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Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by shanazb:

Morg my mother in law was rush to the hospital yesterday , we are not sure whats going on with her . she is still in the EMG .

I am going back soon.

Pray for us .

Shanaz, hope everything goes well for Mrs.B

Say hello to your sis-in-law, Mrs F & her hubby A... for hubby & I.


thanks she is still in the hospital taking Med. she is very very tired . we are praying for her to be comfortable in her last life .




Thanks she is still the same , I ask her yesterday as I was praying over her what is on her mind? she told me she wanted to go home , I ask home where she then says GT . I was speechless my heart just stop.

but God knows best . she is still doing lots of test .  

Thanks to all my GNI FAMILY AND FRIENDS . 


Good Morning S... please tell Mr & Mrs F.... that hubby & I are thinking of them & Mrs. B ...

I remember many Mr & Mrs F ... used to take hubby, my 2 older children & I with their children to Mr & Mrs B's house up East Coast, to spend the day... drinking coconut water & haing the housekeep cooking for us. Then groundsman will give us coconut water to bring him along with dried coconut.



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