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Prince posted:

Afro-Guyanese are not our enemies. They are loyal servants of their master and brave enough to carry out their mission as instructed. Can you blame them for being aggressive in a certain situation? If Indo-Guyanese were brave like them then the shoe would be on the other foot. Isn't it? 

Hey Afro Dumbo, Indo Guyanese(coolies) are not violent people. They do not resort to violence and vulgarness when they are wronged. We have seen this since 1964. On the other hand, blacks have resorted to violence whenever they are thrown out of power. It was not the coolies who preached slow fiah, mo fiah. You need to stop your coolie bashing before some coolie man strip you of your panties.

Labba posted:

Everybady does vote foh dem mattie...even dem one love social cohesion bais like green salipenta and snowie rowie...hey hey hey...

"green salipenta" family opposed Burnham. Dem supported Walter strongly. Ronan can speak fuh heself, but many posts around hay with he critical of this coalition govt. Suh AS USUAL, yuh talking sheer shit.

But leh we talk about you lil bit. Who is YOU mattie? Yuh hang yuh fat lips all ova de place fuh lil soup and get kick by black man and indian man. In a couple days we gon read yuh supporting Shuman and the Amerindians.

Den you will guh down in history as being kicked by EVERYBODY in Guyana. LMFAO . Suh far is only Ravi like yuh. And dat is telling.

Iguana posted:
Labba posted:

Everybady does vote foh dem mattie...even dem one love social cohesion bais like green salipenta and snowie rowie...hey hey hey...

"green salipenta" family opposed Burnham. Dem supported Walter strongly. Ronan can speak fuh heself, but many posts around hay with he critical of this coalition govt. Suh AS USUAL, yuh talking sheer shit.

But leh we talk about you lil bit. Who is YOU mattie? Yuh hang yuh fat lips all ova de place fuh lil soup and get kick by black man and indian man. In a couple days we gon read yuh supporting Shuman and the Amerindians.

Den you will guh down in history as being kicked by EVERYBODY in Guyana. LMFAO . Suh far is only Ravi like yuh. And dat is telling.

Hey hey hey...Shuman arite . Dem Anug bais arite too. 

Prince posted:

Afro-Guyanese are not our enemies. They are loyal servants of their master and brave enough to carry out their mission as instructed. Can you blame them for being aggressive in a certain situation? If Indo-Guyanese were brave like them then the shoe would be on the other foot. Isn't it? 

what exactly is the purpose of this thread?


Iguana posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Shuman arite . Dem Anug bais arite too. 

Ah kyant wait fuh see yuh standing next to Shuman telling we about yuh new found Amerindian genes yuh found at LMAO

Bai Labba would be supportin PPP if dem na dey pull wan fass one pon abie and try insult abie lil cane juice man brain. Nuff nuff Indos not going to give Jagdoe devotion when dem pullin fass one in front abie eye. Hey hey hey...

Prince posted:

Afro-Guyanese are not our enemies. They are loyal servants of their master and brave enough to carry out their mission as instructed. Can you blame them for being aggressive in a certain situation? If Indo-Guyanese were brave like them then the shoe would be on the other foot. Isn't it? you got nothing useful to do on this early Friday morning?

Labba posted:

Everybady does vote foh dem mattie...

OK, so you're just a poser then

banna, we know that's the ROAR/Hindutva power move bottom line [as lang as Indos are a numerical majority, that is]

y'all tactics will shift to deceit when things change [oh wait, aren't we seeing this already?]

anything else you want to confess bai?

Nehru posted:

Labba, the PPP lost because many Indians did not agree with their policies between 2013 and 2015 so they vote their displeasure. The GPF, GDF , Civil Service which is predominantly Afros, ALWAYS vote PNC. Now tell me who is clannish? The question is for the board in general not at you Labba.

Another ignoramus a la Yugi. What happened in 92? Look at the blacks in the AFC that parted company with the PNC. And since yuh talking about "clannish" and mention the army, if black man suh clannish why is it that we never saw a military coup in Guyana by the predominantly black GDF during the PPP 23 year reign (when even indians were discontented).

Go back 50+ years and look at the blacks who were with Jagan and the PPP . Ask yuh mattie Gilbakka fuh lil schoolin'.

Labba posted:

Bai Labba would be supportin PPP if dem na dey pull wan fass one pon abie and try insult abie lil cane juice man brain. Nuff nuff Indos not going to give Jagdoe devotion when dem pullin fass one in front abie eye. Hey hey hey...

labba the handle doing nuff (poorly executed) pretendin on GNI

labba the 'academic' deh doing plenty no fingerprints wuk for the PPP as per the Hindutva "bottom line"

sometimes ah does wonder if babby greasing tings wid lil consultancy wuk for de professor

hmmmm . . .?

