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Former Member

Ok folks


As we know, Nigel is the leader and chairman of the AFC. Indos in the AFC are just window dressers for a PNC in disguise as the AFC. 


Young and talented Gerhard who is part of the PNC fled after he was not given a seat in the AFC over less qualified candidates. In fact, he was shoved aside. He has since smartened up and moved over to the PNC.


With the top brass of the AFC gone, there is not much left in the AFC except Nigel who is despised by Indo Guyanese in the AFC.


The AFC is a fractured part and any election will be a horse race between the PPP and PNC.


Looks like Mitwah is either joining the PNC or attempting to jump ship as he has been a staunch PNC defender latey, he seems to attack anyone who criticizes the PNC by attempting to play the race card.


How will Indo Guyanese react in the AFC with Nigel as leader and Moses and Ramjattan as water boys ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


As we know, Nigel is the leader and chairman of the AFC. Indos in the AFC are just window dressers for a PNC in disguise as the AFC. 


Young and talented Gerhard who is part of the PNC fled after he was not given a seat in the AFC over less qualified candidates. In fact, he was shoved aside. He has since smartened up and moved over to the PNC.


With the top brass of the AFC gone, there is not much left in the AFC except Nigel who is despised by Indo Guyanese in the AFC.


The AFC is a fractured part and any election will be a horse race between the PPP and PNC.


How will Indo Guyanese react in the AFC with Nigel as leader and Moses and Ramjattan as water boys ?

they will help keep the ppp a minority 


How will Indo Guyanese react to the PPP and its leader Clement Rohee?


They are already reacting with their feet by the thousands.


Regarding the AFC and Nigel Hughes, not all Indo Guyanese are racial.


Indo Guyanese are the least of AFC worries.


Indo Guyanese are the PPP's nightmare. Not enough of them now to give the PPP a majority.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How will Indo Guyanese react to the PPP and its leader Clement Rohee?


They are already reacting with their feet by the thousands.


Regarding the AFC and Nigel Hughes, not all Indo Guyanese are racial.


Indo Guyanese are the least of AFC worries.


Indo Guyanese are the PPP's nightmare. Not enough of them now to give the PPP a majority.

yugi going back to vote

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How will Indo Guyanese react to the PPP and its leader Clement Rohee?


They are already reacting with their feet by the thousands.


Regarding the AFC and Nigel Hughes, not all Indo Guyanese are racial.


Indo Guyanese are the least of AFC worries.


Indo Guyanese are the PPP's nightmare. Not enough of them now to give the PPP a majority.

yugi going back to vote

You sure bout dat?


Canada sweet like sumutoo fo yuji.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How will Indo Guyanese react to the PPP and its leader Clement Rohee?


They are already reacting with their feet by the thousands.


Regarding the AFC and Nigel Hughes, not all Indo Guyanese are racial.


Indo Guyanese are the least of AFC worries.


Indo Guyanese are the PPP's nightmare. Not enough of them now to give the PPP a majority.

yugi going back to vote

He scared of the black man but not Kwamee.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How will Indo Guyanese react to the PPP and its leader Clement Rohee?


They are already reacting with their feet by the thousands.


Regarding the AFC and Nigel Hughes, not all Indo Guyanese are racial.


Indo Guyanese are the least of AFC worries.


Indo Guyanese are the PPP's nightmare. Not enough of them now to give the PPP a majority.

yugi going back to vote

You sure bout dat?


Canada sweet like sumutoo fo yuji.

yugi will sell his ass to make sure no black man do not rule guyana

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How will Indo Guyanese react to the PPP and its leader Clement Rohee?


They are already reacting with their feet by the thousands.


Regarding the AFC and Nigel Hughes, not all Indo Guyanese are racial.


Indo Guyanese are the least of AFC worries.


Indo Guyanese are the PPP's nightmare. Not enough of them now to give the PPP a majority.

yugi going back to vote

You sure bout dat?


Canada sweet like sumutoo fo yuji.

yugi will sell his ass to make sure no black man do not rule guyana

He is a born again virgin. He can ketch good price.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The AFC is making a mistake going with Nigel Hughes as a leader. The man has no scruples he will collect as long as someone will give.


