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Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

Harmon is rising as the decisive leader of the PNC.  This is actually GOOD news for Guyana!

Harmon was ALWAYS the leader -- head honcho -- and it is good that he is being focused on the elections.

Possibly, Harmon could become the PNCR presidential candidate.

I actually like his style.  I hope he does!

Demerara_Guy posted:

We will see how things on-fold, Baseman.

First step is confirmation that elections will be held within three months or at a later date based on the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs.

Once confirmed, then all parties need to be focused on the elections.

I agree, thus far I judge by his words.  Until he proves otherwise, I reserve judgement!

Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

Harmon is rising as the decisive leader of the PNC.  This is actually GOOD news for Guyana!

Harmon was ALWAYS the leader -- head honcho -- and it is good that he is being focused on the elections.

Possibly, Harmon could become the PNCR presidential candidate.

Word is that he has been the President all along. Plus he duz watch Naga tuh. 

Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Word is that he has been the President all along.

Plus he duz watch Naga tuh. 

As he sprinkles "a few goodies" for Nagananna and the others.

Naga will end up with a Big Goadie after Congress Place interrogates him for bringing down the coalition with his "Bring it on " challenge. 

The PNC finally admitted that there are a few more moles in their coalition. They are a hapless and incompetent bunch.

The moles stood down after Charandass dealt the death blow to the coalition. Excellent move by Jagdeo.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

He looks like a moderate when compared to those two bad-behaving chaps from the AFC..ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†

Harmon is the one who organized every ministry into interlocking circles with the ministry of presidency, his ministry having oversight to all things. He is also granger's brain and that does not speak well for the future. There is no moderation at the top of either party. Each are lock step into a culture that is iron clad for beneficial rules to their small cabal and which is populated by calcified ideologues. 

skeldon_man posted:

They are going to delay elections through the court in Guyana and the CCJ. Very unwilling to give up power at this time. 

If Guyana falters now, the Caribbean community will be “worse off” – Former Jamaican Prime Minister


By Abena Rockcliffe-Campbell

 â€œGuyana’s leaders must rise above this. Too much is at stakeâ€Ķ Caricom must stand ready to offer assistance, if needed, in a way that is acceptable to both the Government and the Opposition. Guyana cannot afford to falter at this time — not when it is on the cusp of a new horizon of hope and real possibilities. And if it falters, the entire Caribbean community is the worse off”- Former PM, Golding

Former Prime Minister of Jamaica, Bruce Golding thinks that the stability and strength of Guyana at this time is paramount to the well being of the entire Caribbean. In a column published in the Jamaica Observer yesterday titled “Guyana must carefully manage its constitutional crisis,” Golding wrote that Guyana cannot afford to falter at this time—when economic success is on the horizon. He stated that if the country does, the entire Caribbean community will be worse off.