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

Labba, the PPP lost because many Indians did not agree with their policies between 2013 and 2015 so they vote their displeasure. The GPF, GDF , Civil Service which is predominantly Afros, ALWAYS vote PNC. Now tell me who is clannish? The question is for the board in general not at you Labba.

Another ignoramus a la Yugi. What happened in 92? Look at the blacks in the AFC that parted company with the PNC. And since yuh talking about "clannish" and mention the army, if black man suh clannish why is it that we never saw a military coup in Guyana by the predominantly black GDF during the PPP 23 year reign (when even indians were discontented).

Go back 50+ years and look at the blacks who were with Jagan and the PPP . Ask yuh mattie Gilbakka fuh lil schoolin'.

There was an attempted back door coup via the Buxton FF movement.  But dem bais ended up imploding!

Admittedly there are many good Afro-Guyanese.  Some do join and support the PPP!

Nehru posted:

Guana, since you are convinced 32>33 I will not refer you to Satistics and probabilities, that will be like inhuman treatment!! When you can understand discussions that take into consideration the statistical realities then come back.

So you have no answer to FACTS I posted so you turn to red herring arguments about 32>33, (which has nothing to do with the topic at hand).

But just for shits and giggles, point me to ONE post where I supported 32>33! You will find none, because I never did. Now address the FACTS I posted with your "statistics and probabilities" which will be "like inhuman treatment".


Let me break it down for you: a few Afros are supporting the PPP, statistically much more Indians moved away from the PPP when they did not agree with their policies. If there were hard core RACISTS like many in the GPF, GDF, Civil service and the general public, the PPP would have been in Govt today. And believe me I CANNOT do it any simpler so please do not ask!!!


I think some traditional PPP supporters were tricked into voting for the Coalition by them being told to reject corruption and take the high road. The trouble is those preaching to them cared not for any high road. People do lots of pontificating but it is advisable for one to see beyond all the empty pontification to their true motives. I cautioned about all the one love pontificating way back in 2015 and so far the PNC has lost no steps in proving how dishonest they are.

Nehru posted:

Let me break it down for you: a few Afros are supporting the PPP, statistically much more Indians moved away from the PPP when they did not agree with their policies. If there were hard core RACISTS like many in the GPF, GDF, Civil service and the general public, the PPP would have been in Govt today. And believe me I CANNOT do it any simpler so please do not ask!!! make an argument appealing to empirical evidence (look up the meaning of it) and not "probabilities and statistics" as you promised (you cleverly backed away from that). Even empirical evidence tells you that half or close of Jagan's early supporters were blacks, including Burnham, the then young attorney. The question remains - what drove those blacks away? The answer is central to Guyana's political history.

And you are yet to support your statement about a "clannish" GDF. Particularly when I asked if they were so clannish why did they not mount a coup in 23 years of PPP reign. Yuh own "statistics and probabilities" would tell yuh they would be unopposed and succeed hands down.

ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Everybady does vote foh dem mattie...

OK, so you're just a poser then

banna, we know that's the ROAR/Hindutva power move bottom line [as lang as Indos are a numerical majority, that is]

y'all tactics will shift to deceit when things change [oh wait, aren't we seeing this already?]

anything else you want to confess bai?

Hey hey hey...funny how ayoo one lover social cohesion loverbais does project ayoo racial ways pon other peopkle...hey hey hey. 

ksazma posted:

I think some traditional PPP supporters were tricked into voting for the Coalition by them being told to reject corruption and take the high road. The trouble is those preaching to them cared not for any high road. People do lots of pontificating but it is advisable for one to see beyond all the empty pontification to their true motives. I cautioned about all the one love pontificating way back in 2015 and so far the PNC has lost no steps in proving how dishonest they are.

sir, isn't there some 'blackman are the scourge of the world' neo-Nazi hate rally you are late for somewhere?

i understand you are a one-man brown bai Guyana contingent with pending membership application

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Bai Labba would be supportin PPP if dem na dey pull wan fass one pon abie and try insult abie lil cane juice man brain. Nuff nuff Indos not going to give Jagdoe devotion when dem pullin fass one in front abie eye. Hey hey hey...

labba the handle doing nuff (poorly executed) pretendin on GNI

labba the 'academic' deh doing plenty no fingerprints wuk for the PPP as per the Hindutva "bottom line"

sometimes ah does wonder if babby greasing tings wid lil consultancy wuk for de professor

hmmmm . . .?

