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@Tola posted:

What a hypocrite, lowest in the outhouse pit like you, after you wish a back man 'should be shot'.

To Rama, the shooting of a black man is nothing. Look at the people he idolizes. They feel the same. Birds of a feather.

@Nehru posted:

Bigan Choka, the DUMB Robbermen on GNI think they can fool everyone, just like the PNC they are skilled in fraud, theft and incompetence!!!

Piss off you dumb skunk. Why do you speak ill of posters on this board when some pick up for you. Even I picked up for you a while back when dem guys said you'll eat shit off the floor and I told them, no you won't it had to be on a plate.

@Former Member posted:

To Rama, the shooting of a black man is nothing. Look at the people he idolizes. They feel the same. Birds of a feather.

This dingbat really said, that an African Guyanese MP should be shot. The PPP brainwash these asses to the extent, that they don't know dem ass from hole in the ground.   

@Bigan Choka posted:

Hey Tola don't cry bredda. I just wanted to know why you have a problem with Canadian Commissioner. Its a public forum to discuss posted topics. Not everyone will agree with you, but just pointing out that you stray away from the topic at hand thats all. This thread has nothing to do with India and its farmers or Guyana Independence.

BTW I never claimed to know everything. The whole reason I joined this forum is to be more informed about what is happening in Guyana. I could have easily joined GNI, but I wanted to give this forum a chance. Don't make me regret it

BC, there are few posters here who have travelled extensively, lived in other countries and gained a lot of experience. But similar to myself, their patience is sometimes thin when their lived experience is shared, but trampled upon by those  they perceive as inexperience.

Now about diplomats and government foreign missions. Instead of accepting my words, I would suggest you Google and investigate their mandate and purpose in another country.

In Canada, Trudeau depends on the Sikh votes  and what he said about Indian farmers in India was out of place, because he was involving Canada in the internal affairs of another country. The Indian government rightfully reprimanded him for this.

In Guyana and other countries, foreign missions or embassies official mandate does not permit their ambassadors to become involved in the internal affairs of that country, especially in political situations. They are in another country to represent their country, but to stay neutral. The US is more aggressive in doing this, because they place themselves as caretaker of the world and more often bend the rules.   

During the last Guyana election, I believe the ABC countries were instigated by the US to take that political action, because of the US interest in Guyana's oil. Which I believe their official mandate does not permit them to do. They were involved in the internal political affairs of another country.

Ms. Chatterjee represents Canada in Guyana and what she did in Guyana is an official action of Canada. But her official mandate does not permit her to do what she did.

Trudeau did not reprimand her, because he did something similar to India. Government bend the rules all the time and this is one of those times. But everyone agreeing to do something, does not mean that it is always right.

I hope you stay with this forum. Some of us have been here from the start, decades ago, when  it was a lot more friendly. We still help each other with sustainable projects in developing countries and some of us have even met.             

@cain posted:

Piss off you dumb skunk. Why do you speak ill of posters on this board when some pick up for you. Even I picked up for you a while back when dem guys said you'll eat shit off the floor and I told them, no you won't it had to be on a plate.

Sorry Nehru but that is friggin funny.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The woman was threatened and you are reprimanding her for her qualifications as a diplomat? What kind of a moron are you?

Barbados gain is Guyana loss.

I actually know what kind of moron you are...totally beyond redemption. You are busy commenting on things you know little about.  I happen to know people who moved in Chaterjee's circle in BC.  Hers was a political appointment and while she is highly accomplished in some areas diplomacy is not one of them .  However, you won't understand any of this. 

@Totaram posted:

I actually know what kind of moron you are...totally beyond redemption. You are busy commenting on things you know little about.  I happen to know people who moved in Chaterjee's circle in BC.  Hers was a political appointment and while she is highly accomplished in some areas diplomacy is not one of them .  However, you won't understand any of this.

You still are not addressing the issue, but instead, you are attacking me for reasons unknown.  I am asking you nicely, please be civil when you address me again.

@Former Member posted:

To Rama, the shooting of a black man is nothing. Look at the people he idolizes. They feel the same. Birds of a feather.

Where did I say, "the shooting of a black man is nothing?" Please be careful about what you post.

@Former Member posted:

Multiple references to men's "batty" now you   are on to dick heads. You might be

@Former Member posted:

Multiple references to men's "batty" now you are on to dick heads. You might be a latent gay man.

