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— Indian Action Committee

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) extends Phagwah (Holi) greetings to all the citizens of Guyana, especially those who are guided by the philosophical teachings of Sanatan Dharma.Phagwah, or Holi, is a festival of Bharat (India) that has its roots in antiquity and celebrate the coming of a new Spring season, the drawing of a new year, and the triumph of good over evil.

Exuberance of this festival reflects the collective hope of people for progress, prosperity, and the concomitant betterment of their lives.

This festival of renewal most likely predated the Sarasvati Valley Civilisation, the world’s first significant civilization, which flourished between 5000 BCE and 2600 BCE.

Even though the culture landscape in Bharat had changed, from time to time, from the introduction of the Negroids followed by the Proto-Australoids, Dravidians, Mongoloids, Caucasians, Persians, Greeks, Shakas, Kushanas, Huns, Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Mughals and Europeans, the festival of Holi emerged, survived, and flourished in Bharat, the world’s first melting pot.

Holi was brought to British Guiana by Hindus who arrived here as indentured labourers to work on sugar plantations 177 years ago, and was sustained by the majority of approximately 239,000 Bharatiyas who arrived on these shores between 1838 and 1917.

Phagwah was transplanted from a large sub-continent characterised by the four seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, to Guyana, a small South American land of dry and rainy seasons; and even though global warming is creating climatic havoc, the symbolism of Holi must not be lost.

The IAC therefore calls upon all the citizen of this multi-cultural land of Guyana to regard the great festival of Phagwah, or Holi — which celebrates life and hope, regardless of demography or geography — always as a focus for national unity.

Happy Holi from the IAC!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nice message from IAC. Unifying and broad minded . 

On Your highlighted part  - hope those few  of our very special fellow posters don't choke on breakfast and take an extra long and hot shower this morning.

Last edited by Former Member
susan posted:

Nice message from IAC. Unifying and broad minded . 

On Your highlighted part  - hope those few  of our very special fellow posters don't choke on breakfast and take an extra long and hot shower this morning.


Nice message but this is a crucial time in the survival of East Indians in Guyana. Our numbers are declining rapidly because of the secular outlook and the nonsense Hollywood /bollywood pop culture attitude of many young East Indian women.


At what point has the IAC ever been interested in national unity?  Are they interested in Freedom Day?   I bet they don't even care to celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence.

This group talking about national unity is a complete display of hypocrisy.

Prashad posted:

Nice message but this is a crucial time in the survival of East Indians in Guyana. Our numbers are declining rapidly because of the secular outlook and the nonsense Hollywood /bollywood pop culture attitude of many young East Indian women.

Your culture will survive. Who is taking your culture away from you? Just treat others with respect. It is not your culture at the expense of others. 


We East Indians of Guyana are  fools. We allow and encourage our people to do whatever they want. now when we are on the edge of disappearing we wonder why. Try marrying an orthodox jew and see how her father is going to behave. Try marrying a druse and see what will happen to her or you, try marrying a Turkish woman like my Pakistani friend did and see how her father will behave. I can give you example after example these people are not doing it because of hate but because they are interested in the survival of their people, cultural values and heritage. Let us start increasing our population again by bringing in our Dougla brothers and sisters as long as they are willing to get rid of the slave master name.

Last edited by Prashad
caribny posted:

At what point has the IAC ever been interested in national unity?  Are they interested in Freedom Day?   I bet they don't even care to celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence.

This group talking about national unity is a complete display of hypocrisy.

Even though the culture landscape in Bharat had changed, from time to time, from the introduction of the Negroids followed by the Proto-Australoids, Dravidians, Mongoloids, Caucasians, Persians, Greeks, Shakas, Kushanas, Huns, Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Mughals and Europeans, the festival of Holi emerged, survived, and flourished in Bharat, the world’s first melting pot.

Holi was brought to British Guiana by Hindus who arrived here as indentured labourers to work on sugar plantations 177 years ago, and was sustained by the majority of approximately 239,000 Bharatiyas who arrived on these shores between 1838 and 1917.

caribny posted:

At what point has the IAC ever been interested in national unity?  Are they interested in Freedom Day?   I bet they don't even care to celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence.

