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Former Member

WPA as a PNC flank group


As the elections draw closer, as usual, our two major polarised ethnic groups are acting like magnetic poles dragging the society into one or the other camp. In the classic Liberal polity, supposedly rational individuals engage in a variety of roles and belong to a multitude of organisations and groups whose several interests are cross cutting. The individual, in his political role as a voter, therefore, makes a “rational” choice based on the position a given party takes on the issues before the electorate. Even if all voters do not conform to this ideal, there are enough who do, to constitute a pool of “swing” votes in the middle for which all parties compete. This situation creates a centripetal moderating effect and the parties line up on a continuum on the issues. We have the politics of “in and out”.
The party system in a divided society like ours operates on totally different basis. Here, the individual is a member of groups, which instead of diffusing the cleavages, act to reinforce them. They will generally attend different places of worship, occupy different occupational niches, and have different modes of recreation. The “broker institutions” that each group participates in, and which represents him in the larger society, are also ethnically based trade unions, political parties etc. Political affiliation, is thus not based on the party’s position on a variety of issues, but generally on one issue: which groups’ interest does the particular party represent? Party membership is generally inscriptive, where individuals perceive their fate in ethnic, rather than individual or class terms.
For the longest while, the PPP and the PNC have been attempting to be seen as “multi-ethnic/multiracial. However, working against such parties is the existence of “flank” parties or groups. These are found within every ethnic group and take positions which can be considered “extreme” in favour of their given group. The major “multi-ethnic” party are forced to respond to their demands so as not to lose core support. Since the demands of these flank parties are invariably particularistic and in opposition to the “out” group, the major parties move away from the centre as they respond.
In 2015, I thought the PNC made an important concession when they courted the AFC for the latter’s Indian-Guyanese supporters. But rather than moving towards the centre and addressing concerns of “both sides”, the PNC simply shrugged and let that promise fall, while the AFC recoiled from any advocacy for Indian-Guyanese issues. In the meantime, the rump WPA, which had merged with the PNC as “APNU”,  abandoned Rodney’s signal multiracial stance as its remaining members played leading roles in organisations that flanked the PNC from an Afro-centric perspective: Cuffy 250; ACDA; Buxton First of August Movement (BFAM) etc.
I was rather bemused when I read my friend David Hinds asserting on behalf of the WPA, “We would argue that if any group should complain that Government has not put particular attention to them, it is African Guyanese… but it has shown that Government does not have ethnic preference”. What about, for instance, the $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.
Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc
But what took the cake was David claiming the PNC Government “was careful not to throw Indian Guyanese under the bus”. That’s cold. Apart from shuttering sugar, why not an agricultural plan like the above for the fired workers, using some abandoned cane land?
Or at least subsidise their electricity bills?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I was rather bemused when I read my friend David Hinds asserting on behalf of the WPA, “We would argue that if any group should complain that Government has not put particular attention to them, it is African Guyanese… but it has shown that Government does not have ethnic preference”. What about, for instance, the $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?

“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals, install a pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers. Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.


That’s cold. Apart from shuttering sugar, why not an agricultural plan like the above for the fired workers, using some abandoned cane land?


Mr .Ravi Dev the Indo-Centrist should be pointing fingers towards Freedom House, billions of dollars wasted to prop up the dying Sugar Industry, the economics Russian trained wizard should have spent the money, diversifying the industry in Region 6, also could have expanded cash crop farms in the area.There is a US$ 200 Million white elephant in the Region.

That fella have to sing for his supper, his lively hood is dependent on the rag Guyana Times.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

I was rather bemused when I read my friend David Hinds asserting on behalf of the WPA, “We would argue that if any group should complain that Government has not put particular attention to them, it is African Guyanese… but it has shown that Government does not have ethnic preference”. What about, for instance, the $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?

“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals, install a pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers. Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.


That’s cold. Apart from shuttering sugar, why not an agricultural plan like the above for the fired workers, using some abandoned cane land?


Mr .Ravi Dev the Indo-Centrist should be pointing fingers towards Freedom House, billions of dollars wasted to prop up the dying Sugar Industry, the economics Russian trained wizard should have spent the money, diversifying the industry in Region 6, also could have expanded cash crop farms in the area.There is a US$ 200 Million white elephant in the Region.

