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cain posted:
Dave posted:
cain posted

Sure he has..probably to the one who posted here in the past going by the handle "councie"

Tell you a secret??? I have never share my handle and will never do so... and I will not validate your curiosity, I will let your subconscious, weak and paralyzed imagination stays that way. 

Save yourself the trouble.

Tell you a lie. In the years "Dave" posted here his sentence structure and spelling has been grade 4 level...suddenly he became an English prof.

LMFAO ... its funny to see the mental torture  of your imagination. 

fascinating times we are living in.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Unlike you, God did not give all of us the same intellectual ability to comprehend and retain. If we all were educated as people who wanted not to work menial labor jobs, then all of us would be battling for jobs as they do in India and China where only connected people get the best jobs.

What da frig are you talking about now?  I don't give a dam if a poster has a grade 1 level or university prof, but to blatantly break forum rules by lending their handles out, is the issue here.

Do you have any evidence of posters lending their handles? Get a life!!

Yes, your posts are evidence.  Dave...Voice(s) of the people.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Dave posted:
cain posted

Sure he has..probably to the one who posted here in the past going by the handle "councie"

Tell you a secret??? I have never share my handle and will never do so... and I will not validate your curiosity, I will let your subconscious, weak and paralyzed imagination stays that way. 

Save yourself the trouble.

Tell you a lie. In the years "Dave" posted here his sentence structure and spelling has been grade 4 level...suddenly he became an English prof.

Come on, do you think people come here to display their academic prowess.

 Dave is posting on the political Forum, he contributes more than many loud mouths. Ayuh talking about English and Maths as though ayuh nah had school days. Since when you become Headmaster?

 Look stick with the subject matter, if not stay quiet!


Holy fk GNI has some real backward idiots, dammit man.  If you fools don't know what the conversation is about shut yall dumb rass.

Here we are speaking about the misuse of a handle and not about who has better schooling. Get it in your thick heads people. Dave posts have changed from that of a country bumpkin who cannot make a point without going on a rampage to suddenly making super long posts using words he would never know the meaning of.

cain posted:
Baseman posted

The only loonies are some in your camp who were trying to set up an assassination of a PNC supporter near Brickdam and blame it on the PPP so they can justify some action.

Can we see where this was mentioned? I don't recall seeing a pictcha of this nor an article.

Oi Base, ah waitin with bated breath.

Last edited by cain
kp posted:

Nothing better to write, so accuse Dave for lending his handle  

 Mitwah is the biggest handle renter, so he thinks other posters do the same

Miss Krissy, you are missing your periods.


Global laughter. Lol. Without making light of a threat to anyone's life.

If playing dead was death, then Claudette was dead since the first week of March after the elections in Guyana. So, is this Claudeath’s resurrection plan post-Easter?

She must know she was dead long before Good Friday, and any miraculous resurrection will first have to reverse decomposition from her passively bold, biased, brash, blatant, brazen, bare-faced and brass-necked inanimateness, when all of life around her was slaughtering the revelation of authentic elections results.

1. Was she dead when Mingo surfaced with the APNU/AFC spreadsheet during the tabulation of the Region 4 SOPs?

2. Was she dead when Mingo played half-dead and had to be rushed off to God knows which hospital that caters for the pretended sick?

3. Was she dead when those filling in for Mingo started to fake that they needed a break?

4. Was she dead when a GECOM staff member was found in a room on a laptop using the same Mingo spreadsheet to tabulate the Region 4 results?

5. Was she dead when there was a call for APNU/AFC to produce or publish all their SOPs just like the other political parties had done?

6. Was she dead when confusion was spreading inside the Ashmin’s Building and there was a farcical bomb threat?

7. Was she dead when the Police started clearing the building from even those who were legitimately supposed to be there, bomb threat or not?

8. Was she dead when Assistant Police Commissioner Thomas was humiliated for refusing an illegal instruction to remove PPP/C GECOM Commissioner Gunraj from the building?

9. Was she dead, locked up in a room somewhere, when suspicion about rigging pervaded for several hours at GECOM in full view of local, regional and international observers, and broadcast live on social and mass media?

10. Was she dead when observers and political parties witnessed Myers giving instructions to GECOM staff that she had no authority to do?

