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Originally Posted by Jalil:

(8) Bring Back Nagamootoo & Ramjattan to Lead and clean up the mess.

(9) Flush out all "De House of Isreal & PNC Thugs" like Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Gilbert, Bynoe, Nascimento, Gouviea, McClean.


The PPP does not need traitors, rotten and corrupt politicians like Naga (Snake) and Rumjattan (Rum Bottle).







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Originally Posted by Jalil:

(10) Flush out Idiots like $hit stop Backing up and spewing out his mouth.

(11) Listen to people like Nerhu who see no hope in the PPP unless it is United and Fight Corruption.

12. Stop listening to Jalil who supported the AFC and now admit that the AFC is a complete failure due to massive fraud and corruption. Refuse to accept traitors back into the PPP. A majority awaits the PPP.






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Originally Posted by Nehru:

By taking a very long Vacation then return 2 weeks before Election and go to the People and tell them of his achievements. BANG!!!   54%. It's that EASY.

I agree.....teking a long vacation will do Ramotar Good......but that will not stop the PNC from getting Power again......we have wipe out them Black House of Isreal Thugs......and Dem Crab Louse who holding on to corruption.


(13) Admit Jagdeo lie when he forced all 28 Central Committee members who depend on a paycheck from the state to lie and sign a paper that they did not hear Jagdeo accuse Ramjattan of leaking info to the Americans and British. Have all these Funny Fellas come forward now and speak the truth about what and who caused the big Split in the PPP Support Base.

Originally Posted by God:
The PPP love having the House of Israel thugs in their midst. They are experienced at thuggery and are well suited to work with the PPP's Phantom Death Squad.

(14) Return to the days when PPP could win any Free-and-fair Elections....and do not need any help or assistance from

(1)  PNC riggers Nascimento, McClean & Company ......or

(2) Help from House of Isreal Thugs Lamumba, McCoy, Hamilton, Bynoe & Company.....or

(3) Help from Dirty Crab Louse like Ewe-gee, Big_Seed, De PNC Resident Engineer and Company

Originally Posted by Jalil:

(1) Clean up Crime & Corruption

(2) Have all involved in wrongdoing hauled before the Courts.

(3) Unite with AFC and Bring Back trust and Confidence to it's supporters.

Cant be done. To clean up crime and corruption he would have to put most of his friends and family in jail and ask someone else to close his cell door.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

(1) Clean up Crime & Corruption

(2) Have all involved in wrongdoing hauled before the Courts.

(3) Unite with AFC and Bring Back trust and Confidence to it's supporters.

Cant be done. To clean up crime and corruption he would have to put most of his friends and family in jail and ask someone else to close his cell door.

Never say never.....
eeee could do it....

and jail all of them...

and hope de people go easy on him...

then "De Duck" will be way ahead of "Jagabat"

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

(10) Flush out Idiots like $hit stop Backing up and spewing out his mouth.

(11) Listen to people like Nerhu who see no hope in the PPP unless it is United and Fight Corruption.

12. Stop listening to Jalil who supported the AFC and now admit that the AFC is a complete failure due to massive fraud and corruption. Refuse to accept traitors back into the PPP. A majority awaits the PPP.






Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

(10) Flush out Idiots like $hit stop Backing up and spewing out his mouth.

(11) Listen to people like Nerhu who see no hope in the PPP and understand the PPP has everything to lose unless it is United and Fight Corruption.


NEHRU? Are you serious? 

Yes Nehru will spring into action and do the right-thing to stop the PNC from ever returning to power.

JB do yuh think Nehru welcome the Black House of isreal thugs with open arms....if yuh think so you don't know Nehru.

Originally Posted by cain:

How could Ramotar stop the PNC from gaining Power in the next elections????



Rig it.

Cain he could try....but I do not think de Black house of isreal thugs will be of any help to him.

There is a lot of things happening which is going in favor of granger.


A lot of Ammo for De AK-47's  was removed fron De GDF.

