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Originally Posted by IGH:

I am using FireFox.. stupid me bought a soft ware on Sunday on-line to fix the problem... did not fix... when I called the tech, he told me I have to call a number in Florida and pay $200 for help & 14.99 per month for service. I realized was a scam and called AMEX and called payment - $39.94


Next time, call one of your neighbor's sons or daughters and they will save you a lot of headache. Also, never buy software on line except if the same can be gotten at your local best buy. Most are useless crap in the first place.


Thanks D2...

I did try to fix before I resort to buying the software...

I went to our IT dept and one of the guys told me what to try... hope it works...

My memory is running out too... LOL - Virtual Memory.  I tried increasing but to no avail. I have to clean up computer or buy a new one... it is 10 years old.

Best Buy offered me $45:00 for it.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by raymond:

the cost to fix it might be better invested in a new computer..tehy don't cost much nowadays

I found that out Yesterday. Got an Asus I5 with 500G hd, 8 g memory and 17 inch screen for 500 at Micro Center. I had to turn in my surface pro for repairs and they told me It might be 10 days before I get it back. I needed something to work with outdoors.  I bought the big laptop because it was the only touch screen they had available for cheap.


I also discovered that machine ( Surface Pro)  is not repairable by an ordinary tech. It is in two pieces with the front welded to the back with some sturdy glue. They called me and told me to come to pick up a new one today. I am


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