11. Was she dead when Lowenfield allowed Mingo’s fabricated Region 4 numbers and proceeded with a “declaration” of results?

12. Was she dead when the High Court stopped Lowenfield’s declaration and ordered Mingo to resume the Region 4 tabulation with the authentic SOPs?

13. Was she dead with eyes open when she saw Volda’s signature on the bogus Region 4 tabulation form after having also seen Mingo’s previously signed and stamped submission?

14. Was she dead when Mingo flouted the Court decision and proceeded with his bedsheet display from a 19th century projector?

15. Was she dead when Mingo was slapped with contempt of Court because he did not adhere to the Chief Justice’s ruling?

16. Was she dead when Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Cummings threatened to void the accreditation of elections observers?

17. Was she dead when the Police Farce were stopping legitimate observers, political party reps and media practitioners from entering the GECOM office at a time when supporters of APNU/AFC were being allowed?

18. Was she dead when the request was made to change the direction of the cameras at the Ashmin’s Building?

19. Was she dead when the order was made to fumigate the Court Building hoping to frustrate legal proceedings in the elections matter?

20. Was she dead when only certain persons were allowed access to some of the Court hearings?

21. Was she dead when, after Granger’s request to CARICOM for a recount, coalition candidate Moore filed a case to stop the very same recount employing the very same GECOM/APNU/AFC lawyers?

22. Was she dead when Barbados PM/CARICOM Chair Mottley spoke about forces that did not want the recount?

23. Was she dead when Trinidad PM Dr. Rowley expressed fear of a twisted outcome to the elections?

24. Was she dead all the while during the flood of condemnations by the entire local, regional and international community?

25. Was she dead when APNU/AFC condemned the international community for condemning the deliberate delays in concluding the elections, a process for which she herself is responsible?

26. Was she dead when Lowenfield proposed a whopping 156 days to conclude a recount with half a million votes?

27. Was she dead when Vincent started calling for an elections audit after the Court had already ruled on the elections recount?

28. Did she drop dead after giving the Court a commitment to proceed with the recount?

29. As one dead to another, did she attempt séance in trying to get approval from Nagamootoo for the recount to begin?

30. Is she still dead, having yet to communicate a clear plan with associated timelines for the recount?

31. And from the grave, is she now claiming an assassination attempt?

Wonder if Claudette made a Police report when the bomb threat was received at GECOM? That surely was a death threat to the lives of many!

Henry Singh

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Nothing better to write, so accuse Dave for lending his handle  

 Mitwah is the biggest handle renter, so he thinks other posters do the same

Miss Krissy, you are missing your periods.

You gone Mental.

kp posted:

Nothing better to write, so accuse Dave for lending his handle.  

 Mitwah is the biggest handle renter, so he thinks other posters do the same.

KP only ''anti men" display these behaviors, these nincompoop  have some weird fetish... my style of writing turning them on, I see Miss Goose speaking of period.  WTF


Questioned about whether she is intimidated by the fact she is a woman who will hold one of the most powerful positions in the country, Justice Singh said her sex made no difference.

“I have held many positions before. When I was on the bench, I was called ‘Iron Lady…I was called the ‘Hanging Judge’…so what is the difference?I am just open…I will do something for Guyana because there is only one way- in accordance with the law and nothing else.”

Jul 30, 2019


"Iron Lady " Justice Claudette Singh ,statement after swore in as GECOM Chairman.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
kp posted:

Nothing better to write, so accuse Dave for lending his handle.  

 Mitwah is the biggest handle renter, so he thinks other posters do the same.

KP only ''anti men" display these behaviors, these nincompoop  have some weird fetish... my style of writing turning them on, I see Miss Goose speaking of period.  WTF

KP and Dave 

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

So Henry Singh now said he wonders if a report was made to the police. Dam Base, tell the man you saw the report.

You make my hand fall. 

Why, just because you cannot prove where the police remarked on this incident? You said the police made mention on this issue and here someone is saying something different. Why cant you show where this is so? I take no side in this nonsense, I just seek the truth but it seems truth is difficult to handle by both sides.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

So Henry Singh now said he wonders if a report was made to the police. Dam Base, tell the man you saw the report.

