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For the first woman from Saudi Arabia to compete in track and field at the Olympics, the principle was more important than the performance Wednesday.

"This is such a huge honor and an amazing experience, just to be representing the women," Attar said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I know that this can make a huge difference."

The 19-year-old Attar ran 800 meters in 2 minutes, 44.95 seconds. To her, the time wasn't the point.

"She's a dream come true for a lot of female athletes who dream about coming here and didn't have that opportunity," said Cruz, her coach. "She's also a dream for a lot of generations to come. They can dream about that now, where they couldn't dream about it before."

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Originally Posted by Sunil:

Attar never wears hijab in California, her university deleted all her photos in shorts and tshirt so that she could compete for Saudi Arabia. She ran well but was 45 secs behind the winner in a hot 26C. She got a standing ovation from the crowd.

Isnt that hypocrisy but i guess for fame it doesnt matter

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Attar never wears hijab in California, her university deleted all her photos in shorts and tshirt so that she could compete for Saudi Arabia. She ran well but was 45 secs behind the winner in a hot 26C. She got a standing ovation from the crowd.

Isnt that hypocrisy but i guess for fame it doesnt matter

Covering up is hypocritical?

Saudi Arabia were forced to have female representation at the Olympics - so no surprise there. 


Not sure why people are bigging up Attar and not Shaherkhani. Attar was born, raised, lives, is studying etc. in the US. She has NEVER experienced any of the stringent restrictions that Saudi women face daily. How then can she be thought to represent these women? How can these women - who do not have the liberty of wearing shorts and tank tops (and having the pics deleted) or driving cars - relate to her? Attar will return to her Malibu home and forget about the hijab.


Shaherkhani on the other hand is the one living it everyday and has to return home to face the music of the haters. Hopefully she and the women that she represents will rise above it! 




CHARLOTTE, August 7, 2012 — Saudi Arabia’s first female Olympian has returned home, but the reception, which should have been applauded within the Kingdom, was either ignored or harshly rebuked domestically.


Wodjan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shaherkhani, the 16-year old judoku, who was soundly beaten in her opening match and clearly outclassed by her field of opponents, received global recognition for her groundbreaking appearance.


Internally however, Shaherkhani suffered a barrage of insulting racial comments on social media outlets including being called a “prostitute” by some Saudis.


Two other Islamic countries, Qatar and Brunei, also permitted women to compete in the Olympics for the first time, but none has been as controversial as Saudi Arabia’s concession. As women continue to battle for rights and reform within the Kingdom, the state is holding firm to its commitment to a hard line against female athletics.



Not sure why people are bigging up Attar and not Shaherkhani. Attar was born, raised, lives, is studying etc. in the US. She has NEVER experienced any of the stringent restrictions that Saudi women face daily. How then can she be thought to represent these women?
Think of the heroic effort of running in a green lantern costume. The poor child must have been dehydrated! That probably cost her the medal!

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