You were the one that proclaimed that you were a Gay Prostitute in GT. You came out of the closet on GNI. Just like Totaram he tough this was a Gay site.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You still are not addressing the issue, but instead, you are attacking me for reasons unknown.  I am asking you nicely, please be civil when you address me again.

Your sanctimony knows no bounds.  I have told you many times before that I attack only when attacked.  In this instance, the evidence that you attacked me first is in the thread. 

@Tola posted:

BC, there are few posters here who have travelled extensively, lived in other countries and gained a lot of experience. But similar to myself, their patience is sometimes thin when their lived experience is shared, but trampled upon by those  they perceive as inexperience.

Now about diplomats and government foreign missions. Instead of accepting my words, I would suggest you Google and investigate their mandate and purpose in another country.

In Canada, Trudeau depends on the Sikh votes  and what he said about Indian farmers in India was out of place, because he was involving Canada in the internal affairs of another country. The Indian government rightfully reprimanded him for this.

In Guyana and other countries, foreign missions or embassies official mandate does not permit their ambassadors to become involved in the internal affairs of that country, especially in political situations. They are in another country to represent their country, but to stay neutral. The US is more aggressive in doing this, because they place themselves as caretaker of the world and more often bend the rules.   

During the last Guyana election, I believe the ABC countries were instigated by the US to take that political action, because of the US interest in Guyana's oil. Which I believe their official mandate does not permit them to do. They were involved in the internal political affairs of another country.

Ms. Chatterjee represents Canada in Guyana and what she did in Guyana is an official action of Canada. But her official mandate does not permit her to do what she did.

Trudeau did not reprimand her, because he did something similar to India. Government bend the rules all the time and this is one of those times. But everyone agreeing to do something, does not mean that it is always right.

I hope you stay with this forum. Some of us have been here from the start, decades ago, when  it was a lot more friendly. We still help each other with sustainable projects in developing countries and some of us have even met.             

Thanks Tola, I now think I understand your point of view.

Do you think she should have kept her mouth shut during the elections as per her mandate even though the whole world saw what was going on ?

@Bigan Choka posted:

Thanks Tola, I now think I understand your point of view.

Do you think she should have kept her mouth shut during the elections as per her mandate even though the whole world saw what was going on ?

BC, The ABCE countries were together when they intervened in Guyana's internal political affairs.  This seems right in the eyes of many, but international law does permit this, or the whole world would be in a mess with everyone intervening in other countries internal affairs.

Democracy in a country is not achieved by other countries intervening, but by the people within that country.

The US has always been a loose cannon  regarding what they want other countries to do and they influence others to  follow them. Trump's  presidency made the world worse in this regard.

Canada is now in mess with China, because the US has issues with China and influenced Canada to detain  Chinese  Hauwai executive  Meng Wanzhou for what her company did in Iran [I believe]. Now China jailed two Canadian diplomats in retaliation and accusing them of spying. This is a US/China problem, but Canada is suffering the consequences.     

@Tola posted:

This dingbat really said, that an African Guyanese MP should be shot. The PPP brainwash these asses to the extent, that they don't know dem ass from hole in the ground.   

Yuh ugly piece of SHIt.My Canadian friends seh when they look at you and look at the content of a Outhouse they seethe same thing!!!!!!

@Nehru posted:

Yuh ugly piece of SHIt.My Canadian friends seh when they look at you and look at the content of a Outhouse they seethe same thing!!!!!!

Hahahahaaaaa, Holy frig look who's talking Sir Shit Breath sfb (shit for brains) Your "friends" must be butt holes they seem to know so much about shit.

Every post from this louse has to be about shit, he just can't help himself..he is the epitome of a shitbag.

Last edited by cain
@Nehru posted:

Yuh ugly piece of SHIt.My Canadian friends seh when they look at you and look at the content of a Outhouse they seethe same thing!!!!!!

When you getting out to smell the pollution in New York, so it can straighten you head ?

@cain posted:

Hahahahaaaaa, Holy frig look who's talking Sir Shit Breath sfb (shit for brains) Your "friends" must be butt holes they seem to know so much about shit.

Every post from this louse has to be about shit, he just can't help himself..he is the epitome of a shitbag.

No doubt, he is the shitbag.

