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Former Member

Attorney-at-Law, James Bond. (Guyana Chronicle picture)

Even as the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh has so far not asked the seven-member decision body to decide the fate of the 10 regional declarations of last month’s general elections, a prominent member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) insisted that recount illegal.

Attorney-at-Law, James Bond, however, made it clear that that was not his party’s position and that he was supporting party leader, President David Granger’s request for a recount once it is legal and constitutional. “We are following what His Excellency says  and if His Excellency wants a recount, I support His Excellency 100 percent. 100 percent I support my Leader. He says go ahead and have a recount, let the chips fall where they may, I am supporting that but I will say this very personally, very personally, those recounts are unlawful and whatever should be happening, should be happening via an elections petition,” he said on a Facebook video post

Bond’s position came one day after pro-coalition Elections Commissioner, Vincent Alexander said Singh has so far not put the fate of the 10 declarations by the Returning Officers (ROs) on the agenda for discussion. “The declarations made by the ROs have not been brought to the commission for consideration by the Chairperson and she seems to have a reason why she has not. I don’t quite agree with her but she seems to have a reason why she has not brought them,” he told reporters.

A GECOM spokeswoman has already said the declarations- which are still posted on GECOM’s website- “still stand” until after a recount.

Bond, citing legal opinions by GECOM’s Legal Officer, Excellence Dazzell and Guyana’s Chief Parliamentary Counsel, Charles Fung-a-Fat, said the recount process is provided for in the Representation of the People Act. He argued that only the Returning Officers could conduct a recount and that requests to do so could be turned down. “GECOM has no power to recount where all the declarations have been made. GECOM has no authority to recount and to discard those declarations by the duly empowered persons who made those declarations,” said Bond, a former PNCR executive member.

He stressed that the 10 declarations made by the Returning Officers indicate that the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), unless Granger concedes defeat. “Unless His Excellency decides to concede, I will never ever concede. As far as I am aware, we have won these elections . As far as I am aware, that declaration should be made. As far as I am aware, the President should have been sworn in a long time ago,” he said.


Elections Commissioner Alexander confirmed that a GECOM order would have to be prepared and published in Guyana’s Official Gazette to provide for a recount. He explained that the Commission would be using Article 162 (1)(b) and Section 22 of the Representation of the People Act to create a final declaration. “We are starting from ground zero to do a counting of the ballots. Once we do that count and we get a final declaration, those declarations become irrelevant,” he said.

Asked whether the order to be gazetted would include rescinding of the 10 declarations, he said that was not discussed but depending on how it would be worded, “may in fact nullify those results.”

Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Elections Commissioner, Sase Gunraj said he was comforted by the GECOM Chairman’s rejection of the report by the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield and that it would not used as the basis to still eventually declare a winner. “I believe that the rejection of same by the Chairman was sufficient disposal,” Gunraj, added saying that he would nevertheless address the issue at the commission.

The Guyana Court of Appeal has ruled that GECOM is constitutionally empowered to conduct, manage and supervise general elections and cannot farm out of any of its functions to an external body. The Court of Appeal has also ruled in favour of APNU+Alliance For Change candidate, Ulita Moore that anyone can seek a judicial review of a constitutionally independent body such as GECOM to say whether its actions are illegal.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

GECOM is packed with PNC members. The votes have been counted and they are not satisfied that the coalition won. So they will stalled the declaration until they find a way to show that the Coalition have won.If the final declaration is to the satisfaction of the PNC then they will accept it, else they will use delaying tactics until they get what they want.   Many decent blackmen are speaking out against the PNC.  


WPA ,which is a party within the COALITION that claims victory of the 2020 Elections. I also wish to informed u that WPA being part of the COALITION will have access to ALL the copies of SOPs issued by the ROs for every POLLING STATION in the Regions...

Dave posted:

WPA ,which is a party within the COALITION that claims victory of the 2020 Elections. I also wish to informed u that WPA being part of the COALITION will have access to ALL the copies of SOPs issued by the ROs for every POLLING STATION in the Regions...

Gotay dhall in de laterin pit will not help de PPP cause. 

Tola posted:
Dave posted:

WPA ,which is a party within the COALITION that claims victory of the 2020 Elections. I also wish to informed u that WPA being part of the COALITION will have access to ALL the copies of SOPs issued by the ROs for every POLLING STATION in the Regions...

Gotay dhall in de laterin pit will not help de PPP cause. 

Very funny!

