Thank you

Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

Did you came on here to wish the honorable gentleman a happy birthday, or to push mythology in me kakahole?

Cobra, in my opening greeting I told Dr Jagdeo: "Enjoy your weekend and get married soon!!!"

Your mentioning that highlighted word on Dr Jagdeo's special day is like offering creamy milk to a hungry tomcat. Let us guide him to a nobler goal. Thank you

Gilbakka posted:

ATTENTION DJANGO AND COMBATANTS: This is a thread to send Birthday Greetings to Dr Bharrat Jagdeo. 

Start another thread about future presidents.

Just wondering....does anyone know?

Since his last marriage did not work out, does the former President have a family, significant other, is he dating???

Guyana is a small country, people would know things.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And he also got a British law degree, a beauty queen wife, and the best mentor in the history of Guyana.  What else can one ask for?  The ducks are already lined up in a perfect row.

That air headed peacock will never be our president. He has a likability  a skunk. Only PPP sycophants missing the reflected glow of awee pon top kind of ethnic prideful thinking would want to see that prissy as a worthy  leader. It means more years in the opposition bench if that dude with the view that running the state is family business is the PPP front runner.

Maybe, but a lot of things can happen in 5 or 10 years. 

If the PPP should internally select him to represent them, who are you to judge? 

Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

Did you came on here to wish the honorable gentleman a happy birthday, or to push mythology in me kakahole?

Cobra, in my opening greeting I told Dr Jagdeo: "Enjoy your weekend and get married soon!!!"

Your mentioning that highlighted word on Dr Jagdeo's special day is like offering creamy milk to a hungry tomcat. Let us guide him to a nobler goal. Thank you

I posted this question before...must have gotten deleted:

Do we know anything about the exPresident's personal life since his divorce?

Is he dating someone? Is there a significant other?

In a small country like Guyana, people tend to know everything.


VishMahabir posted:

Just wondering....does anyone know?

Since his last marriage did not work out, does the former President have a family, significant other, is he dating???

Guyana is a small country, people would know things.

It depends on whom you ask.

Bibi and I have a prime candidate who is educated, upright and has commendable leadership skills. Let's wait and see what Dr Jagdeo will do. If wedding bells are to ring, it will be soon because he is 52 years old and she is advancing fast towards middle age too.  

Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Just wondering....does anyone know?

Since his last marriage did not work out, does the former President have a family, significant other, is he dating???

Guyana is a small country, people would know things.

It depends on whom you ask.

Bibi and I have a prime candidate who is educated, upright and has commendable leadership skills. Let's wait and see what Dr Jagdeo will do. If wedding bells are to ring, it will be soon because he is 52 years old and she is advancing fast towards middle age too.  

I was thinking that candidate married.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Just wondering....does anyone know?

Since his last marriage did not work out, does the former President have a family, significant other, is he dating???

Guyana is a small country, people would know things.

It depends on whom you ask.

Bibi and I have a prime candidate who is educated, upright and has commendable leadership skills. Let's wait and see what Dr Jagdeo will do. If wedding bells are to ring, it will be soon because he is 52 years old and she is advancing fast towards middle age too.  

I was thinking that candidate married.

Her Facebook page says: "No relationship info to show". Anyway, let's see whom Dr Jagdeo will celebrate his birthday with tonight.

VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And he also got a British law degree, a beauty queen wife, and the best mentor in the history of Guyana.  What else can one ask for?  The ducks are already lined up in a perfect row.

That air headed peacock will never be our president. He has a likability  a skunk. Only PPP sycophants missing the reflected glow of awee pon top kind of ethnic prideful thinking would want to see that prissy as a worthy  leader. It means more years in the opposition bench if that dude with the view that running the state is family business is the PPP front runner.

Maybe, but a lot of things can happen in 5 or 10 years. 

If the PPP should internally select him to represent them, who are you to judge? 

