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Former Member

disrespectful treatment of our village elders.


It is time that the PPP respects our people and do not sent piddling punks like this among us to insult us. It is also disgusting that Sukhai should stand there and let this happen. What the hell does she get for selling her soul to these fellows who look to us as the backward others? Could this lady not remind that fool that he is here on what is our patrimony. He is accommodated and treated as one and it is high time his bigoted ass treats us with respect.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

And yes you0 dumb pice of crap...insisting you are talking to a buckman salvages the point! Stupid man, you are exactly what I am talking about the presumption that ypu are talking to your inferior when it is clear you are a piddling twit. You and that idiot above Nigel are two of a kind. I hope some of my siblings leave a curare spike conveniently where he can sit on it.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

And yes you0 dumb pice of crap...insisting you are talking to a buckman salvages the point! Stupid man, you are exactly what I am talking about the presumption that ypu are talking to your inferior when it is clear you are a piddling twit. You and that idiot above Nigel are two of a kind. I hope some of my siblings leave a curare spike conveniently where he can sit on it.

Bhai, You are a certified Piwari drinking Buckman.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

And yes you0 dumb pice of crap...insisting you are talking to a buckman salvages the point! Stupid man, you are exactly what I am talking about the presumption that ypu are talking to your inferior when it is clear you are a piddling twit. You and that idiot above Nigel are two of a kind. I hope some of my siblings leave a curare spike conveniently where he can sit on it.

Bhai, You are a certified Piwari drinking Buckman.

How creative of you! Get it into your head idiot, you by those racist statements simply live up to what is expected of a low life scumbag not yet mentally liberated form what held his ancestors down for 6000 years. We are not your Sudra! We are Inca we are Maya, er are Oglala we are Amara and Locono but never Sudra!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.


PPP will rule for another 100 years. The natives have confidence in the PPP.


The PNC/AFC racist attitude towards natives will never be tolerated.


Sugar workers gave Moses his dose and told him to go and cut cane. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Very good point Bhai YUgi. And the FACT is most of the money Voted for Linden will be wasted!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?


Let the PPP/C call the Local or General Election.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Dude, the money was for the PPP bead trading scheme and not for Amerinds. Go and read what that odious fellow Nigil Dharamlall said.  I know you cannot read well so ask your child to help.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Very good point Bhai YUgi. And the FACT is most of the money Voted for Linden will be wasted!!!


Correct. Billions in free Money for Linden.

Zero For Natives.

The PNC/AFC supporters also verbally attacked the Natives with the most vile and racist terms.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Very good point Bhai YUgi. And the FACT is most of the money Voted for Linden will be wasted!!!


Correct. Billions in free Money for Linden.

Zero For Natives.

The PNC/AFC supporters also verbally attacked the Natives with the most vile and racist terms.

Yes and a Buckman like D@ will prostitute himself just to TRY and embarass the PPP. What he is actually doing is exposing his trade.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Very good point Bhai YUgi. And the FACT is most of the money Voted for Linden will be wasted!!!

Pity the Negroes....they are yet  so wasteful.....what an ass you are!!




This will not work for the AFC. Too little too late.


Why did the AFC/PNC vote for Billions for Linden and ZERO for the Natives ?


The Sugar Workers chased and booed Moses and told him to go and cut cane.


The AFC destroyed their party by supporting the racist PNC who voted for BILLIONS for Linden but ZERO for Natives.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Very good point Bhai YUgi. And the FACT is most of the money Voted for Linden will be wasted!!!

Pity the Negroes....they are yet  so wasteful.....what an ass you are!!

You have no respect for your own so I am not surprise that is how you feel about AfroGuyanese!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Very good point Bhai YUgi. And the FACT is most of the money Voted for Linden will be wasted!!!


Correct. Billions in free Money for Linden.

Zero For Natives.

The PNC/AFC supporters also verbally attacked the Natives with the most vile and racist terms.

The Amerindian Development Fund was not about development


Dear Editor,

As a Guyanese of indigenous descent, it pains me to see Guyana’s first peoples being used as political pawns by the PPP/C regime.

When the opposition voted against the $1.1 billion subvention to the Amerindian Development Fund, protests were swiftly organised, in an attempt to gain political mileage. The lies being peddled by the PPP/C must be exposed and Amerindians should demand the truth and refuse to be manipulated.

These are the facts. When the opposition voted against the subvention, Amerindians did not lose anything. This is because most of the Amerindian Development Fund was never intended to benefit Amerindians; it was in fact, a PPP/C campaign slush fund, intended to buy votes and reward loyalty to the PPP/C. Young Amerindians who were willing to join the PPP/C were rewarded with cash, and village officials who toe the party line, benefited from gifts and handouts. The majority of Amerindians got nothing. This fund was not about development; it was all about votes and partisan favours. When the opposition voted against it, the Amerindian peoples gained the ability to demand real change and the PPP/C cried out, because they lost their slush fund.

