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skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Who are you addressing?

The question stands.... how can Guyana end its racial problem?

You floggin' a dead horse. Move on!!!

Yuh gat all that big mouth and don't have an answer,

all this time you a wan rabble rouser.

I lived in Guyana for 21 years. When my mother was still alive, I visited frequently. Lemme tell alyu uptown peeple: Wah rain cyan full; dew nah guh full. There will be an end to racial problems when I become president for life and make some important and unpopular decisions.

You post a ton of articles here(cut and paste), morally and financially support a dictatorial installed regime, spread their lies and propaganda, you are being called a slop can carrier and take a severe whipping on a daily basis AND YET you in all the yeas of living in Guyana and here, you cannot, along with all of the Guyanese population, offer a iota of a suggestion on how to JUST IMPROVE the racial situation. WHATEVER HAPPEN TO YOUR PEOPLE "SOCIAL COHESION PROGRAM"? You think this might help? No word on any progress or the "free loader" collecting a paycheck at the taxpayers' expense? 

Sorry pal you have it all wrong again,can't blame you if that is the way you perceived it to be,deep within me i know what i am,no name calling can tarnish my integrity.

For starters.

The first the people have to acknowledge "Respect each other existence" in the human world no one is greater than each other.

antabanta posted:
Prashad posted:
antabanta posted:
Prashad posted:
warrior posted:

GNI can start bu banning some of these racists we have on this site then again if you ban them i will miss a good laugh 

I have been called an Indian racist here but no one can point their fingers and show where I was racist.

You want to destroy Guyana by racial segregation

Which bs segregation. I want an independent sovereign country for East Indian Guyanese, douglas who embrace their East Indian Guyanese heritage and allies of the Guyanese East Indian people so as to prevent racism and segregation.


So what you're saying is you don't know what you're talking about. Amazing.

Guyana is a heart beat away from an ethnic genocide. When it happens don't say Prashad did not do anything to prevent it.


Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Who are you addressing?

The question stands.... how can Guyana end its racial problem?

You floggin' a dead horse. Move on!!!

Yuh gat all that big mouth and don't have an answer,

all this time you a wan rabble rouser.

I lived in Guyana for 21 years. When my mother was still alive, I visited frequently. Lemme tell alyu uptown peeple: Wah rain cyan full; dew nah guh full. There will be an end to racial problems when I become president for life and make some important and unpopular decisions.

You post a ton of articles here(cut and paste), morally and financially support a dictatorial installed regime, spread their lies and propaganda, you are being called a slop can carrier and take a severe whipping on a daily basis AND YET you in all the yeas of living in Guyana and here, you cannot, along with all of the Guyanese population, offer a iota of a suggestion on how to JUST IMPROVE the racial situation. WHATEVER HAPPEN TO YOUR PEOPLE "SOCIAL COHESION PROGRAM"? You think this might help? No word on any progress or the "free loader" collecting a paycheck at the taxpayers' expense? 


The first the people have to acknowledge "Respect each other existence" in the human world no one is greater than each other.

I agree that everyone must respect each others existence but this RACIST PNC administration thinks that Indos must not exist Guyana and as such portrays them as Thieves and Drug Dealers.

Carib racist posts are a reflection of that level of racism.

The lives of Indos have disintegrated since this racist PNC administration took office from humiliating them, to destroying their livelihood to blatant discrimination from people like Harmon.

The rush to close down sugar estates to destroy Indos economically is a classic example of PNC racism.

ba$eman posted:

Caribj, are you happy with the PNC? 

Review my comments about the PNC, both in its Burnham form and as APNU. 

The PPP was a racist government which marginalized Guyanese.  This is why record numbers of blacks and mixed voters got rid of them in 2015.

No group has a right to discriminate against another group, whether its Indians in Guyana towards blacks or whether its the Brahmin in India who discriminate against your relatives who live in the dusty impoverished villages of Uttar Pradesh.

As to your arrogant questioning as to whether blacks were better off under the PPP than they were under Burnham. Now suppose I told you that Indians in Guyana had no business screaming against Burnham because in 1980 there were CONSIDERABLY BETTER OFF than were their distant relatives back in India. Knowing full well that most Guyanese Indians originated from the lower castes.   You would scream murder.

Prashad posted:

Guyana is a heart beat away from an ethnic genocide.

How so? Right now the biggest rage is what PNC supporters feel towards their leadership who they now see as being as bad as the PPP.

So describe a scenario where there will be ethnic genocide.

You see if Indians weren't so fundamentally clannish this would exactly be the time to end the hegemonic control that the PNC exerts over blacks. Get some one like Nigel Hughes, who enjoys huge popularity among the grass roots blacks. In fact MORE than Granger or Harmon do. Then put him as the PPP presidential candidate.

But being the fundamental racist that you are you cannot see the PPP as anything other than an Indian party.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The rush to close down sugar estates to destroy Indos economically is a classic example of PNC racism.

That depends on what kind of magnifying glasses are used.

There were the boasts that Indians are so "hard working" that they don't need sugar and will find something to do.  This when the PPP was in power and the possibility of a collapse of Guysuco was quite likely.

I see a different song is now being sung.

caribny posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The rush to close down sugar estates to destroy Indos economically is a classic example of PNC racism.

That depends on what kind of magnifying glasses are used.

There were the boasts that Indians are so "hard working" that they don't need sugar and will find something to do.  This when the PPP was in power and the possibility of a collapse of Guysuco was quite likely.