If they put him up why do you think the did if not for him to be vetted by the citizens? The internal decision of the PPP coven is not sanctified. They had the numbers in terms of indians to force feed us their choice but dis time nah lang time. He will be handed his own petard!

skeldon_man posted:

Happy birthday to a champion. He will engineer the PPP to another victory as soon as the coalition splits.

Keep on wishing for a coalition split. Why will it split?

1. Trotman doesn't want the PPP back.

2. Naga and Ramjattan know that the Indo KKK will hang them for being treasonous to the "coolie people party", so they aren't going to split either.

As I said the PPP refused to accept the gift of brains, because God refused to bribe them to accept this.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If the PPP should internally select him to represent them, who are you to judge? 

Understand that APNU/AFC are overjoyed that the PPP is dumb enough to keep Jagdeo. His daily screams remind people why they tossed the PPP out.

It's actually the daily [non] performance of the PNC which make people shake their heads in shame and regret!!

Dondadda posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Happy birthday to our past president Bharrat Jagdeo.  Also celebrating the same birthday today is our future president Charles Ramson.  Best wishes to both of these fine young gentlemen.

Bibi, are you referring to the young Charles Ramson? I went to Ramson Snr wedding in the early 70s just after he returned from London.

I was referring to the young Ramson.  He turned 32 years old.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dondadda posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Happy birthday to our past president Bharrat Jagdeo.  Also celebrating the same birthday today is our future president Charles Ramson.  Best wishes to both of these fine young gentlemen.

Bibi, are you referring to the young Charles Ramson? I went to Ramson Snr wedding in the early 70s just after he returned from London.

I was referring to the young Ramson.  He turned 32 years old.

Not matured fully,he was smiling when the speaker cautioned him in the last sitting of parliament.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Just wondering....does anyone know?

Since his last marriage did not work out, does the former President have a family, significant other, is he dating???

Guyana is a small country, people would know things.

It depends on whom you ask.

Bibi and I have a prime candidate who is educated, upright and has commendable leadership skills. Let's wait and see what Dr Jagdeo will do. If wedding bells are to ring, it will be soon because he is 52 years old and she is advancing fast towards middle age too.  

I was thinking that candidate married.

That candidate is not married.  And she is ready, willing, and able.  But the lass may be battling competition from an external force.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dondadda posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Happy birthday to our past president Bharrat Jagdeo.  Also celebrating the same birthday today is our future president Charles Ramson.  Best wishes to both of these fine young gentlemen.

Bibi, are you referring to the young Charles Ramson? I went to Ramson Snr wedding in the early 70s just after he returned from London.

I was referring to the young Ramson.  He turned 32 years old.

Not matured fully,he was smiling when the speaker cautioned him in the last sitting of parliament.

That speaker cautions certain people in Parliament.  The rest gets away with their "fish market" behavior!  It's easy to pick on the young guy.  And by the way, he is more fearless than his mentor.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

Here is my pick for VP Africo Selman,

Skelly.. come in what's your thoughts.

Aside from being black, what are her attributes.  Despite her pre election screams, she didn't pull in any black votes.  They saw her as an Aunt Jemima scrambling for some soup, and now laugh at her because she didn't get any.

Find a black person, who has a following and respect among the Afro Guyanese community. 

Blacks are tired of PPP tokenism.  In fact where is Elizabeth Harper?

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dondadda posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Happy birthday to our past president Bharrat Jagdeo.  Also celebrating the same birthday today is our future president Charles Ramson.  Best wishes to both of these fine young gentlemen.

Bibi, are you referring to the young Charles Ramson? I went to Ramson Snr wedding in the early 70s just after he returned from London.

I was referring to the young Ramson.  He turned 32 years old.

Not matured fully,he was smiling when the speaker cautioned him in the last sitting of parliament.

That speaker cautions certain people in Parliament.  The rest gets away with their "fish market" behavior!  It's easy to pick on the young guy.  And by the way, he is more fearless than his mentor.

