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Happy birthday to you. Now that part over, dah salary lookin real nice. I might make a few loaves using green and red coconut for the Xmas season.

I received my  Lee Valley catalogue and see they have a Pulman loaf pan for 46.90. This is rectangle with a lid, kinda high priced but this place carries good items, I have been purchasing from them for years. Once we even got some Brazilian wood with which tables were made.

@cain posted:

Happy birthday to you. Now that part over, dah salary lookin real nice. I might make a few loaves using green and red coconut for the Xmas season.

I received my  Lee Valley catalogue and see they have a Pulman loaf pan for 46.90. This is rectangle with a lid, kinda high priced but this place carries good items, I have been purchasing from them for years. Once we even got some Brazilian wood with which tables were made.

Thnx Cain

@Amral posted:

Good morning Lynn, a very happy belated birthday to you. Hope it was a wonderful day with the family. 64 eh, jeez next year is OAS time lol.

BTW I took my flu shot and covid # 6 shot on Monday. One shot in each arm. No issues, went to work yesterday, it was fine. usual i spend my bd quietly with family…

the girls came over as they had to work, so they worked from home

they had lunch (prepared by mama) n for dinner we ordered in food..

stormy afternoon evening..big thunder n severe lightening..heavy showers ..

they stayed until 8 pm n left

a fam friend joined us for dinner…

ps i made a few baiganee n spinach pakoras for us …

n i had made the salara the night before

simple but yet enjoyable !!


i had the flu shot a few wks ago!!

no more covid vax for me..i had the 1st 2 only because it was mandatory for my job!

Yeah BM..64!! Where did the years go

PS my dad died 2months before his 64th bday, I was only 17 yrs!!

i am the last of 8 kids..all of us apart from my 2nd sis (she died at tender age of 26+) made it to 64!

1 bro died whn he was 68+ n my eldest sis died at 68 too

i cannot believe that my dad died at such a young age..

i mean at 17, obviously 64 appeared very old to me!! i am 64 n i am saying..darn it, 64 isnt old at all!! Hehehehe


sorry about your Dad, it hits hard when you are still at a young age. Never having the chance to let your Dad see you mature and have a family.

Yeah all of a sudden you are at this age and realize there are less years ahead than those in the rear view mirror. But enjoy it. Next year I turn 62.

I think Cham is between us lol. Saw her at my work place a few weeks ago.

@Amral posted:

sorry about your Dad, it hits hard when you are still at a young age. Never having the chance to let your Dad see you mature and have a family.

Yeah all of a sudden you are at this age and realize there are less years ahead than those in the rear view mirror. But enjoy it. Next year I turn 62.

I think Cham is between us lol. Saw her at my work place a few weeks ago.

Yeah BM..losing my dad at 17 was a big hit me for a β€œSIX” .  It was sudden..he was never sick except for the time whn he had gall stones n was in hosp for a wk (1969) ..n well he had  arthritis in knee ..

let me share a bit

im the last of 8 kids(4 boys n 4 girls) n was spoilt rotten by both parents, but-my dad was my world/life because he was easier to have a conversation with(he was very intelligent, wise n understanding).  My maa didnt attend schn got married at 14 even though she spoilt me with love, we didnt have  conversations like my dad n i had. So i spent a lot of  time with my dad (after his day of hard work  the backdam) i was his Florence nightingale (to look after every cut/bruise..his masseuse (used to walk on his back n legs as i was a lil β€˜magga’ pickney.  I was his little helper as he was a jack of all trades(handyman)..  as the saying goes..i was β€˜foot to foot’ with my daddy and as soon as he laid in hammock to take a five, I was there in his lap, searching for grass louse , or whn he sat in his chair, i was combing the β€˜boosey’ outof his hair or cutting his nails. I was there to hand him the cups of water for him to wash n clean his countless bird cages(yes he used to. Mind plenty birds). He unashamedly n blatantly showed his favouritism towards me by giving me the best n the biggest share of anything he-had to share eg the biggest n ripest monkey apply, the fattest jamoons(those that had ripples) n the biggest pappose(i had double the share) .  

My dad was anti-social(i take after him.hehehehe) so he never wnet anywhere whn we were invited, he sent my mom n siblings.  I always chose to stay back with him (i used to insist because i felt he would be all alone n lonely, so i wanted to β€˜keep his company’)  it was during such times he counselled me by tell me his life experiences n each story had a moral n a lesson to learn. I was a curious lil kid n asked a lot of questions esp abt family ie how we r related to this aunty n this uncle.