Venezuela shut down all Off Shore Oil Drilling in Guyana.

All Jagdeo Pie-in-de-sky ambitions shut down.

Ramotar & Jagdeo will depend on De Brigadare General Help and support to respond to Venezuela.

Foreign Auditors in Guyana searching fuh De Thiefing & Corruption with Fine-teeth Comb and torch-lite.

Banks cutting off business with De Ramotar Govt.



PPP exploits racial fears to enbloc Indo Guyanese votes

February 2, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,

I read Ms Lurlene Nestor’s letter, “KhemrajRamjattan’s Bath settlement call was ill advised,” (KN 01-22-11) in which she dealt with Mr Ramjattan’s request to Indo Guyanese not to fear Afro Guyanese.


I write this letter not to defend Khemraj, nor to rebut Ms Nestor, but rather to express my own views on the question of racial fears, and indeed the fear of the all Guyanese people.

There is the general fear by all Guyanese of the criminals,


the fear of the Government by all to criticize the regime,


the fear of the narco death squads by Afro Guyanese,


and the fear of politically inspired violence against Indians by some Afro Guyanese.


I shall not go back into the social unrest of the 1960’s.

I shall start with the violence against Indo Guyanese in the aftermath of the 1997 elections.

After the PNC lost the 1997 elections it embarked on street protests which degenerated into thuggery against Indo Guyanese on several occasions in 1998 and 1999.


Politically inspired kick down the door bandits soon surfaced and in the two years hundreds of attacks against Indo Guyanese were carried out that left scores of businessmen dead.


Please note :

It is no secret the Kick-down-door Bandits are Black House-of-Isreal Thugs who now work for Jagdeo & Ramotar.


The perpetuators were identified as Afro Guyanese. The PPP regime, led by Janet Jagan, Moses Nagamootoo, Clement Rohee, Donald Ramotar, Ralph Ramkarran, and Gail Texeira, went into denial mode.


They told various audiences in New York that it was not true that Indians were being brutalized and that the businessmen who were killed were drug lords.


The PPP did absolutely nothing to restore law and order.


It refused to invite the UN to send peace keeping troops.


However at the 2001 elections the same PPP at bottom house meetings and mandirs told the Indians that if they did not vote PPP “ the black man them gun get back power and them gun rob and rape you all.”


The Indo Guyanese voted enbloc in 2001 to retain the PPP in government.  Again violence was unleashed on the hapless PPP supporters.



Again the PPP refused to call in UN troops.


The 2002 jail break led to war being waged on Indo Guyanese especially on the East Coast of Demerara.


Yet the PPP did nothing to protect its supporters and restore law and order.


The PPP did nothing because the regime itself was not threatened and it could afford the Indian casualties so long as it remained in office.


By the end of 2002 the police and army came under attack.


The PPP now felt threatened and had to take action to protect itself.


The lawful course of action for the PPP was to ask for UN peace keeping troops.


However it meant the PPP would have had to relinquish some control of the state and that it was not prepared to do.


The regime instead entered into an unholy alliance with the narco lords who then waged war on the Afro Guyanese gunmen encamped in Buxton.


By the time the threat to the government had passed nearly two hundred young Afro Guyanese lay dead.


After all the mayhem the PPP has still not taken any lawful and constitutional action to address the concerns of both communities.


Instead, with no threat of insurrection, and an effete opposition, the Jagdeo regime ensconced itself in absolute power.


The narco squads were used to assassinate Afro activist Ronald Waddell and Indo Minister Sash Sawh who had held up the major drug lord concessions in the hinterland.


These murders drove fear into the hearts of labour, political, and social activists.


The regime also used the treason charge on two groups of Afro Guyanese to imprison them, further invoking fear in citizens. But the fear does not stop there.


Massacres were conducted at Lusignan, Bartica, and Lindo Creek.


Only the political elite knows the identity of the murderers.



