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Originally Posted by martin Carter:

If they corrupt the State dept won't see them. Try thinking about something else.

I think they are (corrupt), but that's not the most important issue with the USG.  If corruption precludes one from visiting the USG, then 90% of the world's leaders will not make it.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Exactly what is the aim of this?  This smells like a Brooklyn output.  The people have spoken and the Govt has been given the mandate to form the Govt.  They are abiding by the constitution and as such ligit, whether some like it or not.  This letter reflects an unbalanced mind filled with hatred and arrogance.  You guys, go get a life.


BTW, tell the US Govt not to do business with the "Socialist Govt of China".  What a bunch of baloney.

 The aim is exactly as stated. Call the state department and ask these corruptocrtats to get in line or feel the heat.


Everyone can and should follow their advocacy positions as they see fit and the fellows who wrote the piece above have not been far off the mark. Given the toxic brew coming from the PPP the above is tame.


With all due respect, I do believe the US State Dept has more pressing issues on their hands than dealing with the technicalities of Guyana's democratic process.  Best of luck.

Guyana putting the Chinese spy agency on a communications network is matter of concern among other things. Americas do indeed care little if we are a proper democracy or not. Their concerns are intensified when our behavior present a danger to American society.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 The aim is exactly as stated. Call the state department and ask these corruptocrtats to get in line or feel the heat.


Everyone can and should follow their advocacy positions as they see fit and the fellows who wrote the piece above have not been far off the mark. Given the toxic brew coming from the PPP the above is tame.


With all due respect, I do believe the US State Dept has more pressing issues on their hands than dealing with the technicalities of Guyana's democratic process.  Best of luck.

Guyana putting the Chinese spy agency on a communications network is matter of concern among other things. Americas do indeed care little if we are a proper democracy or not. Their concerns are intensified when our behavior present a danger to American society.

Storm, you barking up a dead tree.  Understand something, there are thousands of Chinese nationals working in almost every part of the UGS, including DoD.  If the Chinese want inside info, they have their means of getting it other than via lil Guyana.  You guys are way out in the woods while the world is being reconstituted around the model of "Chimerica".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 The aim is exactly as stated. Call the state department and ask these corruptocrtats to get in line or feel the heat.


Everyone can and should follow their advocacy positions as they see fit and the fellows who wrote the piece above have not been far off the mark. Given the toxic brew coming from the PPP the above is tame.


With all due respect, I do believe the US State Dept has more pressing issues on their hands than dealing with the technicalities of Guyana's democratic process.  Best of luck.

Guyana putting the Chinese spy agency on a communications network is matter of concern among other things. Americas do indeed care little if we are a proper democracy or not. Their concerns are intensified when our behavior present a danger to American society.

Storm, you barking up a dead tree.  Understand something, there are thousands of Chinese nationals working in almost every part of the UGS, including DoD.  If the Chinese want inside info, they have their means of getting it other than via lil Guyana.  You guys are way out in the woods while the world is being reconstituted around the model of "Chimerica".

 Ask the US since they voiced concerns.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Yusuf is clear in his statements, deal with it and don't shift you dealings to the ppp. Yusuf said the the AFC is corrupt and the man is giving proof. Deal with that.  


This exposes the most corrupt and stinking party in Guyana, AFC. They have yet to contact Mr. Yusuf on this matter.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Balwant persaud was an AFC activist during the last election, did he actually catch hi senses??? Good turn balwant persaud... stay far from the AFC.

One by one, members are catching sense. The AFC is the most corrupt party in Guyana.


Take note as to how their members are defending corruption.


Shame Shame AFC, All for corruption.


Coolies an black too corrup.  Mi tink moo Chinee hay ah wah we need.  PPP goa bring 50k moo ova nex 10 yers an, dem goa vote PPP.  Coolie a run way, coolie a duglarize and wenn dem do, dem a goa PNC.  Me seh bring Chinee an leh dem help develop diss k0ntry.