He was my biggest cheerleader as he had more confidence in me that i did..he always knew i would excel academically dad saw my potential even whn I was unsure of passingly Olevels at 1st sitting.  I rem tellinghim i didnt do well in Chemistry n Literature n I wasnt sure abt English.  His response was β€˜ u have 2nd chance you can go back, dont worry) i was shocked whn results came out n i heard i had passed all 6 subjects including Chemistry n my dad smiled n said β€œI KNEW you would pass ALL”  this is a man who took me to the ricefield every weekend n non-sch days to graze cows n set maswah to catch shrimps. He made me hold on to the-bull’s table to β€˜guh round bull to mash rice’ . I fetched the old water-can whn my mom threw castnet, to pick up the catch , i fetched the basket as they reaped the veggies in the garden..Yes he knew wht i was capable of, this spoilt lil brat!!

I heardmy dad say these words after I passed my O’Levels

β€œ MY EYES CAN CLOSE NOW, asmy gal pickney have their education n they can  handle themselves”

i was too young to understand these words whn  they were uttered ie not until he died (8 months after I left high sch n 4 months after i started teaching)

March 17, 1977 he breathed his last, 23 hrs after he had dizzy spell n was rushed to GT hospital where he went into a coma n never recovered) i got message that he was in hospital n rushed to see him not realizing he was in a coma( i thought he was sleeping/snoring) i left the hosp n 15 min later got msg that he  had passed away.

i was numb!! I went home for funeral n came back to GT the same day of funeral because i couldnt stay in the house knowing my dad was gone!

I went back once to my mother’s house n left after 1 hr..the pain was unbearable..home. Was no longer home without-my dad.

yes I ost my dad that day n LOST MY HOME TOO!

i applied for UG n after 1 yr as teacher I started UG..i focused to carving a career n building a life on-my own, equipped with the β€˜wisdom lessons’ given by my dad. I became strong n determined to carve a successful career in medcine(my dad always felt i woul d make the best nurse..I was His FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE!! I applied to Medical Technology with intention to get scholarship to study medicine inCuba (along the way i changed mind n stuck with lab as i enjoyed doing that)

i grad twice from UG with distinction but never went to the graduation ceremonies.  WHY?? Because my dad wasnt there. I got married n chose not ot have a wedding..i ahd an β€˜adopted’ father who was ann elder in a SDA chruch n he got the pastor to do a mini ceremony .  WHY?? My dad wasnt there!! I had my 1st daughter n didnt even tell my mother..she said she dreamt my dad n he toldher to β€˜hurry n go’ n somehow she knew that meant that I had given birth …

see,my world was empty without my dad..nothing had meaning if he wasnt there ! I cried every night(if pillows can talk) wishing my dad was one knew of my anguish. I wished i had the chance to say goodbye…

2 of my sisters saw him 1 wk before he died because he sent for them to come get paynoose(they were teaching on west coast but i was in GT) n he begged them to see if they can send paynoose for me in GT as i loved that! I had seen him 2 weeks before because it was Phagwah but little  did i know that would have been the last. He was a picture of health up the the wee hrs of that fateful morning March 17 whn he fell off the bed after having a Dizzy spell.

I grieved for my dad (internally) for 17 yrs..not until I was 34 , whn i accepted Christ as my Lord n Saviour, did i find peace /closure. I faced the fact n dealt with the loss n stopped grieving.  It took a lil while but after a yr, I started to find joy in the memories(I no longer cried buckets of tears) .  I truly found JOY in the memories of the short 17 yrs . My memories r vivid, like movies playing in my mind(I-have visual memory) I can literally’ seemy dad n the things we did n even hear his voice..)

today, I look at my girls n their dad..he is a great father, 2nd only to my dad n even though they r 26 n 36 yrs, I often wonder how they will manage if their dad should depart this world !

RIP daddy (May 26, 19260March 17, 1977)

ps:…i forgot to mention that whn i got the message that my dad was admitted to public hospital, i was actually reading an article in a Reader’s Digest called β€œMY FATHER’s HANDS”..needless to say, I never finished it


My ole ass tired of snow now, we have about 4inches and slippery like rass trying to walk up and down the hilly roads here and next week gonna be like summer with a balmy 5 celcius.

