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Originally posted by jags:

you are weak man weak. No wonder half the PNC joining us.

I see when the PPP man screamed "you want black man fu tek back di country" you ran back into your racist ways.

We already had this out. You cant prove I am PNC but you insist. Oh yes, scare Indos about the "bad black man" because I am not bending over to take it from the PPP like SJ.
Originally posted by jags:

Like someone pissed in your cereal today?

dont eat cereal.

You are back from your IndoKKK meeting and all pumnped up to "keep dem black man out".

Poor GR. He and Ramjattan thought you all would change your ways but you would rather sink under Indo rule that live in a multi racial society where ALL are involved in decision making.

So go to your "keep dem black man out" rally tonight. Mke nuff noise so those silly negroes like SJ who thinks the PPP loves them learn otherwise.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by jags:

Like someone pissed in your cereal today?

dont eat cereal.

You are back from your IndoKKK meeting and all pumnped up to "keep dem black man out".

Poor GR. He and Ramjattan thought you all would change your ways but you would rather sink under Indo rule that live in a multi racial society where ALL are involved in decision making.

So go to your "keep dem black man out" rally tonight. Mke nuff noise so those silly negroes like SJ who thinks the PPP loves them learn otherwise.

Alright did someone piss in yer grits?
Originally posted by jags:

Alright did someone piss in yer grits?

worse yet. cant stand it.

So how many "keep dem black man out" rallies are you going to tonight?

Bring back videos of raging PPP supporters working themselves up in a frenzy about why people like GR want to "gi way di country to dem black man...traitor".
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by jags:

Alright did someone piss in yer grits?

worse yet. cant stand it.

So how many "keep dem black mna out" rallies are you going to tonight. Bring back videos of raging PPP supporters working themselves up in a frenzy about why people like GR want to "gi way di country to dem black man...traitor".

What do you eat for breakfast, Cassava and plantain?
Originally posted by jags:

What do you eat for breakfast, Cassava and plantain?

getting closer but no PPP racists are allowed in my house, so sorry nobody did anything in my breakfast.

Now get ready for your rally tonight. Even if it means electing druglords and theives "keep dem black man out...incluing black man like GR".

I will let you all into a secret. You didnt need to go there to prove how racist you all are. AS you know nobody will vote APNU, except for a few old black people. AFC....cant get people to their meetings.

With a 40% turnout the PPP will scrape 51%. Those PNC thugs you all have will teach you how to rig if you have to. But you will first have to apologize for your "keep dem black man out" frenzied rallies.
Originally posted by jags:
I am starting a mental health fund for you, Tola and TK and the boys are serious about helping me fund this. ?

Here is advise. Hold it for them because when teh PPP gives them a good lashing they will need it. I can see them banging on doors in Gtwn on election day begging people to come out and vote and watching when they ask "why?".

Also TK can foolow you if he wants. Doe she know you are glad at this state of affairs because a low turn out will guarantee you victory.

Now run off to your black hating riot/rally tonight.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by jags:
I told you already I loves my black puddin and I aint doing nothing to jeopardize dat.

Well if you turn blacks into impoverished slaves by "keeping black man out" they will be very available to you. You do know why most blacks arent pure African?
you mean like kwame
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by jags:
I told you already I loves my black puddin and I aint doing nothing to jeopardize dat.

Well if you turn blacks into impoverished slaves by "keeping black man out" they will be very available to you. You do know why most blacks arent pure African?
you mean like kwame

oooooohhhh dirty warrior dirteeeeee.

Caribj you poor soul you were abused by someone werent you?

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