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What garbage!  You have a knack for twisting people's words but it won't succeed with me.  Where did I say I am more intelligent than virtually everyone currently in charge of Freedom House?  Here is what I wrote: "And, are you insinuating that those criticizing their actions do not know how difficult it was to dislodge Burnham's dictatorship?  Take it from someone who knows more about that than virtually everyone currently in charge of Freedom House-- it was difficult mainly because of the duplicity of those ABC countries. "  So, don't twist my words to suit your predetermined narrative. On the issue of proper diplomatic conduct : the ABC countries were out of line.  Their behaviour was akin to that of say the Caricom ambassadors in the US marching to counting stations in Georgia or wherever demanding meetings with the secretary of state etc. As for Trudeau and sikhs etc.:  I made no comments on that but the point Tola was making is that interference in the internal affairs of other countries is a tricky move. 

@Totaram posted:

What garbage!  You have a knack for twisting people's words but it won't succeed with me.  Where did I say I am more intelligent than virtually everyone currently in charge of Freedom House?  Here is what I wrote: "And, are you insinuating that those criticizing their actions do not know how difficult it was to dislodge Burnham's dictatorship?  Take it from someone who knows more about that than virtually everyone currently in charge of Freedom House-- it was difficult mainly because of the duplicity of those ABC countries. "  So, don't twist my words to suit your predetermined narrative. On the issue of proper diplomatic conduct : the ABC countries were out of line.  Their behaviour was akin to that of say the Caricom ambassadors in the US marching to counting stations in Georgia or wherever demanding meetings with the secretary of state etc. As for Trudeau and sikhs etc.:  I made no comments on that but the point Tola was making is that interference in the internal affairs of other countries is a tricky move.

"the ABC countries were out of line"

OK, Now you are an expert on international diplomacy.

Guyana has a history with the PNC and their actions following the NC vote was signaling that the country was moving in the direction of establishing a dictatorship again. Its one thing when the rigging is done behind closed doors, as with the Burnhamite military in 1973, and quite another when the rigging is done in view of the world. You seem to miss the point that it was not just the ABC, but the OAS, Commonwealth and CARICOM states that were very outspoken. None of those countries or their representatives, as Freddie Kissoon indicated, had any qualms about what they or their reps did.

Good luck with having the courts overturn the results of the election.

@VishMahabir posted:

"the ABC countries were out of line"

OK, Now you are an expert on international diplomacy.

Guyana has a history with the PNC and their actions following the NC vote was signaling that the country was moving in the direction of establishing a dictatorship again. Its one thing when the rigging is done behind closed doors, as with the Burnhamite military in 1973, and quite another when the rigging is done in view of the world. You seem to miss the point that it was not just the ABC, but the OAS, Commonwealth and CARICOM states that were very outspoken. None of those countries or their representatives, as Freddie Kissoon indicated, had any qualms about what they or their reps did.

Good luck with having the courts overturn the results of the election.

You are floating from one failed argument to another.  Don't try your silly insults with me.  I am not an expert on international diplomacy but I know more about it than the average person out there.  Moreover the experts on the subject to whom I have ready access are among the best in the world.  I am not going to be modest about that to please some chupidee coolie anywhere. 


It gives them no right to threaten the lady no matter what.

She was the ambassador and has diplomatic immunity.  She can say what she likes and no one can touch her, even the PNC bullies and their token coolies.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It gives them no right to threaten the lady no matter what.

She was the ambassador and has diplomatic immunity.  She can say what she likes and no one can touch her, even the PNC bullies and their token coolies.

What is diplomatic immunity? LOL

@Ramakant-P posted:

If you don't know that then you shouldn't argue about diplomacy.

LOL...this is too easy.   It is you who don't know what it is but insist on putting in your two cents worth and calling people names. 

@VishMahabir posted:

So I guess the diplomats during the previous PPP admin were legit with approved credentials and were not "so-called". By your insinuation Ms. Chatterjee was not. Who are you to judge what is diplomatically appropriate?. It is obvious that the lady was representing the Canadian government, which, by their silence, has approved of her actions, or at least has not publicly condemned her role as a diplomat. But you folks have concocted conspiracy insights that seek to explain Trudeau's position in this issue.

But why the duplicity? Why condemn her and Canada and then drag in unrelated issues (like Trudeau's relations with Sikhs, India, China, etc) to attempt to cast doubt on the lady's, and the other countries reps at the time whose sole purpose was to ensure the election was not stolen?

These chaps like Tola are charlatans, claiming that they wrote books and stuff (which we still dont know about) in an effort to claim legitimacy to what they are saying so others like Bigun Chooka can fall for this nonsense...this is no different from you sitting in your safe haven in Canada (or US??) pushing the BS that the election was rigged by the PPP.

You sound like a smart person (Tola is not, he just looking for recognition). But both of you are driven by a deep-seated anti-PPP, anti-coolie venom. Your posts reveal that much. Go read the stuff you have been posting here.   

I am no fan of the PPP, but here we have it from you, no less....your level of intelligence is far greater"than virtually everyone currently in charge of Freedom House"

You and Tola should form a club of like minded people because both of you seem to have been blessed wid dat same "stupidness" you keep talking about.

Don't be an ass !! Where did I say that I write books ? You like to twist people words.  You are like some Guyanese in the US, who like to get other people materials, call it their own and use it for their own purpose. Including freely given photographs for publications, that they also sell on Liberty.  Is this why most are not trusted ?

Bhai grow up, you might learn something useful. Trying to attempt to pass useful information to you, is like pissing in the wind.

BTW, Baigan Choka is hell of lot smarter than you, while you are still a lil dunsee school boy.   

@Ramakant-P posted:

It gives them no right to threaten the lady no matter what.

She was the ambassador and has diplomatic immunity.  She can say what she likes and no one can touch her, even the PNC bullies and their token coolies.

Stupidee man, go stand at you front door and change the world single handed, so the lady can be protected.

This dumb ass saying that an ambassador can say anything and no one can touch her.  Don't you think they also have protocol and rules to follow from their country, while in another country ? 

@Tola posted:

Don't be an ass !! Where did I say that I write books ? You like to twist people words.  You are like some Guyanese in the US, who like to get other people materials, call it their own and use it for their own purpose. Including freely given photographs for publications, that they also sell on Liberty.  Is this why most are not trusted ?

Bhai grow up, you might learn something useful. Trying to attempt to pass useful information to you, is like pissing in the wind.

BTW, Baigan Choka is hell of lot smarter than you, while you are still a lil dunsee school boy.   

Theres a lot of people who are much smarter that me. You are not among them.

You are a con man who like to peddle false information. For years you have posted here about your imaginary escapades against suicide in Guyana. 

You are like some Guyanese in the US, who like to get other people materials, call it their own and use it for their own purpose. Including freely given photographs for publications, that they also sell on Liberty.

You dont know me old man. You wasting my time, I got homework to do. Lata.


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