Pressure mounts on Ramjattan to rein in Ramayya

By Michael Itwaru

Pressure is mounting on Alliance for Change (AFC) Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan to rein and reprimand parliamentarian Dr Veerasammy Ramayya, as two senior members of the party’s Region Six group on Friday called for the MP to resign from Parliament.
Region Six Democratic Council (RDC) member Haseef Yusuf told this publication that the cards are stacked against Dr Ramayya and he should vacate his seat as MP for the AFC forthwith. Yusuf had alleged that Ramayya recently claimed that he had spent some $4.5 million of his own money on the election campaign and was demanding repayment by holding fundraisers using the party’s name.
Yusuf is, however, contending that the figure was inflated, and is demanding that Ramayya produce receipts – something which the MP said was not possible, since some transactions did not allow for the collection of a receipt. The AFC’s leadership is soon to meet with the warring parties to settle the issue, although Yusuf does not feel he will be given a fair hearing.


Haseef Yusuf


Meanwhile, Donna Mathoo, another RDC councillor, has joined Yusuf to call for new leadership of the party in Berbice and the sacking of Ramayya as MP. Mathoo speaking via phone told this newspaper on Friday that she is 100 per cent in agreement with Yusuf and will not flinch from her position in calling for accountability and transparency. Mathoo remarked: “I agree… yes…yes… he doesn’t do anything for the party in Berbice and I agree with all that Yusuf said.”
She noted that this issue has been on the table long enough and it should have been resolved but after much refereeing it was necessary to allow Yusuf to proceed, following months of no positive response from the party leadership. According to Mathoo, the leader of the party is taking Ramayya’s side, stating that this was evident in an article published in Guyana Times which quoted Ramjattan as  asking: “’How much money did Yusuf spend’ during the campaign.”
However, she is looking forward to the party’s leadership addressing the issue presented by Yusuf, saying that the financial claims from the MP are baseless. According to Mathoo, nothing spectacular occurred on the Corentyne to warrant such lavish spending of over $4 million.
“People we’re aware of what was happening on the Corentyne… this man is all for himself… not the party…not the people… if this party is to mess up, I will be the first to put on my T-shirt and protest against them,” stated Mathoo, who indicated that the issues that have surfaced are just the tip of the iceberg as Ramayya fights to maintain dominance in the party structure in Berbice.
Michael Hintzen, also a RDC councillor, is in agreement with Yusuf and Mathoo, stating that he had no fear making his views known publicly. “What Yusuf said is truth and right and facts, and I support it 100 per cent… and I could get other people to substantiate that… I support the call for him to be sacked or resign as MP.”  Hintzen declared that he had repeatedly voiced concerns over Dr Ramayya’s attitude and behaviour, but it has all fallen on deaf ears because the party leadership felt that it was a personal issue.
Yusuf acknowledged that the party has not made a final decision on the matter, but said: “I have not been communicated to and at this point in time I don’t feel that the party will take my side in this matter… I do feel that they are going to back Mr Ramayya and that’s about it.” Yusuf stated that he joined the ranks of the AFC in 2006, but now his future in the alliance depends heavily upon what decision Ramjattan make.
“We all strove – all those with the AFC… we strove for transparency, accountability, and we spoke against corruption on our political platform and the time has come when we are having the same things that we lashed out against so vehemently against the government, we are now having that within our midst and the AFC leadership and others within the AFC are doing nothing about it,” Yusuf who first raised the issue publicly in a letter to the editor said.
Yusuf, who heads a private school in New Amsterdam, noted that the tone of Ramjattan’s comments in an article on this matter gives a clear indication that he may not be looking at this matter from a neutral perspective. According to Yusuf, the party cannot fight corruption if it practises corruption. “I think Ramayya is the one that should be reprimanded and I think he should do the honourable thing and resign his position as Member of Parliament, because he has failed miserably… yes, I’m calling for his resignation,” Yusuf emphasised. He noted that his calls are not based on jealousy of the MP or any other personal issue, but squarely on principles and proper ethics.
Yusuf explained that until the party convened a meeting to structure the Berbice leadership in February, Dr Ramayya and he had a good relationship. However, the genesis of the current issue was when Ramayya claimed that the party owed him $4.5 million and was forcing members to raise funds to pay him back.



