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Former Member

ayoo hear how he suckin up to Dr Bynoe. He suck Mr Granja balls and Mr Bynoe...Hey hey hey. He want Minista wuk and Mr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Jagdoe kick he and Mr Granger kick he. Hey hey hey...

My thoughts on Dr Mark Bynoe’s appointment at DoE

By Tarron Khemraj On August 5, 2018 @ 2:08 am In Business Page |

I was planning to write this week about the recent parliamentary debates over the role of the Bank of Guyana in the financial system and foreign exchange market. However, I will discuss the more recent appointment by President David Granger of the new head of the fledgling agency, the Department of Energy (DoE). There is heightened interest in the DoE, given the massive crude oil discoveries in Guyana’s Atlantic waters. President Granger selected Dr Mark Bynoe to head the DoE. There have been mixed reviews of the appointment. However, I feel there is much merit in the appointment, but also a few caveats.

I would like to make it clear I have never met Dr Bynoe, but I have heard of him and came across a few of his academic papers over the years while doing my own research. We exchanged a few emails several years ago. I am sympathetic towards his appointment, not because he is an economist, but mainly because of his broad training. In previous writings, I mentioned the need for leaders to have a broad training and perspective because proper decision making requires synthesizing a wide amount of information and data, both qualitative and quantitative.

I also like the idea that his bachelor’s degree from the University of Guyana, awarded in 1991, is a double major in economics and geography. Interestingly, the 1991 graduation implies he is around 50 years old, thus presenting an interesting break from the age trend of Granger’s previous employment choices. However, Dr Bynoe appears to have a long-running relationship with the president, given his numerous publications on several important topics relating to geography, in the Guyana Review going back to 1996. The Guyana Review was managed for many years by Mr Granger before he was President. Dr Bynoe is well-published, however, in regional and international journals.

I am not so sure how environmental economists are trained in British universities, but in the United States anyone reading for a PhD in environmental economics would have taken a broad set of courses in natural resource economics and most likely energy economics as well. Those doing an American PhD in agricultural economics would also take a heavy dose of environmental economics classes. I am well aware of this because I chaired a search committee last year to hire an environmental economist for my work place. Nevertheless, Dr Bynoe has a master’s degree in Resource Management, which I presume would have a heavy amount of natural resource economics.

All the programmes mentioned above would require strong training in applied mathematical modeling and statistical analyses. Rigorous data analyses are a core part of the training in environmental economics, which should not be confused with environmental studies (there is a big difference!). This would be an extremely important quality if the DoE is to have a serious team performing a wide range of analyses for the government and people of Guyana. Dr Bynoe does not have to do the analyses himself; however, he needs to be able to propose the right questions, read the results of his team, work with the political class, and anticipate the oil companies.

Speaking about a team, the DoE would need different teams focusing on various sources of energy, oil and gas and hopefully renewables. I know the vision of many is for the DoE to have a singular focus on oil and gas. I think that’s a mistake. Dr Bynoe’s background is suitable for coordinating teams focusing on these various sources of energy. Who knows, renewable energy might once again get some legs in Guyana. Perhaps this is one of the things at the back of President Granger’s mind when he made this appointment?

Once the new head acknowledges he does not know everything, then the agency can be housed with very well-paid engineers, geophysicists, statisticians, energy economic modelers, experts skilled in GIS and similar tools, and specialists in different forms of renewable energy. These positions will require searching for skills inside and outside Guyana. The most important feature is these people must be mathematically agile and possess excellent computational mathematical skills. Otherwise, forget it, the agency will fail! It will become just another patronage ground for political party hacks. I am confident these ‘mathy’ people will have the capacity to deal with the oil companies, as well as provide the highest degree of service for the country.

