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Former Member
Op-ed by Sir Ronald Sanders

November 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggested that the elected President, Donald Ramotar, of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) can appoint and run a minority government, it is an unrealistic proposition.

Ramotar was elected President by a plurality of the votes but the PPP/C failed to get an overall majority in the National Assembly.

The complex Guyana constitution provides for an electoral system of proportional representation under which the country is divided into 10 regions returning 25 members of the National Assembly and another 40 being allocated nationally on the proportion of votes cast for a party. To control the National Assembly, a party must secure more than 50% of the votes cast.

However, the President in whom executive authority lies, according to the Constitution, only requires a plurality of the votes to be elected. Thus, since the PPP/C got the highest number of votes cast for a party (48.7%), Ramotar is elected President but the PPP/C as a party does not control the National Assembly which makes the laws of the county and initiates its money bills, including the Budget.

Of the 72.9% voter turn-out at the poll, the three opposition parties combined secured 51.3% of the vote. The breakdown is: 40.8% for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU); 10.3% for the Alliance for Change (AFC) and 0.2% for the United Force.

Even if the three opposition parties were now to form an alliance – something they failed to do before the elections – they cannot form a government. Under the Guyana constitution, the President appoints the Prime Minister and Ministers of the Government from “among the elected members of the National Assembly”. There is no requirement for him to appoint persons to form the government from among a party or parties that command the majority in the National Assembly.

This has to be the worst nightmare for any President, but it has to be particularly harrowing for Ramotar who has no experience of government, except as a member of the National Assembly for the PPP/C of which he has been general secretary over the last few years.

As this commentary is being written (shortly after the announcement of the election results on Thursday), it has been reported that Ramotar will try to operate a minority government. In other words, he will appoint a government from among PPP/C elected members only.

This would not be a sensible proposition. For, if the opposition parties in the National Assembly decide to work together they would defeat any legislation including a Budget which the government would require to function. In such a circumstance, Government would be crippled, and the only resolution of the problem would be fresh elections in an effort for one party, or an alliance of parties, to secure an overall majority.

It is ironic that had the AFC joined the APNU alliance that comprises the Peoples National Congress (PNC), founded by the late President Forbes Burnham, and the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) founded by the late historian Walter Rodney, the combined parties would have won both the Presidency and the overall majority of the National Assembly. In this sense, they have only themselves to blame for their failure to topple the PPP/C.

But more importantly now is what happens going forward. Ramotar and the PPP/C have a rare and golden opportunity to retrieve Guyana from its long history of racial and divisive politics by recognising that the majority of the people of the country did not support them at this election notwithstanding the economic success they have achieved in the last few years. Other issues played a much larger role and those issues included a perception of neglect of disadvantaged communities by the PPP/C including sugar workers of East Indian descent; marginalisation of Guyanese intellectuals of African descent who have been excluded from top government positions; and a general view that high PPP/C officials had benefited hugely from their time in government.

In this context, if Ramotar and the PPP attempt to form and operate a minority government, they will be doing so against a backdrop of considerable popular hostility. It would be a prescription for disaster. Good sense should prevail in this very troubled situation and Ramotar should make every effort to talk to the leaders of the two main opposition parties to form a government of national unity. It would be the best thing for Guyana, and it would ensure that prosperity and stability can be built on its recent economic success and the definite prospects for immediate and continuous economic growth as a result of recently signed contracts for the mining of gold, bauxite and manganese, expected to earn the country billions of dollars, as well as the real possibility of oil production.

The future for the Guyana economy and the Guyanese people could be glowing if such a course is followed. If it isn’t, then Guyana and the Guyanese people will be headed for great political instability, social unrest and a major reversal of their recent economic good fortune.

At the same time, if Ramotar and the PPP/C reach out a hand of co-operation to the APNU and the AFC the two latter parties also have an obligation to accept it and to sit down to work out the mechanics of a government of national unity that could secure Guyana’s future.

If ever there was a time in the tides of a country’s fortunes that requires its politicians to put their narrow political interests to one side for the greater interest of the nation, that time is now. The vast majority of people of Guyana are now frightened and worried. The country’s political leaders have the chance to turn that fear and worry to relief, hope and confidence.

Guyana, at last, could begin to realise the potential it has long held out.

Other leaders in the Caribbean and the world should call on Ramotar, and the leaders of APNU and AFC not to condemn their country to ruin and their people to the rack. History is in their hands.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This has to be the worst nightmare for any President, but it has to be particularly harrowing for Ramotar who has no experience of government, except as a member of the National Assembly for the PPP/C of which he has been general secretary over the last few years.

Also his performance as a director and adminsitrator speaks volumes of his ability to manage and to reach accross to the other side. What happens if/when he cannot have the budget passed?