Well…this is what we know. (i) A whistleblower (Mr Yusuf) from the AFC went to the Guyana Times and Guyana Chronicle to register a complaint that a major figure in the AFC has not been transparent and he might not be able to provide financial statements. Now we need some context here. The Guyana Chronicle is a govt mouth piece that abuses tax payers’ monies. The opposition is locked out of that paper while a senior Indo-Guyanese uses the name of black females to abuse and spread malicious lies. (ii) The Guyana Times is a news outlet engineered by the Jagdeo oligarchy. They received state subsidy while Stabroek faced a boycott. This whistleblower would be much more credible had he gone to SN or KN. All in all, Ramayya must show evidence of receipts etc in spite of the chosen outlet of the whistleblower.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:


 This whistleblower would be much more credible had he gone to SN or KN. All in all, Ramayya must show evidence of receipts etc in spite of the chosen outlet of the whistleblower.

Well Tarron, Balwant Persaud just recorded a video interview in which he spoke about how close the SN Editor-in-chief Anand Persaud is with Khemraj Ramjattan,among other things, i'm sure Yusuf is aware of this as well so what makes you think his dissenting views would have found accommodation there? 


TAKE YOUR TIME TARRON....................

TAKE YOUR TIME............

BREATHE SLOW.............



Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:


 This whistleblower would be much more credible had he gone to SN or KN. All in all, Ramayya must show evidence of receipts etc in spite of the chosen outlet of the whistleblower.

Well Tarron, Balwant Persaud just recorded a video interview in which he spoke about how close the SN Editor-in-chief Anand Persaud is with Khemraj Ramjattan,among other things, i'm sure Yusuf is aware of this as well so what makes you think his dissenting views would have found accommodation there? 


TAKE YOUR TIME TARRON....................

TAKE YOUR TIME............

BREATHE SLOW.............





Prem you must be stupid to believe that Anand will take sides. The man is very neutral.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:



Prem you must be stupid to believe that Anand will take sides. The man is very neutral.

I noticed your tone is very different since you learnt of Balwant Persaud's recording. 


Just so you know as well Yusuf and Mathoo's interview will be plastered all over the worldwide web so that your supporters can see the 'CHANGE' you preach about. Balwant had some very nice things to say about the AFC's 12 seat target at the 2011 elections and them concentrating their efforts on breaking the back of the PPP so that the PNC's APNU could win. 


I wonder how much sympathy Yusuf and the others will attract when persons are pointed to the centrally directed character assassination campaign unleashed after his expose'.



Just so you know as well Yusuf and Mathoo's interview will be plastered all over the worldwide web so that your supporters can see the 'CHANGE' you preach about. Balwant had some very nice things to say about the AFC's 12 seat target at the 2011 elections and them concentrating their efforts on breaking the back of the PPP so that the PNC's APNU could win. "



If Balwant is saying that the AFC was out to split PPP votes to allow APNU to win that is plain LIE. There was simply no such plan.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:



Prem you must be stupid to believe that Anand will take sides. The man is very neutral.

I noticed your tone is very different since you learnt of Balwant Persaud's recording. 


Just so you know as well Yusuf and Mathoo's interview will be plastered all over the worldwide web so that your supporters can see the 'CHANGE' you preach about. Balwant had some very nice things to say about the AFC's 12 seat target at the 2011 elections and them concentrating their efforts on breaking the back of the PPP so that the PNC's APNU could win. 


I wonder how much sympathy Yusuf and the others will attract when persons are pointed to the centrally directed character assassination campaign unleashed after his expose'.

 I Wonder if ROhee as a kidnapper and rapist per Balwant can overshadow a supposed attempt to pad a few thousand US on an expense report? I know it does not amount to Motilal 15 billion of Tiwari now ambassador to spain double payment on two failed construction of spellings for example. You crooks are  dogs chasing your tails.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:



Prem you must be stupid to believe that Anand will take sides. The man is very neutral.