Former Prime Minister of Jamaica, Bruce Golding

Golding’s comments were forthcoming in the face of the political climate in the aftermath of the successful passage of the No-Confidence motion against the APNU+AFC Government on December 21.
The former Prime Minister said that with oil production expected to start next year, Guyana is in a position to become a significant oil producer — “several times greater than Trinidad & Tobago — with tremendous benefit to its economy, its people and the region, if properly managed.”
The politician said that in such a scenario, political stability is a critical factor to ensure investor confidence not only in oil extraction but also in the wide range of downstream industries and enterprises that it would make possible.
Golding said that the prospect of that stability is now being tested by the “constitutional crisis” that has emerged after Alliance For Change defector, Charrandass Persaud voted with the People’s Progressive Party opposition to bring down his own government.
Golding said that initially, the comments of President David Granger, Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo reflected political maturity and “those of us who are familiar with the turbulence of Guyana’s politics in the past were comforted that this crisis would pass without any major dysfunction. We now find ourselves holding our breath.”
Golding said that many are now holding their breaths since the same politicians are now acting in a manner that does not necessarily display the same sense of political maturity as in the beginning. The government is putting up a fight, and the opposition boycotted a sitting of the National Assembly.
Golding noted that the Government has since embraced Nigel Hughes’ opinion since one-half of the membership of parliament is 32Â―, 34 votes are required to secure a definitive majority — not 33, which exceed the one-half by only “half-a-vote”. The former PM noted that those were the grounds on which the Government sought a ruling from the Speaker to overturn the motion.
“To the surprise of many who expected him to rule in favour of the Government, Speaker Barton Scotland last Thursday rejected the request and suggested that the matter be referred to the courts for a determination. The Opposition PPP boycotted the sitting — a troubling sign that the goodwill which initially penetrated the cloud of uncertainty is waning,” said Golding.
“The matter has been further complicated by three other issues. Firstly, it is reported that Mr. Persaud holds Canadian citizenship, which would have made him ineligible to sit in parliament. Whether such ineligibility would have invalidated his vote on the no-confidence motion is a matter that would have to be determined by the courts.
Secondly, it has been alleged that he was paid a substantial sum to vote in support of the no-confidence motion — a charge that he has emphatically denied. This allegation would first have to be substantiated and then the courts would have to determine whether such an act, if it is proven, nullifies his vote on the resolution.
Thirdly, it has been suggested that the constitution does not allow Mr. Persaud to vote against the party list from which he derived his membership in parliament. Guyana operates under a system of proportional representation that is vastly different from the constituency first-past-the-post system we have in Jamaica. Members are drawn based on the percentage of votes obtained by each party from lists of potential MPs submitted prior to the elections.”
Golding noted that the Guyana constitution stipulates that a person shall cease to be a member of the National Assembly if he declares “in writing” that he will not support the party list from which his membership was derived, or that he will support “another list”. Golding pointed out that no such declaration “in writing” occurred in this instance but the argument has been proffered that a declaration is implicit in the act of voting against his party list.
The former Prime Minister said that it would take some time for the issues to be adjudicated in the courts — first through Guyana’s Supreme Court and Court of Appeal and, ultimately, the Caribbean Court of Justice. He noted that the Government has already signalled that, in order to facilitate this, it will be seeking the court’s approval for an extension of the 90-day period within which elections must be held. The Opposition has countered that under the constitution the Court has no such authority.
Golding said that a protracted period of uncertainty in its political arrangements is something that Guyana can ill afford, especially at this time.
He noted that Guyana has struggled to overcome deeply polarising instincts, and “there is a worrying possibility that this issue could reignite them.”
Golding was keen to note that the leaders must rise above this. He said that too much is at stake. “The private sector and the trade union movement must be prepared to constructively engage, grasp the big picture, and collaborate with the Government and Opposition toward a solution that will sustain confidence and stability and enable Guyana to get through this.
Caricom must stand ready to offer assistance, if needed, in a way that is acceptable to both the Government and the Opposition. Guyana cannot afford to falter at this time — not when it is on the cusp of a new horizon of hope and real possibilities. And if it falters, the entire Caribbean community is the worse off.”

skeldon_man posted:

They are going to delay elections through the court in Guyana and the CCJ. Very unwilling to give up power at this time. 

I already stated I do not care for any of the two parties at this time, happy the PPP got tossed out but disgusted at the actions of APNU. With that being said, I hope what you say here does materalize then perhaps a third force will have more time to build up their base.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They are going to delay elections through the court in Guyana and the CCJ. Very unwilling to give up power at this time. 

I already stated I do not care for any of the two parties at this time, happy the PPP got tossed out but disgusted at the actions of APNU. With that being said, I hope what you say here does materalize then perhaps a third force will have more time to build up their base.

A third force is unlikely to build a large enough base to challenge the two parties. The PNC married the UF and pissed on them. The PNC married the AFC and did the same. The Civic stayed with the PPP. The PNC should not be trusted. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. There is no third time. Three strikes and you are out.

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

He looks like a moderate when compared to those two bad-behaving chaps from the AFC..ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†

And Volda "Black Only" agenda.  Racist Ronan in depression!!

Harmon is a very "black only" person. He just thinks that he is the only black who should get rich.  He is despised within the PNC.  Its only Granger who protects him.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They are going to delay elections through the court in Guyana and the CCJ. Very unwilling to give up power at this time. 

I already stated I do not care for any of the two parties at this time, happy the PPP got tossed out but disgusted at the actions of APNU. With that being said, I hope what you say here does materalize then perhaps a third force will have more time to build up their base.

Arguing for a third force is like dreaming that a third party will win the elections in the USA

1.  These new parties dont have the time, money or personnel to succeed and in fact one now seems to have been still born with the departure of one of its core leaders.

2.  Guyanese have lost interest in 3rd parties.  The tribalists will vote as usual and the others will either stay away from the polls or support the major party who they think is less bad.

You, Freddie K, David Hinds and others need to prepare for a Jagdeo led gov't or hope that the Coalition is able to delay elections by getting court approval before the elections.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

He looks like a moderate when compared to those two bad-behaving chaps from the AFC..ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†

And Volda "Black Only" agenda.  Racist Ronan in depression!!

Harmon is a very "black only" person. He just thinks that he is the only black who should get rich.  He is despised within the PNC.  Its only Granger who protects him.

Nah, you info is dated!!

Why you don't like him?  Because he respects the NCV?

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

He looks like a moderate when compared to those two bad-behaving chaps from the AFC..ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†

And Volda "Black Only" agenda.  Racist Ronan in depression!!

Harmon is a very "black only" person. He just thinks that he is the only black who should get rich.  He is despised within the PNC.  Its only Granger who protects him.

Nah, you info is dated!!