When this gentleman writes without prejudice, he writes really well. FAIR AND BALANCED.


It is ironic that had the AFC joined the APNU alliance that comprises the Peoples National Congress (PNC), founded by the late President Forbes Burnham, and the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) founded by the late historian Walter Rodney, the combined parties would have won both the Presidency and the overall majority of the National Assembly. In this sense, they have only themselves to blame for their failure to topple the PPP/C.

This man shows complete lack of understanding with regards to Guyana politics. Does he really think a combined opposition party with includes the PNC could have gain that 30 thousands votes of which AFC currently has?
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
It is ironic that had the AFC joined the APNU alliance that comprises the Peoples National Congress (PNC), founded by the late President Forbes Burnham, and the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) founded by the late historian Walter Rodney, the combined parties would have won both the Presidency and the overall majority of the National Assembly. In this sense, they have only themselves to blame for their failure to topple the PPP/C.

This man shows complete lack of understanding with regards to Guyana politics. Does he really think a combined opposition party with includes the PNC could have gain that 30 thousands votes of which AFC currently has?

Good question Dave. Perhaps Moses would still be with the PPP and helped secure the majority. dunno
Originally posted by Nehru:

When this gentleman writes without prejudice, he writes really well. FAIR AND BALANCED.



Look how the lil "wata wash party" AFC has become the biggest game changer, the BMW among the VW and Chevy.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
It is ironic that had the AFC joined the APNU alliance that comprises the Peoples National Congress (PNC), founded by the late President Forbes Burnham, and the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) founded by the late historian Walter Rodney, the combined parties would have won both the Presidency and the overall majority of the National Assembly. In this sense, they have only themselves to blame for their failure to topple the PPP/C.

This man shows complete lack of understanding with regards to Guyana politics. Does he really think a combined opposition party with includes the PNC could have gain that 30 thousands votes of which AFC currently has?

Correct, spreadsheet politics without understanding the core issues and emotions of the nation.
It is still a WATA WASH Party. 7 seven SEATS out of 65. You dont have to be Einstein Bhai.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Nehru:

When this gentleman writes without prejudice, he writes really well. FAIR AND BALANCED.



Look how the lil "wata wash party" AFC has become the biggest game changer, the BMW among the VW and Chevy.
Originally posted by Nehru:
It is still a WATA WASH Party. 7 seven SEATS out of 65. You dont have to be Einstein Bhai.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Nehru:

When this gentleman writes without prejudice, he writes really well. FAIR AND BALANCED.



Look how the lil "wata wash party" AFC has become the biggest game changer, the BMW among the VW and Chevy.

Haha, we will whip the PPP into shape and you will love us for it.
I dont think the PPP owns the Guyanese People. Since 1992 GUYANA has become one of the REAL DEMOCRACY in the World. Nowhere on the Planet is such a GOVT. No Rigging No frigging. CLEAN and CLEAR!!!!
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Nehru:
It is still a WATA WASH Party. 7 seven SEATS out of 65. You dont have to be Einstein Bhai.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Nehru:

When this gentleman writes without prejudice, he writes really well. FAIR AND BALANCED.



Look how the lil "wata wash party" AFC has become the biggest game changer, the BMW among the VW and Chevy.

Haha, we will whip the PPP into shape and you will love us for it.
baseman and dave matrix, i read the language you are discussing as a proposition, not a statement. it may not reflect reality on the ground but appears an articulation of the point that the tight-rope results requires a balanced approach to governing. in any event, the plurality, with leadership on one hand and power collectively on the other may be the best medicine to begin to address out-dated guyanese politics as usual.
Originally posted by DV8:
baseman and dave matrix, i read the language you are discussing as a proposition, not a statement. it may not reflect reality on the ground but appears an articulation of the point that the tight-rope results requires a balanced approach to governing. in any event, the plurality, with leadership on one hand and power collectively on the other may be the best medicine to begin to address out-dated guyanese politics as usual.

True deh bai, but if AFC ran with APNU, you could safely add 8% of that AFC 11% to the PPP. All wash and tun donk.
Would the AFC allow Guyana to fall into chaos by not giving a single vote to the PPP to help pass the budget or any legislation?? By giving support to the PPP gov't and avoid chaos they will come out smelling good in the PPP strongholds... don't forget these are the people they need to build a powerful party. If they contribute to a crisis of "no confidence" you can expect this to backfire against them now and in future elections.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by baseman:

True deh bai, but if AFC ran with APNU, you could safely add 8% of that AFC 11% to the PPP. All wash and tun donk.

i don't know the allegiances well enough but, if your math is correct, that is exactly the point. the dissatisfaction is enough to step away. in other words, ramotar does not have lock-step voting with members who would default to him. i hope they all have the sophistication.
Other issues played a much larger role and those issues included a perception of neglect of disadvantaged communities by the PPP/C including sugar workers of East Indian descent; marginalisation of Guyanese intellectuals of African descent who have been excluded from top government positions; and a general view that high PPP/C officials had benefited hugely from their time in government.

