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sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

now, THAT’S a better look for your IQ cohort

stay in your comfort zone . . . don’t reach for too much


Unlike you I am not here to showcase/measure  IQ but to make sure PNC trash like you end up  where you the trash can..

booddooups .. bang ... in he goes

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

now, THAT’S a better look for your IQ cohort

stay in your comfort zone . . . don’t reach for too much


Unlike you I am not here to showcase/measure  IQ but to make sure PNC trash like you end up  where you the trash can..

noble task

but how exactly does a feeble mind accomplish this?

and please don't tell me that you plan on a campaign of children's cartoons like diaper_man

that would be truly sad and an embarrassment to the PPP, no?

ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

now, THAT’S a better look for your IQ cohort

stay in your comfort zone . . . don’t reach for too much


Unlike you I am not here to showcase/measure  IQ but to make sure PNC trash like you end up  where you the trash can..

noble task

but how exactly does a feeble mind accomplish this?

and please don't tell me that you plan on a campaign of children's cartoons like diaper_man

that would be truly sad and an embarrassment to the PPP, no?

Diaper boy just use the opportunity to off load his use diapers on yuh head while you in the can...I didn't think you would savor the experience so much...maybe you should stick around him for seconds...

sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

you are a grazing donkey who cannot perform the simplest of formatting tasks on this board . . . much less organize your feeble thoughts to properly ask me a question

now g’wan suh and rent a few IQ points so you can stop wasting everybady’s time

Hall yuh rass to congress place...Granger goh reward  some free dry coconut fuh yuh white mouth....

now, THAT’S a better look for your IQ cohort

stay in your comfort zone . . . don’t reach for too much


Unlike you I am not here to showcase/measure  IQ but to make sure PNC trash like you end up  where you the trash can..

noble task

but how exactly does a feeble mind accomplish this?

and please don't tell me that you plan on a campaign of children's cartoons like diaper_man

that would be truly sad and an embarrassment to the PPP, no?

Diaper boy just use the opportunity to off load his use diapers on yuh head while you in the can...

is that how you addressing the old man now . . . hmmm?

Django posted:

I was rather bemused when I read my friend David Hinds asserting on behalf of the WPA, “We would argue that if any group should complain that Government has not put particular attention to them, it is African Guyanese… but it has shown that Government does not have ethnic preference”. What about, for instance, the $2.8B programme to develop the farming lands behind the African-dominated villages of Buxton, BV, Ithaca and Mocha?

“The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals, install a pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers. Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land. There would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products”.


That’s cold. Apart from shuttering sugar, why not an agricultural plan like the above for the fired workers, using some abandoned cane land?


Mr .Ravi Dev the Indo-Centrist should be pointing fingers towards Freedom House, billions of dollars wasted to prop up the dying Sugar Industry, the economics Russian trained wizard should have spent the money, diversifying the industry in Region 6, also could have expanded cash crop farms in the area.There is a US$ 200 Million white elephant in the Region.

That fella have to sing for his supper, his lively hood is dependent on the rag Guyana Times.

Ravi dev and Jagdeo, like their disciples in the Indo KKK think that only Indians matter.  Look at how Indians have interests to represent but yet should anyone attempt to represent Africans they are to be condemned.  the issue is that these clowns are huge black hating racists, but aren't even aware of this. They really do think that blacks are an inferior species who must accept whatever is handed to them, Indian interests accorded priority.

This is the modern day BGEIA because neither Dev or Jagdeo care one iota for the poor Indian.  This given the mess that they left Guysuco in.  Helplessly indebted and with worthless assets that no private investor will want to acquire, except for lands to build gated communities for the rich.  The PPP knows full well that they planned to shut down sugar in Demerara, concentrating in Berbice, hence the pitiful state of the Demerara estates.

ronan posted:

since the author/source has been DELIBERATELY erased, i am going to have to assume that you/TK wrote this sorry piece of contemptuous, anti-Black race baiting

or perhaps the "labba" handle being rented out to "KP"


No this wouldn't be TK.  He usually attempts to maintain professionalism and minimizes any anti black bias.  Unlike the cretins who populate the Florida swamps and the others who wish Guyana to be converted into New India, he fully well knows that, tenured or not, he will fast lose his living if he is connected to any hate speech directed to blacks.

Labba posted:

We bai Ronan getting lil acid man ignoring Mr Ravi Dave facts and numba...hey hey hey. 

Yes its a FACT that Ravi Dave is a known bigot who pours hate speech on Afro Guyanese.  Calling us useless criminals and laughing at any notion that we have made a positive contribution towards Guyana.

caribny posted:
ronan posted:

since the author/source has been DELIBERATELY erased, i am going to have to assume that you/TK wrote this sorry piece of contemptuous, anti-Black race baiting

or perhaps the "labba" handle being rented out to "KP"


No this wouldn't be TK.  He usually attempts to maintain professionalism and minimizes any anti black bias.  Unlike the cretins who populate the Florida swamps and the others who wish Guyana to be converted into New India, he fully well knows that, tenured or not, he will fast lose his living if he is connected to any hate speech directed to blacks.

