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Former Member

This party will be the middle...the sword of Damocles over the head of any other winning a plurality. If they began to steal left and right or build a patronage bast you topple them. With each recycling the middle will increase. Who ever win can court his support and be inclusive by giving him a portfolio. He will be elected as an Amerind so that Ministry will rightfully be his.  

Shuman gives up Canadian citizenship, launches political party


By Bibi Khatoon

The Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), headed by Former Vice Chair of the National Toshaos Council (NTC), Lenox Shuman was officially launched on Saturday night at the Georgetown Club.

The programme began with the universal prayer and other prayers from the Christian and Hindu faith.

Under the theme, “Shaping Guyana’s Future”, in a room of just over 100 attendees, Shuman announced that he will be giving up his Canadian citizenship, as he joins the race to become Guyana’s next president at the upcoming General and Regional Elections.

“As a Parliamentarian who swears to uphold the Constitution of Guyana, my first act cannot be to break the law. It is with this that I have a firm commitment and principle that I will be giving up my Canadian citizenship status,” Shuman declared to a round of applause.

He has been a Canadian citizen for approximately 28 years but is Guyanese by birth; his wife is also a Canadian citizen by birth.

His announcement follows a court case mounted by the current Government, challenging the validity of its former member, Charrandass Persaud’s vote due to his dual citizenship.

Charrandass voted in favour of No-Confidence in the National Assembly on December 21, 2018, which toppled the Government; he also holds a Canadian passport which is against the Guyana constitution.

The Constitution states that “No persons shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who is by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

Further, it notes that to be elected as President, a person should be qualified to be a member of the National Assembly.

Though previously touted as the Indigenous party, Shuman said his Party represents all Guyanese.

“We are not a fly by night Party that firms in the rush of elections for personal gain…” he told supporters.

The Party has not presented a Manifesto as yet but Shuman outlined some of the objectives which are as follows:

• To unite all the people of Guyana for the complete liberation of the country from all forms of discrimination

• To fight for social justice and to eliminate the vast inequalities created by racism

• To build a Guyanese nation with the common patriotism and loyalty in which the common linguistic, religious, diversity of the people is respected

• To uphold the articles of the law

• Putting a high premium on creating a leading education system, environmental protection regime, security policy and health care system

• To be transparent, accountable, responsible, open-minded, responsive, pragmatic and sensitive and sensible in its approach to Governance at all times

• Our leaders and members will conduct themselves in the most moral and ethical manner

• To promote economic development for the betterment of all


• To support and advance the cause of youth emancipation

• To support and advance national development, world peace and environmentally sustainable and diverse portfolio

• Defend Guyana’s borders

• Respect all Guyana’s diversities –cultural, economic, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, rural and urban; coastal and hinterland

• Support and protect the rights of women and children and persons with disabilities

• To respect the rights of our first peoples and all other populations who were brought to our land

• Restore value of all indigenous languages

• To restore international trust in Guyana’s government

• To foster sustainable business partnerships for the benefit of all

• Conduct all party business with integrity and professionalism

• To create policies that are informed by the people and are evidenced based

• To ensure that no group is excluded… in all facets of the party

Shuman disclosed that his Party currently has 25 members, however, other than himself, only two others are known so far.

A section of Saturday night’s gathering

There is John Flores. He is a resident of Mabaruma, Region One, a former commanding officer of the Guyana Coast Guard and current Director of the Safety at the Maritime Administration Department and Former President of the Volleyball Federation.

Second is Sean Dublin, who delivered a speech at the Party’s launch on Saturday evening.

Dublin is the President of the Guyana Custom House Brokers Association (GCHBA). He is also the Managing Director of the Lasedel Consultancy International.

Approximately 14 other persons joined in the Party’s group photo at the Georgetown Club who are purportedly members of the Party but when approached for details of his list, Shuman shied away from any questions, noting that the information will be supplied shortly.

The LJP is the second party to be launched this week following the FED-UP (Federal United) political party, which was launched in Berbice on Friday.