This group talking about national unity is a complete display of hypocrisy.

Banna, you offer some good insights sometimes, and I learn from your comments.

But there are times you sound like you sucking your teeth when anything positive is coming from Indians. Like now. Look at this nonsensical comment you making here. You need to chill. Dont let your anger and anti-Indian attitude cloud your judgment

I dont know who these people in the IAC are, but just maybe, they are interested in seeing national unity in the country. Who the heck are you to say that they are not interested in national unity? Where is your evidence?

Now you also add that they are probably not going to celebrate Freedom Day? How do you know? Indians, who I think they speaking our for, cant be patriotic?

And, let me guess, you are going to be your angry self and respond by telling us how the "Indian hate black man" and try to blame the messenger as the racist. Spare me.

Prashad posted:

We East Indians of Guyana are  fools. We allow and encourage our people to do whatever they want. now when we are on the edge of disappearing we wonder why.

This is why suicide rates among Guyanese Hindus are the highest in the world.

Why don't you leave your daughters to marry who they wish.  Their obligation is to marry some one who makes them happy, and who will be a good husband and father, and NOT to please you.

Guyana is a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious country and clearly people will encounter others from outside of their group. If you don't want this, then go find your little village in Uttar Pradesh, where they will only be allowed to marry within their caste.

This is also why so many douglas resent Indians.  Not only do you view them as inferior beings, and the result of a mistake, but now you wish them to disavow the very side of their heritage that is most likely to accept them for who they are.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

And, let me guess, you are going to be your angry self and respond by telling us how the "Indian hate black man" and try to blame the messenger as the racist. Spare me.

As usual your implication that "black man bad, so black man must apologize, Indo good so must demand apology".   You claim you don't have the time to condemn Indo racism, but you always find the time to respond to those who object to it.


When the IAC acts in the spirit of unity then they can demand that others do the same.  The IAC is loud in the screams of "black man bad, Indo good".   The PPP printed a whole editorial damning blacks as violent criminals intent only to be predators of Indians.  We never heard condemnation, or an apology for this, even though many, including many Indians like Chris Ram, demanded this.


None of us should tolerate racism, whether it is from people from our own group, or from other groups.  When Mr T writes racist nonsense I react to it.  When he claimed that only "inferior stock" was sent from India to Guyana, when compared to those sent to Suriname, I certainly spoke out against that.

Continue to endorse the brown bai KKK by being "too busy" to condemn their bigotry.  You do know when you do this you do contribute to the notion that Indians hate blacks, or tolerate anti black racism from other Indos should never be trusted.


Here we go angry little man who cant help with the racist diatribe. You cant seem to shake this off. 

We are talking about the IAC here, and you ignore the comments I made above. Where is your evidence or do you intend to condemn every so-called Indian organization?

I guess in your little  world, Africans have never been aggressive against Indians

VishMahabir posted:


We are talking about the IAC here,

The IAC are a PPP off shoot which has been very open with their "bad black man, good Indian".  In fact they have even invented lies about African attacks on Indians to grab attention.  The PPP uses them to openly engage in the normal "black man a kill ahbe" when they didn't want to do this themselves.

So yes I am talking about the IAC, and their puppet masters the PPP here.

You don't care about Indo racism towards blacks so ignore them.  You do not wish Indo racism towards blacks to be exposed, so you attack me.

Quite a bit of Indo racism expressed today by prashad and others.  When layered on top of subliminal racist grunts by Jagdeo, its interesting that you don't think that these need to be confronted.

The notion that the IAC demands that an Indian festival should be used for national unity, when they deplore Afro Guyanese culture, is an insult and rampant hypocrisy!

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Here we go angry little man who cant help with the racist diatribe.

I guess in your little  world, Africans have never been aggressive against Indians

I wonder how many times TODAY I have stated that BOTH Africans and Indians have engaged in racism and BOTH have suffered.

In fact OTHER posters also make note of this when the brown bai KKK try to paint me as a racist.

