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Prashad posted:

These central and Eastern Europeans use white skin racial unity and use minorities by playing the us vs them race card to (for a better word) curry favor with the British people in order to get up in British society. It is time Britain leaves Europe and reestablish its role in the Commonwealth.

Shut your stupid racist behind. This will not stop racism but it will now mean an new level of isolationism that will adversely affect Britain. The idea that this is to avoid racism of others is bunk. The people who support this are the racist nationalist,  bigots. They now have to live with it.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
Prashad posted:

These central and Eastern Europeans use white skin racial unity and use minorities by playing the us vs them race card to (for a better word) curry favor with the British people in order to get up in British society. It is time Britain leaves Europe and reestablish its role in the Commonwealth.

Shut your stupid racist behind. This will not stop racism but it will now mean an new level of isolationism that will adversely affect Britain. The idea that this is to avoid racism of others is bunk. The people who support this are the racist nationalist,  bigots. They now have to live with it.

You are accusing me of being a racist. The numerous acts of racism and racial violence against East Indians by Poles, Germans and other central /Eastern Europeans in Britain is there to see. What people like you don't see is the behind the scenes racial incitement of the British people against minorities that these Central and Eastern Europeans do  to curry favor with the British people and get up in British society.

Last edited by Prashad

Brexit good for the PNC, gold up 5%, oil down 4% and the dollar holding firm.

I believe the impact of Brexit is being overplayed though there will be short term uncertainties.  The Brits were never fully in with both feet.  They did not join the currency union and the maintained a hard border even though they are a Shengen country!



Prashad posted:
Danyael posted:
Prashad posted:

These central and Eastern Europeans use white skin racial unity and use minorities by playing the us vs them race card to (for a better word) curry favor with the British people in order to get up in British society. It is time Britain leaves Europe and reestablish its role in the Commonwealth.

Shut your stupid racist behind. This will not stop racism but it will now mean an new level of isolationism that will adversely affect Britain. The idea that this is to avoid racism of others is bunk. The people who support this are the racist nationalist,  bigots. They now have to live with it.

You are accusing me of being a racist. The numerous acts of racism and racial violence against East Indians by Poles, Germans and other central /Eastern Europeans in Britain is there to see. What people like you don't see is the behind the scenes racial incitement of the British people against minorities that these Central and Eastern Europeans do  to curry favor with the British people and get up in British society.

You hate poles because some poles hate indians. That is as bigoted as the poles who hate indians. That is a straight forward argument. There are white people everywhere that hate minorities. That does not drive me to hate white people because I have white neighbors and they are to a large extent like everyone else, worrying about their personal problems and not unkind to me.  I can see from trump fly over country support base that in other areas the ideas about immigrants are different. My neighbors are mainly white immigrants.


Trump has taken a far more pragmatic approach to the whole Brexit affair, that is, say less as it's the will of the people.  I dont agree with his entire stance but why wade into another nation's internal affairs.  Obama, on the other hand, says Britain now moves to the back of the line.  What the heck does he mean, Britain has been our best ally before the EU.  Trump grasp it and said no, Britain remains in the front of the line.  Given it was due process and the people have spoken, it was the best approach. This is a matter for the Brits to decide.

Personally, I think they should have stayed, but those bloody Limeys always have a problem with a dominant Germany!


Trump had predicted this.  Watch now for the rest of the EU to disintegrate one country at a time.  The European countries have to protect their borders against the "enemy" as immigration and terrorism take root.  Brussels is doing nothing to help these countries so now it's time for them to step out and take charge.  Trump is going to one up them all the way.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump had predicted this.  Watch now for the rest of the EU to disintegrate one country at a time.  The European countries have to protect their borders against the "enemy" as immigration and terrorism take root.  Brussels is doing nothing to help these countries so now it's time for them to step out and take charge.  Trump is going to one up them all the way.

Right wing nationalism is not the way to go. It is where we were at the beginning of the 19th century. It resulted in brutal wars, and generalized poverty. The Maastricht treaty was a beacon of hope that there would be one people one, europe, one purpose. It was an experiment that consociationalism can replace ethnic nationalism.   Fear of Muslims has generated a resurgence of ethnic nationalism and fractures within the union. What will come out of this cannot be good for the region.

Last edited by Former Member

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