Another political party, A New United Guyana (ANUG) has also announced its presence but is yet to be launched.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP and APNU should take note who are the members here....young people, the most disaffected and disenchanted of Guyanese electorate. Seven thousand gives Shuman the scepter. He shall be kingmaker and kneebraker.


I must admit that as a PPP supporter, now that he has launched, I am scared of the impact that this party will have on the PPP Amerindian Base. This party can sink the PPP !

The PPP needs to offer an olive branch to Shoeman. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I must admit that as a PPP supporter, now that he has launched, I am scared of the impact that this party will have on the PPP Amerindian Base. This party can sink the PPP !

The PPP needs to offer an olive branch to Shoeman. 

Amerindians vote for the Party in power because they are cultivated patrons by default who are forced to pay lip service for their daily bread. This party will take the vote from the APNU not t he PPP because that is where it would go otherwise.  Your fear should be with the urban young who are disenchanted and  mixed races who so not see themselves supporting either parties.


Shuman, will learn to deliver a speech. He will learn to project presence. He will learn to be the leader that is needed. He will achieve the greatness necessary to be Guyana's dutch boy with the finger in the dike, the wind that blows the feather from the camels back.

He is he butterfly effect we need to take power away from the prevailing crooks and to save us from the pending resource curse as these two ethnic group organize to dominate the state. 


If we can set aside our personal differences for this Shuman launch,

The PPP has a much larger Amerindian base and DJ can post the results of PPP wins in Amerindian regions for last National and LGE. It would show that the PPP controls a much larger portion of Amerindian votes.

This party is a direct threat to the PPP.

Shoeman will also attract independents and those who are fed up with both the PPP and PNC. His support will extend far beyond the Amerindian base and can potentially become a magnet to young voters.

He is best advised to stay away from "constitutional talk" for now until the dust is settled. He is playing it very smartly.

I am deeply worried about the impact of Shuman on the PPP. This is a real game changer in Guyana's political landscape. The PPP needs to start having secret talks with Shuman ahead of the election ! Arrogance will lead to regret for the PPP if they do not thread carefully with Shuman.


This party will be the middle...the sword of Damocles over the head of any other winning a plurality. If they began to steal left and right or build a patronage bast you topple them.

This is only possible if elections are free and fair and the middle party wins enough to deny the winning party an absolute majority.  We have to go back and fight Cheddie Jagan's biggest fight - the fight for fair and free elections.  The PNC monster has returned to power.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:

I heard that this guy  is a Jagdeo plant to funnel disenchanted Amerindian votes to the PPP indirectly to get the gullible like D2 to fall in line behind a Jagdeo puppet.

Na bai. He is more closely aligned to the PNC than he is to the PPP. The PNC is already very worried about him and so should the PPP.

Your suggestion would be nice though.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This party will be the middle...the sword of Damocles over the head of any other winning a plurality. If they began to steal left and right or build a patronage bast you topple them.

This is only possible if elections are free and fair and the middle party wins enough to deny the winning party an absolute majority.  We have to go back and fight Cheddie Jagan's biggest fight - the fight for fair and free elections.  The PNC monster has returned to power.  

Agreed about the bigger fight for free and fair election. Shuman stands more to lose if the election is not free and fair.

yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

New parties are born at election time. 

This one is different animal. Brings back memories of the AFC and the damage that they did to the PPP.

Shuman is an unknown. I don't expect him to pull votes in large numbers.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

New parties are born at election time. 

This one is different animal. Brings back memories of the AFC and the damage that they did to the PPP.

Shuman is an unknown. I don't expect him to pull votes in large numbers.  

He needs about 8,000 votes and this is not too difficult for him to achieve. Brings back memories of the AFC.

Last edited by Former Member

Shuman will destroy the PNC. The PNC has been hiring all these old folks and leave the young educated men and women with no hope. Guess what? Granger will forgive all unemployed educated with debts.

skeldon_man posted:

Shuman will destroy the PNC. The PNC has been hiring all these old folks and leave the young educated men and women with no hope. Guess what? Granger will forgive all unemployed educated with debts.

He is having secret meetings with the PNC. Not likely to destroy them. Most likely he will take the place of the AFC to form a coalition with them.  And has he really given up his Canadian citizenship???