I noticed your tone is very different since you learnt of Balwant Persaud's recording. 


Just so you know as well Yusuf and Mathoo's interview will be plastered all over the worldwide web so that your supporters can see the 'CHANGE' you preach about. Balwant had some very nice things to say about the AFC's 12 seat target at the 2011 elections and them concentrating their efforts on breaking the back of the PPP so that the PNC's APNU could win. 


I wonder how much sympathy Yusuf and the others will attract when persons are pointed to the centrally directed character assassination campaign unleashed after his expose'.

 I Wonder if ROhee as a kidnapper and rapist per Balwant can overshadow a supposed attempt to pad a few thousand US on an expense report? I know it does not amount to Motilal 15 billion of Tiwari now ambassador to spain double payment on two failed construction of spellings for example. You crooks are  dogs chasing your tails.




It is about time that you now come clean on the corruption charges and ultimately jailing of your  close  friend.

Why are you silent on this matter ? You are now like the AFC.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:



Prem you must be stupid to believe that Anand will take sides. The man is very neutral.

I noticed your tone is very different since you learnt of Balwant Persaud's recording. 


Just so you know as well Yusuf and Mathoo's interview will be plastered all over the worldwide web so that your supporters can see the 'CHANGE' you preach about. Balwant had some very nice things to say about the AFC's 12 seat target at the 2011 elections and them concentrating their efforts on breaking the back of the PPP so that the PNC's APNU could win. 


I wonder how much sympathy Yusuf and the others will attract when persons are pointed to the centrally directed character assassination campaign unleashed after his expose'.

 I Wonder if ROhee as a kidnapper and rapist per Balwant can overshadow a supposed attempt to pad a few thousand US on an expense report? I know it does not amount to Motilal 15 billion of Tiwari now ambassador to spain double payment on two failed construction of spellings for example. You crooks are  dogs chasing your tails.




It is about time that you now come clean on the corruption charges and ultimately jailing of your  close  friend.

Why are you silent on this matter ? You are now like the AFC.


  So what is it that a dude I once know some 20 years ago went to jail? You are pathetic.  I am not in jail. No one questioned me as to his affairs. Do you think that since some of the PPP leaders besties are under indictment, some wanted, others are in jail that they are responsible for what those person did?


You are chasing your tail. The PPP and their corruption is nakedly before you yet you hope on some remote probability you can gain an ounce of political defamatory currency to debase the AFC. You do not appear too bright. You cannot be standing in shit and scream someone else smells bad.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:



Prem you must be stupid to believe that Anand will take sides. The man is very neutral.

I noticed your tone is very different since you learnt of Balwant Persaud's recording. 


Just so you know as well Yusuf and Mathoo's interview will be plastered all over the worldwide web so that your supporters can see the 'CHANGE' you preach about. Balwant had some very nice things to say about the AFC's 12 seat target at the 2011 elections and them concentrating their efforts on breaking the back of the PPP so that the PNC's APNU could win. 


I wonder how much sympathy Yusuf and the others will attract when persons are pointed to the centrally directed character assassination campaign unleashed after his expose'.

 I Wonder if ROhee as a kidnapper and rapist per Balwant can overshadow a supposed attempt to pad a few thousand US on an expense report? I know it does not amount to Motilal 15 billion of Tiwari now ambassador to spain double payment on two failed construction of spellings for example. You crooks are  dogs chasing your tails.




It is about time that you now come clean on the corruption charges and ultimately jailing of your  close  friend.

Why are you silent on this matter ? You are now like the AFC.


  So what is it that a dude I once know some 20 years ago went to jail? You are pathetic.  I am not in jail. No one questioned me as to his affairs. Do you think that since some of the PPP leaders besties are under indictment, some wanted, others are in jail that they are responsible for what those person did?


You are chasing your tail. The PPP and their corruption is nakedly before you yet you hope on some remote probability you can gain an ounce of political defamatory currency to debase the AFC. You do not appear too bright. You cannot be standing in shit and scream someone else smells bad.