PPP suporters must play a BIG role to end these egregious and ruthless actions by the PPP Govt the last 10-15 years.
Originally posted by baseman:
Look how the lil "wata wash party" AFC has become the biggest game changer, the BMW among the VW and Chevy.

How exactly. If the PPP and the PNC resume the behavior that they have had for the past 50+ years what can the AFC do about it? They cant be seen to be joining one side or the other, for fear of alienating one segment of the population or other.
Originally posted by baseman:

True deh bai, but if AFC ran with APNU, you could safely add 8% of that AFC 11% to the PPP. All wash and tun donk.

Which is exactly why the AFC is powerless. If the are seen to consistenetly support the PPP they alienate teh black and mixed voters who communiacted LOUDLY that they hate the PPP.

If they consistently support the APNU then they similarly alienate Indians.

They have to hope for mature behavuior from either one or both the PPP or the PNC to give them cover to be seen as not supporting ridiculous behavior.

We await to see if the PPP and the PNC have changed their stripes.
Originally posted by Nehru:
It is still a WATA WASH Party. 7 seven SEATS out of 65. You dont have to be Einstein Bhai.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Nehru:

When this gentleman writes without prejudice, he writes really well. FAIR AND BALANCED.



Look how the lil "wata wash party" AFC has become the biggest game changer, the BMW among the VW and Chevy.

The AFC has been dealt the trump aces in this game...yall better behave don't force their hand or it could mean some serious jail time for PPPites...
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Would the AFC allow Guyana to fall into chaos by not giving a single vote to the PPP to help pass the budget or any legislation?? By giving support to the PPP gov't and avoid chaos they will come out smelling good in the PPP strongholds... don't forget these are the people they need to build a powerful party. If they contribute to a crisis of "no confidence" you can expect this to backfire against them now and in future elections.

BRB, get this straight, any no confidence against the PPP is political suicide for the AFC. They are too well aware of that.
Originally posted by baseman:
BRB, get this straight, any no confidence against the PPP is political suicide for the AFC. They are too well aware of that.

What role with the AFC play in Guyana. Play footsie with the PPP?

The best they can do is rise above the mayhem if both the PPP and PNC behave like kids.

Playing footsie with the PPP guarantees their demise. Look at what happened to TUF.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Would the AFC allow Guyana to fall into chaos by not giving a single vote to the PPP to help pass the budget or any legislation?? By giving support to the PPP gov't and avoid chaos they will come out smelling good in the PPP strongholds... don't forget these are the people they need to build a powerful party. If they contribute to a crisis of "no confidence" you can expect this to backfire against them now and in future elections.

Would Donald want cock-eyed support or would he apologise for his unkind remarks about Mr. Ramjattan,s eyes?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
BRB, get this straight, any no confidence against the PPP is political suicide for the AFC. They are too well aware of that.

What role with the AFC play in Guyana. Play footsie with the PPP?

The best they can do is rise above the mayhem if both the PPP and PNC behave like kids.

Playing footsie with the PPP guarantees their demise. Look at what happened to TUF.

You should ask your guys in APNU that seeing they got some funding from the PPP to run elections. Give it up Caribj, give it up.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
BRB, get this straight, any no confidence against the PPP is political suicide for the AFC. They are too well aware of that.

What role with the AFC play in Guyana. Play footsie with the PPP?

The best they can do is rise above the mayhem if both the PPP and PNC behave like kids.

Playing footsie with the PPP guarantees their demise. Look at what happened to TUF.
they will not play anything they will make sure ppp and APNU act for the benfit of all guyanese,they will hold both of them on the strait and narrow.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
BRB, get this straight, any no confidence against the PPP is political suicide for the AFC. They are too well aware of that.

What role with the AFC play in Guyana. Play footsie with the PPP?

The best they can do is rise above the mayhem if both the PPP and PNC behave like kids.

Playing footsie with the PPP guarantees their demise. Look at what happened to TUF.

Save your breath to cool yuh dhaal and rice. Even God did not listen to you. Why should anyone else?
Originally posted by baseman:
You should ask your guys in APNU that seeing they got some funding from the PPP to run elections. .

So you better learn to work with APNU and accept that the people ahve sopken. They are the official opposition. Note the AFC.

I find your remarks about PPP support for APNU to be hilarious when its the PNC who the PPP is most deathly afraid. As you can see they kept most of the Indian vote EVEN IN REGION 6.

Crowds of unruly blacks terrify the PPP.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Even God did not listen to you. Why should anyone else?

So the AFC got 10%. And are virtually irrelevant.