That fella have to sing for his supper, his lively hood is dependent on the rag Guyana Times.

Doh was den time. Now abie gat to focus pon PNC/WPA time...dem now rewarding dem mattie at de expense of other peopkle...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:

Doh was den time. Now abie gat to focus pon PNC/WPA time...dem now rewarding dem mattie at de expense of other peopkle...hey hey hey.

Bhai is the same used to happen in den time.

We got to focus on even distribution of the impending oil revenue, Guyana need a government for all the people , new page need to be started, the pointing of fingers who getting more have to be abandoned, them folks who preaching division have to be thrown in the Atlantic Ocean.

Django posted:
Labba posted:

Doh was den time. Now abie gat to focus pon PNC/WPA time...dem now rewarding dem mattie at de expense of other peopkle...hey hey hey.

Bhai is the same used to happen in den time.

We got to focus on even distribution of the impending oil revenue, Guyana need a government for all the people , new page need to be started, the pointing of fingers who getting more have to be abandoned, them folks who preaching division have to be thrown in the Atlantic Ocean.

I would agree with you division is not good, but I am yet to see you wanna throw a Afro in the Atlantic Ocean who preaching division.  A spade is a spade rite . 

Django posted:
Labba posted:

Doh was den time. Now abie gat to focus pon PNC/WPA time...dem now rewarding dem mattie at de expense of other peopkle...hey hey hey.

Bhai is the same used to happen in den time.

We got to focus on even distribution of the impending oil revenue, Guyana need a government for all the people , new page need to be started, the pointing of fingers who getting more have to be abandoned, them folks who preaching division have to be thrown in the Atlantic Ocean.


Dem Atlantic peopkle is ole news. Now is we WPA/ACDA/PNC bais dem who scream dat collie discriminate dem and now dem gee dem mattie everything...hey hey hey...

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Labba posted:

Doh was den time. Now abie gat to focus pon PNC/WPA time...dem now rewarding dem mattie at de expense of other peopkle...hey hey hey.

Bhai is the same used to happen in den time.

We got to focus on even distribution of the impending oil revenue, Guyana need a government for all the people , new page need to be started, the pointing of fingers who getting more have to be abandoned, them folks who preaching division have to be thrown in the Atlantic Ocean.

I would agree with you division is not good, but I am yet to see you wanna throw a Afro in the Atlantic Ocean who preaching division.  A spade is a spade rite . 

" Them folks "  mean all , there is no singling out.

Labba posted:
Django posted:
Labba posted:

Doh was den time. Now abie gat to focus pon PNC/WPA time...dem now rewarding dem mattie at de expense of other peopkle...hey hey hey.

Bhai is the same used to happen in den time.

We got to focus on even distribution of the impending oil revenue, Guyana need a government for all the people , new page need to be started, the pointing of fingers who getting more have to be abandoned, them folks who preaching division have to be thrown in the Atlantic Ocean.

Dem Atlantic peopkle is ole news. Now is we WPA/ACDA/PNC bais dem who scream dat collie discriminate dem and now dem gee dem mattie everything...hey hey hey... have to change ..

That have to change, can it be done.. me thinks it can.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Labba posted:

Doh was den time. Now abie gat to focus pon PNC/WPA time...dem now rewarding dem mattie at de expense of other peopkle...hey hey hey.

Bhai is the same used to happen in den time.

We got to focus on even distribution of the impending oil revenue, Guyana need a government for all the people , new page need to be started, the pointing of fingers who getting more have to be abandoned, them folks who preaching division have to be thrown in the Atlantic Ocean.

I would agree with you division is not good, but I am yet to see you wanna throw a Afro in the Atlantic Ocean who preaching division.  A spade is a spade rite . 

" Them folks "  mean all , there is no singling out.

When two of de mastamind who deh in govt now deh doing uprising pon de East coase dem deh single out dem gov official doing de tiefing? No, dem went pon dem village coolies...


The Coalition is very shameful because only 4 short years ago, they promised the people of Guyana that they will put an end to the corruption they were accusing the PPP of. But nothing stopped. The level of excuses being made to shield the Coalition's behavior is quite distasteful.