It must be made clear that these sub-divisions cannot be outsourced to consultants and consulting companies. There is now a culture of consultancy outsourcing in Guyana. It prevents the University of Guyana from doing original research and it likely incentivized the closure and destruction of the Institute of Development Studies. In the case of economic research, which I know very well, the multinational organizations and a few of the aid agencies have financed only tunnel-vision economic research, which focuses on a very circumscribed set of perspectives because of ideology. These organizations often define the research questions and the broad parameters of the studies. Political correctness is also a major feature of the economic research coming out from the IDB, World Bank and IMF. For example, they never acknowledge that the two main political parties are ethnic parties.

Therefore, if the DoE decides to outsource its core responsibilities to private consultants, the department is sure to fail. Of course, there is a role for consulting on a medium-term basis, but these have to at least be accountable to the DoE and not a private consulting firm. It is important that all the experts share a singular geographic space to facilitate the spillover of ideas. This will help in the cross fertilization of ideas from different subjects and methodologies. The business school people know this is a recipe for innovation; hence all the focus on incubators and location.

May the DoE be the incubator of engineering excellence that will solve the energy crisis that the country faced as far back as I can remember. If the DoE can pull it all together, then President Granger’s Green State Development Strategy might not sit that awkwardly after all with a fossil fuel-based economy, as is the singular focus these days. It would be a waste to ignore renewable energy given Guyana’s resource endowments. Since before the 2011 election, I have argued for a portfolio or mix of energy sources – including fossil fuels – linked up by a smart grid. Do readers remember my portfolio versus silver bullet argument?

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

TK bai, you seem to be missing the boat here.  Guyana will not be exploring for oil, Exxon will not be seeking Guyana's assistance in exploring and harvesting oil.  They have all the expertise.  Guyana does not need to mimic the skills/expertise of Exxon.

Guyana needs a group of multi-skilled individuals to manage the relationship with Exxon, to understand their cost sharing arrangement to ensure Guyana is not ripped off.  Guyana needs a few people knowledge with oil contract practices and law.  Guyana needs a few people knowledgeable about best practices in these areas.  Some of these skills could be held on retainer and contracted-in as needed.

What Guyana needs beyond these are skills to manage the funds and ensure sound economic decisions are made which maximize the benefit to the domestic economy if a meaningful and long-term basis.

Guyana needs to develop a master plan for macro development which ensures the benefits flow to the people and not as handouts, but as credible economic activities.  This should include oil-related initiatives where it makes sense, but also traditional and new areas which benefit the people.  Think of Guyana beyond oil for whenever demand wanes.  Ensures Guyana is in a position to sustain itself well past oil. 

My opinion, oil will provide a one-time chance to make some changes for the long term.


There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

I would not fully agree as professors are there to stimulate thinking and exploration of thought.  Good professors learn how to convert the theories into practical application.  Almost everything is based in some theory.  However, this needs to manifest itself into real results on the ground for the people.

A good professor opens up the pathway between theory and reality.

I have taken many courses over the years, including college and always enjoyed the professors who came out of industry.

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Mr Basie how bout if abie get dem businessman like Trump who gat nuff nuff skills. Hey hey hey. All dem tings yuh seh is true though. 

TK bai, Trump seem to be doing just fine.  He too busy with MAGA and no time to "grab" anyone "thingy!"

Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

Without teachers there won't be successful people in the real world.

Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

Hey hey hey...Yea bai, a dat same ting meh a seh, he is a reject who na get minista wuk from Mr Granger and Mr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Jagdoe. Bruggie how yuh sack doin dem dese days bai? Hey hey hey...

Demerara_Guy posted:

Practical real-world issues usually evades TK's thoughts and writings.

Hey hey hey...Mr TK dont know real issues foh true. He doan have road sense. Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Practical real-world issues usually evades TK's thoughts and writings.

Hey hey hey...Mr TK dont know real issues foh true. He doan have road sense. Hey hey hey...

Perhaps, the reason for him wander aimlessly with his writings.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

Without teachers there won't be successful people in the real world.

Indeed, teaching is a noble thankless profession, my father was such. However, when teachers decide to wet their feet in politics, they become open to ridicule. If this jackass with no outside classroom experience in the world decide to comment on matters beyond his own experience, then he is subject to scrutiny,. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

Without teachers there won't be successful people in the real world.

