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Trump Super Premium Vodka

Trump Super Premium Vodka is bottled in a unique,sexy, and luxurious Bruni Glass design, with labels and outer decorations by world famous New York designer and artist Milton Glaser.

Donald Trump presents a super premium vodka. What would you expect from the man who is a self made billionaire.  He creates one of the best looking, not to mention, best tasting vodkas in the world.  This is a perfect vodka to enjoy with friends.  Sit back, watch an episode of The Apprentice, and enjoy some Trump Vodka.

Donald Trump Super Premium Vodka

Made in America, for Americans, by Americans.

Salute and happy Holi 2016 to Indo-Guyanese in Queens. The home of your next president to be...


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra posted:
baseman posted:

You think that top pic would motivate Caribj to join in the fun and get his "skin lil dutty?"

That is not dutty, bro. That's a full body make up with colors. I remember the days when my hands can go places during Holi in Guyana.

Do it here and do not be surprised if you get arrested for rape...yes rape you neanderthal.

Chief posted:

When all you prostitute your own religion and then we comment on it then we are bad muslims or in this case Carib J is  a bad blackman.

Why you think showing the picture of that female is prostituting Hinduism? For all practical purposes the young lady could be a Christian or even a Muslim. If you think that picture is prostituting, then you should not go by the lakes or beach in the summer. 


Why are comments targeted at chief about him having under aged sex allowed (whether in US or Thailand)? Especially when the poster claims to know so much about chief. Chief is not just a handle but a man using a handle.

Some of the stuff posted but a particular few on this site is sickening. 

MAybe it is time for Amral to look again at his posting rules and consult Odeen's lawyer son for some advice. And also apply the rules equitably. 

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

When all you prostitute your own religion and then we comment on it then we are bad muslims or in this case Carib J is  a bad blackman.

Why you think showing the picture of that female is prostituting Hinduism? For all practical purposes the young lady could be a Christian or even a Muslim. If you think that picture is prostituting, then you should not go by the lakes or beach in the summer. 

Oii Skelly, you does guh fuh fatten you eye.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

When all you prostitute your own religion and then we comment on it then we are bad muslims or in this case Carib J is  a bad blackman.

Why you think showing the picture of that female is prostituting Hinduism? For all practical purposes the young lady could be a Christian or even a Muslim. If you think that picture is prostituting, then you should not go by the lakes or beach in the summer. 

Oii Skelly, you does guh fuh fatten you eye.

When you have about 6 months of winter here, you yearn for the day when the temps reach 75-80 degrees. I was once told by my father in law(in the presence of my wife): "not because a man is on a diet, he can't browse the menu". Looking at the women in summer wear is a tough job but somebody has to do the tough and dirty job. It's all in a day's work.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

When all you prostitute your own religion and then we comment on it then we are bad muslims or in this case Carib J is  a bad blackman.

Why you think showing the picture of that female is prostituting Hinduism? For all practical purposes the young lady could be a Christian or even a Muslim. If you think that picture is prostituting, then you should not go by the lakes or beach in the summer. 

Oii Skelly, you does guh fuh fatten you eye.

When you have about 6 months of winter here, you yearn for the day when the temps reach 75-80 degrees. I was once told by my father in law(in the presence of my wife): "not because a man is on a diet, he can't browse the menu". Looking at the women in summer wear is a tough job but somebody has to do the tough and dirty job. It's all in a day's work.

Django posted:
baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Susan, Yuh gat kock eye. Chief also posted very vile stuff about the person Mother.  The person is a saint cause if it was me , all hell would break loose!!  So try to be fair and balance.

I thought "she" was dough, but she is tripe!!

Banna you r...s can be demeaning.

It's all in a day's work bro. You take crap and you give it right back. Laugh at yourself first before you laugh at others.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

When all you prostitute your own religion and then we comment on it then we are bad muslims or in this case Carib J is  a bad blackman.

Why you think showing the picture of that female is prostituting Hinduism? For all practical purposes the young lady could be a Christian or even a Muslim. If you think that picture is prostituting, then you should not go by the lakes or beach in the summer. 

Oii Skelly, you does guh fuh fatten you eye.

When you have about 6 months of winter here, you yearn for the day when the temps reach 75-80 degrees. I was once told by my father in law(in the presence of my wife): "not because a man is on a diet, he can't browse the menu". Looking at the women in summer wear is a tough job but somebody has to do the tough and dirty job. It's all in a day's work.

