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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

You are a shallow racist ***.k whose eyes are blinded to the greater damage of his murder at the hands of an over zealous cop. This cop knew nothing of the previous incident but took his personal aggravation out on the kid.


The two incident are not related and must be taken in their own context. He is a bully and if the shop keeper had shot his behind that would be excusable. However, a police, in a town known for its abuse to black kids ( one was charged for destruction of property when his own blood soiled the clothes of the cops beating him!).


You bigots cannot help reduce everything to your shallow racist view of the world. You do not see your own bigotry which is sufficient to have your own asses on point for a good whupping.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

You are a shallow racist ***.k whose eyes are blinded to the greater damage of his murder at the hands of an over zealous cop. This cop knew nothing of the previous incident but took his personal aggravation out on the kid.


The two incident are not related and must be taken in their own context. He is a bully and if the shop keeper had shot his behind that would be excusable. However, a police, in a town known for its abuse to black kids ( one was charged for destruction of property when his own blood soiled the clothes of the cops beating him!).


You bigots cannot help reduce everything to your shallow racist view of the world. You do not see your own bigotry which is sufficient to have your own asses on point for a good whupping.

Look at them, waiting to rob and loot, typical Guyana style Slo fyah mo fyah.  They need to bring back the heavy hand of the law.  That's what they will understand.  They gone back to attack the same store he robbed before being wasted.  It is turning out, the police had been correct.  The shop owners now need to take up arms against the looters.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

You are a shallow racist ***.k whose eyes are blinded to the greater damage of his murder at the hands of an over zealous cop. This cop knew nothing of the previous incident but took his personal aggravation out on the kid.


The two incident are not related and must be taken in their own context. He is a bully and if the shop keeper had shot his behind that would be excusable. However, a police, in a town known for its abuse to black kids ( one was charged for destruction of property when his own blood soiled the clothes of the cops beating him!).


You bigots cannot help reduce everything to your shallow racist view of the world. You do not see your own bigotry which is sufficient to have your own asses on point for a good whupping.

Look at them, waiting to rob and loot, typical Guyana style Slo fyah mo fyah.  They need to bring back the heavy hand of the law.  That's what they will understand.  They gone back to attack the same store he robbed before being wasted.  It is turning out, the police had been correct.

What are you talking about moron? It is incomprehensible the layered racist baggage some of you folks come with. The understanding that when one feels left out, disadvantaged and degraded t he only veto to power they have is violence. It is what you get in a race driven system where the apartheid is institutional and bigots like you see it as a trait.


One need advise you it is no less than the persisting social circumstances that cause our ancestors to enslave themselves legally to come west....the "trait" of persisting underclass untouchability of caste! Now that you recasted yourself through ignorance and cultural retrogression you now have the nerve to speak of "they" as " the backward others" with persisting "character" inclining to all of what were formerly your burdens.


Here you are taking the bigotry that caused a hasty officer to shoot to kill on his racist perceptions as retrospective "good". You are not only a racist you are bloody stupid as well.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

I am right that you are a congenital racist. It's sad that you are a slave to your racist mentality, whilst slavery was abolished a long time ago. Your nephew, Anil Nandalall, share and support your racist views?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

I am right that you are a congenital racist. It's sad that you are a slave to your racist mentality, whilst slavery was abolished a long time ago. Your nephew, Anil Nandalall, share and support your racist views?

You bunch of shameless apologists.  He was a bully and criminal, live by the sword, die by the sword.  Now these bastards cannot wait to rob and loot.  What a bunch of shameless bastards.  Baseman says, bring back the heavy hitters from a few nights ago and control the criminals.  It is the language, the only language they understand.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

You are a shallow racist ***.k whose eyes are blinded to the greater damage of his murder at the hands of an over zealous cop. This cop knew nothing of the previous incident but took his personal aggravation out on the kid.


The two incident are not related and must be taken in their own context. He is a bully and if the shop keeper had shot his behind that would be excusable. However, a police, in a town known for its abuse to black kids ( one was charged for destruction of property when his own blood soiled the clothes of the cops beating him!).


You bigots cannot help reduce everything to your shallow racist view of the world. You do not see your own bigotry which is sufficient to have your own asses on point for a good whupping.