The crime pandemic just got larger and larger under the Jagdeo dictatorship.


Today all the ethnic groups are being affected by common gun toting criminals with murders and robberies being the order of the day.


Guyana is one big camp of fear at all levels.


Yet the Jagdeo/PPP government has done nothing to stop the crimes and allay the fears.


In fact the regime has refused British aid to the Police Force


and it has denied the US DEA permission to operate in Guyana.


Compare the PPP’s actions with those of other Caribbean countries which have accepted police aid from the British, Canadians, and Americans.



What is the motive of the Jagdeo/PPP government in refusing aid to our Police Force? Who benefits from the rampant crime? Who benefits from a fearful society? Who are building mansions and amassing fortunes?



Certainly not the sugar workers, nor the bauxite workers, nor the poor civil servants, nor the Amerindians.


But come election time the very PPP will once again give Indo Guyanese voters the ultimatium: “either yuh vote PPP or the black man gun get back power and rob and rape you all.”


The exploitation of Indo Guyanese fears by the PPP will have to be addressed at the next elections by all opposition parties.



Indians will have to be educated about how the PPP has been exacerbating their fears. They have to be told that they must not let fear of Afro Guyanese cause them to vote PPP because the PPP is really the cause and beneficiary of such fears.


Allow me the opportunity to say to the current PPP executive, “ I told you so.” If the PPP had accepted and implemented the national security plan that I designed in 1990 at Dr Jagan’s request then Guyana would have been spared all the social unrest and wanton political killings.


I had proposed to replace the Police Commissioner with Mr Paul Slowe,



seek UN and British help in rebuilding the Police Force,

expand the People’s Militia into every district,


amend the law to enable the Militia to do policing duties,


from a special anti terrorist squad to deal with armed bandits,


give the US DEA full scope to operate in Guyana,

enact a Freedom of Information Bill to help fight corruption.


My plan was given to Dr Jagan and Mr Clinton Collymore who for years was the PPP’s shadow Minister of Defence and Home Affairs in Parliament.



I am aware that Messrs Rohan Singh, ex GDF Captain Ronald Sami, and ex GPM captain Neville Sami also read the plan. All were in high praise of my proposals.



However the capable and competent Clinton Collymore was side lined by Ms Janet Jagan who was vehement in keeping the police status quo, especially the Commissioner. Only she, Laurie Lewis, and God know why she wanted it that way.


It was under Mr Lewis’s reign over the Police Force that the violence in the latter 90’s and early 2000’s unfolded.
Malcolm Harripaul


Now...can anyone tell us

Why Dem Pimps, Prostitute, Parasites,

Panty Bhai and Dutty Crab Louse

gone and hide

Is wey dem deh....


Guyana's opposition grouping hopes to replicate TT local govt result

  • Sunday, 27 October 2013 00:12

APNU parliamentarian, Annette Ferguson

APNU parliamentarian, Annette Ferguson


Buoyed by the recent victory of the opposition Peoples National Movement (PNM) in Trinidad and Tobago’s local government elections, Guyana’s larger opposition grouping Saturday night appealed to youths to be prepared to vote in expected local polls here.

"We have and we must ensure that we take the local government from the ruling PPPC (Peoples Progressive Party Civic).
And you know who played a critical role in the local government elections in Trinidad?- It was young people like yourselves who aided in those campaigns,” said parliamentarian for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Annette Ferguson.apnu goldengroveA section of the attendees at the GYSM rally, Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara.
With eight of the 14 corporations under the PNM’s belt, that party has since called on the governing coalition Congress of the People (COP) to call early general election.
Ferguson and the other speakers are members of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) whose youth arm- Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM)- launched its local government election campaign at a rally held at Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara.
Stirring appeals were made by Ferguson and her colleague APNU parliamentarians- James Bond, Vanessa Kissoon, Christopher Jones and Opposition Leader David Granger- for youths to be registered, get involved in politics, vote and are educated about the new local government system for the six municipalities and 65 other councils for villages.
The speakers urged the predominantly young attendees at the rally to vie for local government offices in their areas, an approach Granger described as an “apprenticeship” to eventually lead the country. “You all must be prepared to use the local government elections as a training school, as an apprenticeship to taking power in this country,” said Granger.