When the wife is with you, you look cross eyed until you get a slap back of the head.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

When all you prostitute your own religion and then we comment on it then we are bad muslims or in this case Carib J is  a bad blackman.

Why you think showing the picture of that female is prostituting Hinduism? For all practical purposes the young lady could be a Christian or even a Muslim. If you think that picture is prostituting, then you should not go by the lakes or beach in the summer. 

Oii Skelly, you does guh fuh fatten you eye.

When you have about 6 months of winter here, you yearn for the day when the temps reach 75-80 degrees. I was once told by my father in law(in the presence of my wife): "not because a man is on a diet, he can't browse the menu". Looking at the women in summer wear is a tough job but somebody has to do the tough and dirty job. It's all in a day's work.

When the wife is with you, you look cross eyed until you get a slap back of the head.

Glad  I make your day. The wife said "she would be worried if I start looking at men and not women".

baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Susan, Yuh gat kock eye. Chief also posted very vile stuff about the person Mother.  The person is a saint cause if it was me , all hell would break loose!!  So try to be fair and balance.

I thought "she" was dough, but she is tripe!!

Banna you r...s can be demeaning.

It's all in a day's work bro. You take crap and you give it right back. Laugh at yourself first before you laugh at others.

Banna, the things that was said in the board about the PPP people and their supporters, man you talk of demeaning!!  When you hit back, then you are the one being demeaning!!

Chief cuss out PPP and non-muslims Indians in the vilest and vulgar of terms and most hateful ways!  He just getting some of his own medicine from Dr baseman!!

These people all suffer Pavlov syndrome!!

I hear you Base. 

baseman posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Susan, Yuh gat kock eye. Chief also posted very vile stuff about the person Mother.  The person is a saint cause if it was me , all hell would break loose!!  So try to be fair and balance.

Everyday he throwing stones so when I dash a boulder on him you taking sides. 

Did I ever cuss your relatives, much less female, eh clown?  You are a low life lil bastard!!

Psychologists has proven that when someone is deeply affected by an event in their life they become obsessed with either the person or their  affiliation.

I will not go into detail as to why yo are so obsessed with Muslims because I offered you the olive branch.

However if you continue and you have  your chammar boys cheering you on, then I will have to unleash my firepower.

Again you and rum sucker friend and all the rest can run to the Adminsistrator, DO NOT SAY I DID NOT WARN YOU!

baseman posted:
susan posted:

Why are comments targeted at chief about him having under aged sex allowed (whether in US or Thailand)? Especially when the poster claims to know so much about chief. Chief is not just a handle but a man using a handle.

Some of the stuff posted but a particular few on this site is sickening. 

MAybe it is time for Amral to look again at his posting rules and consult Odeen's lawyer son for some advice. And also apply the rules equitably. 

Hey little Miss Susan!!  Chief is a handle, like baseman!!!  I ain't dragging the person's name.  So shut up and go sit on a po!!

Why did you not call him out the other day when he cussed my dear departed mother to get at me!!!   You are a piece of tripe.  Now, you go run to Amral!!!

Secondly, I was referring to the practice in General by them Wahabs!!.  Go visit Bangkok and see who fill up the brothels on a Saturday.  They come on 747's!!

I think it is crossing the line to curse people about their mother...darn GNI folks need to take a deep breath, reread their posts and then hit the 'post reply' button. 

alena06 posted:
baseman posted:
susan posted:

Why are comments targeted at chief about him having under aged sex allowed (whether in US or Thailand)? Especially when the poster claims to know so much about chief. Chief is not just a handle but a man using a handle.

Some of the stuff posted but a particular few on this site is sickening. 

MAybe it is time for Amral to look again at his posting rules and consult Odeen's lawyer son for some advice. And also apply the rules equitably. 

Hey little Miss Susan!!  Chief is a handle, like baseman!!!  I ain't dragging the person's name.  So shut up and go sit on a po!!

Why did you not call him out the other day when he cussed my dear departed mother to get at me!!!   You are a piece of tripe.  Now, you go run to Amral!!!

Secondly, I was referring to the practice in General by them Wahabs!!.  Go visit Bangkok and see who fill up the brothels on a Saturday.  They come on 747's!!

I think it is crossing the line to curse people about their mother...darn GNI folks need to take a deep breath, reread their posts and then hit the 'post reply' button. 

Is it not crossing the line to call all Muslims terrorists? Is it not crossing the line to day in day out he insulting Muslims?