Why you don't like him?  Because he respects the NCV?

Review your screams before this.  Especially the "black man a kill ahbe" screams when you wailed that he was sidelining Nagamootoo.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Harmon is a very "black only" person. He just thinks that he is the only black who should get rich.  He is despised within the PNC.  Its only Granger who protects him.

Nah, you info is dated!!

Why you don't like him?  Because he respects the NCV?

Review your screams before this.  Especially the "black man a kill ahbe" screams when you wailed that he was sidelining Nagamootoo.

Let's deal with the here and now.  He recognizes the NCV and believe the Courts can clarify for the future however, the current NCV is a done deal!

So, in that spirit, I say he is good and move on.  If he does something else tomorrow, I reserve the right the change!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Harmon is a very "black only" person. He just thinks that he is the only black who should get rich.  He is despised within the PNC.  Its only Granger who protects him.

Nah, you info is dated!!

Why you don't like him?  Because he respects the NCV?

Review your screams before this.  Especially the "black man a kill ahbe" screams when you wailed that he was sidelining Nagamootoo.

Let's deal with the here and now.  He recognizes the NCV and believe the Courts can clarify for the future however, the current NCV is a done deal!

So, in that spirit, I say he is good and move on.  If he does something else tomorrow, I reserve the right the change!

Yes this is you. A man does something you like he is a saint and all is forgiven.

When a few weeks ago he was threatening to fire PPP employees in the RDC's it was something else.  In fact he was worse than Volda. She said that was only going to hire PNC. Harmon explicitly said he was going to fire PPP because they were sabotaging the gov't and preventing PNC supporters from getting jobs and contracts.

D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

He looks like a moderate when compared to those two bad-behaving chaps from the AFC..ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†ðŸĶ†

Harmon is the one who organized every ministry into interlocking circles with the ministry of presidency, his ministry having oversight to all things. He is also granger's brain and that does not speak well for the future. There is no moderation at the top of either party. Each are lock step into a culture that is iron clad for beneficial rules to their small cabal and which is populated by calcified ideologues. 

Well said D2. There is no moderate at the highest level of leadership of this government which includes Trotman. I don't consider Moses and Ramjattun part of the real leadership. The leadership of this government are all fronts for H.Greene or his issues.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Nah, you info is dated!!

Why you don't like him?  Because he respects the NCV?

Review your screams before this.  Especially the "black man a kill ahbe" screams when you wailed that he was sidelining Nagamootoo.

Let's deal with the here and now.  He recognizes the NCV and believe the Courts can clarify for the future however, the current NCV is a done deal!

So, in that spirit, I say he is good and move on.  If he does something else tomorrow, I reserve the right the change!

Yes this is you. A man does something you like he is a saint and all is forgiven.

When a few weeks ago he was threatening to fire PPP employees in the RDC's it was something else.  In fact he was worse than Volda. She said that was only going to hire PNC. Harmon explicitly said he was going to fire PPP because they were sabotaging the gov't and preventing PNC supporters from getting jobs and contracts.

You’re simple minded.  I know all what he said and represents.  He is PNC 100%.  But this decision is contrary to his interest and he felt its the right thing.  It is these moments where people rise to the occasion and place their interest subservient that makes the difference. 

He knows the PNC will most likely go down in defeat, yet he agree it is so!

On him threatening to replace people Sabotaging their agenda, he is correct.  This happens all over.  The PPP will have to do the same.

Baseman posted:

You’re simple minded.  I know all what he said and represents.  He is PNC 100%.  But this decision is contrary to his interest and he felt its the right thing.  It is these moments where people rise to the occasion and place their interest subservient that makes the difference. 

He knows the PNC will most likely go down in defeat, yet he agree it is so!

On him threatening to replace people Sabotaging their agenda, he is correct. This happens all over.  The PPP will have to do the same.

you know . . . somehow, somebody stupid convinced you that you 'smart'


ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

You’re simple minded.  I know all what he said and represents.  He is PNC 100%.  But this decision is contrary to his interest and he felt its the right thing.  It is these moments where people rise to the occasion and place their interest subservient that makes the difference. 

He knows the PNC will most likely go down in defeat, yet he agree it is so!

On him threatening to replace people Sabotaging their agenda, he is correct. This happens all over.  The PPP will have to do the same.

you know . . . somehow, somebody stupid convinced you that you 'smart'



Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

You’re simple minded.  I know all what he said and represents.  He is PNC 100%.  But this decision is contrary to his interest and he felt its the right thing.  It is these moments where people rise to the occasion and place their interest subservient that makes the difference. 

He knows the PNC will most likely go down in defeat, yet he agree it is so!

On him threatening to replace people Sabotaging their agenda, he is correct. This happens all over.  The PPP will have to do the same.

you know . . . somehow, somebody stupid convinced you that you 'smart'



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