He advised supporters not to become complacent in Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) because it is an area where the PPPC has captured the most votes. "Do not take it for granted because this is a very peculiar region you're living in- Region Four. PPP got the most votes here in Region, not in Region Six, not in Region Three and you got to reverse that trend," he said. He reasoned that the local government polls would not be an ethnic competition but "a race for quality of life."
The PNCR stressed that the local government election would be key to improving drainage,  waste disposal, the condition of roads, improved schools and the award of contracts in communities. “This new system puts power in the hands of the people,” said Bond.
Bond charged those gathered to engineer change by the ballot, an approach he advised would be successful only if they ceased relaxing, in-fighting and being distracted by entertainment. “This is serious times! We are not going to win an election with young people slacking up and becoming slackers,” he said. He warned that if youths do not become involved politically, the PNCR is “going to be nothing because the big people they are going to go sooner or later.”
Kissoon advised youths to be healthy, educated, mobilized and understand their rights. “When you know your rights and you understand your rights, you are able for our rights,” she said. She urged the gathering to do whatever is necessary to force government to call local government elections.

The PNCR Leader announced that APNU would be launching its local government election next month.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

PPP exploits racial fears to enbloc Indo Guyanese votes

February 2, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,

I read Ms Lurlene Nestor’s letter, “KhemrajRamjattan’s Bath settlement call was ill advised,” (KN 01-22-11) in which she dealt with Mr Ramjattan’s request to Indo Guyanese not to fear Afro Guyanese.


I write this letter not to defend Khemraj, nor to rebut Ms Nestor, but rather to express my own views on the question of racial fears, and indeed the fear of the all Guyanese people.

There is the general fear by all Guyanese of the criminals,


the fear of the Government by all to criticize the regime,


the fear of the narco death squads by Afro Guyanese,


and the fear of politically inspired violence against Indians by some Afro Guyanese.


I shall not go back into the social unrest of the 1960’s.

I shall start with the violence against Indo Guyanese in the aftermath of the 1997 elections.

After the PNC lost the 1997 elections it embarked on street protests which degenerated into thuggery against Indo Guyanese on several occasions in 1998 and 1999.


Politically inspired kick down the door bandits soon surfaced and in the two years hundreds of attacks against Indo Guyanese were carried out that left scores of businessmen dead.


Please note :

It is no secret the Kick-down-door Bandits are Black House-of-Isreal Thugs who now work for Jagdeo & Ramotar.


The perpetuators were identified as Afro Guyanese. The PPP regime, led by Janet Jagan, Moses Nagamootoo, Clement Rohee, Donald Ramotar, Ralph Ramkarran, and Gail Texeira, went into denial mode.


They told various audiences in New York that it was not true that Indians were being brutalized and that the businessmen who were killed were drug lords.


The PPP did absolutely nothing to restore law and order.


It refused to invite the UN to send peace keeping troops.


However at the 2001 elections the same PPP at bottom house meetings and mandirs told the Indians that if they did not vote PPP “ the black man them gun get back power and them gun rob and rape you all.”


The Indo Guyanese voted enbloc in 2001 to retain the PPP in government.  Again violence was unleashed on the hapless PPP supporters.



Again the PPP refused to call in UN troops.


The 2002 jail break led to war being waged on Indo Guyanese especially on the East Coast of Demerara.


Yet the PPP did nothing to protect its supporters and restore law and order.


The PPP did nothing because the regime itself was not threatened and it could afford the Indian casualties so long as it remained in office.


By the end of 2002 the police and army came under attack.


The PPP now felt threatened and had to take action to protect itself.