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shuman will destroy the PNC. The PNC has been hiring all these old folks and leave the young educated men and women with no hope. Guess what? Granger will forgive all unemployed educated with debts.

He is having secret meetings with the PNC. Not likely to destroy them. Most likely he will take the place of the AFC to form a coalition with them.  And has he really given up his Canadian citizenship???

His organization MUST join and register as a part of APNU for the election.

Contesting as another party in the elections would be an interesting one.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shuman will destroy the PNC. The PNC has been hiring all these old folks and leave the young educated men and women with no hope. Guess what? Granger will forgive all unemployed educated with debts.

He is having secret meetings with the PNC. Not likely to destroy them. Most likely he will take the place of the AFC to form a coalition with them.  And has he really given up his Canadian citizenship???

It was reported that he met with Canadian officials to renounce his citizenship. He is a threat to the PPP and PNC. I cannot see him in bed with the PNC after what they did to him after his request for Yumana Yana.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Shuman will destroy the PNC. The PNC has been hiring all these old folks and leave the young educated men and women with no hope. Guess what? Granger will forgive all unemployed educated with debts.

He is having secret meetings with the PNC. Not likely to destroy them. Most likely he will take the place of the AFC to form a coalition with them.  And has he really given up his Canadian citizenship???

His organization MUST join and register as a part of APNU for the election.

Contesting as another party in the elections would be an interesting one.

He will probably go solo this election. 

D2 is joining this party. He can be contacted for official Shuman statements. He finally has a party that he can relate to.  

yuji22 posted:

The PPP has a much larger Amerindian base and DJ can post the results of PPP wins in Amerindian regions for last National and LGE. It would show that the PPP controls a much larger portion of Amerindian votes.

This party is a direct threat to the PPP.

Shoeman will also attract independents and those who are fed up with both the PPP and PNC. His support will extend far beyond the Amerindian base and can potentially become a magnet to young voters.

Will post the info later.

skeldon_man posted:

Shuman will destroy the PNC. The PNC has been hiring all these old folks and leave the young educated men and women with no hope. Guess what? Granger will forgive all unemployed educated with debts.

Telling you over and over, don't bank on that. PNC have their base just like  PPP.

Will take a few cycles for that to break up.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

New parties are born at election time. 

This one is different animal. Brings back memories of the AFC and the damage that they did to the PPP.

Shuman is an unknown. I don't expect him to pull votes in large numbers.  

What you mean unknown ? the guy was in Guyana for a while and was also an Amerindian leader.

D2 posted:

The PPP and APNU should take note who are the members here....young people, the most disaffected and disenchanted of Guyanese electorate. Seven thousand gives Shuman the scepter. He shall be kingmaker and kneebraker.

Not sure why you see this as salvation.

1.  It is being promoted as the "Amerindian" party meaning that 90% of the population see no benefit in it for them.

2. It will play no role in Guyana, even assuming that it wins seats.  The party with the greater number of seats forms the executive arm of the gov't.  The only impact that a small party will make is if it forms an alliance with a larger party.

3.  Amerindians have a tendency to vote for those parties which can deliver benefits, which is why GAP died a fast death. 

4. Being an impoverished and heavily marginalized group one can wonder the degree to which Amerindians will manifest tribal voting as do the Indian and the black/mixed groups.

5.  I doubt that Guyanese have reached the point where coastal dwellers will support a party that they see as an Amerindian party.  Guyaneese tend to vote for parties that are likely to win or become a strong opposition party.  As of now only the PPP and APNU have this.  The disastrous performance of the AFC, even in GT, shows that they don't.

Based on the fates of the UF (betrayed by the PNC in 1968 and by the PPP around 2011)  and the AFC that doesn't seem to be advantageous in the long term.

The PPP and the PNC will have to become much weaker and less dominant within the particular tribes to be reduced to the point where a small party can become a king maker.   Guyana will have to have demographics like Suriname which has 4 ethnic groups with between 27% and 14% (based on their last census).  But with the two groups both at around 40% (inclusive of  mixed identified people whose culture and voting habits and perspectives perfectly align with black identified people)  tribalism seems to remain a feature of Guyanese life for at least the next 10 years.

