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Y'all are real disappointed with the results when you start looking at what the opposition has done for the people who attracted votes.

Look the PPP brought back the same old cabinet and called it continuity. They injected 3 new faces and the only thing Edghill knows about finance is counting the money in the collection plate. Have you guys no shame?
Originally posted by The Judge:
It was the TUF votes brought over by Valerie Garrido-Lowe which allowed the AFC to win region 8 and now they have decided that she shouldn't be rewarded by being able to represent these very people in Parliament.
Did the lady say she was shafted or is this another of the hapless accusation by PPPite paid muckrakers trolling as usual. First it was TK then Moses then Gerhard and none of these people claiming slights. What is wrong is the PPP retaining its entire pool of crooked and corrupt cadre for another go around at the till.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by The Judge:
It was the TUF votes brought over by Valerie Garrido-Lowe which allowed the AFC to win region 8 and now they have decided that she shouldn't be rewarded by being able to represent these very people in Parliament.
Did the lady say she was shafted or is this another of the hapless accusation by PPPite paid muckrakers trolling as usual. First it was TK then Moses then Gerhard and none of these people claiming slights. What is wrong is the PPP retaining its entire pool of crooked and corrupt cadre for another go around at the till.

How dare you..after all you are unable to decipher right from wrong
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by The Judge:
It was the TUF votes brought over by Valerie Garrido-Lowe which allowed the AFC to win region 8 and now they have decided that she shouldn't be rewarded by being able to represent these very people in Parliament.
Did the lady say she was shafted or is this another of the hapless accusation by PPPite paid muckrakers trolling as usual. First it was TK then Moses then Gerhard and none of these people claiming slights. What is wrong is the PPP retaining its entire pool of crooked and corrupt cadre for another go around at the till.

How dare you..after all you are unable to decipher right from wrong
I am this drivel you write here constantly is the template for judicious temperament only in the eyes of ht PPP lunatics. How many threads have you created complaining that someone has not been awarded a seat in the AFC? YOu asswipes will get your dues as parliament opens.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:
Did the lady say she was shafted

No she didn't. It was the AFC which did when they said that she was not selected
So by extension the o,,ission of any who were vocal on the PPP side like Kwame et al are being shafted by the PPP! As noted many times previously, you reason like a ruminant.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:

So by extension the o,,ission of any who were vocal on the PPP side like Kwame et al are being shafted by the PPP! As noted many times previously, you reason like a ruminant.

As usual, when corned and unable to defend throw in a few irrelevant names here and there .......... cheers
I am using your hapless reasoning. The PPP has 32 seats and they recycled most of them with the same old hacks. Do you think the new people did not need a ministry? Get real fool. It is clear you are here, tasked with the job, to sow doubt in the minds of Indians. That unfortunately will not work. Those who defected took a serious step because the PPP and its crookedness destabilized their faith that they can get good government. They oped for change and change they will have.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:

So by extension the o,,ission of any who were vocal on the PPP side like Kwame et al are being shafted by the PPP! As noted many times previously, you reason like a ruminant.

As usual, when corned and unable to defend throw in a few irrelevant names here and there .......... cheers
what the ppp did to bakesh,joe and bynoe
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:

So by extension the o,,ission of any who were vocal on the PPP side like Kwame et al are being shafted by the PPP! As noted many times previously, you reason like a ruminant.

As usual, when corned and unable to defend throw in a few irrelevant names here and there .......... cheers
what the ppp did to bakesh,joe and bynoe

How many votes did they bring in. Bynoe said that he can deliver Linden and he didn't.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:

So by extension the o,,ission of any who were vocal on the PPP side like Kwame et al are being shafted by the PPP! As noted many times previously, you reason like a ruminant.

As usual, when corned and unable to defend throw in a few irrelevant names here and there .......... cheers
what the ppp did to bakesh,joe and bynoe

How many votes did they bring in. Bynoe said that he can deliver Linden and he didn't.
the ppp just like criminal around them,bird of a feather
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:

So by extension the o,,ission of any who were vocal on the PPP side like Kwame et al are being shafted by the PPP! As noted many times previously, you reason like a ruminant.

As usual, when corned and unable to defend throw in a few irrelevant names here and there .......... cheers
what the ppp did to bakesh,joe and bynoe

How many votes did they bring in. Bynoe said that he can deliver Linden and he didn't.
the ppp just like criminal around them,bird of a feather

You have no inclination of what you say and write.. Just stand back and watch how the PPP are going jail those hooligans in the APNU. They alreday charged 12 of them.
Changed is coming. The AFC is criticizing the police for firing at the demonstrators and at the same time they insisted on charging the wrong doers..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:

So by extension the o,,ission of any who were vocal on the PPP side like Kwame et al are being shafted by the PPP! As noted many times previously, you reason like a ruminant.

As usual, when corned and unable to defend throw in a few irrelevant names here and there .......... cheers
what the ppp did to bakesh,joe and bynoe

How many votes did they bring in. Bynoe said that he can deliver Linden and he didn't.
the ppp just like criminal around them,bird of a feather

You have no inclination of what you say and write.. Just stand back and watch how the PPP are going jail those hooligans in the APNU. They alreday charged 12 of them.
Changed is coming. The AFC is criticizing the police for firing at the demonstrators and at the same time they insisted on charging the wrong doers..
rama you drunk again,your own minister rohee,blame the police for their misguide action
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
That is what is going to happen. The police fire at the police not the PPP as you have posted. You are telling one after another.
Rohee cleared the air.

The police did their job. Twelve hooligans were charged.
mr you is drunk have a good night
stop drinking your pee...
Originally posted by albert:
In other words.. to flower boy....will be shafted.
All day and after a hundred or so post, you only seem to be trolling to throw mud on the good names of people. When did Gerhard tell you he wanted a political position? Did Moses say to you he is defecting form the PPP to be elevated to the leadership in the AFC? These people makes their own choices according to their own expectations and you bottom feeders will have to accept that.

Your asses got kicked to the curb. Moses and Gerhard did their field work that resulted in the PPP soup spigot being turned off. Now you corrupt folks are going to have to do real work. Spiteful trolling all day long will not diminish or tarnish these people. It does however magnify worms!
Originally posted by albert:
Its a known facts...the A.F.C especially those in its leadership is a bunch of opportunists...
Politics is indeed about opportunism most of the time but it does not inevitably lead to base crookedness of the type in the present administration. Opportunism and crookedness is the hall mark of the PPP endeavors.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by albert:
Its a known facts...the A.F.C especially those in its leadership is a bunch of opportunists...
Politics is indeed about opportunism most of the time but it does not inevitably lead to base crookedness of the type in the present administration. Opportunism and crookedness is the hall mark of the PPP endeavors.

yu get a job yet??
The AFC has a golden opportunity to replace the United Force and build on that foundation by starting with the Amerindians and building a strong base on which they can expand. I hope they do not blow it by running after and pandering to Blacks and Indians because they will get no where right now because these two groups are still mostly voting race. And remember this AFC. Most of Guyana is not occupied by Blacks and Indians but by Amerindians.

So AFC do not waste your time with Indians and blacks. Work on your strenghts and build on it. Your strenght is the Amerindians.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Moses is missing from important meeting these days. Is he next to go ?

Instead of being concerned about Moses, why dont you dwell on how you can work with Ramotar to bring healing in Guyana.
As Mrs. Ramotar said, if this opportunity is lost with a minority government, it might never be recovered.
So, what are you doing to help ?

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