Indeed, teaching is a noble thankless profession, my father was such. However, when teachers decide to wet their feet in politics, they become open to ridicule. If this jackass with no outside classroom experience in the world decide to comment on matters beyond his own experience, then he is subject to scrutiny,. 

Very true. He is always what if this and what if that.

In the meanwhile GNI has a few so wealthy that it will take TK at least five generations to even attempt to accumulate that amount of wealth.

In the meanwhile, he continues, "what if this and what if that."

At the end of the day, money talks and BS walks. TK can continue with his BS and grasshopping. Or he can put his BS economics to work and prove that he can become a multi millionaire. Until then, he is full of economic BS.

Then you have D2/Iguana with his BS while living on a Park Bench and door mouth to door mouth. The world can be a much better place without these two clowns and their daily dose BS.

Money Talks and BS Walks.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

I would not fully agree as professors are there to stimulate thinking and exploration of thought.  Good professors learn how to convert the theories into practical application.  Almost everything is based in some theory.  However, this needs to manifest itself into real results on the ground for the people.

A good professor opens up the pathway between theory and reality.

I have taken many courses over the years, including college and always enjoyed the professors who came out of industry.

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

Prov. People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to doanything that well make a living by teaching. (Used to disparage teachers. From George Bernard Shaw's Man andSuperman.) Bob: I'm so discouraged. My writing teacher told me my novel is hopeless. Jane: Don't listen to her, Bob.Remember: those who can, do; those who can't, teach
Labba posted:
Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

Hey hey hey...Yea bai, a dat same ting meh a seh, he is a reject who na get minista wuk from Mr Granger and Mr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Jagdoe. Bruggie how yuh sack doin dem dese days bai? Hey hey hey...

Who is this labba? Another recycled handled who supported pnc and now are shamed into abandoning previous handles and come back as old house paint up. 

Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

D2 is not Iguana. And that's a fact.

Bhai, he can fool you like how Ramjattan/AFC did but he can't fool Yuji. His DNA is all over GNI and Yuji is no ordinary individual. I have access to technology that can literally trace anyone.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

D2 is not Iguana. And that's a fact.

Bhai, he can fool you like how Ramjattan/AFC did but he can't fool Yuji. His DNA is all over GNI and Yuji is no ordinary individual. I have access to technology that can literally trace anyone.

Well, you sitting on a treasure trove deh.  You need to contact the FBI and all those big IT firms because the struggling with this...and you have it here on GNI!!

Guyanese are known to be innovative, never knew how well!

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

D2 is not Iguana. And that's a fact.

Bhai, he can fool you like how Ramjattan/AFC did but he can't fool Yuji. His DNA is all over GNI and Yuji is no ordinary individual. I have access to technology that can literally trace anyone.

Well, you sitting on a treasure trove deh.  You need to contact the FBI and all those big IT firms because the struggling with this...and you have it here on GNI!!

Guyanese are known to be innovative, never knew how well!

Brutus is some people's friend. It is open source. You never know what you can find out there. 

There is a story of a frog that lived in a pond and doubted someone when they told him that there was big ocean out there. It was so confined to it's pond that it could not grasp the truth about the existence of a big ocean.

Live and Learn.

The who can afford to pay for things can buy anything that they need. Those living on handouts can only doubt and dream. (Not meant to disrespect anyone)

You might be surprised if you really know what exists out there how much you can find out about an individual, especially those who use public computers to post. 

Hey Hey Hey.

Your obsession with me and who I am has led you to a public confession that:

a. You are engaged in cyber stalking / "tracing" people, which now takes your interaction with me "offline" for the purpose of monitoring who I am, possible theft of my identity, or gathering information on me for purposes of threats, embarassment or harassment. 
b. Using the above, you are willing to purchase information on individuals who post on a public forum strictly because they disagree with you and have exposed your racism
c. You are willing to engage in,  or pay someone to engage in, hacking (Brutus is a hacking tool) for the sole purpose of finding information on and harassing someone with an opposing point of view.