It is about time that you come clean before time catches up with you.


Shame on you for distancing yourself your close friend now that he was sent to jail for  misappropriation of funds.

What was the extent of your involvement ?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Exactly what is the aim of this?  This smells like a Brooklyn output.  The people have spoken and the Govt has been given the mandate to form the Govt.  They are abiding by the constitution and as such ligit, whether some like it or not.  This letter reflects an unbalanced mind filled with hatred and arrogance.  You guys, go get a life.


BTW, tell the US Govt not to do business with the "Socialist Govt of China".  What a bunch of baloney.


Now well spoken.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Balwant persaud was an AFC activist during the last election, did he actually catch hi senses??? Good turn balwant persaud... stay far from the AFC.

One by one, members are catching sense. The AFC is the most corrupt party in Guyana.


Take note as to how their members are defending corruption.


Shame Shame AFC, All for corruption.

Notice how all the Afc members were Ex ppp members,  they were so scampish individuals, this results in them getting the boot, people who left afc, realised how  malicious and dangerous , moses and ramjattan really is... is terron Kemraj scampish, he lies sometimes???  I know mitwah and d2/stormbrain ---very scampish, so no question there......

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:



Prem you must be stupid to believe that Anand will take sides. The man is very neutral.

I noticed your tone is very different since you learnt of Balwant Persaud's recording. 


Just so you know as well Yusuf and Mathoo's interview will be plastered all over the worldwide web so that your supporters can see the 'CHANGE' you preach about. Balwant had some very nice things to say about the AFC's 12 seat target at the 2011 elections and them concentrating their efforts on breaking the back of the PPP so that the PNC's APNU could win. 


I wonder how much sympathy Yusuf and the others will attract when persons are pointed to the centrally directed character assassination campaign unleashed after his expose'.

 I Wonder if ROhee as a kidnapper and rapist per Balwant can overshadow a supposed attempt to pad a few thousand US on an expense report? I know it does not amount to Motilal 15 billion of Tiwari now ambassador to spain double payment on two failed construction of spellings for example. You crooks are  dogs chasing your tails.




It is about time that you now come clean on the corruption charges and ultimately jailing of your  close  friend.

Why are you silent on this matter ? You are now like the AFC.


  So what is it that a dude I once know some 20 years ago went to jail? You are pathetic.  I am not in jail. No one questioned me as to his affairs. Do you think that since some of the PPP leaders besties are under indictment, some wanted, others are in jail that they are responsible for what those person did?


You are chasing your tail. The PPP and their corruption is nakedly before you yet you hope on some remote probability you can gain an ounce of political defamatory currency to debase the AFC. You do not appear too bright. You cannot be standing in shit and scream someone else smells bad.


It is about time that you come clean before time catches up with you.


Shame on you for distancing yourself your close friend now that he was sent to jail for  misappropriation of funds.

What was the extent of your involvement ?

It is quite extraordinary how you massage these themes in your head! Such patience and resilience in fabricating nonsense and ranting sanctimoniously cannot be an acquired trait. It is apparently assiduously cultivated. You really try hard to be recognized as a moron.


This guy Tarron Khemraj (TK) has entered the fray between me and Gerhard Ramsaroop. Not surprising, he must support his fellow disciple. He has now confirmed that it was Gerhard Ramsaroop who made the decision where I should speak at the last elections and also it was Gerhard who banned me from speaking. He has a lot of praise for Gerhard's decision by stating that Gerhard is a founder member of the AFC and also an executive. So the ordinary members have no say? no rights? cannot speak the truth? stifle their conscience with their own grievances?


Well, I have news for TK, no one can silence me. Gerhard is not an honest person as TK proclaims. I repeat, Gerhard does not deserve any position in Guyana where he has to make a decision on people's lives or where money is involved.

This TK guy called himself an economist, not because you possess a degree or a Phd means you are intelligent. Read his postings on my feud with Gerhard and you will see how TK exhibited his ignorance.