Dave posted:

I see this  B Negro surface again at press conference recently ... this douche-bag is a very dangerous individual, known to incite racial violence 

Image result for aubrey norton guyana

Aubrey Norton.

Mr Aubrey seh he do what he gat to do to protect de interest of he mattie. Same foh WPA. PPP seh dem is national party and dem doan do nuff tings foh dem Indos...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:
Dave posted:

I see this  B Negro surface again at press conference recently ... this douche-bag is a very dangerous individual, known to incite racial violence 

Image result for aubrey norton guyana

Aubrey Norton.

PPP seh dem is national party and dem doan do nuff tings foh dem Indos...hey hey hey.

PPP help a selected few Indos and the majority of Blacks. Unfortunately, they ignore their supporters when they got into government. 

Labba posted:

WPA as a PNC flank group


As the elections draw closer, as usual, our two major polarised ethnic groups are acting like magnetic poles dragging the society into one or the other camp. In the classic Liberal polity, supposedly rational individuals engage in a variety of roles and belong to a multitude of organisations and groups whose several interests are cross cutting. The individual, in his political role as a voter, therefore, makes a “rational” choice based on the position a given party takes on the issues before the electorate. Even if all voters do not conform to this ideal, there are enough who do, to constitute a pool of “swing” votes in the middle for which all parties compete. This situation creates a centripetal moderating effect and the parties line up on a continuum on the issues. We have the politics of “in and out”.
The party system in a divided society like ours operates on totally different basis. Here, the individual is a member of groups, which instead of diffusing the cleavages, act to reinforce them. They will generally attend different places of worship, occupy different occupational niches, and have different modes of recreation. The “broker institutions” that each group participates in, and which represents him in the larger society, are also ethnically based trade unions, political parties etc. Political affiliation, is thus not based on the party’s position on a variety of issues, but generally on one issue: which groups’ interest does the particular party represent? Party membership is generally inscriptive, where individuals perceive their fate in ethnic, rather than individual or class terms.
For the longest while, the PPP and the PNC have been attempting to be seen as “multi-ethnic/multiracial. However, working against such parties is the existence of “flank” parties or groups. These are found within every ethnic group and take positions which can be considered “extreme” in favour of their given group. The major “multi-ethnic” party are forced to respond to their demands so as not to lose core support. Since the demands of these flank parties are invariably particularistic and in opposition to the “out” group, the major parties move away from the centre as they respond.
In 2015, I thought the PNC made an important concession when they courted the AFC for the latter’s Indian-Guyanese supporters. But rather than moving towards the centre and addressing concerns of “both sides”, the PNC simply shrugged and let that promise fall, while the AFC recoiled from any advocacy for Indian-Guyanese issues. In the meantime, the rump WPA, which had merged with the PNC as “APNU”,  abandoned Rodney’s signal multiracial stance as its remaining members played leading roles in organisations that flanked the PNC from an Afro-centric perspective: Cuffy 250; ACDA; Buxton First of August Movement (BFAM) etc.
I was rather bemused when I read my friend David Hinds asserting on behalf of the WPA, “We would argue that if any group should complain that Government has not put particular attention to them, it is African Guyanese… but it has shown that Government does not have ethnic preference”. What about, for instance, the $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.
Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc
But what took the cake was David claiming the PNC Government “was careful not to throw Indian Guyanese under the bus”. That’s cold. Apart from shuttering sugar, why not an agricultural plan like the above for the fired workers, using some abandoned cane land?
Or at least subsidise their electricity bills?

since the author/source has been DELIBERATELY erased, i am going to have to assume that you/TK wrote this sorry piece of contemptuous, anti-Black race baiting

or perhaps the "labba" handle being rented out to "KP"