You make my hand fall. 

Why, just because you cannot prove where the police remarked on this incident? You said the police made mention on this issue and here someone is saying something different. Why cant you show where this is so? I take no side in this nonsense, I just seek the truth but it seems truth is difficult to handle by both sides.

It was posted here.  Maybe admin deleted.


So much for the rhetorics....

Khemraj Ramjattan on Kaieteur Radio: If the recount shows the PPP won, I will immediately congratulate Irfaan Ally, and hope that the PPP would do the same if the coalition is shown to be the winner. Ramjattan said he does not believe a declaration under the current circumstances is in the best interest of the country since, considering the circumstances, half of the country on either side would reject it. He said he supports and awaits the outcome of the recount.


This guy is such a farce. What half?  The only people who will never accept is the 20% PNC hooligan base.  The fact that people voted for the coalition does not mean they don’t accept the result.  He should ask his former AFC executive member Dominic Gaskin. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

So Henry Singh now said he wonders if a report was made to the police. Dam Base, tell the man you saw the report.

You make my hand fall. 

Why, just because you cannot prove where the police remarked on this incident? You said the police made mention on this issue and here someone is saying something different. Why cant you show where this is so? I take no side in this nonsense, I just seek the truth but it seems truth is difficult to handle by both sides.

It was posted here.  Maybe admin deleted.

When was it posted ?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

So Henry Singh now said he wonders if a report was made to the police. Dam Base, tell the man you saw the report.

You make my hand fall. 

Why, just because you cannot prove where the police remarked on this incident? You said the police made mention on this issue and here someone is saying something different. Why cant you show where this is so? I take no side in this nonsense, I just seek the truth but it seems truth is difficult to handle by both sides.

It was posted here.  Maybe admin deleted.

When was it posted ?

A while ago, few months 


The first post on this thread mention stuff posted online last weekend..and the police mentioned it a few months ago..quite hilarious actually. No wonder your idol is trump. Ow buddy whatever little trust I might have had in you is are off your dam rocker. Perhaps you should take a few of those meds your idol rump and you are pushing.

cain posted:

The first post on this thread mention stuff posted online last weekend..and the police mentioned it a few months ago..quite hilarious actually. No wonder your idol is trump. Ow buddy whatever little trust I might have had in you is are off your dam rocker. Perhaps you should take a few of those meds your idol rump and you are pushing.

Banna, guh tek a pull. 

BTW, how many dead in Nova Scotia?

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

The first post on this thread mention stuff posted online last weekend..and the police mentioned it a few months ago..quite hilarious actually. No wonder your idol is trump. Ow buddy whatever little trust I might have had in you is are off your dam rocker. Perhaps you should take a few of those meds your idol rump and you are pushing.

Banna, guh tek a pull. 

BTW, how many dead in Nova Scotia?

What those deaths have to do with Covid?

Why don't you heed to Trump's urging and get out from your basement and go out on the streets and protest the lockdowns. Got a bridge to sell you.

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

The first post on this thread mention stuff posted online last weekend..and the police mentioned it a few months ago..quite hilarious actually. No wonder your idol is trump. Ow buddy whatever little trust I might have had in you is are off your dam rocker. Perhaps you should take a few of those meds your idol rump and you are pushing.

Banna, guh tek a pull. 

BTW, how many dead in Nova Scotia?

Haul yo ass! Keep on clutching for that straw you liar. It  really makes the PPP look real bad when those on their side make up crap.

Last edited by cain
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

Banna, guh tek a pull. 

BTW, how many dead in Nova Scotia?

What those deaths have to do with Covid?

Why don't you heed to Trump's urging and get out from your basement and go out on the streets and protest the lockdowns. Got a bridge to sell you.

Let him try that shit hanging with rednecks, they'll kick his brown ass as he yelling out, " I is one of y'all too.. I love trump"


Joe Harmon official page....

Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'Comrade Joseph Harmon PNCR. 5 hrs Guyana News Network Gnn Yesterday at 9:47 PM Like Page BREAKING NEWS: Police Investigating Alleged Plot By PPP Operatives Το Assassinate Guyana Elections Commission Chairman ...See More'

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and text
Guyana News Network Gnn
20 hrs · 

Police Investigating Alleged Plot By PPP Operatives To Assassinate Guyana Elections Commission Chairman

By Staff Reporter
April 20, 2020

Operative of Guyana’s main opposition People’s Progressive/Civic (PPP/C) are under investigation by Guyana Police for allegedly plotting to assassinate the Chairman of the Guyana Election Commission (GECOM), retired Justice of Appeal Claudette Singh.

Justice Singh today sought the intervention of the Police after several death threats were made against her. Responding to questions about whether she’s concerned for her safety, the former Judge who was known as the “Iron Lady” when she was on the bench, replied “I am not afraid because death is inevitable and I believe in God.”

Justice Singh also faced similar assassination plots and multiple death threats from the PPP/C in 1997 when she nullified the December 15, 1997 election. The PPP claimed victory in those elections and secretly swore in its presidential candidate, Mrs. Janet Jagan before votes were finished counting.

The opposition PNCR filed the petition to quash the elections results on grounds of electoral fraud and unconstitutional acts by GECOM, which was under PPP/C control. The petition was allowed and the were results quashed necessitating new elections.

A security expert, who owns a private security company, today in an invited comment slammed the Guyana Police Force for inadequate security for the chairperson, which is now being beefed up. The source also rapped Police Commissioner, Mr. Leslie James, for allowing armed PPP/C members and gun men to invade GECOM offices in the aftermath of the March 2, election, for which no one has been charged.

“The Police Commissioner has allowed the opposition leader and his cohorts to break the law without consequence. What does that say about law and order in this country” the security expert questioned?

APNU+AFC coalition government Elections Commissioner, Mr. Vincent Alexander, has also received death threats. Alexander, a Russian trained jurisprudence expert and former registrar of the University of Guyana, said he is not fearful of the PPP threats and that he has not contacted the police.

The former PPP/C government of ex-president, Bharrat Jagdeo, who is now opposition leader, as well as leader of the PPP/C, has been accused by the ruling coalition of setting up death squads which are allegedly responsible for over 1400 extrajudicial killings and murders. Jagdeo is currently a criminal defendant in the Collie Wills murder case before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (IAHRC).

US prosecutors also reportedly fingered a former PPP Minister in the assassination of journalist Ronald Waddell. Currently, PPP operative, Brian Richmond, who is reportedly a former security guard for PPP Attorney General and Jagdeo lawyer, Anil Nandlall, is being investigated for the murder of APNU activist Courtney Cum Ewing. Crum Ewing was murdered in Diamond Village, East Bank Demerara, while campaigning for the APNU+AFC coalition just days before the 2015 elections.

Jagdeo has also openly threatened APNU+AFC government officials, law enforcement officials and other senior public servants. The security expert said that there is a poorly kept secret that “the PPP/C allegedly has a plan to mobilize their business supporters who own security companies to attack if violence were to break out. This is why Jagdeo is acting like he is a bad man and making all manner of threats against people. But he should be forewarned so that the PPP/C does not misjudge the appearance of quietness across the country,” the security expert added.

Last edited by Former Member

Thanks Dave. Now I see the Apr 20 article that was "deleted couple months ago" according to Baseless. That article shows the GPF has nothing to do with PNC as some here seem to suggest. It also puts a bad light on BJ and his PPP.

Dave posted:

The former PPP/C government of ex-president, Bharrat Jagdeo, who is now opposition leader, as well as leader of the PPP/C, has been accused by the ruling coalition of setting up death squads which are allegedly responsible for over 1400 extrajudicial killings and murders. Jagdeo is currently a criminal defendant in the Collie Wills murder case before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (IAHRC).

US prosecutors also reportedly fingered a former PPP Minister in the assassination of journalist Ronald Waddell. Currently, PPP operative, Brian Richmond, who is reportedly a former security guard for PPP Attorney General and Jagdeo lawyer, Anil Nandlall, is being investigated for the murder of APNU activist Courtney Cum Ewing. Crum Ewing was murdered in Diamond Village, East Bank Demerara, while campaigning for the APNU+AFC coalition just days before the 2015 elections.