These people have no principles none and when the PPP opens up the files on Nigel Hughes you will see how fast nuff nuff all yuh gonna run for cover. Mitwah - tek warnin bai.

Point taken... my problem is  the race bait heading of this thread.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


How will Indo Guyanese react in the AFC with Nigel as leader and Moses and Ramjattan as water boys ?

Look who is playing the race card. I guess as Indians flee Guyana every Indian who remains has to be scared into voting PPP.


Only problem is that there weren't enough Indians in 2011 to get you the majority, and by 2016 it will be even worse as more mixed people come of age.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Admin, why are you allowing Yugi22, the racist crab louse to start up these race baiting threads?

he hate black people after kwame bugger him

Behind every Indo racist like yuji there is a man who is racist because he loves the black cobra and hates himself because of this, so he takes it out on blacks.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


How will Indo Guyanese react in the AFC with Nigel as leader and Moses and Ramjattan as water boys ?

Look who is playing the race card. I guess as Indians flee Guyana every Indian who remains has to be scared into voting PPP.


Only problem is that there weren't enough Indians in 2011 to get you the majority, and by 2016 it will be even worse as more mixed people come of age.



Your intense hate for Indos has blinded you. The PPP has the natives votes and that amounts to 10 percent. Take that and smoke it in your pipe.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The AFC is making a mistake going with Nigel Hughes as a leader. The man has no scruples he will collect as long as someone will give.


These people have no principles none and when the PPP opens up the files on Nigel Hughes you will see how fast nuff nuff all yuh gonna run for cover. Mitwah - tek warnin bai.


Tek warnin, better tek warning.

The AFC is finished. The warning, better tek warning.

Just like the song said.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



This is open political discussion. Every time a topic does not suite you or denounces the PNC and the AFC, you holler race. Put up or shut up.

Yuji how can you explain the Black House of Israel Thugs who take up position at Freedom House and Office of the President?


Yuji how do you explain your love and support for De Rear End Comrade...Kwame McCoy?


Yuh sure yuh want discuss this topic?????


So Put up Now....or shut up.....EXPLAIN THEM TWO THING BHAI

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Brother Nigel and Captin gouvie......De PPP thieves got the AFC by the cohones.


seriously dude . . . u need to back this INVIDIOUS shyte up!


what the f*ck is the photo above supposed to prove?


anybody co-signing poorly conceived innuendo of this sort needs to PUT UP or SHUT UP

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I see that my post has hit a nerve with PNC/AFC supporters. You cannot debate and lack the basic skills to do so, hence you try to derail my thread. It will stand.

you call race baiting debating,people call it hate,you low life collie 

Warrior Yuji and De PNC Professor got matching DNA.

Yuji is a Coolie Monkey in the PPP .

Yugi Love Dem Black House of Israel thugs and Riggers.


Tarron DE Grasshopper is a Collie Monkey in PNC.

De PNC Undercover Jihaji got De Development Plan to move Congress Place to Monkey Mountain.

He & Mamoo love Corbin & Granger....Oh Rani


Dem Collie Monkey divide between PPP & PNC.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The AFC is making a mistake going with Nigel Hughes as a leader. The man has no scruples he will collect as long as someone will give.


These people have no principles none and when the PPP opens up the files on Nigel Hughes you will see how fast nuff nuff all yuh gonna run for cover. Mitwah - tek warnin bai.

PPP = PNC......No one afraid of either of them.

Everyone should support Professor Taroon plan to move Congress Place to Monkey Mountain.


Granger should respect the Undercover Jihaji and make him Mayor of Monkey Mountain.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Warrior Yuji and De PNC Professor got matching DNA.

Yuji is a Coolie Monkey in the PPP .

Yugi Love Dem Black House of Israel thugs and Riggers.


Tarron DE Grasshopper is a Collie Monkey in PNC.

De PNC Undercover Jihaji got De Development Plan to move Congress Place to Monkey Mountain.

He & Mamoo love Corbin & Granger....Oh Rani


Dem Collie Monkey divide between PPP & PNC.

jalilbai, dumping on the egregious cretin yugee is not adequate camouflage for u


at the end of the day, u 2 primitives are kindred racist souls; only difference . . . your COVER is way better

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Warrior Yuji and De PNC Professor got matching DNA.

Yuji is a Coolie Monkey in the PPP .