Django posted:

Telling you over and over, don't bank on that. PNC have their base just like  PPP.

Will take a few cycles for that to break up.

Indian men have a problem of feeling emasculated and the homoerotic yearnings of the Indo Nazis for black men manifests this. These characters are brave only behind PCs and try desperately to signal some measure of virility, but these same "men" will flee that the minute that a strong black female barks at them.

They see themselves as weaker than black men, and unable to defend themselves and they cleave to Jagdeo who they think did so with his Phantoms.  They see Jagdeo as protecting them from "black man".  Decades after Burnham their self esteem is still shattered by how Burnham tossed around Jagan and make him look impotent.

While blacks also fear the economic dominance of the Indian business elites and their ability to utilize private militias they do not depend on  any individual man as the savior.  There is no "Jagdeo" in the PNC.  Afro Guyanese are extremely individualistic whereas rural Indians are very communal.

So the PNC base is a good deal more independent minded than is the PPP base, and likely to transmit their disgust with the PNC. Corbin found this out in 2006 when many PNC voters stayed home.  The issue that we will find out is the degree to which the PNC base disgust with people like Harmon, Jordan, and even Granger offsets their fear of a return of Jagdeo and the Phantoms.


Guyanese have "Buyer's Remorse" with third Parties. This Shuman party don"t have Name recognition, people learn from mistakes. RE: AFC, the TURN coat party.

The next election would divide the population to their respective bases, they will vote PPP or PNC, nothing in between and the undecided will stay home, unless they are offered incentives to vote, Promises, Promises.

 Shuman being an Amerindian will only attract some of the natives and nothing else, his hope is to replace the Dead AFC.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Telling you over and over, don't bank on that. PNC have their base just like  PPP.

Will take a few cycles for that to break up.

Indian men have a problem of feeling emasculated and the homoerotic yearnings of the Indo Nazis for black men manifests this. These characters are brave only behind PCs and try desperately to signal some measure of virility, but these same "men" will flee that the minute that a strong black female barks at them.

They see themselves as weaker than black men, and unable to defend themselves and they cleave to Jagdeo who they think did so with his Phantoms.  They see Jagdeo as protecting them from "black man".  Decades after Burnham their self esteem is still shattered by how Burnham tossed around Jagan and make him look impotent.

While blacks also fear the economic dominance of the Indian business elites and their ability to utilize private militias they do not depend on  any individual man as the savior.  There is no "Jagdeo" in the PNC.  Afro Guyanese are extremely individualistic whereas rural Indians are very communal.

So the PNC base is a good deal more independent minded than is the PPP base, and likely to transmit their disgust with the PNC. Corbin found this out in 2006 when many PNC voters stayed home.  The issue that we will find out is the degree to which the PNC base disgust with people like Harmon, Jordan, and even Granger offsets their fear of a return of Jagdeo and the Phantoms.

Indian men have a problem of feeling emasculated and the homoerotic yearnings of the Indo Nazis for black men manifests this. These characters are brave only behind PCs and try desperately to signal some measure of virility, but these same "men" will flee that the minute that a strong black female barks at them.

 QUESTION. ARE YOU GAY? you repeat the same shit every day. What's your point.?

caribny posted:

Indian men have a problem of feeling emasculated and the homoerotic yearnings of the Indo Nazis for black men manifests this. These characters are brave only behind PCs and try desperately to signal some measure of virility, but these same "men" will flee that the minute that a strong black female barks at them.

They see themselves as weaker than black men, and unable to defend themselves and they cleave to Jagdeo who they think did so with his Phantoms.  They see Jagdeo as protecting them from "black man".  Decades after Burnham their self esteem is still shattered by how Burnham tossed around Jagan and make him look impotent.

While blacks also fear the economic dominance of the Indian business elites and their ability to utilize private militias they do not depend on  any individual man as the savior.  There is no "Jagdeo" in the PNC.  Afro Guyanese are extremely individualistic whereas rural Indians are very communal.