Yugli, I cannot thank you enough for the highlighted parts of your posts, which I have downloaded. I take this matter seriously.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

D2 is not Iguana. And that's a fact.

Bhai, he can fool you like how Ramjattan/AFC did but he can't fool Yuji. His DNA is all over GNI and Yuji is no ordinary individual. I have access to technology that can literally trace anyone.

Well, you sitting on a treasure trove deh.  You need to contact the FBI and all those big IT firms because the struggling with this...and you have it here on GNI!!

Guyanese are known to be innovative, never knew how well!

Brutus is some people's friend. It is open source. You never know what you can find out there. 

There is a story of a frog that lived in a pond and doubted someone when they told him that there was big ocean out there. It was so confined to it's pond that it could not grasp the truth about the existence of a big ocean.

Live and Learn.

The who can afford to pay for things can buy anything that they need. Those living on handouts can only doubt and dream. (Not meant to disrespect anyone)

You might be surprised if you really know what exists out there how much you can find out about an individual, especially those who use public computers to post. 

Hey Hey Hey.

Your obsession with me and who I am has led you to a public confession that:

a. You are engaged in cyber stalking / "tracing" people, which now takes your interaction with me "offline" for the purpose of monitoring who I am, possible theft of my identity, or gathering information on me for purposes of threats, embarassment or harassment. 
b. Using the above, you are willing to purchase information on individuals who post on a public forum strictly because they disagree with you and have exposed your racism
c. You are willing to engage in,  or pay someone to engage in, hacking (Brutus is a hacking tool) for the sole purpose of finding information on and harassing someone with an opposing point of view.

Yugli, I cannot thank you enough for the highlighted parts of your posts, which I have downloaded. I take this matter seriously.

So Mr. Iggy, is that true then you are Stormy/D2? I take it if you are not, you would not have taken offense to what he is doing.

Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

I would not fully agree as professors are there to stimulate thinking and exploration of thought.  Good professors learn how to convert the theories into practical application.  Almost everything is based in some theory.  However, this needs to manifest itself into real results on the ground for the people.

A good professor opens up the pathway between theory and reality.

I have taken many courses over the years, including college and always enjoyed the professors who came out of industry.

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

Prov. People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to doanything that well make a living by teaching. (Used to disparage teachers. From George Bernard Shaw's Man andSuperman.) Bob: I'm so discouraged. My writing teacher told me my novel is hopeless. Jane: Don't listen to her, Bob.Remember: those who can, do; those who can't, teach

Hey hey hey...doh is woh me and me side of abie family does tell Mr TK. He a wan talker not a doer...hey hey hey...Abie side gat big money like balahoo brahmin Mr Yuji. Hey hey hey...Drugie how yuh sack hangin now a days? Hey hey hey...

skeldon_man posted:

Your obsession with me and who I am has led you to a public confession that:

a. You are engaged in cyber stalking / "tracing" people, which now takes your interaction with me "offline" for the purpose of monitoring who I am, possible theft of my identity, or gathering information on me for purposes of threats, embarassment or harassment. 
b. Using the above, you are willing to purchase information on individuals who post on a public forum strictly because they disagree with you and have exposed your racism
c. You are willing to engage in,  or pay someone to engage in, hacking (Brutus is a hacking tool) for the sole purpose of finding information on and harassing someone with an opposing point of view.

Yugli, I cannot thank you enough for the highlighted parts of your posts, which I have downloaded. I take this matter seriously.

So Mr. Iggy, is that true then you are Stormy/D2? I take it if you are not, you would not have taken offense to what he is doing.

This clown Yugli explicitly states he intends to engage in cyberstalking / hacking and paying people to get info on me. Matters not that he thinks I am D2.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

There is a reason that TK is still a teacher and is relegated to writing irrelevant opinions. He is a failure in real like, couldn't get minista jab, couldn't survive in industry outside of academia, those who fail in the real world resort to teaching. 