@Tola posted:

BC, The ABCE countries were together when they intervened in Guyana's internal political affairs.  This seems right in the eyes of many, but international law does permit this, or the whole world would be in a mess with everyone intervening in other countries internal affairs.

Democracy in a country is not achieved by other countries intervening, but by the people within that country.

The US has always been a loose cannon  regarding what they want other countries to do and they influence others to  follow them. Trump's  presidency made the world worse in this regard.

Canada is now in mess with China, because the US has issues with China and influenced Canada to detain  Chinese  Hauwai executive  Meng Wanzhou for what her company did in Iran [I believe]. Now China jailed two Canadian diplomats in retaliation and accusing them of spying. This is a US/China problem, but Canada is suffering the consequences.     


What nonsense you writing here?. Where did you study international relations and international law?

Countries (especially strong ones) have been intervening in the affairs of other countries from time immemorial.

In some cases, its unwarranted because powerful countries are in a position to do so (Guyana in the 1960s) to protect their own interests, but there was no intervention in 2020. What we see in 2020 was an attempt to steal an elections. It was the diplomatic community (and not just the ABC) that raised their concern to protect Guyana's democracy. You idiots know this much, but it seems like you are guided by your bias towards the PPP (for whatever reason) to suggest that this government is an illegal one.

Harmon accuses the Canadian attache for intervening in the political process in Guyana, but she was asked to protect a fellow citizen of Canada (Charandass). What exactly is the transgression that you yalk about regarding the Canadian rep in Guyana? The fact that she, like others in the Caribbean spoke about the attempt to rig the election?

There is no evidence so far to suggest the her actions were goaded by the US and their interest in oil. If that is the case, how do you explain the countries that are members of OAS, CARICOM, EU, etc.

Your stupidity and ignorance about international relations is more revealing when you talk about Canada and her relationship with India and China. Whatever Trudeau may have felt about India (or the sikhs) has no bearing with his relationship with the Indian community to retain electoral support. Canada, like the other countries, spoke out against the rigging in Guyana (and yes, there is no basis for a claim of electoral rigging by the PPP in 2020, and the elections petitions are not going anywhere). 

Now, regarding China. It is a known fact that China has set its eyes on making itself a global power in competition with the US. It has embarked on extensive spying as part of its global strategy. China had long benefited from imbalance trade relations with the US and other countries. Take a look at the number of Chinese companies that submitted bids to build the Demerara Bridge. It is unheard of that something like this would have been possible 10-20 years ago.

One more point: democracy is not always achieved by the people who live in their country. Sometimes it take outside pressure (Guyana in 2020), sometimes intervention to reverse the movement towards dictatorship (Rwanda, etc). Had the international community turn a blind eye to 2020, you and your family would not be fighting to eradicate suicide and educating your Indian friends in India about Guyana, but you would be fighting a second PNC dictatorship, which would have been almost impossible to remove in 2025, given the actions of their leaders in 2020 (5 months after that).

Stop writing about things you know nothing about, and leave the conjectures to Mitwah and others.


Vish, which BIG mouth woman told a US diplomat to stay out of Guyana's affairs after he made mention the PPP had not held local elections for 20 years? It seems the PPP sheep didn't mind when it came from their kind.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Vish, which BIG mouth woman told a US diplomat to stay out of Guyana's affairs after he made mention the PPP had not held local elections for 20 years? It seems the PPP sheep didn't mind when it came from their kind.

Priya. Yes, she was wrong to insult the US ambassador in his "house". And, the PPP paid a price because the man "campaigned" to remove them in office. The funding for "Vote like a Boss"  primarily came from the US.

This is nothing compared to what the British and US did to Guyana in 1953, and again in the 1960s.

But this is not what Tolaram is arguing. In his view, it seems like he cant get over the fact that the coalition was hell-bent on denying the will of the majority of the people in Guyana. Tola is like a Guyanese Trumpster in a sense, believing that the coalition wuz cheated. He doesnt seem to realize that his PNC can return in 2025 for another shot at the prize.

Last edited by VishMahabir

VM, what has this got to do with the PPP/APNU or the 2020 elections in Guyana ? It has do with the mandate and protocol of foreign missions in another country. Also, since  when do they provide evidence for their actions ?

Why is it that some loud mouth Americans always seem to know so much and intervene in other countries, but little about their own ? Did you learn it from Trump ?

The election petition is not going anywhere !! Like you already read the minds of the decision makers ?