Until then it is fair play 

All you skont like pelt egg but time to tek back all you hollaw fowl. 

Nehru posted:

Donald Trump says everyday that there are millions of Muslim Terrorists, I dont see you cussing his mother!!!!!!!

Nehru, please don't debate with people that are angry with themselves and the world for their own mistakes. We have a celebration coming up. Let's be prepared to welcome it with Trump Vodka.

Cobra posted:
Nehru posted:

Donald Trump says everyday that there are millions of Muslim Terrorists, I dont see you cussing his mother!!!!!!!

Nehru, please don't debate with people that are angry with themselves and the world for their own mistakes. We have a celebration coming up. Let's be prepared to welcome it with Trump Vodka.

Haad ears, donkey brain people need our help.

Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:
baseman posted:

You think that top pic would motivate Caribj to join in the fun and get his "skin lil dutty?"

That is not dutty, bro. That's a full body make up with colors. I remember the days when my hands can go places during Holi in Guyana.

Do it here and do not be surprised if you get arrested for rape...yes rape you neanderthal.

What are you on, sir, if I may ask?

baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
Nehru posted:

Donald Trump says everyday that there are millions of Muslim Terrorists, I dont see you cussing his mother!!!!!!!

Nehru, please don't debate with people that are angry with themselves and the world for their own mistakes. We have a celebration coming up. Let's be prepared to welcome it with Trump Vodka.

We need to do something if he makes it to the nomination!!!

I already send off for a case of his Vodka.

baseman posted:
Chief posted:
alena06 posted:
baseman posted:
susan posted:

Why are comments targeted at chief about him having under aged sex allowed (whether in US or Thailand)? Especially when the poster claims to know so much about chief. Chief is not just a handle but a man using a handle.

Some of the stuff posted but a particular few on this site is sickening. 

MAybe it is time for Amral to look again at his posting rules and consult Odeen's lawyer son for some advice. And also apply the rules equitably. 

Hey little Miss Susan!!  Chief is a handle, like baseman!!!  I ain't dragging the person's name.  So shut up and go sit on a po!!

Why did you not call him out the other day when he cussed my dear departed mother to get at me!!!   You are a piece of tripe.  Now, you go run to Amral!!!

Secondly, I was referring to the practice in General by them Wahabs!!.  Go visit Bangkok and see who fill up the brothels on a Saturday.  They come on 747's!!

I think it is crossing the line to curse people about their mother...darn GNI folks need to take a deep breath, reread their posts and then hit the 'post reply' button. 

Is it not crossing the line to call all Muslims terrorists? Is it not crossing the line to day in day out he insulting Muslims?

Until then it is fair play 

All you skont like pelt egg but time to tek back all you hollaw fowl. 

Don't you cuss Hindus, Christians, Jews every day, then you do your big-take at the Masjid on weekends?

If you cannot draw the line between us throwing shyte about religion, politics, etc and you cussing out someone's female relative, then i don't know what values you draw from Hajj, if there are any to draw.  If what you come back with is a reflection of the mindset there, then I am more convinced than ever, you are into pure evil!!

You are free to cuss me and my religious beliefs, politics, etc but not relatives not even involved here.  You talk as though you don't have female relatives who could very well be subject to sexist ridicule out there.  But then again, was it not you, the character talking sick shyte about nurses and other women the other day?  But, why am I not surprised.  You are one sick lil fullah!!  Does your female relatives even know the dirty sexist sh1t you post here??   I bet if the did, they would be ashamed and put you in the doghouse!!   You need therapy!!

And YES, I don't like, nor will I ever, embrace your version of intolerant Islam!!  I also know there are good, decent and tolerant Muslims trying to shed the bad image, but that, quite frankly, does not include you!!

I tell you  and I warn you that you cannot take it.

Now you crying . 

baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
Nehru posted:

Donald Trump says everyday that there are millions of Muslim Terrorists, I dont see you cussing his mother!!!!!!!

Nehru, please don't debate with people that are angry with themselves and the world for their own mistakes. We have a celebration coming up. Let's be prepared to welcome it with Trump Vodka.

We need to do something if he makes it to the nomination!!!

I already send off for a case of his Vodka.

Make sure you invite Nehru even though he in not that thrilled.  He will get over it!!

Me and Nehru will celebrate over Trump Vodka on Phagwah day, on the 26th @ his front yard. Don't worry about his enthusiastic. that's the least of his problem.

Last edited by Former Member

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