So the PNC base is a good deal more independent minded than is the PPP base, and likely to transmit their disgust with the PNC. Corbin found this out in 2006 when many PNC voters stayed home.  The issue that we will find out is the degree to which the PNC base disgust with people like Harmon, Jordan, and even Granger offsets their fear of a return of Jagdeo and the Phantoms.

A lot of hogwash due to being spurned by an Indo woman so many years ago, now I am beginning to think it was not an indo woman but a tantie indo male that did the spurning. 

You could have easily summarized the 1st 2 paragraph in one sentence:

"Black PNC have the brawn and Indo PPP got the brain" .

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prashad posted:

Mark my words. Give Shuman 10 years and he will be trying his best to get back his Canadian citizenship.

I say less than 10 months. 

Perhaps, ASAP to renounce his request to give up his Canadian citizenship.

caribny posted:
D2 posted:

The PPP and APNU should take note who are the members here....young people, the most disaffected and disenchanted of Guyanese electorate. Seven thousand gives Shuman the scepter. He shall be kingmaker and kneebraker.

Not sure why you see this as salvation.

1.  It is being promoted as the "Amerindian" party meaning that 90% of the population see no benefit in it for them.

2. It will play no role in Guyana, even assuming that it wins seats.  The party with the greater number of seats forms the executive arm of the gov't.  The only impact that a small party will make is if it forms an alliance with a larger party.

3.  Amerindians have a tendency to vote for those parties which can deliver benefits, which is why GAP died a fast death. 

4. Being an impoverished and heavily marginalized group one can wonder the degree to which Amerindians will manifest tribal voting as do the Indian and the black/mixed groups.

5.  I doubt that Guyanese have reached the point where coastal dwellers will support a party that they see as an Amerindian party.  Guyaneese tend to vote for parties that are likely to win or become a strong opposition party.  As of now only the PPP and APNU have this.  The disastrous performance of the AFC, even in GT, shows that they don't.

Based on the fates of the UF (betrayed by the PNC in 1968 and by the PPP around 2011)  and the AFC that doesn't seem to be advantageous in the long term.

The PPP and the PNC will have to become much weaker and less dominant within the particular tribes to be reduced to the point where a small party can become a king maker.   Guyana will have to have demographics like Suriname which has 4 ethnic groups with between 27% and 14% (based on their last census).  But with the two groups both at around 40% (inclusive of  mixed identified people whose culture and voting habits and perspectives perfectly align with black identified people)  tribalism seems to remain a feature of Guyanese life for at least the next 10 years.

Wrong.  They can wield power if they have the swing votes. This is what I preferred the AFC to have done.  If the Shuman party could deprive either the PPP or PNC from gaining an absolute majority, then the winner forms a minority Govt.   To get any bills to pass, they will need the swing vote.  And that’s were Shuman can wield power!

Baseman posted:
Wrong.  They can wield power if they have the swing votes. This is what I preferred the AFC to have done.  If the Shuman party could deprive either the PPP or PNC from gaining an absolute majority, then the winner forms a minority Govt.   To get any bills to pass, they will need the swing vote.  And that’s were Shuman can wield power!

As AFC proved, any 3rd party with swing votes in parliament will morph into obstructionists rather than serve any useful purpose for the country.  The AFC's voting record pre 2015 was almost always in line with PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:
Wrong.  They can wield power if they have the swing votes. This is what I preferred the AFC to have done.  If the Shuman party could deprive either the PPP or PNC from gaining an absolute majority, then the winner forms a minority Govt.   To get any bills to pass, they will need the swing vote.  And that’s were Shuman can wield power!

As AFC proved, any 3rd party with swing votes in parliament will morph into obstructionists rather than serve any useful purpose for the country.  The AFC's voting record pre 2015 was almost always in line with PNC.

No equivalency. The AFC guys were “never Jagdeoites” with the primary goal of seeing the back of BJ at all costs.  So they cared not of the consequences.  

Shuman is not a PPP reject filled with anti-PPP/BJ venom.   Hopefully, he takes a more balanced viewpoint and seek to forward the interest of his constituents and the nation!


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