I am seriously thinking that you are a brown bai KKK. Just too cowardly to be open in anti black bigotry as people like yuji, prashad, and others are.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

We East Indians of Guyana are  fools. We allow and encourage our people to do whatever they want. now when we are on the edge of disappearing we wonder why.

This is why suicide rates among Guyanese Hindus are the highest in the world.

Why don't you leave your daughters to marry who they wish.  Their obligation is to marry some one who makes them happy, and who will be a good husband and father, and NOT to please you.

Guyana is a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious country and clearly people will encounter others from outside of their group. If you don't want this, then go find your little village in Uttar Pradesh, where they will only be allowed to marry within their caste.

This is also why so many douglas resent Indians.  Not only do you view them as inferior beings, and the result of a mistake, but now you wish them to disavow the very side of their heritage that is most likely to accept them for who they are.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

We East Indians of Guyana are  fools. We allow and encourage our people to do whatever they want. now when we are on the edge of disappearing we wonder why.

This is why suicide rates among Guyanese Hindus are the highest in the world.

Why don't you leave your daughters to marry who they wish.  Their obligation is to marry some one who makes them happy, and who will be a good husband and father, and NOT to please you.

Guyana is a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious country and clearly people will encounter others from outside of their group. If you don't want this, then go find your little village in Uttar Pradesh, where they will only be allowed to marry within their caste.

This is also why so many douglas resent Indians.  Not only do you view them as inferior beings, and the result of a mistake, but now you wish them to disavow the very side of their heritage that is most likely to accept them for who they are.

English man mimic Caribbeanj is all about smoke and mirrors if the shoe was being worn by his foot and his community was faced with such declining numbers that they face disappearing as a major political and cultural factor in a few decades then you see him pull out his drum and beat it every day for increased growth and unity.

Prashad posted:

English man mimic Caribbeanj is all about smoke and mirrors if the shoe was being worn by his foot and his community was faced with such declining numbers that they face disappearing as a major political and cultural factor in a few decades then you see him pull out his drum and beat it every day for increased growth and unity.

Prashad the best way to stop feeling miserable, as increasing numbers of Indo girls participate in the delights of that creole culture, which you despise, is to urge that all Guyanese Indians return to their ancestral villages.

Then they will only be able to marry WITHIN their caste.

Inter ethnic marriage is inevitable in multi cultural societies, whether it be NYC, Toronto, or Guyana!

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

English man mimic Caribbeanj is all about smoke and mirrors if the shoe was being worn by his foot and his community was faced with such declining numbers that they face disappearing as a major political and cultural factor in a few decades then you see him pull out his drum and beat it every day for increased growth and unity.

Prashad the best way to stop feeling miserable, as increasing numbers of Indo girls participate in the delights of that creole culture, which you despise, is to urge that all Guyanese Indians return to their ancestral villages.

Then they will only be able to marry WITHIN their caste.

Inter ethnic marriage is inevitable in multi cultural societies, whether it be NYC, Toronto, or Guyana!

"This is why suicide rates among Guyanese Hindus are the highest in the world."

This again is one of your wild and ridiculous statement about suicide in Guyana. I have been taking some classes recent/y on this topic and I can tell you suicide is a complicated issue. You are an expert on Indo, and now an expert on suicide. 

You need to stop and think about what you are saying. You are just as much a racist as the people you call racists. As far as I can tell, all of your posts here are designed to insult, demean and denigrate ALL Indians. Not only that, you continue to use mocking language as if to suggest that youi want to stick it to all Indians because "abhe Blackman on top". Thus your readiness to lump us all in the same box.

You cant see anything of value in what the IAC statement is calling for (which I am guessing is a typical statement any such organization will make), so you

I have searched the internet but could not find anywhere where the IAC "have even invented lies about African attacks on Indians to grab attention". This is a figment of your imagination. Where is the evidence. You cant provide the evidence so you bring up some BS as a distractor.  

You have a slogan for everyone who you suspect is an Indian here, so this one is for you "Carib paranoid, Indian hater".  Wait, I might be able to come up with some others.  