Yugi Love Dem Black House of Israel thugs and Riggers.


Tarron DE Grasshopper is a Collie Monkey in PNC.

De PNC Undercover Jihaji got De Development Plan to move Congress Place to Monkey Mountain.

He & Mamoo love Corbin & Granger....Oh Rani


Dem Collie Monkey divide between PPP & PNC.

jalilbai, dumping on the egregious cretin yugee is not adequate camouflage for u


at the end of the day, u 2 primitives are kindred racist souls; only difference . . . your COVER is way better

Cain yu ever see the video with De PNC Professor playing with Granger Balls?

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Warrior Yuji and De PNC Professor got matching DNA.

Yuji is a Coolie Monkey in the PPP .

Yugi Love Dem Black House of Israel thugs and Riggers.


Tarron DE Grasshopper is a Collie Monkey in PNC.

De PNC Undercover Jihaji got De Development Plan to move Congress Place to Monkey Mountain.

He & Mamoo love Corbin & Granger....Oh Rani


Dem Collie Monkey divide between PPP & PNC.

jalilbai, dumping on the egregious cretin yugee is, sadly, inadequate camouflage for u


at the end of the day, u 2 primitives are kindred racist souls; only difference . . . your COVER is way better

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by cain:

the two a you rass crazy

nah . . . jalil measuring he manhood by retreating deep into he unconscious and pickin fite with "TKaaay" whenever i clap lash pan he rass

Question fuh Cain?


If Redux was not the De PNC Professor Monkey who love playing with Granger Balls.....why would he be defending the monkey every move.


Yuh Got eee with Kwame and yuh got eee with Granger on PM.


Wa mo yuh want .....

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by cain:

the two a you rass crazy

nah . . . jalil measuring he manhood by retreating deep into he unconscious and pickin fite with "TKaaay" whenever i clap lash pan he rass

Question fuh Cain?


If Redux was not the De PNC Professor Monkey who love playing with Granger Balls.....why would he be defending the monkey every move.


Yuh Got eee with Kwame and yuh got eee with Granger on PM.


Wa mo yuh want .....

de good book seh . . . when u are a child u reason as a child (or sumptin like dat)


redux seh to de (famously) stupid antiman 'jalil'. . . when u are an infantile punk u never stop 'reasoning' like an infantile punk


nah suh bai?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by cain:

the two a you rass crazy

nah . . . jalil measuring he manhood by retreating deep into he unconscious and pickin fite with "TKaaay" whenever i clap lash pan he rass

Question fuh Cain?


If Redux was not the De PNC Professor Monkey who love playing with Granger Balls.....why would he be defending the monkey every move.


Yuh Got eee with Kwame and yuh got eee with Granger on PM.


Wa mo yuh want .....

de good book seh . . . when u are a child u reason as a child (or sumptin like dat)


redux seh to de (famously) stupid antiman 'jalil'. . . when u are an infantile punk u never stop 'reasoning' like an infantile punk


nah suh bai?

DE PNC Monkey cant control eee self.... leh cain tell aya how he does play with Granger Balls.


Dis monkey possesed.....a mad monkey....but Nehru does cool eee down.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by cain:

the two a you rass crazy

nah . . . jalil measuring he manhood by retreating deep into he unconscious and pickin fite with "TKaaay" whenever i clap lash pan he rass

Question fuh Cain?


If Redux was not the De PNC Professor Monkey who love playing with Granger Balls.....why would he be defending the monkey every move.


Yuh Got eee with Kwame and yuh got eee with Granger on PM.


Wa mo yuh want .....

de good book seh . . . when u are a child u reason as a child (or sumptin like dat)


redux seh to de (famously) stupid antiman 'jalil'. . . when u are an infantile punk u never stop 'reasoning' like an infantile punk


nah suh bai?

DE PNC Monkey cant control eee self.... leh cain tell aya how he does play with Granger Balls.


Dis monkey possesed.....a mad monkey....but Nehru does cool eee down.

yuh now callin pan cain fuh support . . . keep reachin


dah is good; ah tink meh whip cuttin flesh


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Brother Nigel and Captin gouvie......De PPP thieves got the AFC by the cohones.


Nigel is untrustworthy. He is AFC's biggest liability.

In accounting,










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