Jagdeo has also openly threatened APNU+AFC government officials, law enforcement officials and other senior public servants. The security expert said that there is a poorly kept secret that “the PPP/C allegedly has a plan to mobilize their business supporters who own security companies to attack if violence were to break out. This is why Jagdeo is acting like he is a bad man and making all manner of threats against people. But he should be forewarned so that the PPP/C does not misjudge the appearance of quietness across the country,” the security expert added.

Thanks Dave. 

cain posted:

Thanks Dave. Now I see the Apr 20 article that was "deleted couple months ago" according to Baseless. That article shows the GPF has nothing to do with PNC as some here seem to suggest. It also puts a bad light on BJ and his PPP.

The clown show continue. The article was posted by Harmon, do you expect anything different? Remember the recent Dossier doc. by Harmon, Granger claimed he knows nothing of. Maybe Harmon knows of the plot to kill the woman, or a fourth Russian and Rumjat send him on his merry way. 


Tomorrow I will post more explosive details about PNC in their quest for power, you can them judge  who may be behind the assassination plot... here is a clue you can ponder on.... 

It was Singh commitment for a recount, her support to PPPC commissioners when APNU candidate Ulita Moore filled the motion to block  a recount.  

Singh  had given an undertaking to the High Court on March 13 after the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), through its associate, had filed contempt proceedings against GECOM over an alleged failure by the Region 4 Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, to tabulate the votes cast in his Electoral District in accordance with Section 84 of the Representation of the People Act. This case was shelved, and, as such, no Contempt Order was issued.

# Blow Blow Blow 

Dave posted:

Tomorrow I will post more explosive details about PNC in their quest for power, you can them judge  who may be behind the assassination plot... here is a clue you can ponder on.... 

It was Singh commitment for a recount, her support to PPPC commissioners when APNU candidate Ulita Moore filled the motion to block  a recount.  

Singh  had given an undertaking to the High Court on March 13 after the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), through its associate, had filed contempt proceedings against GECOM over an alleged failure by the Region 4 Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, to tabulate the votes cast in his Electoral District in accordance with Section 84 of the Representation of the People Act. This case was shelved, and, as such, no Contempt Order was issued.

# Blow Blow Blow 

It doesn't matter what you show them, Harmon and the PNC do no wrong.  These sheep believe in the Easter Bunny. 

 The subject on the table , how soon can they start and finish the recount of the ballots,  then declare a winner.  Guyana need a legal government  more so in time of the pandemic. 

 Stop holding the country  at Ransom. 

Dave posted:

Joe Harmon official page....

Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'Comrade Joseph Harmon PNCR. 5 hrs Guyana News Network Gnn Yesterday at 9:47 PM Like Page BREAKING NEWS: Police Investigating Alleged Plot By PPP Operatives Το Assassinate Guyana Elections Commission Chairman ...See More'

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and text
Guyana News Network Gnn
20 hrs · 

Police Investigating Alleged Plot By PPP Operatives To Assassinate Guyana Elections Commission Chairman

By Staff Reporter
April 20, 2020

Operative of Guyana’s main opposition People’s Progressive/Civic (PPP/C) are under investigation by Guyana Police for allegedly plotting to assassinate the Chairman of the Guyana Election Commission (GECOM), retired Justice of Appeal Claudette Singh.

Justice Singh today sought the intervention of the Police after several death threats were made against her. Responding to questions about whether she’s concerned for her safety, the former Judge who was known as the “Iron Lady” when she was on the bench, replied “I am not afraid because death is inevitable and I believe in God.”

Justice Singh also faced similar assassination plots and multiple death threats from the PPP/C in 1997 when she nullified the December 15, 1997 election. The PPP claimed victory in those elections and secretly swore in its presidential candidate, Mrs. Janet Jagan before votes were finished counting.

The opposition PNCR filed the petition to quash the elections results on grounds of electoral fraud and unconstitutional acts by GECOM, which was under PPP/C control. The petition was allowed and the were results quashed necessitating new elections.

A security expert, who owns a private security company, today in an invited comment slammed the Guyana Police Force for inadequate security for the chairperson, which is now being beefed up. The source also rapped Police Commissioner, Mr. Leslie James, for allowing armed PPP/C members and gun men to invade GECOM offices in the aftermath of the March 2, election, for which no one has been charged.