Last edited by VishMahabir

On this Holi day, there is so much disputation, disagreement and rancor in this bit of GNI cyberspace. I hope and pray that the same is not happening in the Guyana homeland. With the surplus of rum and cutlasses there, blood will stain abeer.

VishMahabir posted:

"This is why suicide rates among Guyanese Hindus are the highest in the world."

This again is one of your wild and ridiculous statement about suicide in Guyana. I have been taking some classes recent/y on this topic and I can tell you suicide is a complicated issue. You are an expert on Indo, and now an expert on suicide. 

You need to stop and think about what you are saying. You are just as much a racist as the people you call racists. As far as I can tell, all of your posts here are designed to insult, demean and denigrate ALL Indians. Not only that, you continue to use mocking language as if to suggest that youi want to stick it to all Indians because "abhe Blackman on top". Thus your readiness to lump us all in the same box.

You cant see anything of value in what the IAC statement is calling for (which I am guessing is a typical statement any such organization will make), so you

I have searched the internet but could not find anywhere where the IAC "have even invented lies about African attacks on Indians to grab attention". This is a figment of your imagination. Where is the evidence. You cant provide the evidence so you bring up some BS as a distractor.  

You have a slogan for everyone who you suspect is an Indian here, so this one is for you "Carib paranoid, Indian hater".  Wait, I might be able to come up with some others.  


Prashad screams that any interaction between Indians and blacks is ethnic genocide.  You say nothing.

Instead you focus on what is indeed a fact and that is suicide rates among Hindus are much higher than among other groups.  This is NOT my opinion this is a FACT. Black Bush Polder is ground zero for suicides in Guyana.

Given that you do NOT respond to the Indo racism on GNI I don't expect you to notice IAC disrespect for Afro Guyanese, as recently as last year.

Continue to cheer on prashad as he blames blacks for the "disappearance of Indians".  In fact he even blames us for alcoholism among Indians. Now I would think that such a comment would be worthy of notice by you, but of course NOT!

So from here on I will include you with the brown bai KKK, suggest that you just be open with that!  Its OK.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

You have a slogan for everyone who you suspect is an Indian here,


Gilbakka is an Indian. Riffraff is an Indian. TK is an Indian. Django is an Indian. Susan is an Indian.  Do you see me arguing with them?

In fact I even used the phrase brown bai KKK, coined by TK. 

I attach that to you too, even though you are too shy to admit to it. 

I do so because you NEVER respond to racism from the brown bai KKK, and yet you frequently do to me, so silence=consent, because you CANNOT argue that you have time for me, but not for them.

Indeed its funny that almost every day I say BOTH Africans and Indians have been racist and BOTH Africans and Indians suffer from racism.  The only part you object to is my comments about the Indian role in racism, and the fact that Africans have suffered as a result. 

Interesting for some one who will claim to be neutral and honest.


"Carib paranoid, Indian hater"

Still waiting for the evidence. Lets not make this about suicide. Your anti-Indian racism is blatant. Let me repeat:

Where is the evidence that the IAC is not concerned about national unity?. You started your tirade with an attack on the organization.  

Where did this organization (simply because, as you claim, it is connected to the PPP), promote disunity?. I know from your language that the PPP has not and cannot do any good, but stop bloviating and give us the evidence.

Then, you said the IAC promoted attacks against Africans. I simply ask you to show me where the IAC "invented lies about African attacks on Indians to grab attention". You then tried to twist this to make it about suicide. Yet, you are blinded to the fact Africans have attacked Indians.

This much is becoming clear to me: It is one thing to condemn those who promote racism. That is admirabe.

But you have a greater mission here. You will stop at nothing to demean anything progressive about Indians. This puts you in the same class with the "Indo KKK".

Like I said... "Carib paranoid, Indian hater"  

I know your game. This one for you:

VishMahabir posted:

"Carib paranoid, Indian hater"

Still waiting for the evidence. Lets not make this about suicide.