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

WPA as a PNC flank group


As the elections draw closer, as usual, our two major polarised ethnic groups are acting like magnetic poles dragging the society into one or the other camp. In the classic Liberal polity, supposedly rational individuals engage in a variety of roles and belong to a multitude of organisations and groups whose several interests are cross cutting. The individual, in his political role as a voter, therefore, makes a “rational” choice based on the position a given party takes on the issues before the electorate. Even if all voters do not conform to this ideal, there are enough who do, to constitute a pool of “swing” votes in the middle for which all parties compete. This situation creates a centripetal moderating effect and the parties line up on a continuum on the issues. We have the politics of “in and out”.
The party system in a divided society like ours operates on totally different basis. Here, the individual is a member of groups, which instead of diffusing the cleavages, act to reinforce them. They will generally attend different places of worship, occupy different occupational niches, and have different modes of recreation. The “broker institutions” that each group participates in, and which represents him in the larger society, are also ethnically based trade unions, political parties etc. Political affiliation, is thus not based on the party’s position on a variety of issues, but generally on one issue: which groups’ interest does the particular party represent? Party membership is generally inscriptive, where individuals perceive their fate in ethnic, rather than individual or class terms.
For the longest while, the PPP and the PNC have been attempting to be seen as “multi-ethnic/multiracial. However, working against such parties is the existence of “flank” parties or groups. These are found within every ethnic group and take positions which can be considered “extreme” in favour of their given group. The major “multi-ethnic” party are forced to respond to their demands so as not to lose core support. Since the demands of these flank parties are invariably particularistic and in opposition to the “out” group, the major parties move away from the centre as they respond.
In 2015, I thought the PNC made an important concession when they courted the AFC for the latter’s Indian-Guyanese supporters. But rather than moving towards the centre and addressing concerns of “both sides”, the PNC simply shrugged and let that promise fall, while the AFC recoiled from any advocacy for Indian-Guyanese issues. In the meantime, the rump WPA, which had merged with the PNC as “APNU”,  abandoned Rodney’s signal multiracial stance as its remaining members played leading roles in organisations that flanked the PNC from an Afro-centric perspective: Cuffy 250; ACDA; Buxton First of August Movement (BFAM) etc.
I was rather bemused when I read my friend David Hinds asserting on behalf of the WPA, “We would argue that if any group should complain that Government has not put particular attention to them, it is African Guyanese… but it has shown that Government does not have ethnic preference”. What about, for instance, the $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.
Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc
But what took the cake was David claiming the PNC Government “was careful not to throw Indian Guyanese under the bus”. That’s cold. Apart from shuttering sugar, why not an agricultural plan like the above for the fired workers, using some abandoned cane land?
Or at least subsidise their electricity bills?

since the author/source has been DELIBERATELY erased, i am going to have to assume that you/TK wrote this sorry piece of contemptuous, anti-Black race baiting

or perhaps the "labba" handle being rented out to "KP"


All the high Iq smarts, calling all poster stupid, the labba stump you with a simple post. Your top IQ you proclaim to posses could not help you figure out the author - google 2 paragraph and voila

Last edited by sachin_05
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

WPA as a PNC flank group


As the elections draw closer, as usual, our two major polarised ethnic groups are acting like magnetic poles dragging the society into one or the other camp. In the classic Liberal polity, supposedly rational individuals engage in a variety of roles and belong to a multitude of organisations and groups whose several interests are cross cutting. The individual, in his political role as a voter, therefore, makes a “rational” choice based on the position a given party takes on the issues before the electorate. Even if all voters do not conform to this ideal, there are enough who do, to constitute a pool of “swing” votes in the middle for which all parties compete. This situation creates a centripetal moderating effect and the parties line up on a continuum on the issues. We have the politics of “in and out”.
The party system in a divided society like ours operates on totally different basis. Here, the individual is a member of groups, which instead of diffusing the cleavages, act to reinforce them. They will generally attend different places of worship, occupy different occupational niches, and have different modes of recreation. The “broker institutions” that each group participates in, and which represents him in the larger society, are also ethnically based trade unions, political parties etc. Political affiliation, is thus not based on the party’s position on a variety of issues, but generally on one issue: which groups’ interest does the particular party represent? Party membership is generally inscriptive, where individuals perceive their fate in ethnic, rather than individual or class terms.
For the longest while, the PPP and the PNC have been attempting to be seen as “multi-ethnic/multiracial. However, working against such parties is the existence of “flank” parties or groups. These are found within every ethnic group and take positions which can be considered “extreme” in favour of their given group. The major “multi-ethnic” party are forced to respond to their demands so as not to lose core support. Since the demands of these flank parties are invariably particularistic and in opposition to the “out” group, the major parties move away from the centre as they respond.
In 2015, I thought the PNC made an important concession when they courted the AFC for the latter’s Indian-Guyanese supporters. But rather than moving towards the centre and addressing concerns of “both sides”, the PNC simply shrugged and let that promise fall, while the AFC recoiled from any advocacy for Indian-Guyanese issues. In the meantime, the rump WPA, which had merged with the PNC as “APNU”,  abandoned Rodney’s signal multiracial stance as its remaining members played leading roles in organisations that flanked the PNC from an Afro-centric perspective: Cuffy 250; ACDA; Buxton First of August Movement (BFAM) etc.
I was rather bemused when I read my friend David Hinds asserting on behalf of the WPA, “We would argue that if any group should complain that Government has not put particular attention to them, it is African Guyanese… but it has shown that Government does not have ethnic preference”. What about, for instance, the $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.
Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc
But what took the cake was David claiming the PNC Government “was careful not to throw Indian Guyanese under the bus”. That’s cold. Apart from shuttering sugar, why not an agricultural plan like the above for the fired workers, using some abandoned cane land?
Or at least subsidise their electricity bills?