The lawful course of action for the PPP was to ask for UN peace keeping troops.


However it meant the PPP would have had to relinquish some control of the state and that it was not prepared to do.


The regime instead entered into an unholy alliance with the narco lords who then waged war on the Afro Guyanese gunmen encamped in Buxton.


By the time the threat to the government had passed nearly two hundred young Afro Guyanese lay dead.


After all the mayhem the PPP has still not taken any lawful and constitutional action to address the concerns of both communities.


Instead, with no threat of insurrection, and an effete opposition, the Jagdeo regime ensconced itself in absolute power.


The narco squads were used to assassinate Afro activist Ronald Waddell and Indo Minister Sash Sawh who had held up the major drug lord concessions in the hinterland.


These murders drove fear into the hearts of labour, political, and social activists.


The regime also used the treason charge on two groups of Afro Guyanese to imprison them, further invoking fear in citizens. But the fear does not stop there.


Massacres were conducted at Lusignan, Bartica, and Lindo Creek.


Only the political elite knows the identity of the murderers.



The crime pandemic just got larger and larger under the Jagdeo dictatorship.


Today all the ethnic groups are being affected by common gun toting criminals with murders and robberies being the order of the day.


Guyana is one big camp of fear at all levels.


Yet the Jagdeo/PPP government has done nothing to stop the crimes and allay the fears.


In fact the regime has refused British aid to the Police Force


and it has denied the US DEA permission to operate in Guyana.


Compare the PPP’s actions with those of other Caribbean countries which have accepted police aid from the British, Canadians, and Americans.



What is the motive of the Jagdeo/PPP government in refusing aid to our Police Force? Who benefits from the rampant crime? Who benefits from a fearful society? Who are building mansions and amassing fortunes?



Certainly not the sugar workers, nor the bauxite workers, nor the poor civil servants, nor the Amerindians.


But come election time the very PPP will once again give Indo Guyanese voters the ultimatium: “either yuh vote PPP or the black man gun get back power and rob and rape you all.”


The exploitation of Indo Guyanese fears by the PPP will have to be addressed at the next elections by all opposition parties.



Indians will have to be educated about how the PPP has been exacerbating their fears. They have to be told that they must not let fear of Afro Guyanese cause them to vote PPP because the PPP is really the cause and beneficiary of such fears.


Allow me the opportunity to say to the current PPP executive, “ I told you so.” If the PPP had accepted and implemented the national security plan that I designed in 1990 at Dr Jagan’s request then Guyana would have been spared all the social unrest and wanton political killings.


I had proposed to replace the Police Commissioner with Mr Paul Slowe,



seek UN and British help in rebuilding the Police Force,

expand the People’s Militia into every district,


amend the law to enable the Militia to do policing duties,


from a special anti terrorist squad to deal with armed bandits,


give the US DEA full scope to operate in Guyana,

enact a Freedom of Information Bill to help fight corruption.


My plan was given to Dr Jagan and Mr Clinton Collymore who for years was the PPP’s shadow Minister of Defence and Home Affairs in Parliament.



I am aware that Messrs Rohan Singh, ex GDF Captain Ronald Sami, and ex GPM captain Neville Sami also read the plan. All were in high praise of my proposals.



However the capable and competent Clinton Collymore was side lined by Ms Janet Jagan who was vehement in keeping the police status quo, especially the Commissioner. Only she, Laurie Lewis, and God know why she wanted it that way.


It was under Mr Lewis’s reign over the Police Force that the violence in the latter 90’s and early 2000’s unfolded.
Malcolm Harripaul


Now...can anyone tell us

Why Dem Pimps, Prostitute, Parasites,

Panty Bhai and Dutty Crab Louse

gone and hide

Is wey dem deh....

Mr Sugrim Sir,

If you can answer

One of Mr Harripaul's Questions


Anyone.......Just One


I will assure every one on GNI Mr Sugrim

is not a Dutty Crab Louse as most believe.


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