Look at them, waiting to rob and loot, typical Guyana style Slo fyah mo fyah.  They need to bring back the heavy hand of the law.  That's what they will understand.  They gone back to attack the same store he robbed before being wasted.  It is turning out, the police had been correct.

What are you talking about moron?.

Look at the news Buckman.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

I am right that you are a congenital racist. It's sad that you are a slave to your racist mentality, whilst slavery was abolished a long time ago. Your nephew, Anil Nandalall, share and support your racist views?

You bunch of shameless apologists.  He was a bully and criminal, live by the sword, die by the sword.  Now these bastards cannot wait to rob and loot.  What a bunch of shameless bastards.  Baseman says, bring back the heavy hitters from a few nights ago and control the criminals.  It is the language, the only language they understand.

Does your nephew, Anil Nandalall, the AG of Guyana, share and support your innate racist views?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

Not saying that, but when you are a criminal, it's a risk you take.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

Not saying that, but when you are a criminal, it's a risk you take.

So I take it if the population in Guyana turns against the PPP criminals you will not have any problem with that? Correct?


You are quick to claim that is not what you said but in fact that is what you are advocating. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

Dem dis katahars run from slo fyah mo fyan in Guyana, come here and live safe due to the strong police then they side with the slo fyah mo fyah culture here.  Dem rass would nevva pass thru these people's hoods, but they take up the "cause".  Sound like seeking significance.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

Not saying that, but when you are a criminal, it's a risk you take.

So I take it if the population in Guyana turns against the PPP criminals you will not have any problem with that? Correct?


You are quick to claim that is not what you said but in fact that is what you are advocating. 

I said, you take part in criminal activities, it's the risk you take, plain and simple.  If you don't understand that, then take a lesson in comprehension there professor, you getting lil rusty round the edges.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

I am right that you are a congenital racist. It's sad that you are a slave to your racist mentality, whilst slavery was abolished a long time ago. Your nephew, Anil Nandalall, share and support your racist views?

You bunch of shameless apologists.  He was a bully and criminal, live by the sword, die by the sword.  Now these bastards cannot wait to rob and loot.  What a bunch of shameless bastards.  Baseman says, bring back the heavy hitters from a few nights ago and control the criminals.  It is the language, the only language they understand.

You are an idiot. Where is the apology? Kids steal all the time and should not be killed for it. I went to university with one of our ambassador's son and he for some peculiar reason loved to swipe candy bars etc even if he had a few hundred dollars in his pockets. I could see him being locked up for his stupidity but not killed.


The fact you miss in your ignorance is that kids should not get killed walking down the street by cops is not surprising. You are what you are. It is the same preconceptions that caused t his  fellow  who did not even know of the previous offense to shoot an unarmed kid. Your belief system is a dangerous disease. Fortunately for he world the condition of ignorance and poor awareness are the sole vector for its propagation so we only have to intellectually tag and guarantee your behind to cure the world.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

Is that why India has 600million of our siblings as untouchables?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

Not saying that, but when you are a criminal, it's a risk you take.

So I take it if the population in Guyana turns against the PPP criminals you will not have any problem with that? Correct?


You are quick to claim that is not what you said but in fact that is what you are advocating. 

I said, you take part in criminal activities, it's the risk you take, plain and simple.  If you don't understand that, then take a lesson in comprehension there professor, you getting lil rusty round the edges.


You are like a worm trying to wriggle out of what you said but it is clear in black and white above what you said. It is in plain english, everyone comprehends and understands your racist agenda it is very clear for everyone to see what you said. Happy squirming...

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

These racists do not have the intellectual capacity or will to investigate what are the consequences of social disadvantages coerced by persisting racism. The PPP are a race actualized party. They operate on a race based paradigm and if this is not mediated by active reform, indeed the society will veto their action by violence. Then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy for these bigots.


They say "see, I told you so...that is that they do...lot and burn". Unfortunately the miss that racism is violence of a particular kind since out of it falls out a varied list of social ills that one can cover with the blanked term "marginalization".


However, marginalization is violence since it causes people to suffer deprivations ie unfavorable job prospects, lower earning power, less access to education, poverty etc. Yes, institutionalized racism as the kind practiced by the PPP is violence.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

Is that why India has 600million of our siblings as untouchables?