My Amerindian brothers and sisters know the extent of their poverty and exploitation. According to the 2002 census, 78.6% of Guyana’s 69,000 Amerindians live in poverty. It is estimated that the indigenous population has now grown to 113,000 persons; 15% of Guyana’s inhabitants. No wonder the PPP/C want to buy their votes.

But Amerindians do not need handouts; they need real development; they need the rights to the minerals on their lands; they need clean water and electricity; they need schools and teachers. If the PPP/C wants to help Amerindians, they should start with respecting the rights of the people as set out in ILO Convention #169 on indigenous and tribal rights. They should observe article 27 on the rights of minorities as issued by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The PPP/C should use the money to develop communities while respecting the right of the peoples to self-determination.

Amerindian communities need policies and programmes to ensure food security, access to credit from banks, technology to boost agricultural production, training on cattle rearing, boats and ATVs for transportation, electrical infrastructure, properly staffed health centres, mosquito nets, modern housing, access to clean water, technical institutes, sports facilities, protection from the mercury pollution of streams; Amerindians do not need a monthly small-piece.

In November 2013, the villagers at Isseneru were forced to petition the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, in a desperate appeal to have their rights respected. Just imagine, Guyanese, having to appeal to foreigners because their own PPP/C government refuses to give them what is theirs.

Residents of Barima-Waini, in Region 1, continue to suffer through annual gastroenteritis outbreaks. Lethem’s residents must keep their fingers crossed, hoping for a reliable electricity supply. Guyanese in Moruca are still waiting for a proper road between Kwebana and Kumaka. Mahdia is still waiting for township status, so they can have a say in their own development. Primary school students are still attending classes in a makeshift school which leaks when it rains.

Amerindians must be told the truth: the PPP/C are not their friends. They will not listen to their views. Instead, they will put $30,000 in indigenous hands and demand their votes.

Amerindians must not fall into the trap. Guyana’s first peoples deserve real representation. Amerindians must not be deceived by PPP/C politicians; they must demand real development; real change. Let the PPP/C use the money to develop the communities, instead of buying votes.

Yours faithfully,

Mark DaCosta

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yes and a Buckman like D@ will prostitute himself just to TRY and embarass the PPP. What he is actually doing is exposing his trade.



 I understand your obsession with prostitutes but be mindful we all do not posses your similar tastes. My trade is is not knee bending,  One would need to be without a  spine as worms like you.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Very good point Bhai YUgi. And the FACT is most of the money Voted for Linden will be wasted!!!

Pity the Negroes....they are yet  so wasteful.....what an ass you are!!


You hide under the "Race Cloak" when the truth is revealed.


Fact: The PNC/AFC voted BILLIONS for free money for Linden.


Fact: The PNC/AFC voted for ZERO for natives.


Listen, you are one confused Dougla.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Tell dst to the Amerindian Youth who are depending on the Project to change and advance their lives. They don't want to end up like D2, being a Piwari drinking, no good serpent!!!!!!!!

They do not need to be PPP projects. They need no hand outs. The do not need overlords from dalitdom like Nigil. They need to interface with their equals and not pretend sovereigns.  After all, no one is doing them favors.


I see imagery of whoring and drinking are your favorite themes. No wonder you think as though you are missing a lot of gray matter.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:



When the opposition voted against the $1.1 billion subvention to the Amerindian Development Fund, protests were swiftly organised, in an attempt to gain political mileage. The lies being peddled by the PPP/C must be exposed and Amerindians should demand the truth and refuse to be manipulated.

So Mits, leh me get this straight, so all them Amerindians, including prominent Amerindian Leaders who went on record and vented their utter disgust and frustration about the CUTS are just pretending. They were paid by the State to lie, right??? Here is another question, all of them are lying scoundrels and we should ALL believe you and D2 version???????????? 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



When the opposition voted against the $1.1 billion subvention to the Amerindian Development Fund, protests were swiftly organised, in an attempt to gain political mileage. The lies being peddled by the PPP/C must be exposed and Amerindians should demand the truth and refuse to be manipulated.

So Mits, leh me get this straight, so all them Amerindians, including prominent Amerindian Leaders who went on record and vented their utter disgust and frustration about the CUTS are just pretending. They were paid by the State to lie, right??? Here is another question, all of them are lying scoundrels and we should ALL believe you and D2 version???????????? 

The Tosahos are speaking. The lies by the PPP/C needs to be exposed. I have first hand info, since I am working with an organization to help the First Nation people build capacity.


Amerindians do not need handouts; they need real development; they need the rights to the minerals on their lands; they need clean water and electricity; they need schools and teachers. If the PPP/C wants to help Amerindians, they should start with respecting the rights of the people as set out in ILO Convention #169 on indigenous and tribal rights. They should observe article 27 on the rights of minorities as issued by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The PPP/C should use the money to develop communities while respecting the right of the peoples to self-determination.