Many of these so called educated persons lacked one essential thing in life: COMMON SENSE.


As I said Gerhard is the hatchet man in the AFC just like how Hamilton Green was the hatchet man in the old PNC, what he says go and to hell with reasonableness, common sense and patriotism.People like TK have to be a boot licker to Gerhard or their position in the AFC would be threatened.

So why did TK and Gerhard did not go to APNU areas such as Tiger Bay, Albouystown, Lodge, East La Penitence, West Ruimveldt, No. 6 Village etc. to speak? Were they afraid? They sent me and I went. Last week Gerhard went to Tiger Bay under the cover of Mark Benschop and he displayed this all over Facebook as if this was an heroic trip. He should have gone alone or take TK with him.


So readers, you can see how decisions are made in the AFC, just read TK posting on my feud with Gerhard.


Finally, I never made any accusations against Mr. Clement Rohee according to a poster on this site, it was my clients who made accusations but Rohee as a goat he is, accused me and blamed me for those accusations. I paid the penalty for doing refugee cases and was framed up, arrested and questioned by the Guyana Police at the insistence of Rohee.


As counsel representing clients at the Immigration and Refugee Board in Canada, it is my duty to give the best representation for my clients. My record of success at the Refugee Board speaks for itself, 99.9% success rate.

I, as counsel cannot make accusations against anyone, my duty is to present my clients case and argue the facts according to the Immigration Laws.

Originally Posted by Balwant Persaud:

This guy Tarron Khemraj (TK) has entered the fray between me and Gerhard Ramsaroop. Not surprising, he must support his fellow disciple. He has now confirmed that it was Gerhard Ramsaroop who made the decision where I should speak at the last elections and also it was Gerhard who banned me from speaking. He has a lot of praise for Gerhard's decision by stating that Gerhard is a founder member of the AFC and also an executive. So the ordinary members have no say? no rights? cannot speak the truth? stifle their conscience with their own grievances?


Well, I have news for TK, no one can silence me. Gerhard is not an honest person as TK proclaims. I repeat, Gerhard does not deserve any position in Guyana where he has to make a decision on people's lives or where money is involved.

This TK guy called himself an economist, not because you possess a degree or a Phd means you are intelligent. Read his postings on my feud with Gerhard and you will see how TK exhibited his ignorance.

Many of these so called educated persons lacked one essential thing in life: COMMON SENSE.


As I said Gerhard is the hatchet man in the AFC just like how Hamilton Green was the hatchet man in the old PNC, what he says go and to hell with reasonableness, common sense and patriotism.People like TK have to be a boot licker to Gerhard or their position in the AFC would be threatened.

So why did TK and Gerhard did not go to APNU areas such as Tiger Bay, Albouystown, Lodge, East La Penitence, West Ruimveldt, No. 6 Village etc. to speak? Were they afraid? They sent me and I went. Last week Gerhard went to Tiger Bay under the cover of Mark Benschop and he displayed this all over Facebook as if this was an heroic trip. He should have gone alone or take TK with him.


So readers, you can see how decisions are made in the AFC, just read TK posting on my feud with Gerhard.


Finally, I never made any accusations against Mr. Clement Rohee according to a poster on this site, it was my clients who made accusations but Rohee as a goat he is, accused me and blamed me for those accusations. I paid the penalty for doing refugee cases and was framed up, arrested and questioned by the Guyana Police at the insistence of Rohee.


As counsel representing clients at the Immigration and Refugee Board in Canada, it is my duty to give the best representation for my clients. My record of success at the Refugee Board speaks for itself, 99.9% success rate.

I, as counsel cannot make accusations against anyone, my duty is to present my clients case and argue the facts according to the Immigration Laws.

You have a remarkable habit of always  being the aggrieved party.  Why is it of supreme importance who decided you are  to represent the AFC before any audience? Do you  think a decision maker is unwise to go with a gut feeling ( and correct in retrospect)  or be circumspect in  selecting speakers for particular audience  is a matter of utmost importance? By your account you are a good advocate for your clients therefore you know Gerhard is doing the same for his party as is his right. That was his job.  Were you not in agreement you needed to have grown the balls and talk him down there and then or refuse and hit the road.


