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Originally Posted by Colin Barton:

Hello Rev:

Good morning, yes I am new to the forums.  I note the conversations are interesting but you help to keep everyone on task.  How long have you been liming at this cake shop?



It looks like you know the Rev from one of the cricket forums.


I've been posting on gni for just over a year---but only a few months ago I started posting on social---I like social---get to be my real self here.hahahahaha





These are the kites I remember.  I would like to buy one these kites.  How much are these kites?  What kind of paste did they use?  I hope it's flour and water.  I wonder if the kites come with tail and a spool a thread.  I don't want a belly when my kite is up in the air.
Originally Posted by alena06:

Happy Easter all!

Its all about the Getting your kites ready to fly today and tomorrow yea we got Kites and we <got ballas here too did you make your "balla" yet photo by Richards


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