Hey hey hey...labba gat frens in PPP. Hey hey how ayoo one lover gat frens in PNC...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Bai Labba would be supportin PPP if dem na dey pull wan fass one pon abie and try insult abie lil cane juice man brain. Nuff nuff Indos not going to give Jagdoe devotion when dem pullin fass one in front abie eye. Hey hey hey...

labba the handle doing nuff (poorly executed) pretendin on GNI

labba the 'academic' deh doing plenty no fingerprints wuk for the PPP as per the Hindutva "bottom line"

sometimes ah does wonder if babby greasing tings wid lil consultancy wuk for de professor

hmmmm . . .?

Hey hey hey...labba gat frens in PPP. Hey hey how ayoo one lover gat frens in PNC...hey hey hey.

did de professor get contract fram babby?

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Everybady does vote foh dem mattie...

OK, so you're just a poser then

banna, we know that's the ROAR/Hindutva power move bottom line [as lang as Indos are a numerical majority, that is]

y'all tactics will shift to deceit when things change [oh wait, aren't we seeing this already?]

anything else you want to confess bai?

Hey hey hey...funny how ayoo one lover social cohesion loverbais does project ayoo racial ways pon other peopkle...hey hey hey. 

Everyone is always responsible for their actions. The punk who was killed by police was driving away from an order by the police to stop. After his death, his mother is wailing that the police had no right to shoot him. I am glad they did as it put an end to him victimizing anyone else. But shame on her for not bringing her son up rightly. If she needed to blame anyone, she should blame herself. But as mentioned earlier, it is always everyone else’s fault. And that is only one instance of many.

ronan posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Bai Labba would be supportin PPP if dem na dey pull wan fass one pon abie and try insult abie lil cane juice man brain. Nuff nuff Indos not going to give Jagdoe devotion when dem pullin fass one in front abie eye. Hey hey hey...

labba the handle doing nuff (poorly executed) pretendin on GNI

labba the 'academic' deh doing plenty no fingerprints wuk for the PPP as per the Hindutva "bottom line"

sometimes ah does wonder if babby greasing tings wid lil consultancy wuk for de professor

hmmmm . . .?

Hey hey hey...labba gat frens in PPP. Hey hey how ayoo one lover gat frens in PNC...hey hey hey.

did de professor get contract fram babby?

Hey hey me go know dat? Go ask dem bais pon dem FB page na? What yu shoud worry bout is de contract Nigel and Caty and dem PNC minista get foh mek house...hey hey hey. Ayoo tekkin nuff and tryin foh shift blame pon Bobby...hey hey hey...

ksazma posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Everybady does vote foh dem mattie...

OK, so you're just a poser then

banna, we know that's the ROAR/Hindutva power move bottom line [as lang as Indos are a numerical majority, that is]

y'all tactics will shift to deceit when things change [oh wait, aren't we seeing this already?]

anything else you want to confess bai?

Hey hey hey...funny how ayoo one lover social cohesion loverbais does project ayoo racial ways pon other peopkle...hey hey hey. 

Everyone is always responsible for their actions. The punk who was killed by police was driving away from an order by the police to stop. After his death, his mother is wailing that the police had no right to shoot him. I am glad they did as it put an end to him victimizing anyone else. But shame on her for not bringing her son up rightly. If she needed to blame anyone, she should blame herself. But as mentioned earlier, it is always everyone else’s fault. And that is only one instance of many.


Nehru posted:

Those Rice eaters are no FOOLS. They shittin when they think about the US Marines, that is why!!!

If you are referring to the GDF, then you are once again pissing in the wind. No US Marines would be coming to the defense of what was seen and documented in wiki leaks as a narco regime run by the PPP.

Yuh tink US marines would be sent to the defense of a bunch of Commies like Priya and she "comrades" who cuss down Americans?

Funny how yuh talk about US Marines defending alyuh worthless asses when yuh call dem "yankee pigs" hay daily.

Anyway bai, I now agree wid Ronan. You don't matter. Yuh juss talk sheer shit and when called upon it, yuh pointing to some form of "higher power" (imaginary of course) that nobody smart enough to understand, including you.

Baseman posted:

There was an attempted back door coup via the Buxton FF movement.  But dem bais ended up imploding!

Admittedly there are many good Afro-Guyanese.  Some do join and support the PPP!

1.  If blacks were clannish it wouldn't have been a "back door". It would have been Jagdeo been arrested for traitorous behavior for allowing one of his criminal friends to engage in wholesale drug dealing and the murder of a gov't minister.

2.  I see that you think that Juan Edghill, Lumumba, Kwame, Joe Hamilton and other assorted scamps are "good people".

ksazma posted:

Exactly. People behaving badly and then blaming others instead of taking responsibility for their actions. 

Yes like you engaging in naked bigotry and not wanting to declare you pride in being an Indo supremacist racist.  Screaming about blacks being the scourge of the earth.

Even some of your fellow Indos find you embarrassing. Baseman is trying to get you to keep your bigotry hidden as he tries to do these days.


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