“The Police Commissioner has allowed the opposition leader and his cohorts to break the law without consequence. What does that say about law and order in this country” the security expert questioned?

APNU+AFC coalition government Elections Commissioner, Mr. Vincent Alexander, has also received death threats. Alexander, a Russian trained jurisprudence expert and former registrar of the University of Guyana, said he is not fearful of the PPP threats and that he has not contacted the police.

The former PPP/C government of ex-president, Bharrat Jagdeo, who is now opposition leader, as well as leader of the PPP/C, has been accused by the ruling coalition of setting up death squads which are allegedly responsible for over 1400 extrajudicial killings and murders. Jagdeo is currently a criminal defendant in the Collie Wills murder case before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (IAHRC).

US prosecutors also reportedly fingered a former PPP Minister in the assassination of journalist Ronald Waddell. Currently, PPP operative, Brian Richmond, who is reportedly a former security guard for PPP Attorney General and Jagdeo lawyer, Anil Nandlall, is being investigated for the murder of APNU activist Courtney Cum Ewing. Crum Ewing was murdered in Diamond Village, East Bank Demerara, while campaigning for the APNU+AFC coalition just days before the 2015 elections.

Jagdeo has also openly threatened APNU+AFC government officials, law enforcement officials and other senior public servants. The security expert said that there is a poorly kept secret that “the PPP/C allegedly has a plan to mobilize their business supporters who own security companies to attack if violence were to break out. This is why Jagdeo is acting like he is a bad man and making all manner of threats against people. But he should be forewarned so that the PPP/C does not misjudge the appearance of quietness across the country,” the security expert added.

Fake, made up just like the Region 4 count!  Only a fool would buy this!

cain posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

Banna, guh tek a pull. 

BTW, how many dead in Nova Scotia?

What those deaths have to do with Covid?

Why don't you heed to Trump's urging and get out from your basement and go out on the streets and protest the lockdowns. Got a bridge to sell you.

Let him try that shit hanging with rednecks, they'll kick his brown ass as he yelling out, " I is one of y'all too.. I love trump"

Listen banna. I referred to the Canadian shootings because if was in the US, all ayuh would be cussing at the US and at Trump.  Now look story deh!

On lockdown, I out everyday and working from home as a choice. Lockdown don’t affect me too much except going out socializing.  I follow the rules. If people feel they are being too harshly treated, they have the right to protest.  But they should take precautions.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
cain posted:

Thanks Dave. Now I see the Apr 20 article that was "deleted couple months ago" according to Baseless. That article shows the GPF has nothing to do with PNC as some here seem to suggest. It also puts a bad light on BJ and his PPP.

The clown show continue. The article was posted by Harmon, do you expect anything different? Remember the recent Dossier doc. by Harmon, Granger claimed he knows nothing of. Maybe Harmon knows of the plot to kill the woman, or a fourth Russian and Rumjat send him on his merry way. 

Some fools fall for anything without stopping to think. Then again, that’s an alien concept. 

Obvious what their motives are. Where is BJ being bad?  Because he don’t run in a corner like Jagan?  Have the PPP called out supporters on the streets?  Who are out threatening politicians and the peaceful citizens?  Supporters of the Dark Forces.

The PNC is building up to justify violence against the PPP and their supporters.

I warn, this was the model the Hutus used in the run up to the Rwandan genocide.  Attacking foreigners and pushing them out was another.  The PNC are following that blueprint.

The PNC are hell bent on staying in power and have crossed deep into the dark side. They know now, they are not trustworthy and will not see power again for a long time. 

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Unlike you, God did not give all of us the same intellectual ability to comprehend and retain. If we all were educated as people who wanted not to work menial labor jobs, then all of us would be battling for jobs as they do in India and China where only connected people get the best jobs.

What da frig are you talking about now?  I don't give a dam if a poster has a grade 1 level or university prof, but to blatantly break forum rules by lending their handles out, is the issue here.

In the years "Dave" posted here his "sentence structure and spelling" has(have, it's plural) been grade 4 level...suddenly he became an English prof.

I don't believe you really understood what you wrote and realize that we all make mistakes writing the English language. This is what I was addressing; not breaking the forum rules. Sorry to insult your intelligence.

Last edited by Former Member

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