Bhai, stay in school to learn more about Canadian and international politics.   

@VishMahabir posted:

Priya. Yes, she was wrong to insult the US ambassador in his "house". And, the PPP paid a price because the man "campaigned" to remove them in office. The funding for "Vote like a Boss"  primarily came from the US.

This is nothing compared to what the British and US did to Guyana in 1953, and again in the 1960s.

But this is not what Tolaram is arguing. In his view, it seems like he cant get over the fact that the coalition was hell-bent on denying the will of the majority of the people in Guyana. Tola is like a Guyanese Trumpster in a sense, believing that the coalition wuz cheated. He doesnt seem to realize that his PNC can return in 2025 for another shot at the prize.

Where did I mentioned that the PNC was cheated ?

Why do you bring in the PPP and PNC in this discussion, when its about the actions of foreign missions.

People like you needs to get you head straight to understand,  that people who oppose the PPP actions in government, while their voters lifestyle don't change much, were once strong PPP supporters. They do not support the PNC, but some are too warped to understand.   

@Tola posted:

VM, what has this got to do with the PPP/APNU or the 2020 elections in Guyana ? It has do with the mandate and protocol of foreign missions in another country. Also, since  when do they provide evidence for their actions ?

Why is it that some loud mouth Americans always seem to know so much and intervene in other countries, but little about their own ? Did you learn it from Trump ?

The election petition is not going anywhere !! Like you already read the minds of the decision makers ?

Bhai, stay in school to learn more about Canadian and international politics.   

It has everything to do with the 2020 elections because the actions of the the Canadian rep you are discussing were her actions stemming from a grand scheme to rig the 2020 elections by the coalition in Guyana. Look at the title of the thread.

Yes, I am correct about the elections petition. If you think the court will decide that the election was rigged, by the PPP and that the PPP will have to vacate office to allow the PNC (its no longer a coalition) to govern, it show how delusional you are. Neither are we going to see a truncated PPP term and a call for early elections. The PPP, like the PNC, will find ways to drag this, as they registration, house to house, etc, etc. The PPP, judging from its 100 days in office will be in a better position to win a national election, if all things remain the same

@Tola posted:

Where did I mentioned that the PNC was cheated ?

Why do you bring in the PPP and PNC in this discussion, when its about the actions of foreign missions.

People like you needs to get you head straight to understand,  that people who oppose the PPP actions in government, while their voters lifestyle don't change much, were once strong PPP supporters. They do not support the PNC, but some are too warped to understand.   

Your writings indicate that the PPP should not be trusted, they are corrupt, etc, etc. There is an anti-PPP element in your posts. There is also an anti-Indian element to your posts.

It is not up to you to tell people about what their lifestyle is or should be under the PPP or any other government. If they voted for the PPP (or the PNC) that is their choice. You and everyone else have to live with it for 5 yrs just like how people had to tolerate the Trump presidency for 4 years. It is the democratic process.

@Tola posted:

BC, The ABCE countries were together when they intervened in Guyana's internal political affairs.  This seems right in the eyes of many, but international law does permit this, or the whole world would be in a mess with everyone intervening in other countries internal affairs.

The Guyanese gov't shouldn't have allowed ABC representatives to observe the election if they didn't want anybody intervene in their internal political affairs then.


@VM, the following also applies to you.   

Your reply display the problem Guyana has for some people since independence. During the years we lived in Guyana, it is almost impossible to reach a consensus with someone in a discussion, who feels they already know everything. So its better to walk away and leave them to wallow in their ignorance.   

@Bigan Choka posted:

The Guyanese gov't shouldn't have allowed ABC representatives to observe the election if they didn't want anybody intervene in their internal political affairs then.

BC, observing an election and filing a report, is very different from diplomats intervening in an election.

@Bigan Choka posted:

That's a good one!

Please tell this to the people suffering in Venezuela

The Americans would be very accommodating to rescue them. Why are some poor countries not being rescued, when they don't have anything to offer, like oil or resources ?

@Tola posted:

What a hypocrite, lowest in the outhouse pit like you, after you wish a back man 'should be shot'.

When did I wish a "back man 'should be shot'?"

If you do not understand my rhetorics and sarcasm, then you better learn the language. It doesn't look to me that you are civil. I guess that you are not a people person.

@Ramakant-P posted:

When did I wish a "back man 'should be shot'?"