Again, you are apparently missing a crucial ingredient of what makes for good campaigning. It is about building on a base. It is gaining numbers at the polls where one best can given ones resources.  You were a resource. You went where they believe you could be best used. And again, if you did not like it you ought to have  complained then and not come here asking for a parade and a hero's recognition for daring to venture among supposed vipers.


You said  you were a good lawyer but argumentatively you did a poor job above. I do not see any explanations about how decisions are made. I merely see a list of complaints about being prohibited from speaking, generalizations about others intelligence and by implication your smarts and yet you let yourself be manhandled. That is not smart. You were certainly there of your own volition and could easily defected to the PPP and chant their mantra.


What does TK's degree has to do with the matter before us? He has a degree as you have one and just as you worked hard, I am sure he did as well. From that came the recognition as a tenured professor, an invited speaker on renown economic forum  and as a member of faculties in the WI and here. You are quite a small man ( figuratively of course)  to yammer about your accomplishments and yet in the same breath you denigrate others. That is not intelligence driven but spite driven.


I suggest you gather your wits and reorganize your thoughts, put on your good lawyers hat and begin again to say why you feel screwed.

Last edited by Former Member


This guy Tarron Khemraj (TK) has entered the fray between me and Gerhard Ramsaroop. Not surprising, he must support his fellow disciple. He has now confirmed that it was Gerhard Ramsaroop who made the decision where I should speak at the last elections and also it was Gerhard who banned me from speaking. He has a lot of praise for Gerhard's decision by stating that Gerhard is a founder member of the AFC and also an executive. So the ordinary members have no say? no rights? cannot speak the truth? stifle their conscience with their own grievances?"


I maintain the AFC needs a lot more control in the future. The Exec has every right to make strategy where they need to place speakers. I think you did a very good job as speaker. Like you I was told on numerous occasions not to attack and to keep it short. Hey…we’ve got to play by the rule. If the AFC is to succeed then it must move from the rag tag team it is.



Well, I have news for TK, no one can silence me. Gerhard is not an honest person as TK proclaims. I repeat, Gerhard does not deserve any position in Guyana where he has to make a decision on people's lives or where money is involved."



Hey…there is no way I can silenced you and if I could I would never try to as a fierce defender of the democratic right of people. Asking for control and discipline does not imply I am trying to silence you. Organizations need control. Gerhard is a remarkably nice guy.


BALWANT: "People like TK have to be a boot licker to Gerhard or their position in the AFC would be threatened."



Don't need to when I have a fine paying job for life with no retirement requirement. Intellectually stimulating until the day I die...don't have a boss to look over me...I get to travel all over the world and the US. guys can qurrel Bihar style. I am done as I have little patience for stupid people. I will have no formal role in party politics in Guyana.



This TK guy called himself an economist, not because you possess a degree or a Phd means you are intelligent. Read his postings on my feud with Gerhard and you will see how TK exhibited his ignorance.

Many of these so called educated persons lacked one essential thing in life: COMMON SENSE."



Hey…the profession of highly educated people decides I am an economist. They decided and not I. There is nothing you or the PPP sycophants can do about it.



So why did TK and Gerhard did not go to APNU areas such as Tiger Bay, Albouystown, Lodge, East La Penitence, West Ruimveldt, No. 6 Village etc. to speak? Were they afraid? They sent me and I went. Last week Gerhard went to Tiger Bay under the cover of Mark Benschop and he displayed this all over Facebook as if this was an heroic trip. He should have gone alone or take TK with him."


Gee...I don't have an answer for this one except I spoke where the campaign manager asked me to. I was just being a team player.



Finally, I never made any accusations against Mr. Clement Rohee according to a poster on this site, it was my clients who made accusations but Rohee as a goat he is, accused me and blamed me for those accusations. I paid the penalty for doing refugee cases and was framed up, arrested and questioned by the Guyana Police at the insistence of Rohee."