I know your game. This one for you:

Evidence of what.  You became hysterical about my claim that suicide among Hindus in Guyana is very high.  I show you that a bunch of pandits make the same claim, in fact they show that a group which is 22% of the population accounts for 69% of the suicides.

Why don't you chew on this, and the fact that you are a closet brown bai KKK.

The IAC has been used as an instrument by the PPP to disrespect Afro Guyanese and our culture.   Now go join seignet, yuji, cobra, prashad, skeldon man and others and scream "black man bad, Indo good, black man a kill ahbe". 

Scream with prashad that Indians are under numeric and cultural threat because of the cockney creole culture, which is also to blame for Indian drinking habits.

You say nothing

And don't flatter yourself.  I have no problem with Indians like TK, susan, django, riffraff and others who condemn the brown bai KKK. Soon you will join your buddies in flinging rocks at Indians, who deplore Indian racism, and who don't blame blacks for all that ails Guyana.

BTW Bollywood isn't Guyanese culture. Maybe you don't know that! Are you suggesting that I must learn Hindi now?


Caribj is a paid blogger for the PNC. He is a "Coolie Hater" he is as black as they come, RACIST.Today, Phagwah Day, do you think Carib cares, he care very little of others culture, his sole objective is to derail this thread for Hindus. There is an old saying, "If you don't have good to say" just shut up.


IAC has loads of comments that you will agree with.



Note that in their response they don't deny, or even discuss allegations of racist comments made Benschop.

Both these creatures and Ryhaan of GIHA think that they live in India, and seem offended by the fact that large numbers of blacks live in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Caribj is a paid blogger for the PNC. He is a "Coolie Hater" he is as black as they come, RACIST.Today, Phagwah Day, do you think Carib cares, he care very little of others culture, his sole objective is to derail this thread for Hindus. There is an old saying, "If you don't have good to say" just shut up.

VishMahabir, your fellow brown bai KKK are rushing to your defense.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"Carib paranoid, Indian hater"

Still waiting for the evidence. Lets not make this about suicide.

I know your game. This one for you:

Evidence of what.  You became hysterical about my claim that suicide among Hindus in Guyana is very high.  I show you that a bunch of pandits make the same claim, in fact they show that a group which is 22% of the population accounts for 69% of the suicides.

Why don't you chew on this, and the fact that you are a closet brown bai KKK.

The IAC has been used as an instrument by the PPP to disrespect Afro Guyanese and our culture.   Now go join seignet, yuji, cobra, prashad, skeldon man and others and scream "black man bad, Indo good, black man a kill ahbe". 

Scream with prashad that Indians are under numeric and cultural threat because of the cockney creole culture, which is also to blame for Indian drinking habits.

You say nothing

And don't flatter yourself.  I have no problem with Indians like TK, susan, django, riffraff and others who condemn the brown bai KKK. Soon you will join your buddies in flinging rocks at Indians, who deplore Indian racism, and who don't blame blacks for all that ails Guyana.

BTW Bollywood isn't Guyanese culture. Maybe you don't know that! Are you suggesting that I must learn Hindi now?

Notice how you try to confuse and detract the issue here.

Still awaiting your proof that the IAC attacks Africans and that it does not want national unity. 

Lets try this another way: "Where is the beef??"

We can only conclude that you are an Indian hater...a paranoid one at that.

Like I said, you are here to cause mischief.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"Carib paranoid, Indian hater"

Still waiting for the evidence. Lets not make this about suicide.

I know your game. This one for you:

Evidence of what.  You became hysterical about my claim that suicide among Hindus in Guyana is very high.  I show you that a bunch of pandits make the same claim, in fact they show that a group which is 22% of the population accounts for 69% of the suicides.

Why don't you chew on this, and the fact that you are a closet brown bai KKK.

The IAC has been used as an instrument by the PPP to disrespect Afro Guyanese and our culture.   Now go join seignet, yuji, cobra, prashad, skeldon man and others and scream "black man bad, Indo good, black man a kill ahbe". 

Scream with prashad that Indians are under numeric and cultural threat because of the cockney creole culture, which is also to blame for Indian drinking habits.