Thank's to technology we can see the debates,i watch them live (i am self employed)in my view he is a  no nonsense speaker (highly educated) trying to bring some high standard in the parliament,i consider him to be neutral.

Remember i does say to "each his own"

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bibi and I have a prime candidate who is educated, upright and has commendable leadership skills. Let's wait and see what Dr Jagdeo will do. If wedding bells are to ring, it will be soon because he is 52 years old and she is advancing fast towards middle age too.  

I was thinking that candidate married.

That candidate is not married.  And she is ready, willing, and able.  But the lass may be battling competition from an external force.


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Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I was referring to the young Ramson.  He turned 32 years old.

Not matured fully,he was smiling when the speaker cautioned him in the last sitting of parliament.

Nah mek worries, he rocketing through the learning curve.  I guess you accustomed to the geriatric current ruling club who still in their mighty up-swing at age 60/70 and come into their own by around 75/80.


I realized that Gilbakka dedicated this thread to send birthday wishes to the honorable Dr. Jagdeo, but I have a serious question now that the party is over. Why you guys want the man to get married? He was once married and had wife issues like most men. Perhaps, he dedicated his life to serving his country and people he love so much. Maybe he is happy being single and have no one to control his life. Being single is not a crime. So, what's your reason for advising Dr. Jagdeo to get married, Mr. Gilbakka?

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

I realized that Gilbakka dedicated this thread to send birthday wishes to the honorable Dr. Jagdeo, but I have a serious question now that the party is over. Why you guys want the man to get married? He was once married and had wife issues like most men. Perhaps, he dedicated his life to serving his country and people he love so much. Maybe he is happy being single and have no one to control his life. Being single is not a crime. So, what's your reason for advising Dr. Jagdeo to get married, Mr. Gilbakka?

Is not the same wife issues he had like most men, dat's nah true tal tal.



I realized that Gilbakka dedicated this thread to send birthday wishes to the honorable Dr. Jagdeo, but I have a serious question now that the party is over. Why you guys want the man to get married? He was once married and had wife issues like most men. Perhaps, he dedicated his life to serving his country and people he love so much. Maybe he is happy being single and have no one to control his life. Being single is not a crime. So, what's your reason for advising Dr. Jagdeo to get married, Mr. Gilbakka?

Cobra posted:

I realized that Gilbakka dedicated this thread to send birthday wishes to the honorable Dr. Jagdeo, but I have a serious question now that the party is over. Why you guys want the man to get married? He was once married and had wife issues like most men. Perhaps, he dedicated his life to serving his country and people he love so much. Maybe he is happy being single and have no one to control his life. Being single is not a crime. So, what's your reason for advising Dr. Jagdeo to get married, Mr. Gilbakka?

At Dr Jagdeo's press conference last week, a reporter asked him why he spends so much time attacking Moses Nagamootoo. Dr Jagdeo said "it is more of personal enjoyment for me”. Clearly, if Dr Jagdeo had a wife, he would have had an alternative source of "personal enjoyment."

Another point: In Guyana, when a man passes 50 years of age and is living alone, people gossip and speculate and slander. I have heard Kwame's name called in connection with BJ. Also, Dr Bobby Ramroop's name. For me, these are ridiculous allegations. There are many gullible Guyanese, however, who are buying and selling this particular speculation on Dr Jagdeo's sexual orientation. I believe that Dr Jagdeo can silent idle tongues by taking a wife. Plain and simple. 

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Cobra posted:

I realized that Gilbakka dedicated this thread to send birthday wishes to the honorable Dr. Jagdeo, but I have a serious question now that the party is over. Why you guys want the man to get married? He was once married and had wife issues like most men. Perhaps, he dedicated his life to serving his country and people he love so much. Maybe he is happy being single and have no one to control his life. Being single is not a crime. So, what's your reason for advising Dr. Jagdeo to get married, Mr. Gilbakka?

Is not the same wife issues he had like most men, dat's nah true tal tal.




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