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Baseman posted:

At the parade in NY they addressed the date confusion and the Pandits all agree Nov 6. 

If them pandits can read your whole life through an astrological book, how they can't come up with the right day for Diwali? I visited a pandit before my first marriage to see if (we were compatible) and the pandit told me I already dead according to my planet, but never tells me that the woman was the biggest problem I would ever inherit. By the time I was ready to put two chops in he skvnt, he was already dead. Since then I never trusted any holy person to tell me about my life.  

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:

At the parade in NY they addressed the date confusion and the Pandits all agree Nov 6. 

If them pandits can read your whole life through an astrological book, how they can't come up with the right day for Diwali? I visited a pandit before my first marriage to see if (we were compatible) and the pandit told me I already dead according to my planet, but never tells me that the woman was the biggest problem I would ever inherit. By the time I was ready to put two chops in he skvnt, he was already dead. Since then I never trusted any holy person to tell me about my life.  

You misinterpreted his message. It was the woman who inherited the problem. She married a dead man.

yuji22 posted:

Mits. Happy Diwali. I respect the right for people to celebtate whenever they so choose because Sanatana Dharmic is Democratic. Based on the 100 year Vedic calendar, Diwali is to celebrated tomorrow and also correctly celebrated in India tomorrow.

Yuji, what religion are you if I am privileged to ask? 

yuji22 posted:

Mits. Happy Diwali. I respect the right for people to celebtate whenever they so choose because Sanatana Dharmic is Democratic. Based on the 100 year Vedic calendar, Diwali is to celebrated tomorrow and also correctly celebrated in India tomorrow.

It's now 10:45AM here and in less than 2 hours India will be the 7th and it's Diwali there. Do whatever works for you.  

Happy Diwali to you and your family. 

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

All you don’t mek Mitwah fool you. Tomorrow is Diwali. 

Just enjoy and celebrate for the next 5 days.  Diwali symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance".

Mitwah, I would like to add that the world in which we live in existed on a delicate balance on good and evil, light and darkness, knowledge and ignorance, etc. I called it the "horse and carriage" method for our existence. We need both to survive. Your thoughts?   

Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mits. Happy Diwali. I respect the right for people to celebtate whenever they so choose because Sanatana Dharmic is Democratic. Based on the 100 year Vedic calendar, Diwali is to celebrated tomorrow and also correctly celebrated in India tomorrow.

Yuji, what religion are you if I am privileged to ask? 

He belongs to a cult, not a religion.

Mars posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mits. Happy Diwali. I respect the right for people to celebtate whenever they so choose because Sanatana Dharmic is Democratic. Based on the 100 year Vedic calendar, Diwali is to celebrated tomorrow and also correctly celebrated in India tomorrow.

Yuji, what religion are you if I am privileged to ask? 

He belongs to a cult, not a religion.

ISKCON. He mentioned it many times.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Mits. Happy Diwali. I respect the right for people to celebtate whenever they so choose because Sanatana Dharmic is Democratic. Based on the 100 year Vedic calendar, Diwali is to celebrated tomorrow and also correctly celebrated in India tomorrow.

Today here is practically tomorrow in India...right now it's Nov 7, 1:15 AM in India..

Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mits. Happy Diwali. I respect the right for people to celebtate whenever they so choose because Sanatana Dharmic is Democratic. Based on the 100 year Vedic calendar, Diwali is to celebrated tomorrow and also correctly celebrated in India tomorrow.

Today here is practically tomorrow in India...right now it's Nov 7, 1:15 AM in India..

LOL. Yugi is confused and using the Vedic Calendar written for India. Now you gonna confuse him more. 


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