Nehru Bhai


The AFC is now ashamed of their behaviour. They are working hard to save fact but it is too late. The AFC will not be able to get the Native votes anymore.


The leadership of the AFC is too dunce to understand basic politics.


They sidestepped Gerhard and it is now coming back to haunt them.


Moses and Rumjhaat are so bent on revenge that they are blinded to think sensibly and  ended up destroying the AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nehru Bhai


The AFC is now ashamed of their behaviour. They are working hard to save fact but it is too late. The AFC will not be able to get the Native votes anymore.


The leadership of the AFC is too dunce to understand basic politics.


They sidestepped Gerhard and it is now coming back to haunt them.


Moses and Rumjhaat are so bent on revenge that they are blinded to think sensibly and  ended up destroying the AFC.

In November 2013, the villagers at Isseneru were forced to petition the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, in a desperate appeal to have their rights respected. Just imagine, Guyanese, having to appeal to foreigners because their own PPP/C government refuses to give them what is theirs.

Residents of Barima-Waini, in Region 1, continue to suffer through annual gastroenteritis outbreaks. Lethem’s residents must keep their fingers crossed, hoping for a reliable electricity supply. Guyanese in Moruca are still waiting for a proper road between Kwebana and Kumaka. Mahdia is still waiting for township status, so they can have a say in their own development. Primary school students are still attending classes in a makeshift school which leaks when it rains.

Amerindians must be told the truth: the PPP/C are not their friends. They will not listen to their views. Instead, they will put $30,000 in indigenous hands and demand their votes.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nehru Bhai


The AFC is now ashamed of their behaviour. They are working hard to save fact but it is too late. The AFC will not be able to get the Native votes anymore.


The leadership of the AFC is too dunce to understand basic politics.


They sidestepped Gerhard and it is now coming back to haunt them.


Moses and Rumjhaat are so bent on revenge that they are blinded to think sensibly and  ended up destroying the AFC.

Make sense you nitwit. This is fantasy of yours is for third graders playing your mama games. Even so you are uncreative and plain dumb and it shows.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, Meh think ah Abe Lincoln who said you can fool some of the people some of the time but cant fool ALL of the people all the time.

This why the Amerindians need to say to the PPP/C; " No Way Jose!"


Amerindians must be told the truth: the PPP/C are not their friends. They will not listen to their views. Instead, they will put $30,000 in indigenous hands and demand their votes.


Amerindians must not fall into the trap. Guyana’s first peoples deserve real representation. Amerindians must not be deceived by PPP/C politicians; they must demand real development; real change. Let the PPP/C use the money to develop the communities, instead of buying votes.



Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nehru Bhai


The AFC is now ashamed of their behaviour. They are working hard to save fact but it is too late. The AFC will not be able to get the Native votes anymore.


The leadership of the AFC is too dunce to understand basic politics.


They sidestepped Gerhard and it is now coming back to haunt them.


Moses and Rumjhaat are so bent on revenge that they are blinded to think sensibly and  ended up destroying the AFC.

Make sense you nitwit. This is fantasy of yours is for third graders playing your mama games. Even so you are uncreative and plain dumb and it shows.


Cry Baby,


Keep posting your filth. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:



Fact: The AFC/PNC voted for Zero funds for Natives. 

How much of the One Billion, two hundred and fifty- five million dollars was spent in the the Amerindian Villages. Tell us what the PPP/C did with that money.


They are now asking for more than one billion dollars and cannot give the details as to how it will be used. The fact is they will buy the Indigenous votes with $30,000 each. This is common knowledge.


Amerindians must be told the truth: the PPP/C are not their friends. They will not listen to their views. Instead, they will put $30,000 in indigenous hands and demand their votes.

Amerindians must not fall into the trap. Guyana’s first peoples deserve real representation. Amerindians must not be deceived by PPP/C politicians; they must demand real development; real change. Let the PPP/C use the money to develop the communities, instead of buying votes.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nehru Bhai


The AFC is now ashamed of their behaviour. They are working hard to save fact but it is too late. The AFC will not be able to get the Native votes anymore.


The leadership of the AFC is too dunce to understand basic politics.


They sidestepped Gerhard and it is now coming back to haunt them.


Moses and Rumjhaat are so bent on revenge that they are blinded to think sensibly and  ended up destroying the AFC.

Make sense you nitwit. This is fantasy of yours is for third graders playing your mama games. Even so you are uncreative and plain dumb and it shows.


Cry Baby,


Keep posting your filth. 

Bet I can find ten threads here on you complaining about someone abusing you. Sorry, I create less than 10 threads a year! The filth you speak of is between your silly ears.


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