since the author/source has been DELIBERATELY erased, i am going to have to assume that you/TK wrote this sorry piece of contemptuous, anti-Black race baiting

or perhaps the "labba" handle being rented out to "KP"


All the high Iq smarts, calling all poster stupid, the labba stump you with a simple post. Your top IQ you proclaim to posses could not help you figure out the author - google 2 paragraph and voila


ksazma posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

WPA as a PNC flank group


As the elections draw closer, as usual, our two major polarised ethnic groups are acting like magnetic poles dragging the society into one or the other camp. In the classic Liberal polity, supposedly rational ..abandoned cane land?
Or at least subsidise their electricity bills?

since the author/source has been DELIBERATELY erased, i am going to have to assume that you/TK wrote this sorry piece of contemptuous, anti-Black race baiting

or perhaps the "labba" handle being rented out to "KP"


All the high Iq smarts, calling all poster stupid, the labba stump you with a simple post. Your top IQ you proclaim to posses could not help you figure out the author - google 2 paragraph and voila


That Watax gi Ronan a baad.....

Image result for head spinning!!!


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sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

WPA as a PNC flank group


As the elections draw closer, as usual, our two . . .

since the author/source has been DELIBERATELY erased, i am going to have to assume that you/TK wrote this sorry piece of contemptuous, anti-Black race baiting

or perhaps the "labba" handle being rented out to "KP"


All the high Iq smarts, calling all poster stupid, the labba stump you with a simple post. Your top IQ you proclaim to posses could not help you figure out the author - google 2 paragraph and voila

you and the excited "WATAX" imbecile charmingly fail to understand that 'disclosure' is the issue, not a problem of "figure out" which is, of course, easy to do

and thanks, Captain Obvious, for providing the link to the Afro-loathing racist Ravi Dev [ID'ed by Django in the 2nd post of the thread] that Labba properly felt would undermine his own race-baiting, 'splash' header featuring "Ronan" who seems to be occupying prime space lately in his rodent's brain

i forgive you both for missing my sarcasm . . . consequences of the poor quality of y'all education

is arite

Labba posted: man ignoring Mr Ravi Dave facts and numba...hey hey hey. 

ahmmm . . . the question you anti-African race-baiting FRAUD is why, when you start the thread, you made a DELIBERATE decision to hide the authorship of Ravi Dev

that's all

Last edited by Former Member
Labba posted:

We bai Ronan getting lil acid man ignoring Mr Ravi Dave facts and numba...hey hey hey.