I never heard of the untouchables burning and looing. They work or beg, not burn and loot. They earn an honest living.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

Is that why India has 600million of our siblings as untouchables?

I never heard of the untouchables burning and looing. They work or beg, not burn and loot. They earn an honest living.

they do burn and loot in revolt against their and learn. I think we discussed one such revolt of burning and looting on a gargantuan scale in 2006. Even last year there was an outbreak of large scale violence. India is punctuated by violence as people protest cast oppression. You being ignorant to it does not mean it did not happen.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

Is that why India has 600million of our siblings as untouchables?

I never heard of the untouchables burning and looing. They work or beg, not burn and loot. They earn an honest living.

they do burn and loot in revolt against their and learn. I think we discussed one such revolt of burning and looting on a gargantuan scale in 2006. Even last year there was an outbreak of large scale violence. India is punctuated by violence as people protest cast oppression. You being ignorant to it does not mean it did not happen.

If they do, they are not in the news on a daily basis. They don't resort to massive looting.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

Is that why India has 600million of our siblings as untouchables?

I never heard of the untouchables burning and looing. They work or beg, not burn and loot. They earn an honest living.

they do burn and loot in revolt against their and learn. I think we discussed one such revolt of burning and looting on a gargantuan scale in 2006. Even last year there was an outbreak of large scale violence. India is punctuated by violence as people protest cast oppression. You being ignorant to it does not mean it did not happen.

If they do, they are not in the news on a daily basis.

Again, they are. You just do are not attuned to it. They are more often arrested, more often suspected of thievery are the highest population of Indian castes in prison and are always at the bottom of the social ladder. That is where your pretentious behind would be if your ancestor did not take the step to legal slavery a century ago!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

Is that why India has 600million of our siblings as untouchables?

I never heard of the untouchables burning and looing. They work or beg, not burn and loot. They earn an honest living.

they do burn and loot in revolt against their and learn. I think we discussed one such revolt of burning and looting on a gargantuan scale in 2006. Even last year there was an outbreak of large scale violence. India is punctuated by violence as people protest cast oppression. You being ignorant to it does not mean it did not happen.

If they do, they are not in the news on a daily basis. They don't resort to massive looting.

Skelly, you are not aware of police brutality in India.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

Not saying that, but when you are a criminal, it's a risk you take.

So I take it if the population in Guyana turns against the PPP criminals you will not have any problem with that? Correct?


You are quick to claim that is not what you said but in fact that is what you are advocating. 

I said, you take part in criminal activities, it's the risk you take, plain and simple.  If you don't understand that, then take a lesson in comprehension there professor, you getting lil rusty round the edges.


You are like a worm trying to wriggle out of what you said but it is clear in black and white above what you said. It is in plain english, everyone comprehends and understands your racist agenda it is very clear for everyone to see what you said. Happy squirming...

Look up the definition/meaning of "risk" punk professor.  If you can't figure, then ask a padna.


To help you, "risk" is a probable outcome.  Life is full of risk and for tiefing, one probable outcome is either the victim or law enforcement will fire at you.  It's a risk you take, a probable outcome.


He looked like a "bad boy".  He rob the store then walk like a bully blocking the street.  He got the bad boi treatment.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

I am right that you are a congenital racist. It's sad that you are a slave to your racist mentality, whilst slavery was abolished a long time ago. Your nephew, Anil Nandalall, share and support your racist views?

You bunch of shameless apologists.  He was a bully and criminal, live by the sword, die by the sword.  Now these bastards cannot wait to rob and loot.  What a bunch of shameless bastards.  Baseman says, bring back the heavy hitters from a few nights ago and control the criminals.  It is the language, the only language they understand.

... Kids steal all the time and should not be killed for it..

That says a lot.  This banna, at 18 did not steal, he committed a robbery with assault.  That's different from a kid tiefing a mango or apple.  Tiefing is when you take an unattended item not yours.  Robbery is taking, by force, an item not yours.  Just ask OJ.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

I am right that you are a congenital racist. It's sad that you are a slave to your racist mentality, whilst slavery was abolished a long time ago. Your nephew, Anil Nandalall, share and support your racist views?