You say nothing

And don't flatter yourself.  I have no problem with Indians like TK, susan, django, riffraff and others who condemn the brown bai KKK. Soon you will join your buddies in flinging rocks at Indians, who deplore Indian racism, and who don't blame blacks for all that ails Guyana.

BTW Bollywood isn't Guyanese culture. Maybe you don't know that! Are you suggesting that I must learn Hindi now?

Notice how you try to confuse and detract the issue here.

Still awaiting your proof that the IAC attacks Africans and that it does not want national unity. 

Lets try this another way: "Where is the beef??"

We can only conclude that you are an Indian hater...a paranoid one at that.

Like I said, you are here to cause mischief.


Looking at the picture i have this strong feeling in the next ten years the racial divide will be reduced tremendously,Guyana needs that, for too long the  two major races distrust each other.

Time to kick the divisive politicians to the curb,the young generation is showing them who are the boss.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

IAC has loads of comments that you will agree with.



Note that in their response they don't deny, or even discuss allegations of racist comments made Benschop.

Both these creatures and Ryhaan of GIHA think that they live in India, and seem offended by the fact that large numbers of blacks live in Guyana.

1.  "If a certain immigrant group didn't arrive in Guyana it would have remained a mangrove swamp."

 Note that by the time Indians had arrived no swamps existed where sugar was grown.  The Indians did NOT clear new land, and in fact even the maintenance of the drains continued to be performed by Africans long into the period of Indo indenture.

This is merely part of the "black man lazy, violent, savage and of no use".   This being a mantra of the PPP as captured in a Chronicle editorial that they NEVER apologized for.

2. " The festival of Mashramani represents a dumbing down to blackness."

I see that you agree with those statements.

Note that I not only post the allegations, but also her response.  She did NOT deny that she made those comments. Clearly she made those comments and lacked the integrity to admit that she did so in rage, and that she regretted making those remarks.

Now if you were to say that the IAC of 2016 is not the IAC of 2010 then that will be a respectable response. 

But to deny that they haven't engaged in disrespecting blacks in the past is a blatant untruth.

But then as a brown bai KKK of the closeted type you agree with the bigot, so I rest my case.

No wonder you have NEVER condemned the frequent racist comments made on GNI.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"Carib paranoid, Indian hater"

Still waiting for the evidence. Lets not make this about suicide.

I know your game. This one for you:

Evidence of what.  You became hysterical about my claim that suicide among Hindus in Guyana is very high.  I show up on you that a bunch of pandits make the same claim, in fact they show that a group which is 22% of the population accounts for 69% of the suicides.

Why don't you chew on this, and the fact that you are a closet brown bai KKK.

The IAC has been used as an instrument by the PPP to disrespect Afro Guyanese and our culture.   Now go join seignet, yuji, cobra, prashad, skeldon man and others and scream "black man bad, Indo good, black man a kill ahbe". 

Scream with prashad that Indians are under numeric and cultural threat because of the cockney creole culture, which is also to blame for Indian drinking habits.

You say nothing

And don't flatter yourself.  I have no problem with Indians like TK, susan, django, riffraff and others who condemn the brown bai KKK. Soon you will join your buddies in flinging rocks at Indians, who deplore Indian racism, and who don't blame blacks for all that ails Guyana.

BTW Bollywood isn't Guyanese culture. Maybe you don't know that! Are you suggesting that I must learn Hindi now?

Englishman mimic Caribbeanj you are the most vile and extreme Anti-east Indian race hate monger here.


Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Englishman mimic Caribbeanj you are the most vile and extreme Anti-east Indian race hate monger here.


So what do you think when a former top official of the IAC said,

1.  If a certain ethnic group didn't arrive in Guyana, it would have remained a mangrove swamp


2.  Mashramani represents a dumbing down to blackness?

Prashad posted:

Englishman mimic Caribbeanj you are the most vile and extreme Anti-east Indian race hate monger here.


Here is what will drive you to the nearest bottle of poison. When you go to Jackson Heights and you open your mouth and they call you "Jamaicanprashad".


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