The Next War

By Ravi Dev

Reflecting on the sudden agreement on the next GECOM Chair reached by Caretaker President David Granger and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, after the long war of attrition waged by the PNC leader, I was reminded of the salutary advice of George Orwell: “…the object of waging a war is always to be in a better position in which to wage another war.” Orwell made the observation in his classic dystopia novel “1984”, which has since been proven to be quite prophetic about the actions and motives of despots who are driven towards totalitarian “solutions” to societal challenges.
Granger, of course, has famously confessed that he is driven to fulfill the “legacy” of his mentor and founder of the PNC, Forbes Burnham. Nothing he has done since 2015 has disabused us about his seriousness of purpose towards that end. We must remember he was in charge of inculcating Burnham’s “revolutionary” ideology in the Disciplined Forces, and as such was totally transformed by it.
He is a “true believer”. It was for this reason when Hoyte cleansed the PNC of its Burnhamite wing, Granger was passed over as head of the Army for an innocuous advisory post. So in seeking an answer to Orwell’s prediction of Granger positioning his party for waging “another war” after the GECOM Chair skirmish, one has to look at Burnham’s articulation of the PNC’s end game to predict what lies ahead.
This was announced quite pithily in the 1974 “Declaration of Sophia”: to have his PNC must be the “paramount” party not only in the political hustings of electoral politics, but also over the state itself.
As such it should be quite clear that while the next skirmish will be over the date of the next elections, the attenuation of this latter process against all logic since the NCM was successfully passed last Dec 2018 should also alert us to the fact that there has to be more at stake than just not giving the PPP the satisfaction of truncating their term of office, much as they had done to the latter in 1997. The PNC have something up their sleeves to remain in office beyond 2020, for which they need the time to put the pieces together. And it has to be rigging the next elections as the prelude to their creation of Burnham’s utopia.
When it comes to rigging elections, the PNC takes second place to none. But as to how exactly they will achieve this, one thing we can be sure about: it will be different from what they did in 1968, 1973, 1978 (referendum), 1980 and 1985. After all, in each of those elections, they rigged by a different method: give the PNC “A” for creativity when it comes to maintaining the fig leaf of plausible “democratic” elections but gaming the system to ensure their hold on power.
Their fig leaf was signaled by PNC Executive George Norton when he recently “assured” the nation that the PNC does not want to govern alone – but will do so in tandem with the coalition they forged in 2015. But what exactly is the status of that coalition as far a broadening the electoral base of the PNC? Among the micro parties it coalesced with to form APNU, only the WPA had credibility – not in securing votes but in blunting concerns among those in its constituency that had to hold their noses to vote for the Palm Tree. The AFC did bring over a key chunk of votes from the PPP’s traditional Indian constituency in 2015 but since then, more by the actions of the PNC than anything else, those votes have returned home.
Since the fig leaf has become quite threadbare, unless Granger is prepared to use the army to do a repeat of 1973 and seize ballot boxes – which he described as a praise worthy operation – the mechanism for the upcoming rigging has to lie in the apparatus established by Winston Felix in his “Ministry of Citizenship” which was hived off Ramjattan’s Public Security Ministry immediately following the 2015 elections.
Granger’s insistence on H2H registration has less to do with removing dead bodies and emigrant Guyanese and all to do with inserting names that will end up alongside the Palm Tree (or its substitute) in the next elections.
Forewarned is forearmed?


Suh Labba what you think of the Indo-Centrist singing for his supper, quoting Orwell ?

Last edited by Django
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

Last edited by Former Member

Because of their race and religions, Indians couldn't get civil service wuk in colonial times. Then Burnham nationalized almost every large business and Indians couldn't get hired because of their race. The PPP took over in 1992 and there was major workplace rebalancing of during their 23 years governance. Then the largely PNC Coalition took over in 2015 and suddenly looking at the major players one would find it difficult to think that Guyana has other races other than blacks. Blacks didn't gravitate to civil service. Civil service was bestowed on them. If Indians didn't care for civil service, how come they had no trouble doing it for nearly half of the time that Guyana has had independence. No amount of twisting or turning the facts or sugarcoating can hade the level of racism perpetuated by blacks in Guyana towards Indians. We seeing it again and the mostly PNC Coalition lasted less than 4 years.

ronan posted:
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

Hey hey hey...yea...juss like how dem ole army PNC man dem who tekkin de prime land...and de one who wukkin in Granger office...hey hey hey. 

ronan posted:
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

PNC/grainger provide fuh dem civil service, police and soldier wuk because Blackman gravitated dat kind a wuk while coolie man prefer farming rice, cows yet PNC provide  lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.    Lets see your best shot here examine your' peeling skills'
peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the "PNC" plantation to rationalize Grainger motives as to why coolies not included...