I see a different song is now being sung.

Indians will survive and thrive, you can rest assure.  That does not mean they roll over and let it be.  Your fat boy and the PNC club tried his utmost to starve out and beat Indians into submission...and he lost.  He lost despite a weak PPP leader, the economic power of the Nationalized industries and the CIA.

Today you have Bharat "Jackal" Jagdeo leading the PPP, no independent economic power and a US which will be more hands-off even with oil.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The rush to close down sugar estates to destroy Indos economically is a classic example of PNC racism.

That depends on what kind of magnifying glasses are used.

There were the boasts that Indians are so "hard working" that they don't need sugar and will find something to do.  This when the PPP was in power and the possibility of a collapse of Guysuco was quite likely.

I see a different song is now being sung.

Indians will survive and thrive, you can rest assure.  That does not mean they roll over and let it be.  Your fat boy and the PNC club tried his utmost to starve out and beat Indians into submission...and he lost.  He lost despite a weak PPP leader, the economic power of the Nationalized industries and the CIA.

Today you have Bharat "Jackal" Jagdeo leading the PPP, no independent economic power and a US which will be more hands-off even with oil.

I have to agree that Jagan was weak and provided critical support to Burnham. His son Joey turned out to become Guyana's biggest JACKASS.

Nadira is no different, she joined with Joey and attempted to destroy their parents party. They are now both silent with massive corruption and endorsing AFC/PNC FAT Pigs who are destroying Guyana.

The PPP now has to chart a new course with Jagdeo playing a critical role in that new course. In the absence of a strong PPP leader, Jagdeo can stand toe to toe with the PNC which has a history of violence and intimidation.

Jagdeo is the only leader who drives fear into the hearts of the PNC. He gave the PNC thugs quite a trashing with Brother Gaj as his arm.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The rush to close down sugar estates to destroy Indos economically is a classic example of PNC racism.

That depends on what kind of magnifying glasses are used.

There were the boasts that Indians are so "hard working" that they don't need sugar and will find something to do.  This when the PPP was in power and the possibility of a collapse of Guysuco was quite likely.

I see a different song is now being sung.

Indians will survive and thrive, you can rest assure.  That does not mean they roll over and let it be.  Your fat boy and the PNC club tried his utmost to starve out and beat Indians into submission...and he lost.  He lost despite a weak PPP leader, the economic power of the Nationalized industries and the CIA.

Today you have Bharat "Jackal" Jagdeo leading the PPP, no independent economic power and a US which will be more hands-off even with oil.

I have to agree that Jagan was weak and provided critical support to Burnham. His son Joey turned out to become Guyana's biggest JACKASS.

Nadira is no different, she joined with Joey and attempted to destroy their parents party. They are now both silent with massive corruption and endorsing AFC/PNC FAT Pigs who are destroying Guyana.

The PPP now has to chart a new course with Jagdeo playing a critical role in that new course. In the absence of a strong PPP leader, Jagdeo can stand toe to toe with the PNC which has a history of violence and intimidation.

Jagdeo is the only leader who drives fear into the hearts of the PNC. He gave the PNC thugs quite a trashing with Brother Gaj as his arm.

President Jagdeo shows stateman like qualities.

ba$eman posted:
cain posted:

I like how u fellas lovr to mention Jagdeo and Gajraj as thrashing PNC other words "kill" yet when this subject comes up and mention is made of extra judical killings by PPP yall does argue strong is a lie.

Who ever talking about that.  Baseman talking leader of the opposition!

Was in response to yugi's post right above mine.

ba$eman posted:

Indians will survive and thrive, you can rest assure.  oil.

So all the gov't should do is to downsize Guysuco to minimize losses.  In fact the EU has already told the Caribbean that there will no longer be markets for their sugar in the EU. With the UK leaving we have lost our main advocate within the EU. 

Based on your boasts Indians will not suffer so there will be no humanitarian consequences and Jagdeo is only making himself a jackass by screaming "black man a kill ahbe".

yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo is the only leader who drives fear into the hearts of the PNC.

Hmmm.  How can the PNC fear Jagdeo when he did not arrest a single PNC leader during the violence which he blamed on the PNC.

In fact Harmon and Jagdeo are good friends, hence the reason why the gravy train to the oligarchs continues and the PNC base feel betrayed. 

It will not surprise me if the Jagdeo "arrest" was recently orchestrated to make Jagdeo a hero among his base.  Just as Corbin and Jagdeo had their own private deal going on, and Jagdeo became very angered when it appeared as if the PNC would drop him as its leader.

I can assure you that APNU would rather Jagdeo leading the PPP then a new and intelligent person not tainted by the stench of corruption.

The PNC old men have no care about what happens after 2020 as by then they would have stolen enough. Jagdeo has schooled Harmon quite well in the art of stealing.

By the way the ex Phantoms are now reigning havoc and you will claim that they target Indians exclusively.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

So.... how can Guyana end its racial problem?

Institute Prashad's plan.

warrior posted:

GNI can start bu banning some of these racists we have on this site then again if you ban them i will miss a good laugh 

You r@ss smart. You hit on weekend nights and hide during the day. Looks like you stole some farmer's cow from the farm in Canada and end up in the slammer. How long more you got?

Who are you addressing?

The question stands.... how can Guyana end its racial problem?

You floggin' a dead horse. Move on!!!

so you don't know who you were addressing and you don't have a response. It is you who has to move on.

Last edited by antabanta

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