Ramakant-P posted:
Tola posted:
Dave posted:

WPA ,which is a party within the COALITION that claims victory of the 2020 Elections. I also wish to informed u that WPA being part of the COALITION will have access to ALL the copies of SOPs issued by the ROs for every POLLING STATION in the Regions...

Gotay dhall in de laterin pit will not help de PPP cause. 

Very funny!

It is meant to be funny with stuff repeating  hea. But hard ears don't get message. 

Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

People like him ,makes a mockery of the legal system.

I agree!

I don't, he finally use his "s" key and he used it in the wrong place

People like him make(s)a mockery "s" should be there.

He should have used it when he posts , The fight continue(s)

I should be billing for this but I'm trying to assist a fellow country man.

cain posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

People like him ,makes a mockery of the legal system.

I agree!

I don't, he finally use his "s" key and he used it in the wrong place

People like him make(s)a mockery "s" should be there.

He should have used it when he posts , The fight continue(s)

I should be billing for this but I'm trying to assist a fellow country man.

I don't think he can afford your hourly rates. This is man said he called China at 3:00am and placed a order for some more Corona Virus.  

Last edited by Tola
Tola posted:

@ Tola ...I am happy I found this written by you. Its funny how we like to lecture to others and here you are doing exactly what you criticize others for.


In the beginning, GNI discussion forum was a place of harmony with positive and humorous discussion, where many lasting and helpful friendships were made, but   it now seems to be a forum with  people who like to speak within their own minds, while  knocking down others.
Typical of some Guyanese who are shamed in many countries, they seem to behave like crabs in a  barrel and would step on others, to make themselves look good, or  destroy any effort to get ahead.
Is there presently a ‘purpose for achievement’ on GNI political discussion forum?  I doubt it and believe if it continue in this manner,  it might  degrade further into its own destructive force. 
It became a place that destroy by building on negativism, that is shameful to see, because Guyana badly need positive assistance.
If just 1% of negative energy on GNI political forum is used to support the people of Guyana to achieve a better life, it will make a huge difference, because many don't have anything now. This is nothing new, because members on GNI previously came together to help others in need.
We  wonder what type of   productive life some posters must have.  We assume they are employed, but  they spend so much time daily on GNI knocking down others and  we know posting  takes away from doing other things.
Like a disease, negativism is contagious with destructive forces and positive attitude achieve continued growth.
Last edited by Former Member

@Tola .. how can you explain what you wrote here on 1/16/16

Among all the challenges, instead of knocking down others who might be trying to improve things. Ask yourself, ‘What am I doing to help  the people in Guyana grow ?’

Yesterday you were  criticizing what others are doing in Guyana.

Is this a discussion forum, or a photo forum ?


Angel  Dave, why are you becoming like Jagdeo. Don't your have something better to do. I am busy writing some important papers, so go take a dive in an empty lake, or find a rum shop to knock you self out.   

Tola posted:

Angel  Dave, why are you becoming like Jagdeo. Don't your have something better to do. I am busy writing some important papers, so go take a dive in an empty lake, or find a rum shop to knock you self out

“Typical of some Guyanese who are shamed in many countries, they seem to behave like crabs in a  barrel and would step on others, to make themselves look good, or  destroy any effort to get ahead.” .. Tola. 


Might Tola be in the committment trap? He committed to the AFC, then the Coalition, Now the coalition has been ‘subsumed’ by the PNC, he figures that he cannot back out now. So, is he closing his eyes to what most in the world who followed events saw, that Mingo tried to steal the elections for the ‘coalition’! Is he trying to divert attention away from what most of Guyanese here know - THE COALITION LOST THE ELECTION ARE TRYING TO STEAL IT AND STAY IN POWER ILLEGALLY!!

What does he stand for if he accepts or chooses to ignore this immorality, this illegality in Guyana?


Might Tola be in the committment trap? He committed to the AFC, then the Coalition, Now the coalition has been ‘subsumed’ by the PNC, he figures that he cannot back out now. So, is he closing his eyes to what most in the world who followed events saw, that Mingo tried to steal the elections for the ‘coalition’! Is he trying to divert attention away from what most of Guyanese here know - THE COALITION LOST THE ELECTION ARE TRYING TO STEAL IT AND STAY IN POWER ILLEGALLY!!

What does he stand for if he accepts or chooses to ignore this immorality, this illegality in Guyana?

Scripture says a double minded man is unstable in all his ways ...


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