Last edited by sachin_05
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

PNC/grainger provide fuh dem civil service, police and soldier wuk because Blackman gravitated dat kind a wuk while coolie man prefer farming rice, cows yet PNC provide  lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.    Lets see your best shot here examine your' peeling skills'
peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the "PNC" plantation to rationalize Grainger motives as to why coolies not included.. 


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

PNC/grainger provide fuh dem civil service, police and soldier wuk because Blackman gravitated dat kind a wuk while coolie man prefer farming rice, cows yet PNC provide  lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.    Lets see your best shot here examine your' peeling skills'
peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the "PNC" plantation to rationalize Grainger motives as to why coolies not included.. 


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

PNC/grainger provide fuh dem civil service, police and soldier wuk because Blackman gravitated dat kind a wuk while coolie man prefer farming rice, cows yet PNC provide  lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.    Lets see your best shot here examine your' peeling skills'
peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the "PNC" plantation to rationalize Grainger motives as to why coolies not included.. 


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

PNC/grainger provide fuh dem civil service, police and soldier wuk because Blackman gravitated dat kind a wuk while coolie man prefer farming rice, cows yet PNC provide  lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.    Lets see your best shot here examine your' peeling skills'
peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the "PNC" plantation to rationalize Grainger motives as to why coolies not included.. 


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

Last edited by sachin_05
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

PNC/grainger provide fuh dem civil service, police and soldier wuk because Blackman gravitated dat kind a wuk while coolie man prefer farming rice, cows yet PNC provide  lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.    Lets see your best shot here examine your' peeling skills'
peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the "PNC" plantation to rationalize Grainger motives as to why coolies not included.. 


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

now, THAT’S a better look for your IQ cohort

stay in your comfort zone . . . don’t reach for too much


sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

Things getting lil ruff in PNC-ville!!  Lot's of infighting coming with the PNC.  The Pan-Afroist want to re-establish Burnhamistan but dem coolies nowadays ain't Jagan cane cutters!!

Jagdeo got options...let them stew!

The outer-rings of the shit swirl hitting the fan piece by piece!

Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

Things getting lil ruff in PNC-ville!!  Lot's of infighting coming with the PNC.  The Pan-Afroist want to re-establish Burnhamistan but dem coolies nowadays ain't Jagan cane cutters!!

Jagdeo got options...let them stew!

The outer-rings of the shit swirl hitting the fan piece by piece!

the baseman fantasy revue taking center stage in the PPP idlesphere

bald LIES alone not delivering as much punch nowadays . . . remember those “Haitians”?

uh huh

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

Things getting lil ruff in PNC-ville!!  Lot's of infighting coming with the PNC.  The Pan-Afroist want to re-establish Burnhamistan but dem coolies nowadays ain't Jagan cane cutters!!

Jagdeo got options...let them stew!

The outer-rings of the shit swirl hitting the fan piece by piece!

the baseman fantasy revue taking center stage in the PPP idlesphere

bald LIES alone not delivering as much punch nowadays . . . remember those “Haitians”?

uh huh

What about those Haitians? You and the PNC lot insisting they are missing but we are not to worry because they are already gone gone is not assuring. You have no other damn explanation except the faith they hustled out via some back track route. 

Anyways, how about Ceres and Bishop getting hundreds of acres between Borlum and Seawell when that public reserve has always been to domain of local fishermen who rely on it to make a living especially now since the PNC let sugar die with no attempt to rescue it. 

Those two carpetbaggers never even been to the location and do not live within the region yet they get to squat on land for a potential easy flip sometime soon. Granger and his crew are as crooked as the PPP only they seem to be on steroids. 

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

Things getting lil ruff in PNC-ville!!  Lot's of infighting coming with the PNC.  The Pan-Afroist want to re-establish Burnhamistan but dem coolies nowadays ain't Jagan cane cutters!!

Jagdeo got options...let them stew!