I've been invited to head back down for a short spell to assist a buddy in Leaside with his new pest control business. I know sweet diddly squat about pest control other than swattin  maskitoe an black flies but he say I got good business ackqumain. I know I got lil business bakground in henglish an no how fi spell an konverse with people dem but  I ran wayyyy up here fo frrreeezee an complain now he want me Mr Cain Ackqumain to come down lil bit.

Soon as he told me that I made up a Pro/Con sheet and first pro entry is getting hold of Cham in case she need any visitor round dinnertime.

@cain posted:

My ole ass tired of snow now, we have about 4inches and slippery like rass trying to walk up and down the hilly roads here and next week gonna be like summer with a balmy 5 celcius.

I've been invited to head back down for a short spell to assist a buddy in Leaside with his new pest control business. I know sweet diddly squat about pest control other than swattin  maskitoe an black flies but he say I got good business ackqumain. I know I got lil business bakground in henglish an no how fi spell an konverse with people dem but  I ran wayyyy up here fo frrreeezee an complain now he want me Mr Cain Ackqumain to come down lil bit.

Soon as he told me that I made up a Pro/Con sheet and first pro entry is getting hold of Cham in case she need any visitor round dinnertime.

Wht?? Snow up yr end already??


Thanks for sharing such and emotional background story. I truly can understand and share your feelings of attachment in many ways. It took great courage for you to dig back deep in your heart to write this. I am sure by the end of writing you had some tears in your eyes.

Cain where are you these days, I am heading down to PEI Charlottetown next June, are you in PEI?

@Amral posted:

Thanks for sharing such and emotional background story. I truly can understand and share your feelings of attachment in many ways. It took great courage for you to dig back deep in your heart to write this. I am sure by the end of writing you had some tears in your eyes.

Cain where are you these days, I am heading down to PEI Charlottetown next June, are you in PEI?

BM..this was spontaneous ..the memories just flowed n i penned.  I have shared it verbally but never  really penned it.  I saved it though..later i will edit..correct typos/spellings to β€˜neaten’ it n may add stuff that i omitted. grief..i came to terms with this since i was 34 yrs..i dont feel sad whn i remember my dad..on the contrary, i love to talk abt it as it brings joy.

It was a real struggle for me to make it on my own in GT with no financial support.

Also because i was spoilt nn always had people do things/make decisions for me  for me .

I board n lodged with 1 of my bhoujie’s  sis in Durban St n then moved to Kingston where my eldest sis was staying (going to In-Service teachers’ College) until she graduated.

Then I moved to another boarding n lodging place inMiddle St where a batchmate of mine was staying. AAfter her grandpa died, she moved in with her grandma n i went along. It was the-beginning of our sis-friend relationship, when we became more like family. Later we rented an apt in Kingston n then moved to Garnett ST.  Her younger sis joined us to attend high sch n my old sis joined us to go to Lilian Dewar College. My family became hers n vice versa. We r still BFF today ..she lives inSt Lucia n we meet  up occasionally in NY or here. Im going next yr to celebrate her retirement.

I never knew to cook except make paratha roti but i had witnessed how-my sisters made dhal n cooked greens(didn't knowhow to cook curry) but my gf knew so I learnt from her at age of 18-19 yrs.  She-had lived with her grandparents during her high sch years n had lot of responsibilities including how to budget. We both got a stipend from MoH n we had to rent, light bills, transportation to UG, UG fees..library, buy books grocery etc. we walked to the hospital from Garnett st.  We didn't have money to buy gas stove so we had 2 of those 1 burners kero stove that had lot of wicks. I rem we ate bread  (fresh /hot from Prasha’s bakery) after work whilst we waited for evening classes ) n drank water as snack because we used to go to see movies after work i.e. Plaza,Metropole, Astor, Globe n Strand cinemas, 415 pm shows

@cain posted:

Two of my grands are here, as I told the daughter, it's the only reason.

I might head to Calgary for awhile, my other granddaughter is there?

Wasn't ever in my plans to move to cold snowy parts of the country but here I am killing it.

Oh ok….

yeah man whn we get ole..we long for warmer places…but u doing d opposite

but being around family is worth it , i guess


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