You bunch of shameless apologists.  He was a bully and criminal, live by the sword, die by the sword.  Now these bastards cannot wait to rob and loot.  What a bunch of shameless bastards.  Baseman says, bring back the heavy hitters from a few nights ago and control the criminals.  It is the language, the only language they understand.

... Kids steal all the time and should not be killed for it..

That says a lot.  This banna, at 18 did not steal, he committed a robbery with assault.  That's different from a kid tiefing a mango or apple.  Tiefing is when you take an unattended item not yours.  Robbery is taking, by force, an item not yours.  Just ask OJ.

As I said above, if the shop keeper had shot his behind he would have been within his rights.


The present matter is he being gunned down in the street for jaywalking.


And what does OJ has to do with it? Do you know who was OJ? He was a blackman living in borrowed skin well accepted in a white world and completely immersed in it. He became black when he was accused of murder then the end of his story was like many black men; he was framed and a rigged justice system decided to get justice retrospectively on him. He is in jail because he is discovered to be black!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


What's the parallel with the robbery and shooting in Ferguson?

you do not have the intellectual wherewithal to grasp a parallelism.  You seem well pleased to link to distinct events at your convenience because it meets your racist criteria that the kid was disposable.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PUNK was no good.

His attitude reminds me of the PNC days in Guyana, and imagine katahars and opportunists want them back in power.

I am right that you are a congenital racist. It's sad that you are a slave to your racist mentality, whilst slavery was abolished a long time ago. Your nephew, Anil Nandalall, share and support your racist views?

You bunch of shameless apologists.  He was a bully and criminal, live by the sword, die by the sword.  Now these bastards cannot wait to rob and loot.  What a bunch of shameless bastards.  Baseman says, bring back the heavy hitters from a few nights ago and control the criminals.  It is the language, the only language they understand.

... Kids steal all the time and should not be killed for it..

That says a lot.  This banna, at 18 did not steal, he committed a robbery with assault.  That's different from a kid tiefing a mango or apple.  Tiefing is when you take an unattended item not yours.  Robbery is taking, by force, an item not yours.  Just ask OJ.

As I said above, if the shop keeper had shot his behind he would have been within his rights.


The present matter is he being gunned down in the street for jaywalking.


And what does OJ has to do with it? Do you know who was OJ? He was a blackman living in borrowed skin well accepted in a white world and completely immersed in it. He became black when he was accused of murder then the end of his story was like many black men; he was framed and a rigged justice system decided to get justice retrospectively on him. He is in jail because he is discovered to be black!

As I said, holistically, the banna seemed like a bad man.  I don't seh da banna should be shot, but bad man doz get bad man treatment, intended or unintended.  One day yuh luck run out.  You see, how much more he nevva got caught.  Dat banna look so cool tiefing, he looks like a pro....and a bully.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


What's the parallel with the robbery and shooting in Ferguson?

you do not have the intellectual wherewithal to grasp a parallelism.  You seem well pleased to link to distinct events at your convenience because it meets your racist criteria that the kid was disposable.

Wow, teach a buckman a few words, he thinks he IS the gospel.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


What's the parallel with the robbery and shooting in Ferguson?

you do not have the intellectual wherewithal to grasp a parallelism.  You seem well pleased to link to distinct events at your convenience because it meets your racist criteria that the kid was disposable.

Wow, teach a buckman a few words, he thinks he IS the gospel.

No you ignorant fellow. I am bright. I use the gifts of my humanity to their maximum. You on the other hand is a lazy, racist cretin who on opening his mouth plumbs the depth of his ignorance. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

So we need to shoot criminals and kill them? By that same logic just imagine if the population in Guyana used that as grounds to attack the PPP?


Ignorance has no cure and when laced with the racist lens good luck on that.

No different than Guyana. Why is that black people all over the world loot and burn when things don't go their way? Is it some form of inherited behaviour?

It is not only baseman that has these warped ignorant doltish views. He has cousins ready to jump in like this other bonehead.


I guess there are no riots and looting that ever happens in India, Bangladesh or Pakistan is there? Do some research and maybe spend some time reading and expand your horizons. You and baseman should plan a date and go to the library together.


Racism has blinded these chaps. I have nothing but pity for the likes of you.


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