Without teachers there won't be successful people in the real world.

Indeed, teaching is a noble thankless profession, my father was such. However, when teachers decide to wet their feet in politics, they become open to ridicule. If this jackass with no outside classroom experience in the world decide to comment on matters beyond his own experience, then he is subject to scrutiny,. 

Very true. He is always what if this and what if that.

In the meanwhile GNI has a few so wealthy that it will take TK at least five generations to even attempt to accumulate that amount of wealth.

In the meanwhile, he continues, "what if this and what if that."

At the end of the day, money talks and BS walks. TK can continue with his BS and grasshopping. Or he can put his BS economics to work and prove that he can become a multi millionaire. Until then, he is full of economic BS.

Then you have D2/Iguana with his BS while living on a Park Bench and door mouth to door mouth. The world can be a much better place without these two clowns and their daily dose BS.

Money Talks and BS Walks.

Hey hey hey...Yea bai. Doh is woh me tell Mr TK. He doan have money. He mekkin lil teacha bai salary. Me side of family gat pleanty nuff nuff money. Dem side play briga pon abie. Look how Mr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Jagdoe gat nuff nuff money and mansion? Mr Jagdoe gat so much money dat he can pay dem skool in India foh give he honour dactarate. Mr TK and he side of family cyan do dat. Money walks and bullshit talk foh true Balahoo Brahmin...Hey hey hey...

Iguana posted:
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

D2 is not Iguana. And that's a fact.

Bhai, he can fool you like how Ramjattan/AFC did but he can't fool Yuji. His DNA is all over GNI and Yuji is no ordinary individual. I have access to technology that can literally trace anyone.

Well, you sitting on a treasure trove deh.  You need to contact the FBI and all those big IT firms because the struggling with this...and you have it here on GNI!!

Guyanese are known to be innovative, never knew how well!

Brutus is some people's friend. It is open source. You never know what you can find out there. 

There is a story of a frog that lived in a pond and doubted someone when they told him that there was big ocean out there. It was so confined to it's pond that it could not grasp the truth about the existence of a big ocean.

Live and Learn.

The who can afford to pay for things can buy anything that they need. Those living on handouts can only doubt and dream. (Not meant to disrespect anyone)

You might be surprised if you really know what exists out there how much you can find out about an individual, especially those who use public computers to post. 

Hey Hey Hey.

Your obsession with me and who I am has led you to a public confession that:

a. You are engaged in cyber stalking / "tracing" people, which now takes your interaction with me "offline" for the purpose of monitoring who I am, possible theft of my identity, or gathering information on me for purposes of threats, embarassment or harassment. 
b. Using the above, you are willing to purchase information on individuals who post on a public forum strictly because they disagree with you and have exposed your racism
c. You are willing to engage in,  or pay someone to engage in, hacking (Brutus is a hacking tool) for the sole purpose of finding information on and harassing someone with an opposing point of view.

Yugli, I cannot thank you enough for the highlighted parts of your posts, which I have downloaded. I take this matter seriously.

Why fear the fearless,he is a mouthar who can't do squat.

Django posted:
Iguana posted:
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

D2 is not Iguana. And that's a fact.

Bhai, he can fool you like how Ramjattan/AFC did but he can't fool Yuji. His DNA is all over GNI and Yuji is no ordinary individual. I have access to technology that can literally trace anyone.

Well, you sitting on a treasure trove deh.  You need to contact the FBI and all those big IT firms because the struggling with this...and you have it here on GNI!!

Guyanese are known to be innovative, never knew how well!

Brutus is some people's friend. It is open source. You never know what you can find out there. 

There is a story of a frog that lived in a pond and doubted someone when they told him that there was big ocean out there. It was so confined to it's pond that it could not grasp the truth about the existence of a big ocean.

Live and Learn.

