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Hellooooo there!

wht’s cooking today??

place getting cold

Krismus is just around d karna

anybody start planning??

Well i going to cook sone pumpkin, seim n chowmein today

yesterday was bora n aloo curry n fry baigan with chkn

tomoro will do some gilbakka curry as my big daata coming to visit


my niece took me to a WI grocery store in brampton..i think Jas is the name n nearly faint  away..i ordered a smal cut of FROZEN gilbaka as my sis was visiting from Cayman Islands …

i got 7 pieces like 3 “x 2 “ n i was shocked whn the cashier said $27

ie like $4 a

is wha going on??

I dont buy often as hubby n li gal dont eat it..

just me n d big gal pickney ..

so i dont buy  it often.  Alos itis my hubby who shops, so i have no idea of the price..

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I was told that breadfruit cooks well on a BBQ. One day I tried it, placing the whole thing on the rack. It came out quite soft and I did not care for it.

Perhaps I was supposed to slice it then place the slices on the rack. Anyone knows about this.

@cain posted:

I was told that breadfruit cooks well on a BBQ. One day I tried it, placing the whole thing on the rack. It came out quite soft and I did not care for it.

Perhaps I was supposed to slice it then place the slices on the rack. Anyone knows about this.

My Jcan director used to roast her whole in oven..she used to get ackee  from the hospital compound n treat us to roasted breadfruit n ackee ..i loved it but never tried roasting it whole nor tried on BBQ

@cain posted:

I was told that breadfruit cooks well on a BBQ. One day I tried it, placing the whole thing on the rack. It came out quite soft and I did not care for it.

Perhaps I was supposed to slice it then place the slices on the rack. Anyone knows about this.

Cainsta..i saw a video on fb yest..

d jcan man boiled a whole breadfruit in a big pot of water for 30 mins..n then peeled it n sliced up

he saidu can fry after or just put  oven roast a bit

or just eat it like that


these days I get too lazy to cook, I need diff dishes but I cant make it. Like a nice lasagna, some metagee soup, smoke herring and dhal and rice etc. Have to start looking for a guyanese sweetie now

@Amral posted:

these days I get too lazy to cook, I need diff dishes but I cant make it. Like a nice lasagna, some metagee soup, smoke herring and dhal and rice etc. Have to start looking for a guyanese sweetie now

As ole people would say. ‘ ur lazy fuh yuh own belly’!!!


Me n all get lazy as it is just me n hubby.

whn the girls visit I am motivated to cook diff stuff

otherwise hubby likes GY dishes (not too-much roti) so it’s easy

i eat my low carbs n lot-of veggies n soup which I make in bulk n freeze

yesterday i cooked baigan curry with plenty chicken..more like chickn curry with 1 baigan n aloo

i did fry karailla n punkin  ( my gf gave me a whole punkin  from she garden, d ting sweet bad, see the pix)

i did fry bora n some baigan choka

i had some left over dhal n saltfish

so im set for d week except that  i have to do more veggies n fry Up some ochro for myself

Will cook some more dhal later in wk too

I have enough lentil soup to last until weekend whn i will make a big pot again

well, i am back to work from this week after being at home for 4 months with knee injury

so u guys take care..enjoythe Monday n rest of the week



BM..yeah u need a GYese sweetie to mek dem kinda food that yuh mind callin’ fah ..

@Former Member posted:

Had dhall, rice & fried ochro for lunch, delicioso! Tomorrow we'll make bunjay fat shrimps and roti, then I'll guzzle down a beer like Santa Banta.   

Lang time i didnt hear ‘guzzle’ down

reminds me of my late bro , he used to say that often growing up!!

Nice food.  I love dhal but it must be thick.  I dont enjoy it watery!

I drink it n eat with roti or rice or my veggies,mashed potatoes or even bread!!

@Former Member posted:

I got 4 like that in my garden this year. gf gave me seeds this

All i got was 4 man-flowers!! Too. Much shade in the-back yard

She doesnt have any shade in her she reaps a lot..i think last yr she got abt 8-10 too

well..d ting sweet bad..cant rem the last time i ate such sweet punkin..only back in GY

@Lynn posted: gf gave me seeds this

All i got was 4 man-flowers!! Too. Much shade in the-back yard

She doesnt have any shade in her she reaps a lot..i think last yr she got abt 8-10 too

well..d ting sweet bad..cant rem the last time i ate such sweet punkin..only back in GY

There are lots of veggies that will grow well in shade.

@cain posted:

2241 on line. Ow me laaaawd!

So what's this ting yall call 'sun" it seems warm..hehheh

I went out today and it was a balmy (yeh right) -28

Venoes?? Spying on us? Lol

like Abee deez does say..

’we ketch plenty tings’lol

@cain posted:

2241 on line. Ow me laaaawd!

So what's this ting yall call 'sun" it seems warm..hehheh

I went out today and it was a balmy (yeh right) -28

Venoes?? Spying on us? Lol

like Abee deez does say..

’we ketch plenty tings’lol

@cain posted:

2241 on line. Ow me laaaawd!

So what's this ting yall call 'sun" it seems warm..hehheh

I went out today and it was a balmy (yeh right) -28

SUN mussie looking fuh d MOON

or d DAATA

have a great day…


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