The PNC got 41% and has another chance to reinvigorate itself, if it shows maturity.

Who is crying now? The AFC.
Originally posted by warrior:
they will not play anything they will make sure ppp and APNU act for the benfit of all guyanese,they will hold both of them on the strait and narrow.

Lets hope so. Their mistake of focusing only on region 6 backfired so if they continue to look like a refuge for PPP supporters their future is limited.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Even God did not listen to you. Why should anyone else?

So the AFC got 10%. And are virtually irrelevant.

The PNC got 41% and has another chance to reinvigorate itself, if it shows maturity.

Who is crying now? The AFC.

How are they irrelevant if they can band together with the APNU and bring a no-confidence vote to the floor at any point in the next 5 years. If any scandal breaks within this government and public opinion is against them, then their will be an election again. That is what you call a "Trump" card. In Canada, Israel, Greece and Italy it brought down their governments. My guess is it would work in Guyana if it is used brilliantly. I think the AFC have the Trump card bro.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
How are they irrelevant if they can band together with the APNU and bring a no-confidence vote to the floor at any point in the next 5 years. .

If the APNU behaves like kids they dare not. And they lack enough seats to instigate any action on their own.
Originally posted by caribj:
If the APNU behaves like kids they dare not. And they lack enough seats to instigate any action on their own.

They do lack the seats as a party but like my grandpa would say: "An enemy of my enemy is my friend".


What makes equation #3 different than #1 & #2? Ahhh...
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by caribj:

Who is crying now? .

You are! You are wasting your time. No one is listening to you.

Yes this is why you are in mourning that the AFC is not even a strong third party. I told you the outcome three months ago and it turned it to be even worse for the AFC than I thought it would be.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Even God did not listen to you. Why should anyone else?

So the AFC got 10%. And are virtually irrelevant.

The PNC got 41% and has another chance to reinvigorate itself, if it shows maturity.

I don't beleive in percentages since you are one of the five out of four people who do not understand fractiions.

No one is listening to your so-called wisdom.
Originally posted by Mitwah:

No one is listening to your so-called wisdom.

Dont then. Next time the AFC will join the TUF. I told you they would be tossed out of urban areas. since August. THEY WERE.

So who is wiser here? You who said that they had strong support in Gtwn, or me who told you they didnt?

7 seats out of 65 is what it is. Do the maths.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by caribj:

Who is crying now? .

You are! You are wasting your time. No one is listening to you.

Yes this is why you are in mourning that the AFC is not even a strong third party. I told you the outcome three months ago and it turned it to be even worse for the AFC than I thought it would be.

You are the one mourning. I am celebrating AFC results. You said AFC may not even get 2 seats. To that I said that even if they get 1 seat and they hold the balance of power I will be Happy for/with the AFC.

APNU will explode from internal struggles and collapse due to lack of structure.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:


What makes equation #3 different than #1 & #2? Ahhh...

As some said if they join the APNU against the PPP they become part of APNU so lose a large % of the votes they just got.

THey will have to remain quiet (as they are now) and hope that one side shows greater maturity than the other. Then thay can support that side, without looking like stooges.

The AFC has to start builing its own independent bas e now, and not just be used as a refuge for frustrated PPP and PNC supporters ro register protest votes.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

No one is listening to your so-called wisdom.

Dont then. Next time the AFC will join the TUF. I told you they would be tossed out of urban areas. since August. THEY WERE.

So who is wiser here? You who said that they had strong support in Gtwn, or me who told you they didnt?

7 seats out of 65 is what it is. Do the maths.

How ammny seats did they gain or loose? Do the 5'age.
Originally posted by Mitwah:

APNU will explode from internal struggles and collapse due to lack of structure.

Mitwah. Chill out.

Just hope that AFC doesnt die out out the internal struggle that might come. As you can see with TUF, baby partioes cant survive that, lacking solid bases of their own.

AFC won 6 seats last time (the PPP stole one). Winning one more is not victory. They dont think so I am sure.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
How ammny seats did they gain or loose? Do the 5'age.

How many seats did APNU gain. AFC got one more. Who did better here?

The fate of Guyana lies in the hands of Ramotar and Granger. If they dont use their power wisely there is nothing that the AFC can do.
Originally posted by caribj:
As some said if they join the APNU against the PPP they become part of APNU so lose a large % of the votes they just got.

I think you are misinformed about the impact of the AFC. They are 3 centers of Government: The Executive, The Legislative, and The Judiciary. The Judiciary is independent. The former two are inter-dependent. The PPP/C will lead the Executive Branch, meanwhile the APNU and AFC will lead the Legislative branch. The latter is responsible for the funding of the former (The Budget). My point of saying all of this is that there is a share-government, only because of the "meager" 7 seats of the AFC. They are the fulcrum Sir. Do not discredit them foolishly.

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