The outer-rings of the shit swirl hitting the fan piece by piece!

the baseman fantasy revue taking center stage in the PPP idlesphere

bald LIES alone not delivering as much punch nowadays . . . remember those “Haitians”?

uh huh

What about those Haitians? You and the PNC lot insisting they are missing but we are not to worry because they are already gone gone is not assuring. You have no other damn explanation except the faith they hustled out via some back track route. 


dat dere from you is lil incoherent . . . but nah tek worries, from lang experience, i sense what you are so lamely reaching for

so, now let’s get current . . . i think Felix seh UNCONTRADICTED that dem register with the Policia Federal at the border and gane Brazil

heh heh

try to keep up, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
uh huh

What about those Haitians? You and the PNC lot insisting they are missing but we are not to worry because they are already gone gone is not assuring. You have no other damn explanation except the faith they hustled out via some back track route. 


dat dere from you is lil incoherent . . . but nah tek worries, from lang experience, i sense what you are so lamely reaching for

so, now let’s get current . . . i think Felix seh UNCONTRADICTED that dem register with the Policia Federal at the border and gane Brazil

heh heh

try to keep up, arite?

There is nothing incoherent about it. It is a simple interrogative for rhetorical effect. What Felix stated is exactly what is repeated....he does not know.

Yesterday Kit had a letter in SN questioning the veracity of his statement and Rohee has another one one today on the same theme. You can excuse them as political meme masseurs but the dubiousness of the official explanations given to date breathes credibility to the idea that many still remain. 

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
uh huh

What about those Haitians? You and the PNC lot insisting they are missing but we are not to worry because they are already gone gone is not assuring.

dat dere from you is lil incoherent . . . but nah tek worries, from lang experience, i sense what you are so lamely reaching for

so, now let’s get current . . . i think Felix seh UNCONTRADICTED that dem register with the Policia Federal at the border and gane Brazil

heh heh

try to keep up, arite?

There is nothing incoherent about it. It is a simple interrogative for rhetorical effect. What Felix stated is exactly what is repeated....he does not know.

Yesterday Kit had a letter in SN questioning the veracity of his statement and Rohee has another one one today on the same theme. You can excuse them as political meme masseurs but the dubiousness of the official explanations given to date breathes credibility to the idea that many still remain. 

for the record, your 2nd paragraph is “incoherent” . . . not your first sentence

and, not sure why the inane bleatings of Kit Nascimento and Clement Rohee are relevant to this conversation . . . the word “Brazil” is conspicuously absent from their ritual ethnic sore scrapings collected under ‘Letters’ in Stabroek News

and, actually, Felix’s 6925 presenting at the Brazil border remains UNCONTRADICTED!!

further, that something is “possible” does not make it a fact or even probable, banna

in some precincts this is called an appeal from ignorance

that’s a prominent ‘performer’ in a particular family of logical fallacies beloved by the DUNCE posting here

look it up

ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

 Or what about the 90% Afro-recruits to the Public Service College; thousands trained for jobs; given scholarships; facilitated in business; 16 out of 17 Permanent Secretaries; Ministers, Heads of Dept; Boards membership;  IDPAD initiative; housing schemes;  augmented Disciplined Forces? etc

this is weak even when you peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the PPP plantation

Jagdeo handing consequential somethings like the non-renewable broadcast spectrum and vast oil field acreages to his INDIAN friends and family but Ravi Dev/Labba want us to avert eyes and concentrate on stuff like Granger opening a Public Service College that will train organically plenty Black aspirants because Black Guyanese have always gravitated towards civil service, police and soldier wuk

crocodile meets and marries contempt

PNC/grainger provide fuh dem civil service, police and soldier wuk because Blackman gravitated dat kind a wuk while coolie man prefer farming rice, cows yet PNC provide  lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?
“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.    Lets see your best shot here examine your' peeling skills'
peel off just the very first layer . . . but effective when sold to the low-information captives on the "PNC" plantation to rationalize Grainger motives as to why coolies not included.. 


when you figure how to make a post that is passably coherent, let me know


Wha Happen to yuh peeling skills .. gone in yuh kakahole?

Use yuh superior Congress place trained IQ nuh? try to figure  why is not racest for Graniger doleing out  civil service, soldier  and police wuk to the black man because the black man gravitate to those wuk. While the coolie man who gravitate towards farming gets nothing but the black man again gets $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the Africian dominate villages - Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha.... 

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

now, THAT’S a better look for your IQ cohort

stay in your comfort zone . . . don’t reach for too much


Unlike you I am not here to showcase/measure  IQ but to make sure PNC trash like you end up  where you the trash can..


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