If you do not understand my rhetorics and sarcasm, then you better learn the language. It doesn't look to me that you are civil. I guess that you are not a people person.

Search your brain and you will find it, or look at your post, before you are made to look like a fool again.

Last edited by Tola
@Tola posted:

@VM, the following also applies to you.   

Your reply display the problem Guyana has for some people since independence. During the years we lived in Guyana, it is almost impossible to reach a consensus with someone in a discussion, who feels they already know everything. So its better to walk away and leave them to wallow in their ignorance.   

And this is what happens when people say shyte and expect others to believe.....You run instead of defend what you say.

@Tola posted:

BC, observing an election and filing a report, is very different from diplomats intervening in an election.

You still have not explained what the Canadian rep did that was very different from what the other reps and observers did that separate her behavior from the others. Is it because she helped a Canadian citizen fly to safety after his vote in parliament?

You keep harping on the fact that people have to change the political system.

Do you knuckleheads ever reflect on the 28 years, the killing of Rodney, and others and the difficulty it took to remove one dictatorship?

Like I said, you are a lost cause. You better stick to educating people about suicide. God knows what fake news you are peddling off to your friends rom India.

We still waiting for the names of dem supposedly books and stuff you wrote about Guyana.

@VishMahabir posted:

You still have not explained what the Canadian rep did that was very different from what the other reps and observers did that separate her behavior from the others. Is it because she helped a Canadian citizen fly to safety after his vote in parliament?

You keep harping on the fact that people have to change the political system.

Do you knuckleheads ever reflect on the 28 years, the killing of Rodney, and others and the difficulty it took to remove one dictatorship?

Like I said, you are a lost cause. You better stick to educating people about suicide. God knows what fake news you are peddling off to your friends rom India.

We still waiting for the names of dem supposedly books and stuff you wrote about Guyana.

If you can't stick to debating facts then you are better off not responding.  Why do you have to call people names and accuse them of fake this and fake that?  Tola made a valid point about the conduct of the so called ABC diplomats in Guyana. The proper diplomatic action in the circumstances is to report to your home country , not to march arm in arm to the elections commission and barge into its meeting.  And, are you insinuating that those criticizing their actions do not know how difficult it was to dislodge Burnham's dictatorship?  Take it from someone who knows more about that than virtually everyone currently in charge of Freedom House-- it was difficult mainly because of the duplicity of those ABC countries. 

@Totaram posted:

If you can't stick to debating facts then you are better off not responding.  Why do you have to call people names and accuse them of fake this and fake that?  Tola made a valid point about the conduct of the so called ABC diplomats in Guyana. The proper diplomatic action in the circumstances is to report to your home country , not to march arm in arm to the elections commission and barge into its meeting.  And, are you insinuating that those criticizing their actions do not know how difficult it was to dislodge Burnham's dictatorship?  Take it from someone who knows more about that than virtually everyone currently in charge of Freedom House-- it was difficult mainly because of the duplicity of those ABC countries.

So I guess the diplomats during the previous PPP admin were legit with approved credentials and were not "so-called". By your insinuation Ms. Chatterjee was not. Who are you to judge what is diplomatically appropriate?. It is obvious that the lady was representing the Canadian government, which, by their silence, has approved of her actions, or at least has not publicly condemned her role as a diplomat. But you folks have concocted conspiracy insights that seek to explain Trudeau's position in this issue.

But why the duplicity? Why condemn her and Canada and then drag in unrelated issues (like Trudeau's relations with Sikhs, India, China, etc) to attempt to cast doubt on the lady's, and the other countries reps at the time whose sole purpose was to ensure the election was not stolen?

These chaps like Tola are charlatans, claiming that they wrote books and stuff (which we still dont know about) in an effort to claim legitimacy to what they are saying so others like Bigun Chooka can fall for this nonsense...this is no different from you sitting in your safe haven in Canada (or US??) pushing the BS that the election was rigged by the PPP.

You sound like a smart person (Tola is not, he just looking for recognition). But both of you are driven by a deep-seated anti-PPP, anti-coolie venom. Your posts reveal that much. Go read the stuff you have been posting here.   

I am no fan of the PPP, but here we have it from you, no less....your level of intelligence is far greater"than virtually everyone currently in charge of Freedom House"

You and Tola should form a club of like minded people because both of you seem to have been blessed wid dat same "stupidness" you keep talking about.


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