Gee...I guess that's you and Rohee's problem. Good look resolving that. No doubt you are now qualified to be Rohee's best friend. Good luck.


Originally Posted by Tar_K:


This guy Tarron Khemraj (TK) has entered the fray between me and Gerhard Ramsaroop. Not surprising, he must support his fellow disciple. He has now confirmed that it was Gerhard Ramsaroop who made the decision where I should speak at the last elections and also it was Gerhard who banned me from speaking. He has a lot of praise for Gerhard's decision by stating that Gerhard is a founder member of the AFC and also an executive. So the ordinary members have no say? no rights? cannot speak the truth? stifle their conscience with their own grievances?"


I maintain the AFC needs a lot more control in the future. The Exec has every right to make strategy where they need to place speakers. I think you did a very good job as speaker. Like you I was told on numerous occasions not to attack and to keep it short. Hey…we’ve got to play by the rule. If the AFC is to succeed then it must move from the rag tag team it is.

I must comment you on your temperament and patience in light of the hack job this gentlemen did above. He showed no professional courtesy and was completely tactless so you are indeed a man of remarkable poise.


In a campaign always be one  one campaign manager keeping the message and message makers in line. Even the candidate should not step below the campaign manager to address field workers unless it has been decided before hand. Managing a campaign is aS conductor to an orchestra. Everyone has a specialty and  are integral to the harmony and one gets a symphony only each know their places.


This individual obviously felt he was not handled well and that could only occur under loose management because if I were running things he would know his place and what is expected of him and where his contribution will be maximized. He would know where he fit in or not. He may be a great lawyer but he had to be told to follow the means to end scheme or leave there and then. After all it is about everyone working towards a common end.


 When you have people not knowing their place or believing in their own self importance over the task at hand you get the above.

Last edited by Former Member


As counsel representing clients at the Immigration and Refugee Board in Canada, it is my duty to give the best representation for my clients. My record of success at the Refugee Board speaks for itself, 99.9% success rate.

I, as counsel cannot make accusations against anyone, my duty is to present my clients case and argue the facts according to the Immigration Laws."



I think you have done a remarkably good job representing your clients. Good luck with your human rights endeavor. I hope you keep up the good work in that regard.


As a former member of the AFC I have been following the current halabalu concerning Mr Ramayya and the accusation made by Mr Balwant Persaud.  In reading the tirade against TK, I do now question the ligitimacy of these claims.  Clearly Mr Ramayya must account, within materiality, for funds under his stewardship.  There certainly seem to alot more going on with Mr Balwant Persaud and Mr Ramayya than meets the eye.


I have remained, thus far, out of the controversy and will until the truth and facts come to light.  Though I differ on some key principles, I do have respect for the integrity of many/most of the key AFC guys.  I will still reserve my judgement now have some reservations as to motive.


Mr Balwant, don't even look at that stormborn, fella, he's sits his ugly fat rass in Washington AND fabricate lies. Obviously with  with deceitful intent. so its good to ignore that cow.


Carry on with your good work Mr. Balwant... we are with you.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Mr Balwant, don't even look at that stormborn, fella, he's sits his ugly fat rass in Washington AND fabricate lies. Obviously with  with deceitful intent. so its good to ignore that cow.


Carry on with your good work Mr. Balwant... we are with you.



This is so interesting that a #1 criminal is offering advice to Mr Persaud. 


CRIminal #1: "Carry on with your good work Mr. Balwant... we are with you."

Me too. I hope he is able to save others who are threatened with death by a government minister. Do you remember the IT guy Mr Persaud helped to save from the PPP?

Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Mr Balwant, don't even look at that stormborn, fella, he's sits his ugly fat rass in Washington AND fabricate lies. Obviously with  with deceitful intent. so its good to ignore that cow.


Carry on with your good work Mr. Balwant... we are with you.

 Go ride sit on jagdeo's lap and put a smile on his face! I am sure the gentleman being a lawyer can discern if any lies were stated against him. 


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