The who can afford to pay for things can buy anything that they need. Those living on handouts can only doubt and dream. (Not meant to disrespect anyone)

You might be surprised if you really know what exists out there how much you can find out about an individual, especially those who use public computers to post. 

Hey Hey Hey.

Your obsession with me and who I am has led you to a public confession that:

a. You are engaged in cyber stalking / "tracing" people, which now takes your interaction with me "offline" for the purpose of monitoring who I am, possible theft of my identity, or gathering information on me for purposes of threats, embarassment or harassment. 
b. Using the above, you are willing to purchase information on individuals who post on a public forum strictly because they disagree with you and have exposed your racism
c. You are willing to engage in,  or pay someone to engage in, hacking (Brutus is a hacking tool) for the sole purpose of finding information on and harassing someone with an opposing point of view.

Yugli, I cannot thank you enough for the highlighted parts of your posts, which I have downloaded. I take this matter seriously.

Why fear the fearless,he is a mouthar who can't do squat.

I don't know that. He and his intentions are to be taken seriously. He appears to be a very dangerous man if he is willing to go to the extent he mentions simply because I exposed him as a congenital racist and dullard. He is smarting from the whip on his behind over the last few days, so now he escalates to the dangerous. I am not going to dismiss his threats.

h Labba posted:

Mr Guana look how TK lookin foh lil wuk. Hey hey hey...

So TK, bai you nah teech these days? Me know dis ah Agast munt, but some pickney still deh ah skool ah mek up kredits. Maybe you wait fuh end ah Agast.

skeldon_man posted:
h Labba posted:

Mr Guana look how TK lookin foh lil wuk. Hey hey hey...

So TK, bai you nah teech these days? Me know dis ah Agast munt, but some pickney still deh ah skool ah mek up kredits. Maybe you wait fuh end ah Agast.

Me not Mr TK. Me fram he other side of family dem play briga pon. Hey hey hey...ask abie balahoo Brahmin Mr Yuji. Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
skeldon_man posted:
h Labba posted:

Mr Guana look how TK lookin foh lil wuk. Hey hey hey...

So TK, bai you nah teech these days? Me know dis ah Agast munt, but some pickney still deh ah skool ah mek up kredits. Maybe you wait fuh end ah Agast.

Me not Mr TK. Me fram he other side of family dem play briga pon. Hey hey hey...ask abie balahoo Brahmin Mr Yuji. Hey hey hey...

Ever consider acting? You will do good playing double roles. Maybe Bollywood is in the calling?

skeldon_man posted:
Labba posted:
skeldon_man posted:
h Labba posted:

Mr Guana look how TK lookin foh lil wuk. Hey hey hey...

So TK, bai you nah teech these days? Me know dis ah Agast munt, but some pickney still deh ah skool ah mek up kredits. Maybe you wait fuh end ah Agast.

Me not Mr TK. Me fram he other side of family dem play briga pon. Hey hey hey...ask abie balahoo Brahmin Mr Yuji. Hey hey hey...

Ever consider acting? You will do good playing double roles. Maybe Bollywood is in the calling?

Hey hey hey...bai abie balahoo brahmin Mr Rev...ooops Mr Yuji gat a point how Mr TK mek teacha bai money and can only talk. Mr Rev is a doer...he can hack people password. Hey hey hey...

Iguana posted:
Labba posted:

Mr Guana look how TK lookin foh lil wuk. Hey hey hey...

Snack on 2 zeb leaves and the urge will go away.

Hey hey hey...I tek meh oleanda flowah buds already...hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
skeldon_man posted:
h Labba posted:

Mr Guana look how TK lookin foh lil wuk. Hey hey hey...

So TK, bai you nah teech these days? Me know dis ah Agast munt, but some pickney still deh ah skool ah mek up kredits. Maybe you wait fuh end ah Agast.

Me not Mr TK. Me fram he other side of family dem play briga pon. Hey hey hey...ask abie balahoo Brahmin Mr Yuji. Hey hey hey...

Now I figure out who you are:


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