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Ramakant-P posted:

What is more important here is not the grammatical mistakes but the facts. Grow up guys and get out of your kindergarten mentality.

Can you now correct your own errors?  

@Ramakant-P posted:

What is more important here is not the grammatical mistakes but the facts. Grow up guys and get out of your kindergarten mentality.

What kindergarten mentality?  If people can't write or spell properly why do they spend most of their time on social media calling others dummy, stupid, illiterate etc.?  It boggles the mind.

@kp posted:

On line tutoring! Get a job and the same goes for Matilda

Kaka Poo, how did you pass your exams for your Real Estate License when your knowledge of the English language is so poor? Dem seh,  you and Dr. Ali are from WC Dem. 

@Mitwah posted:

Your grammar is atrocious. 

@Mitwah posted:

Kaka Poo, how did you pass your exams for your Real Estate License when your knowledge of the English language is so poor? Dem seh,  you and Dr. Ali are from WC Dem. 

I hear you are delivering for McDonalds, food delivery.

@Totaram posted:

What kindergarten mentality?  If people can't write or spell properly why do they spend most of their time on social media calling others dummy, stupid, illiterate etc.?  It boggles the mind.

They want to drive everyone else away so the Admins and the PPP Team can spread their agenda and socialize like they are in a rumshop without any opposition...

@Former Member posted:

They want to drive everyone else away so the Admins and the PPP Team can spread their agenda and socialize like they are in a rumshop without any opposition...

Yeh! Like flies in a rum shop. But look how dem ah disappear one by one. 

@Former Member posted:

They want to drive everyone else away so the Admins and the PPP Team can spread their agenda and socialize like they are in a rumshop without any opposition...

You came here looking for a man, how the search going?

@Mitwah posted:

Gyaal, yuh eaze laang like a jackass wan. Meh ah delivuh Seeduh for the Elders.  Want wan? 

You need the food more than the Elders, the Elders are being taken care by the Canadian Government. I meant to tell you , your fridge is empty.


You guys appear to me that you are still in kindergarten class.

Why don't you discuss the issues and forget about your language.   This is a discussion forum not a classroom. When you don't have anything to say, say nothing. 

Totabhai:  in his days KP had more women than you can handle.

@Ramakant-P posted:


Totabhai:  in his days KP had more women than you can handle.

Uncle Rama, I don't know if the above is a compliment or what. Are you saying that back in the days, KP was a King Pimp?



Think its over? Think Again!!!

Once again DAVID HINDS aka ANGRY BIRD seems to be off his meds..Listen to him again seemingly setting the tone for social unrest within our country ..

How he knows the recount wont be completed?

Who planning on stopping the recount?

GlobeSpan24x7 needs some new Guest😏

Note: Hinds sitting comfortably in USA

@Django posted:

Propaganda from Freedom House ,the snippet doesn't tell the whole story .

Dave did you watch the talk show ?

Heh Heh, the other day you asked me how I got involved in the conversation. 

But respect to you uncle Django.. peace and love. Stay safe my  brother, this virus is not easy. Guyana will be hard hit with food shortage in two weeks. Flour production, has been reduce by 65%, I was told by a customer. A retailer wants 500 bags of salt this morning. Businessmen are sending their cash overseas.

Now, back to David comments... that snippets speaks volume, Dark days ahead of us in Guyana,  YOU knows what I am speaking of.  

@Former Member posted:

Heh Heh, the other day you asked me how I got involved in the conversation. 

But respect to you uncle Django.. peace and love. Stay safe my  brother, this virus is not easy. Guyana will be hard hit with food shortage in two weeks. Flour production, has been reduce by 65%, I was told by a customer. A retailer wants 500 bags of salt this morning. Businessmen are sending their cash overseas.

Now, back to David comments... that snippets speaks volume, Dark days ahead of us in Guyana,  YOU knows what I am speaking of.

Hey..hey..Looks like you forget i have to police the Forum periodically .

Any way i watched the show with Dr.David Hinds ,Ravi Dev and moderator Dr.Ramharack ,the snippet doesn't do justice to Dr.Hinds presentation.

Food shortage in Guyana ,should never happen ,lots of arable land to grow food.

I am staying safe ,at home most days.


There is a difference between starvation and shortages!  So let’s go back to your hero Burnham days.  This while ayuh hold up in the white man country.  How selfish, pathetic and hypocritical!


If the PNC gets back into power, they will create another National Service.

Everything will be controlled by the PNC and the token Indians like Moses, Khemraj, Totaram etc will wish they were not born.


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