Hey hey hey...meh see dem PNC peopkle seh pon FB dem want see Mr TK get fyah. Dem seh dem callin he wuk place...hey hey hey. Dem PPP peopkle deh do de same ting...hey hey hey. 

caribny posted:
ronan posted:

since the author/source has been DELIBERATELY erased, i am going to have to assume that you/TK wrote this sorry piece of contemptuous, anti-Black race baiting

or perhaps the "labba" handle being rented out to "KP"


No this wouldn't be TK.  He usually attempts to maintain professionalism and minimizes any anti black bias.  Unlike the cretins who populate the Florida swamps and the others who wish Guyana to be converted into New India, he fully well knows that, tenured or not, he will fast lose his living if he is connected to any hate speech directed to blacks.

of course i knew that Ravi Dev wrote the article

my sarcasm was intended to highlight the logical consequences of too-clever posters concealing the dutty provenance of speech they endorse and promote for polemic effect while maintaining important separation for deniability

that DOES NOT make labba or his polite society alter ego any better than the egregious toupee-man advising Jagdeo

Last edited by Former Member
Labba posted:
Hey hey hey...meh see dem PNC peopkle seh pon FB dem want see Mr TK get fyah. Dem seh dem callin he wuk place...hey hey hey. Dem PPP peopkle deh do de same ting...hey hey hey. 

i am unimpressed

plenty weakass ‘intellects’ like to promote themselves as martyrs

who the hell cares about “TK” and his teaching job

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
Hey hey hey...meh see dem PNC peopkle seh pon FB dem want see Mr TK get fyah. Dem seh dem callin he wuk place...hey hey hey. Dem PPP peopkle deh do de same ting...hey hey hey. 

i am unimpressed

plenty weakass ‘intellects’ like to promote themselves as martyrs

who the hell cares about “TK” and his teaching job

Hey hey hey hey...Reflux yuh na jine yuh PNC buddy dem foh get de man fyah? Hey hey hey...

caribny posted:
Labba posted:

We bai Ronan getting lil acid man ignoring Mr Ravi Dave facts and numba...hey hey hey. 

Yes its a FACT that Ravi Dave is a known bigot who pours hate speech on Afro Guyanese.  Calling us useless criminals and laughing at any notion that we have made a positive contribution towards Guyana.

Hey hey hey...How Granja loooooooooooooove dem Indos...he only doan employ dem foh be pon board, permant secratary and suh...hey hey hey. 

Labba posted:
caribny posted:
Labba posted:

We bai Ronan getting lil acid man ignoring Mr Ravi Dave facts and numba...hey hey hey. 

Yes its a FACT that Ravi Dave is a known bigot who pours hate speech on Afro Guyanese.  Calling us useless criminals and laughing at any notion that we have made a positive contribution towards Guyana.

Hey hey hey...How Granja loooooooooooooove dem Indos...he only doan employ dem foh be pon board, permant secratary and suh...hey hey hey. 

i ask you a while back to name the INDIAN “permant secratary” dem Granger fire from de wuk when Coalition come to powah in 2015 and you ran away . . . i asking again

remember, Colin Croal doan count

ronan posted:
Labba posted:
caribny posted:
Labba posted:

We bai Ronan getting lil acid man ignoring Mr Ravi Dave facts and numba...hey hey hey. 

Yes its a FACT that Ravi Dave is a known bigot who pours hate speech on Afro Guyanese.  Calling us useless criminals and laughing at any notion that we have made a positive contribution towards Guyana.

Hey hey hey...How Granja loooooooooooooove dem Indos...he only doan employ dem foh be pon board, permant secratary and suh...hey hey hey. 

i ask you a while back to name the INDIAN “permant secratary” dem Granger fire from de wuk when Coalition come to powah in 2015 and you ran away . . . i asking again

remember, Colin Croal doan count

Hey hey hey...doh is wan classic wan bai. Yuh soundin like yuh WPA bai Dr David Hinds...yea...keep de one coolie from PPP and mek sure all a dem is not Indo...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
caribny posted:
Labba posted:

We bai Ronan getting lil acid man ignoring Mr Ravi Dave facts and numba...hey hey hey. 

Yes its a FACT that Ravi Dave is a known bigot who pours hate speech on Afro Guyanese.  Calling us useless criminals and laughing at any notion that we have made a positive contribution towards Guyana.

Hey hey hey...How Granja loooooooooooooove dem Indos...he only doan employ dem foh be pon board, permant secratary and suh...hey hey hey. 

i ask you a while back to name the INDIAN “permant secratary” dem Granger fire from de wuk when Coalition come to powah in 2015 and you ran away . . . i asking again

remember, Colin Croal doan count

Hey hey hey...doh is wan classic wan bai. Yuh soundin like yuh WPA bai Dr David Hinds...yea...keep de one coolie from PPP and mek sure all a dem is not Indo...hey hey hey.

you runnin away again banna

not a good look for a public somebody with intellectual pretensions . . . not a good look at all

ronan posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
caribny posted:
Labba posted:

We bai Ronan getting lil acid man ignoring Mr Ravi Dave facts and numba...hey hey hey. 

Yes its a FACT that Ravi Dave is a known bigot who pours hate speech on Afro Guyanese.  Calling us useless criminals and laughing at any notion that we have made a positive contribution towards Guyana.

Hey hey hey...How Granja loooooooooooooove dem Indos...he only doan employ dem foh be pon board, permant secratary and suh...hey hey hey. 

i ask you a while back to name the INDIAN “permant secratary” dem Granger fire from de wuk when Coalition come to powah in 2015 and you ran away . . . i asking again

remember, Colin Croal doan count

Hey hey hey...doh is wan classic wan bai. Yuh soundin like yuh WPA bai Dr David Hinds...yea...keep de one coolie from PPP and mek sure all a dem is not Indo...hey hey hey.

you runnin away again banna

not a good look for a public somebody with intellectual pretensions . . . not a good look at all

Hey hey hey...

caribny posted:

They really do think that blacks are an inferior species who must accept whatever is handed to them


Wait, in this day and age people still looking for things to be handed to them? What happened to getting up and working for what you want?


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